Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 449 Worse and Worse

"You can be high-profile when doing things, but you must be low-key as a person. Turn down interviews from reporters."

"Brother Wang, don't worry, unless Sina convenes a board meeting to kick me out, I will definitely continue to be the chairman."

"It's about the game department..."

In the President's Office of Hang Lung 23, Fang Zhuo said this to his mobile phone, glanced at Su Wei who was sitting in the office, and continued: "I don't know much about the game department, but it doesn't matter if there is competition, sometimes I will I feel that Sina is not competitive enough.”

"Brother Wang, let's say whatever our people have to say. I saw an article on Sina yesterday arguing that now is the best era for Internet portals."

"I'm telling you, if a company thinks that the era it's in is the best, that's often the beginning of its decline."

"Sina's game department is in a state of disarray right now. Not only can it not compete with NetEase, it can't even compete with Sohu. Brother Wang, we can't sit back and rest on our laurels."

"Let's do it this way. Sina and Yike's game department will work together to contact Blizzard. We must defeat other domestic companies and win its "World of Warcraft"."

As chairman of the board, Fang Zhuo criticized and gave instructions to Sina's president. He wanted to use a game business to stimulate the stock prices of two listed companies.

However, contacts with foreign game companies are destined to not be noticed by the current domestic public opinion. Even Sina internals have expressed doubts about the introduction of "World of Warcraft". Some vice presidents and supervisors feel that there is a brother company Yike to share funds and operations. Pressure is a good thing.

Sina thought it was good, Yike thought it was good, Fang Zhuo thought it was best, and it was decided.

"One last thing, regarding the business scope that Zhang Xiaolong is responsible for, Sina's acquisition of 263 and Foxmail, plus its own email business, I think it is better not to separate them. If they can form a synergy, of course they will form a synergy."

"You guys discuss it and examine Mr. Zhang. Personally, I am more optimistic about him."

"I hope Sina can reach a higher level this year. Previously, NetEase targeted Sina's market value. Now we should also learn from the leaders."

Fang Zhuo ended the call.

He saw that Teacher Xiao Su was about to hand over the information in her hand. Just as he was about to answer the call, the phone rang again. This time it was from Changhong Ni Runfeng.

Lao Ni's voice sounded heavier.

It's that calm heaviness.

"The company was going to hold a board meeting on the 7th without notifying me. I only found out about this from the general manager of the subsidiary."

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised: "Old Ni, this is a very bad signal. It is very likely that we will go through the process."

Follow the process, what process should you follow?

This is very familiar and is the decision-making process for major matters of the board of directors.

Fang Zhuo didn't expect it to happen so quickly and suddenly.

Ni Runfeng also didn't expect it, but he had implicitly accepted this situation in his heart. This phone call was made with the last glimmer of hope: "Mr. Fang, the board of directors was postponed for three days due to my health. Is there any news from APEX? ?”

The board meeting will be postponed for two days, that is, on the 10th.

Fang Zhuo counted the time and pondered. He didn't know how much progress he would make to face Lao Ni's inquiry. He had found the person a long time ago, and even the company's business was successfully divested. But he didn't expect that you, the leader, would be forced to do so so quickly. On to this.

"Old Ni..."

Ni Runfeng consciously understood Mr. Xiao Fang's tone and sighed: "I understand, Mr. Fang. Thank you very much for your help. If there is anything I can do to help in the future, you must ask."

If you were not the head of Changhong, it would be useless for me to speak.

Fang Zhuo immediately said: "Old Ni, I think we've found him soon. What time will the board of directors start on the 10th? I'll go there then. If you don't find Mr. Ji that day, whether you're an editor or a liar, let's get over it first." past."

"I asked some friends in New York to get the results soon, Lao Ni, hold on!"

"You can't be blamed for APEX's mistakes!"

Fang Zhuo encouraged him for a while, but Ni Runfeng reluctantly agreed.

The young CEO hung up the phone, put the phone on the table, and said with emotion: "If I had known this, why would I have done it in the first place? APEX is really Ni Runfeng's fault."

"Then you still want to help him?" Su Wei knew the general outline of the matter.

"Uniting Bingxin requires the strength of unity." Fang Zhuo frowned and thought, "Besides, I don't think Changhong's successor can support the development of the entire enterprise without Ni Runfeng."

He clapped his fingers and said: "Sign up the company's business, suppress the factions, and promote our own people to higher positions. If we do this for a year and a half, what chance will Changhong have in the market."

"The color TV market is different from the Internet. Competitors are very powerful and the competition is fierce."

"For Changhong as a company, I think choosing Ni Runfeng or choosing a successor is just a bad or worse choice."

"What I am doing now is to help Changhong avoid the worse answer."

Su Wei nodded and asked, "Can the situation of overseas companies really affect Changhong's decision-making?"

Fang Zhuo wasn't sure about this either: "Let's do it between the two. If it works, it's fine. If it doesn't, I'll throw it away."

Su Wei put the information on the desk: "Do you need me to follow you on the 10th?"

"No, I asked someone from New York to come. This time, the main thing is to sell my face." Fang Zhuo smiled at Teacher Xiao Su, "My acting skills also sell my face."

"Are the faces of the top ten outstanding young people also valuable?" Su Wei joked.

The latest news is that Mr. Fang Zhuo will soon be named one of the top ten outstanding young people in the country. This list also includes Yao Ming and Yang Liwei.

For example, the prefix for Yao Ming's selection is athlete of Shanghai Sports and Technology Institute, Yang Liwei is an astronaut of a certain astronaut brigade, and Fang Zhuo is neither Sina nor Yike, but the chairman of Medical Group.

When Fang Zhuo received the notice, he was a little confused whether it was related to his wealth growth or the medical actions at the beginning of last year, or maybe both.

It is precisely because of this that he adheres to the principle of keeping a low profile and refuses interviews from other media, leaving only CCTV interviews.

There are a lot of honorary titles added recently, such as the honorary president of the Shencheng City General Chamber of Commerce, the honorary president of the Anhui Province Entrepreneurs Federation, the vice president of the Shencheng City Real Estate Industry Association, etc.

Some of the titles were to fill vacancies. Xu Mingchang was added to Shencheng, and Gu Zoujun was added to Luzhou. Both of them were wiped out of their original positions because they entered.

As time goes by, those who once walked side by side will eventually disappear.

Fang Zhuo can't change this, he can only bear their titles and move forward.

On February 6, the chairman of the Medical Group, who is about to become one of the top ten young people in the country, accepted an interview from CCTV.

Before the interview, the reporter asked the reporter in a friendly way what kind of interview summary he wanted to have.

Fang Zhuo thought that since it was a medical group, it would be better to be more stable.

Facts have it, the first question the reporter asked had nothing to do with medicine.

"Mr. Fang, what is it like to be the richest man in the mainland?"

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