Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 468 Mr. Fang is suspicious by nature (two in one)

As far as Fang Zhuo is concerned, Shencheng Yongke's bidding matter has almost come to an end.

He determined the core quotation, and whether he will actually win the bid will be announced on March 15th, because this time it is a bid invitation, and the official meaning is very clear. I believe in the construction and development capabilities of the seven of you, and nothing else. The one with the highest price gets it.

Each company's quotation was confidential. Although Fang Zhuo asked Qiu Di and Zheng Danrui, it was impossible for them to figure out each company's real quotation. There was only a vague range of judgment.

Therefore, even if the price quoted by Liu Suyi was slightly unexpected, Fang Zhuo could quickly accept it.

His consideration of this price is indeed not about profit, but how to mobilize funds more smoothly. The successful listing of Yike can serve as a financial market tool on a larger scale.

As assets increase, the ways and amounts of spending money also increase rapidly.

On March 9, all matters were arranged one by one, and Fang Zhuo wrote a second blog post at the urging of Sina.

The last "Millionaire" unexpectedly received a lot of feedback, and it also led some people in the circle to open a blog on Sina with half support. This made him feel quite fresh, and it was also a first-line experience of "the people becoming the main body of the Internet" .

Sina Blog's celebrity approach has already begun to bear fruit, and Fang Zhuo was also thinking when he was writing the content himself. Sina could not just focus on the celebrity effect, but should also tap into the shining points of the general public, and the latter's priority should be moved forward. Move.

At noon, he was still eating and thinking in the office. This time Fang Zhuo did not continue to write about millionaires, but about entrepreneurial consulting.

——Yesterday, a young friend came to consult me ​​with a business project and asked if it could be successful.

——I looked at it twice and told him that it was difficult without seeing anything at all.

——He suddenly became frustrated and asked me why.

——I said, because you need to have confidence to start a business. If you lose confidence when you hear the word "I", you think I am right, so why start a business? Go back and buy a house quickly.

——Young friends, starting a business is not as good as buying a house. This is actually the easiest good project to grasp, so remember it.

Fang Zhuo put the most sincere wealth password into his second blog, and this time he waited for a while to comment.

As a result, the comments that came out almost pissed him off.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, I can't give up starting a business and buy a house just because of your words, otherwise you will say I have no confidence."

"Mr. Fang, are you trying to persuade people to buy houses because you are involved in real estate?"

Fang Zhuo was helpless.

He suddenly realized that no matter how sincere words like this came from his mouth, they would not be able to effectively transmit information, but... they might be able to influence a few people, just a few.

Fang Zhuo reserved all his afternoon time for Sina Blog.

This time, I cooperated with the Sina business team who came from Jinmao 22 to randomly answer some questions under the first blog.

Some people's questions are very touching.

for example--

"Mr. Fang, how do you make money?"

"Mr. Fang, how do you make a lot of money?"

"Fang Zhuo, how do you make so much money like you?"

Fang Zhuo found that it was difficult to answer this kind of question with "buying a house." He thought about it and remained sincere: "I think there are many opportunities to make money in the Internet, real estate, and manufacturing."

Some people's questions are boring and middle-of-the-road.

"Mr. Fang, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Mr. Fang, do you have any criteria for choosing a girlfriend?"

Fang Zhuo's reply to such questions is relatively simple: "No, it depends on fate."

Of course, some people's questions were very useful, which lifted Fang Zhuo's spirits.

"Mr. Fang, I am a PIE semiconductor engineer from Huahong. I would like to ask about your company's current salary and benefits. In addition, Huahong and I still have a contract in progress. Do you have a solution?"

When Fang Zhuo saw this kind of question, he quickly said to the people on Sina: "Hide, hide this question. How come it's not sensitive at all when you send a private message about this kind of question? Are you still screening out the replies that I can give in an honest way?"

Not to mention, there are quite a few people who want to change jobs.

Although Fang Zhuo didn't know what they were thinking and insisted on asking on the blog, he still arranged for someone to contact them. Ice core has always been in a state of thirst for engineers.

This will probably last for a long time.

Seeing that SMIC, which has been sued by TSMC, is about to go public, whether subjectively or objectively, Bingxin’s talent gap may be getting better. According to feedback from Qiu Ciyun, who is in Luzhou, his former colleagues at SMIC are indeed uneasy. As the lawsuits between the company and TSMC spread, the situation became increasingly pessimistic.

In addition, some industry insiders predict that SMIC may have to close some production lines due to intellectual property rights. Qiu Ciyun intends to point out a clear path for his former colleagues, which is to work under the new richest man in the mainland. There is a bright future here.

Changes in the industry need to be observed, and Ice Core’s top priority is to complete the review of some equipment in the United States.

Fang Zhuo planned to go to Luzhou to interview Hu Zhengming after the bid opening in Shanghai, and then rush to the United States.

On March 11, there were four days left before the deadline for bidding. Yongke was already contacting banks for its East Five Blocks project. Fang Zhuo also entrusted Washington Mutual Bank to make stock pledges. MIGA Fund China also made a trust product. Everything was in Be prepared to spend money.

One day later, Fang Zhuo attended a Shanghai key project exchange meeting because of the leader's face.

I thought it was just a casual show of support, but I didn't expect to meet the biggest competitor in this bidding, Guo Binglian of Kwok Sun Hung Kai in Hong Kong.

Kwok Bing-lian is the third son of Sun Hung Kai founder Kwok Desheng. Since Kwok Desheng passed away in 1990, Sun Hung Kai has been run by the three Kwok brothers, and Kwok Bing-lian serves as the vice chairman and managing director of Sun Hung Kai's board of directors.

This person obviously has full authority to handle Sun Hung Kai's business. He is in Shanghai and the core price of the bid can be decided with one word.

But Fang Zhuo didn't recognize this person, and it was Guo Binglian who took the initiative to come over and introduce himself.

Oops, the biggest competitor is here.

"I have long heard that there is a great young talent in Shencheng." Guo Binglian was smiling, not showing off his grace because of the competition for territory, "I finally met Mr. Fang today."

"Mr. Guo is very complimentary." Fang Zhuo saw this person being polite, so he naturally greeted him politely, "I have only been in the company for a few years, and I still have to learn from my seniors."

Guo Binglian laughed loudly: "Indeed, the business world is constantly changing. Sometimes you are proud but sometimes you are frustrated. I always feel that I cannot keep up with the times and need to communicate more with talents."

He paused and continued: "In business, harmony makes money. Old guys like us sometimes still have some gas in the tank. Let's make progress together."

Fang Zhuo glanced at this person's expression, leaving a small question mark in his heart, and said with a smile: "I have heard about Sun Hung Kai's name for a long time. I am just getting involved in real estate. I will definitely go to Xiangjiang to learn more in the future. Seniors like Mr. Guo will always teach me Some experience will be very useful to Yongke.”

Guo Binglian smiled slightly, exchanged a few words and prepared to go on stage.

Fang Zhuo waited until the 1/3 head of the Guo family left, then turned to Liu Suyi and called him forward for questioning.

"Is there any new news from Sun Hung Kai?"

Liu Suyi said blankly: "Mr. Guo has been silent in Shanghai for almost a week. If he hadn't attended this exchange meeting, I would have thought he had returned to Xiangjiang. I haven't received any new news. Mr. Fang, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I just chatted with him for a few words, but I always felt that there was something indescribable in his words." Fang Zhuo has always had a keen sense of smell. He thought for a moment and doubted, "Is Sun Hung Kai going to show off its skills this time? It must be Take Zhuyuan Trading?"

Liu Suyi didn't say anything, who could say for sure.

Fang Zhuo silently recalled the bidding for this piece of land. The time was already very close.

Yesterday, I heard that Kerry Properties' Kwok Kong Seng said "Bamboo Garden 3.7 or 800 million" at the dinner party. I don't know if he really thought that. That person's status in the Malay Kuok family is higher than that of Kuok Bing Lian, the third son of the Kuok family. Better than that.

No matter how you look at it, the bidding price should not exceed 4 billion.

"It's okay, you can go." Fang Zhuo waved to Liu Suyi and asked him to continue socializing at the exchange meeting, slowly sorting out all the factors in his mind.

Guo Binglian, who was on the stage, began to speak in a very humble and low-key manner, saying that he was very optimistic about the development of Shencheng and would repay the government and the people with good projects here.

Fang Zhuo applauded along with everyone and looked at the Hong Kong rich man on the stage who was not in the same era as himself.

Although this person is often said to be the third of the three Guo brothers, he is still over fifty.

In the second half of the exchange meeting, Fang Zhuo exchanged a few words with Guo Bing, but they still stopped at pleasantries.

That evening, after finishing all the work, Fang Zhuo sat in his study and tried to look at the bidding from a different perspective.

If you regard yourself as an opponent, how should you deal with Mr. Fang of Shencheng?

A new richest man in Mainland China who owns two companies listed on the US stock market, he has money.

A young talent with a rumored background and seemingly proven provenance, he has connections.

A real estate tycoon who defeated the Li family and made bold statements when he first entered the real estate industry, he has great ambition.

Various factors will eventually return to the core of the bidding price, and where does the price judgment come from?


The industry's general understanding of land prices and the approximate range of bids from various competitors.

The latter is the deciding factor.

Information collection on this determinant…

Fang Zhuo slowly put out the cigarette.

He discovered the suspected problem.

My judgment on competitors and competitive prices basically comes from Qiu Di and Zheng Danrui. The former is the leader of the district where the land is located, and the latter is the deputy chief in charge of city work. It stands to reason that the information they come into contact with and produce has relative authority. sex.

However, after the last defeat of the Li family, wouldn't they have studied their relationships and connections in Shanghai?

Last year, he competed for the Eastern Fifth District, but he suddenly entered the game at the end and snatched away Hutchison Whampoa's prey. During that information transmission, Zheng Danrui made an appearance, and he was personally visited and lobbied by Zhou Kaixuan.

What about this time?

He knew from the information passed on by Zheng Danrui that Changshi's deeper consideration was to target the 360,000-square-meter Luxiang Garden. He also learned from Qiu Di that he was visited by the developer - Qiu Lanhua's relationship with him was not the same. Not hard to find out.

The message delivered by these two people is very consistent. Cheung Kong is not the main competitor, but Sun Hung Kai and Kerry Properties are the main players.

The price range is confidential, and the vague words are only 36 or 37 at most. It would be strange to get an accurate price from Zheng and Qiu.


Are you the one who wants this land the most this time?

Ms. Zhou.

Fang Zhuo judged others with his own mind, considered everything with the logic of conspiracy theories, and discovered a suspected information cocoon.

This is a bit like what we played in Sichuan a while ago - insider information is just news and never represents facts. You can know it, but don't believe it.

Even if such inside information comes from a certain leader.

Fang Zhuo lit a new cigarette and looked at the bidding based on his new considerations.

Sun Hung Kai and Kerry Properties, the former is one of the four major families in Hong Kong, and the latter is called the fifth family in Hong Kong because of part of its roots.

But this time, the Li family is the leader of the four major companies behind the long-term development.

Even I, who have been like this for a few years, have various association titles in Shanghai and Luzhou. Do these three companies from Xiangjiang have a tacit understanding and connection over the past few decades?

Who owes a favor to whom, who has friendship with whom, it will be completely unclear for a while.

If that's the case, maybe 4 billion won't be able to cover the land this time.

Fang Zhuo didn't finish smoking the second cigarette, and was ready to find a way to verify his guess.

This time there are seven companies in total. After excluding myself and Bailian Group, there are still five companies left.

Seeing that there are less than three days until the bid opening, it stands to reason that the person in charge has to wait for the results of the bid opening. If they win the bid, they have to communicate with the government. Those who have already come will not leave easily unless they are sure that they will not win the bid.

Fang Zhuo picked up the phone and asked someone to check the five companies' known persons in charge of handling the bid.

Sun Hung Kai, Cheung Kong, Swire, Kerry Properties, China Resources.

At eleven o'clock in the night, Fang Zhuo patiently waited for a reply while smoking.

Perhaps because of Zhou Kaixuan's experience in checking last time, the response was very quick this time.

Sun Hung Kai√

Long and solid√

Taikoo ×

Kerry Properties ×

China Resources √

Unexpectedly, the heads of Swire Group and Kerry Properties, which are bidding this time, have already left Shen. The former took a flight to Xiangjiang yesterday, and the latter just flew to Beijing this afternoon.

Fang Zhuo was sure that he had received news yesterday that Kerry Construction's Guo Kongsheng was discussing land prices at a dinner party. Unexpectedly, he had left today, and not back to Xiangjiang, but to the capital.

This certainly does not rule out that these two companies do have important matters, and even if they win the bid, they can still be handled by their deputies. However, it also provides more support for the conspiracy theory in their hearts.

Fang Zhuo held a cigarette in his left hand and wrote the word "长生" with a pen in his right hand.

Out of an inexplicable intuition, he felt that this time it was Zhou Kaixuan, Lijiacheng's confidante, who was working so hard in the dark.

Perhaps it was her last appearance that settled the matter, and this time Ms. Zhou also wanted to retaliate with a similar scene.

By the way, she also wanted to break the rumors in front of everyone. The Li family never had to look at anyone's face when doing business in Shanghai.

Fang Zhuo shook his head, put down his pen, put out the last cigarette, and muttered to himself.

"I'm suspicious by nature, I really can't blame you."

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