Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 425 I’ll arrange it (two-in-one)

The second stop of the Yike Roadshow in Singapore achieved greater success than that in Xiangjiang.

At the last stop, Fang Zhuo was recognized and appreciated.

At this stop, he was simply adored.

After the meeting, not only one investor came over to take a group photo, but Fang Zhuo almost broke out in laughter while exchanging contact information.

With such a grand occasion, people from Goldman Sachs naturally notified Ctrip Shen Nanpeng, who was closely following Yike's listing journey.

"What? The response was good again?"

"Unprecedentedly good?"

"What's so good about it?"

Shen Nanpeng was quite shocked when he received a call from Singapore. He had just gone through a roadshow in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States not long ago when his company Ctrip was listed. Since he was also cooperating with Goldman Sachs Group, I'm afraid the investors notified were not much the same. .

He felt that his road show was pretty good, and the Goldman Sachs team at the time also thought the effect was okay.

As a result, why did Yike's Fang Zhuo receive such an unprecedented response?

Is it just because Fang Zhuo is good-looking?

Is Fang Zhuo just good at speaking?

This is not someone else we are facing, but a group of investors!

Shen Nanpeng's curiosity was completely aroused, and he made a strong request to know more details.

People at Goldman Sachs felt that the content could be shared and the scene was something to be proud of, so they compiled some content and sent it to Shen Nanpeng, who is also a partner.

Among them was a video played on the big screen in the banquet hall.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Shen Nanpeng saw the video with the triple watermark in the study, and saw the warning issued by the highly sought-after Mr. Fang against Sony two years ago.

"Win in China"?

Shen Nanpeng had heard of the name of this show, but he was not invited and had been focusing on his work, let alone searching for videos from two years ago.

So, he was really shocked.

——There is not much time left for Sony.

What kind of person can have such a keen eye to judge the development of an enterprise?

Mr. Fang really deserves his reputation!

No wonder the money I invested was cheated!

Competent people will shine in any field!

Shen Nanpeng first heard that the Hong Kong Road Show was well received and planned to buy some Yike shares. This time he saw the video and was shocked.

He strengthened his determination to buy more Yike shares as a profit hedge.

The next day, Ctrip held a meeting, and Shen Nanpeng talked about Yike with emotion, how to stick to the right judgment, and the road ahead for Ctrip.

He also shared the video specifically, so that all managers could learn from Mr. Fang’s vision, attitude, and persistence.

What I said to Sony two years ago was not taken seriously at the time. Even CCTV 3 only used it as a small selling point to ridicule, but unfortunately, it really came true.

As a small company challenging the giants, Yike is very close to going public, but Sony is in big trouble.

The comparison of this situation also shocked Ctrip’s senior management.

Within two days, the video that was transferred from domestic sales to export was transferred to domestic sales again. The content it showed impressed everyone who saw it.

The most important thing is that Japan, where Sony is located, gave Fang Zhuo high praise, and TV stations in Singapore also rushed to discuss it. This was like a watermark on the video, which deeply touched the hearts of viewers.

Eventually, the video reached Xiong Xiaoge and he passed it on to CCTV producer Hu Meng.

Hu Meng brought this matter to the stage and asked Japanese reporters to search for the situation. He found that Fang Zhuo, who had never been to Japan, had indeed gained some reputation there through many programs.

Domestic sales → Export → Domestic sales, with videos certified by Japan and Singapore and with picture-in-picture videos reappearing on CCTV programs, it was broadcast as an anecdote.

At this time, Mr. Fang's vision, certified by the Japanese, spread throughout the country.

The IPO roadshow is over.

Fang Zhuo did not leave Singapore. Instead, he asked Goldman Sachs to arrange his itinerary and postponed the trip to the United States for two days.

Then, he found a fund manager he met at the road show, and through some connections, he visited Singapore's semiconductor companies.

Singapore is a global semiconductor center and a bridgehead in Asia, with a very mature industrial ecological environment.

Fang Zhuo thought that since he had come here, he would learn from it.

In two days, accompanied by Gao Ruixiang of Panshi Fund, he visited well-known semiconductor companies in the industry such as Chartered Semiconductor, SSMC, and GlobalFoundries, and saw a complete semiconductor industry chain.

IC design companies, silicon wafer fabs, special wafer fabs, packaging and testing companies, and peripheral companies responsible for substrate materials, manufacturing equipment, photomasks and other industries, Singapore's vigorously developed semiconductor industry is quite complete.

This is currently unmatched in the country.

The wafer foundry link such as ice core processing is only one of them. There are almost no decent companies in the country for raw materials, equipment and other links.

However, why did Singapore fall behind in semiconductors?

Fang Zhuo's visit was not in vain. He contacted the domestic headhunters who were recruiting people for ice cores, and met with several engineers in the evening. He successfully sealed their job changes with his personal charm and some small benefits.

According to headhunters, the difficulty of recruiting people in Singapore is almost the lowest in Asia, while in Treasure Island it is just the opposite.

Perhaps, talent issues will be a reason for the decline of Singapore semiconductors.

The bigger reasons may be common problems such as intensified international competition, Singapore's financial consolidation, and industrial hollowing out.

Fang Zhuo had some guesses and judgments in his mind, and finally ended his trip to Singapore with satisfaction. He promoted stocks, inspected semiconductors, made a few friends, and hired a few engineers. It was quite satisfactory.

President Yi Ke boarded a passenger plane from Singapore to New York, a long journey that took 19 hours.

"Mr. Fang, if you don't move, others will be anxious to death."

Chen Yaohui from Goldman Sachs sat next to Mr. Fang and finally breathed a sigh of relief after boarding the plane.

"Who's in a hurry? Didn't the United States agree to postpone it?" Fang Zhuo was a little surprised.

Chen Yaohui let it slip that yesterday he had a call with Ctrip's Shen Nanpeng, who kept asking about Mr. Fang's road show arrangements and was even more anxious than the people at Yike.

"It's a member of our team who has been working on a project in Singapore for a long time. This time I couldn't stay for two or three days."

Fang Zhuo nodded clearly: "Oh, who is it? You call him over, and I'll teach him. It's okay if you can't sit still at work. It just so happens that the flight is so long, so being idle is also idle."

Why is your CEO so good at teaching others...

Chen Yaohui smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, Mr. Fang, I'm afraid you might kidnap one of our people while you're in class."

Fang Zhuo let out a "ha" and said, "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I don't like ordinary people."

Chen Yaohui knew that Mr. Fang was poaching people in Singapore in the past two days. He admired his character and talked about the situation in China: "Mr. Fang, who knows who sent your Japanese video back to China? There have been reports in China, saying that you Good taste."

"Who else could it be? It's either you Goldman Sachs or our Yike. It can't be a fund manager in Singapore." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "Domestic reports? Is there anyone who will give negative comments?"

"This..." Chen Yaohui was a little confused, and he really didn't pay attention to this.

"Mr. Chen, have you considered changing your working environment?" Fang Zhuo stopped dwelling on the issues he didn't care about and turned the page.

"This..." Chen Yaohui's mind jumped and he was still a little confused.

"The team of Goldman Sachs in China is engaged in the investment and listing of domestic companies. In fact, as long as there is money to invest, there may be greater room for development outside the framework of Goldman Sachs." Fang Zhuo gave an example, "IDG has a vice president who jumped to Yike. , I don’t know if you recognize him, but his name is Pan Ben, and he is now responsible for part of our Yike work in the United States. He is very capable and his salary has also increased a lot."

Fang Zhuo shook the magazine with his left hand, patted Chen Huiyao's arm with his right hand, and showed a charming smile: "If Mr. Chen has any ideas in this regard, I welcome you to talk to me at any time."

Chen Yaohui realized that Mr. Fang looked down upon ordinary people, but he still recognized his work very much!

This is a poaching from Mr. Fang, why are you so flattered?

Chen Yaohui looked at Mr. Fang who started to lie down and read a magazine, and knew that this seemed to be Mr. Fang, but in fact he was a rich man who was about to rise significantly in the domestic Forbes list.

The future of Yike is very bright, Mr. Fang is very kind, and the Yike team has been getting along well with each other along the way...

Chen Yaohui stopped his thoughts in time and began to think about the final US stop of the road show.

The United States is the last stop of Yike's roadshow, and it is also the most important link.

Yike is listed on Nasdaq and faces more public investors and investment institutions in the United States. Therefore, Goldman Sachs attaches great importance to Yike's arrangements after going to the United States.

Therefore, Chen Yaohui's authority to lead the team at Goldman Sachs will end in the United States, and will be replaced by a vice president with higher authority there, and he will switch to providing necessary communication and support.

Along the way from Hong Kong to Singapore, Chen Huiyao has witnessed Mr. Fang's acting style, and he has grasped the strong initiative from his on-the-spot adaptability, keen vision, and free response.

Therefore, as the flight gradually approached New York, Chen Yaohui carefully gave the necessary reminders.

"Mr. Fang, the senior vice president of Goldman Sachs in New York who is responsible for Yike's listing is Peter. He will arrange suitable institutions, screen public investors, and arrange media interviews."

"Yike has now passed the silent period for listing. We can activate more media to expose the company. I will help with interviews in this regard. However, Mr. Fang, you must not use misleading words when answering questions, otherwise it will be easy problem appear."

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Okay, don't worry, I have arrangements. I have already figured out what this road show is about."

Chen Yaohui's heart skipped a beat, he didn't have any arrangements, it would be nice if it ended smoothly...

Fang Zhuo added: "First New York, then San Francisco, then Los Angeles. This is more troublesome than before, and it is also a big thank you to everyone. Although the road show is not over yet, on behalf of Yike, I would like to thank our Goldman Sachs team in China."

Chen Yaohui said quickly: "Where is it, Mr. Fang, I am honored to cooperate with Yike's listing work on this trip. I am very happy to see another Chinese company listed on Nasdaq."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, Xiao Chen's work attitude was quite down-to-earth.

At the end of the 19-hour air journey, the passenger plane landed at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.

Goldman Sachs Group arranged a special car to pick him up from the airport and also arranged hotel accommodation.

However, the special car that came to pick them up made the team members squeeze a little before they sat down.

"This work is not done well enough."

Fang Zhuo sat in the car and said to Chen Yaohui a little unhappy.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

In Xiangjiang, Yike's own shareholder Universal Capital participated in the reception arrangements, and in Singapore it is highly sought after and treated like a celebrity. Now in New York, it is hard to even seat people. After asking again, although the hotel is a five-star hotel, the location is also a bit out of the way.

"President Fang, I will coordinate." Chen Yaohui immediately expressed his position.

"Yike's headquarters in the United States is in New York. It's still hard for yourself to be in New York." Fang Zhuo waved his hand, "Stop coordinating, I will make arrangements."

Seeing Mr. Fang's firm look, Chen Yaohui stopped making calls. In fact, Goldman Sachs was okay, but Singapore was really enthusiastic. It was almost boring to compare the two.

He thought for a while and sent another text message to his colleagues here.

Well, as Mr. Fang said in Singapore, different departments in large companies are somewhat awkward, and multinational departments like Goldman Sachs have a chain of contempt. Speaking here is useful, but not that useful.

"Oh yes, what is Peter's personality like? Is he easy to get along with?"

Fang Zhuo had already put down his cell phone and remembered to ask again.

"I've only met him twice, and he's quite kind." Chen Yaohui replied.

Fang Zhuo nodded and pressed the phone again.

A few minutes later, he said to Chen Yaohui: "The hotel has changed. Let's go directly to the Mandarin Oriental. We will stop at Lexington to change cars."

The Mandarin Oriental, New York, is almost the most luxurious and chic hotel in the city. It is located on the top floor of the Time Warner Center, overlooking the Hudson River, Central Park and the New York skyline. It has luxurious facilities and excellent services.

Chen Yaohui was a little stunned. It wasn't that he couldn't afford it, but the way he came to New York in China in the past was more simple, while Mr. Fang seemed much more aggressive.

The pick-up fleet changes destination.

About forty minutes later, the motorcade stopped in Lexington, where a row of Rolls-Royces were waiting quietly.

"Mr. Fang is here."

"Hello, Mr. Fang."

When Chen Yaohui heard such a call, he saw Mr. Fang nodded to the yellow-skinned people who welcomed him, and then got into the first Rolls-Royce.

Before he could ask if these cars were arranged by Yike, he heard Mr. Fang start making a phone call.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm in New York. I'm not familiar with this place. Please quickly ask your Deutsche Bank bosses to support us. I was so nervous during the road show."

"Old Xiong, have you booked a flight? Don't be so upset. I've already arrived in New York. Let the big guys from IDG come and support me. Then I can start building relationships, call friends, and find agencies."

"Connor, Connor, I'm in New York. The road show is very important. I want your DCM president and vice president to show up. I'm counting on you to give me some credit."

After several phone calls, Fang Zhuo received satisfactory responses. For road shows, you need to find people to support you so that investors can make accurate judgments.

Buy it or not, buy it or not, whether you buy it or not, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, DCM, IDG, etc. are all standing behind me.

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