Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 459: A change of hands (two-in-one thanks to the leader of the

As more outlines became clear, Ni Runfeng found himself sinking deeper and deeper.

Was that Gu Zoujun plotted by Mr. Xiao Fang?

Is there anyone behind the attack on me by public opinion?

What role did Sina play in this?

Ni Runfeng couldn't ask, he was just surprised in his heart, when did this layout start?

You can't start from the first meeting, right?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Ni Runfeng drank three cups of tea in a row, and the thoughts in his mind were whirling rapidly. He was stimulated one after another, and his thinking speed was stimulated.

"Mr. Fang, if this can be done, it will indeed be easier for Changhong to upgrade its technology, but with my current situation, I am afraid it will not be easy for Changhong to acquire Meiling's shares."

Things are different now.

Even if the board of directors relied on foreign aid to suppress the coaching change plan of the group's major shareholders and state-owned assets leaders this time, Ni Runfeng knew that his voice in the company had also been greatly weakened.

Once they propose the acquisition of Luzhou Meiling shares, the leaders may immediately feel that this is the price they paid for the recruitment, and they are suspected of betraying the interests of the company.

This major decision is almost impossible to pass from the board of directors in the current internal and external environment.

"Well, your semi-empty state can only be reversed slowly after Changhong's condition improves. This will not happen overnight." Fang Zhuo muttered, "But you don't have to worry too much about this. I already have an idea. Promote the decision-making of your Changhong board of directors."

"What you have to do now is to think about how to improve LCD technology and how to make Changhong's business beautiful."

"Changhong can usher in a new life only if it decisively determines that the direction of corporate technology upgrading is LCD."

"The glory of Changhong was once created by Ni Runfeng, and then buried by your own hands. Now you have a chance to make it shine again. I hope you can cherish it."

Fang Zhuo's tone was gentle and indifferent, and the warning in his words could only be deeply understood by the person involved.

If you are asked to cherish it, you should cherish it. If you don't cherish it, you should consider the consequences yourself.

Ni Runfeng heard this meaning and suddenly missed the little Mr. Fang who called "Lao Ni" affectionately and toasted heartily. You are not like this when you are drinking in the capital or New York... It feels a little uncomfortable after each other puts down their masks.

He was silent for a while and then asked: "Mr. Fang, what method do you have? Is there anything I can cooperate with?"

This sentence expresses one meaning.

Get closer!

In both public and private matters, get closer together!

Changhong needs strong support to support overseas channels, and its own position also needs external weight. What's more, the matters with APEX are also under control.

Today's trip is about letting people eat meat without any choice.

But we are already being exploited, so why not use our subjective initiative?

Ni Runfeng changed his embarrassment and panic after having his new clothes exposed, and suddenly felt that there was a promising new situation in front of him.

Fang Zhuo showed a smile full of kindness.

He got up to change the tea and poured tea for the head of Changhong himself.

The tea is replenished and the smoke curls up, as if the relationship between people has changed.

"There's nothing that can't be said." Fang Zhuo said eloquently, "You need the approval of the board of directors to make major decisions now, but the board of directors no longer agrees with you, so let them become one."

“Does a company need the support of all employees when making decisions?”

"No, as long as a very small group of people agree."

Fang Zhuo said with a smile: "I said yesterday that your board of directors is not like a board of directors. There are too many people attending the meeting."

"No. 20 or 30, company decisions and important secrets have been passed on to who knows where."

"Many people must now know that Changhong's overseas affairs have been resolved with the help of the country's richest man. When this matter is officially announced, Changhong's stock will definitely rise sharply."

"Will your middle and senior management in Changhong let this opportunity pass?"

“Would your decision-making leadership pass up this opportunity?”

"The news of my cooperation with APEX will be suppressed for another two days to give Changhong employees and leaders some reaction time and let them buy as many stocks as possible before the good news is officially announced."

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door.

Fang Zhuo frowned, stood up and opened the door. The person who came was a reporter from Sina, who had been asked to review the manuscript of the entrepreneur exchange report in the morning.

He took back the manuscript, put it on the table, and pointed it out to Ni Runfeng: "In these two days, a manuscript like my trip to Chengdu or news about my inspection trip to Changhong will be released and brewing."

Ni Runfeng opened the press release. It was a report about Mr. Xiao Fang's exchanges with local entrepreneurs. He also mentioned Changhong in a veiled way... This...

"When all Changhong's relatives and friends buy stocks, you immediately convene a board meeting to discuss the decision to acquire Meiling and LCD." Fang Zhuo looked confused, "They will definitely object strongly. You can argue with your reasons, but you don't have to be too insistent."

"After this board of directors is over, I will immediately arrange for Sina and other media to tell us that the cooperation between overseas and Changhong has not yet been determined, and we will evaluate your bad debts."

"Changhong's stock price will then fall."

"You convene the board of directors again and mention it again. If they object again, I will further announce the details of the contract with APEX, which involves 1.48 billion in overseas products. It is not in line with our Yike strategy and we plan to give up."

"As soon as this 1.48 billion figure is announced from my side, Changhong's stock price will definitely fall to the limit."

"You can continue to convene the board of directors. If they haven't realized what should be done, the news from the outside is that Changhong will not be able to get 1.48 billion in products and more than 1 billion in receivables."

Fang Zhuo took the last sip of tea and looked at Ni Runfeng: "This can't promote decision-making, so it's just God's will for you Changhong."

Ni Runfeng was stunned.

What kind of gameplay is this!

What kind of combo punches are these!

This, what kind of Mr. Xiao Fang is this? !

"Mr. Fang, this..." Ni Runfeng was inexplicably shocked, "Will the leaders buy it..."

Fang Zhuo nodded and said, "Don't you believe in leadership? I believe in leadership."

Ni Runfeng also believes that there is no need for leaders to worry about how to buy, through whom to buy, and how to buy within a legal framework.

There are also middle-level and senior management in the company and even ordinary employees who are related to each other. When they hear the good news flying in the sky, don’t they buy it?

The richest man in the country attended the board of directors and showed the contracts that had been reached overseas on the spot. Do you want to buy it or not?

The richest man in the country went to Changhong headquarters to inspect the production lines of his partners. Do you want to buy it?

The richest man in the country praised the quality of Changhong's products and said that Yike and Changhong have a lot of room for cooperation and will help further expand overseas sales. Do you want to buy it?

If you buy it, you will be fooled!

The closer people are to insider information, the more they believe in the power of insider information and the more willing they are to buy more stocks.

The money is in front of you, why don't you pick it up?

If you pick it up, you will be fooled!

Changhong's major decisions require the consent of a small group of people. This group of people may not be able to judge what is best for the company's interests, but they can certainly judge what is best for their own interests.

This is coercion, and it is coercion that takes advantage of people's hearts, interests, and the secondary stock market.

Ni Runfeng had heard of President Xiao Fang's reputation, one of which was that he was good at capital operations.

He had never quite understood it before, but now that he was in it, he realized how good he was at it.

Ni Runfeng let out a sigh of relief and was completely convinced in every aspect.

As the leader of an enterprise, he has encountered situations where decisions cannot be pushed forward. Unexpectedly, Xiaofang always takes advantage of the situation, grasps human nature, and turns against customers to make the impossible possible!

Ni Runfeng is almost certain that Changhong will definitely pass the decision to acquire Meiling and switch to LCD.

Externally, there is the public opinion that the technology is correctly upgraded, created by the country's richest man and experts from Goldman Sachs. Internally, there are decision-making leaders who are bound by insider information and have to agree on their stance. On a deeper level, there may also be the hearts and minds of Changhong employees who are affected.

Is this still a scattered rainbow?

This is Changhong united as one!

The more Ni Runfeng thought about it, the more impulsive he became. He drank the whole cup of tea in one go and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Fang, you can be the chairman of Changhong. I believe that no matter how chaotic a company is, you can bring it back to life."

"I don't like it." Fang Zhuo said simply and directly.

Ni Runfeng was speechless.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "Just kidding, Changhong still has a lot to do. I believe that Mr. Ni and Changhong can work together to create greater glories regardless of past grudges."

As long as the performance is good, Ni Runfeng, the chairman of the board, will surely be strong, and this strong chairman has some unspeakable things in his hands. At the same time, the acquired Meiling is located in Luzhou, Anhui Province, with 20% The shares may be more or less... I believe Changhong can cooperate with Bingxin like brothers with different surnames.

When ice core production capacity is released, Changhong can look forward to the demand coverage of related domestic industries.

How many wins is this?

I don’t know, it’s a win.

After a deep conversation, Ni Runfeng changed his spirit, and the time was almost up to go to the leader's reception banquet.

"Old Ni, will you be there at noon?"

Ni Runfeng shook his head, he was not invited.

He stood up to say goodbye, no longer making any unnecessary pleasantries, and his whole subjective initiative was fully occupied.

Fang Zhuo shook hands with the head of Changhong cordially, and finally encouraged him: "Old Ni, work hard, the good days are still here to come."

Ni Runfeng had complicated emotions, but he also agreed with Mr. Xiao Fang's words.

Maybe, the good times are still here to stay.

At noon, the richest man in the country who flew from Shanghai met with the provincial and municipal leaders of Sichuan and Sichuan.

However, Fang Zhuo did not expect that Zhao Yong, the former general manager of Changhong and current deputy leader of Fucheng, would be present today. This person was low-key and did not speak much.

The atmosphere of the reception banquet was harmonious. The city leaders talked about local customs and food culture, the provincial leaders talked about Sichuan and Sichuan's preferential policies for foreign investment, and Fang Zhuo talked about future project planning.

When Bingxin was selecting cities before, Rongcheng was the target of the second batch of city inspections. Although Fang Zhuo, the person in charge, did not come, the local government was still very enthusiastic and the conditions given were almost different from Lin'an.

Moreover, Chengdu has a great advantage, that is, its University of Electronic Science and Technology is among the top three in the country in the area of ​​integrated circuits, and has a very good environment for exporting talents.

For various reasons, Ice Core finally settled in Luzhou. However, just like SMIC, it first settled in Shanghai, but now has production lines in several cities, and the investment is still huge.

If a business cannot be negotiated, we can still discuss it later.

We had a great time chatting at the reception banquet. When it came to the end, a provincial leader said with a smile: "I heard that Mr. Fang also talked about cooperation with Changhong when he came yesterday. That is really a blessing for Changhong. Changhong is ours." National enterprises in Sichuan, Sichuan and Fucheng have always been of great concern to us."

"Deputy Zhao is a local leader who came out of Changhong. He has been very anxious about the company's situation in the past two years. He thinks about making Changhong better day and night."

Fang Zhuo had a smile on his face and didn't answer the question.

Zhao Yongqian, who was called by name, said gently: "Changhong has indeed encountered some setbacks in the past two years. Yesterday, I heard Mr. Fang's analysis of the TV industry, and I suddenly realized that I have a deeper understanding of the technical direction of plasma and liquid crystal. .”

"Mr. Fang deserves to be the best entrepreneur in the country, and he sees problems sharply. The business prospects of liquid crystal technology are indeed broader than those of plasma."

In just one night, Zhao Yong, who was originally firmly optimistic about plasma, changed his mind at the leadership reception banquet and publicly agreed with Fang Zhuo's judgment on the industry's future.

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised. This person was rather like the Yue King Gou Jian who had to endure hardships and have great ambitions.

He looked at the sudden silence at the reception banquet that was coming to an end, and knew that this was a small matter that the leader, acting as a matchmaker, had to solve easily.

"Mr. Zhao, ah no, Deputy Zhao." Fang Zhuo corrected the title and chuckled, "The technical direction of an enterprise is a matter of life and death. I have the deepest experience of this. A while ago, I heard that some The media talked about my judgment on Sony two or three years ago, saying that I predict events like a god."

"Actually, Sony has internal proposals to vigorously develop MP3 music players. However, due to the interests of the original products, the unclear vision of senior management, and technical analysis errors, this proposal was shelved, which directly contributed to Sony's current decline. "

"It's good that Deputy Zhao can learn from experience. He is already better than many people."

"For example, some of Sony's top executives have technical backgrounds and have always stuck to their own vision and experience. When their judgments on technological development are no longer accurate, they have neither business management skills nor are they sensitive enough to the market, which directly causes Sony's huge losses. , causing the giants to miss the development of the times.”

"This lesson is too profound and too painful."

Fang Zhuo paused and sighed: "Every time I see Sony, I feel that business development is really too difficult, and it's no joke at all. Technology, market, management, and experience are all indispensable. There are still things I need to learn." a lot of."

There was silence at the Jie Feng Banquet, except for the sound of the small hotpot cooking soup.

"Mr. Fang said it well." The provincial leader who worked as an export matchmaker spoke slowly, with a normal expression, "No wonder Mr. Fang can start a business. It is rare to have this kind of self-reflection. Our business and our cadres must Learn more.”

Another city leader from Chengdu also smiled and said: "Yes, there are specialties in the technical field, and Mr. Fang's knowledge of business is nothing to say. I give Mr. Fang a toast. There will be many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future."

"What the hell, I respect you." Fang Zhuo raised his glass, "I'm very covetous of Chengdu's policies and talents."

The greeting banquet became lively again.

No one mentioned Zhao Yong and Changhong again.

Zhao Yong ate the food silently, but could not taste the food at all.

I have endured for three years just to defeat the strongest opponent. Who knows, there is no strongest opponent, only stronger opponents.

Among the strong, there are even stronger ones. Every mountain is really higher than the other!

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