Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 479 Lurking Minions

The three visitors concluded their visit to Professor Hu Zhengming.

Fang Zhuo left a message, and the two young engineers left a photo and two papers.

It was afternoon when we arrived, and the sky was already dark when we left.

The three of them walked silently on the campus of the University of Science and Technology, with the occasional chatter and laughter of passing students heard in their ears.

Seeing that he was approaching the school gate, Fang Zhuo suddenly came to his senses and stopped.

"Sit for a while, I'll call a car."

When I came here today, I took Secretary-General Luo Minhua's special car. Fang Zhuo couldn't keep people waiting, so he remembered that he didn't call his car over.

There was a corridor on campus, and Fang Zhuo took the lead in walking there and sat down to wait.

He subconsciously wanted to smoke but found nothing. The cigarettes in his pocket were all used up on the way here.

At this time, Liu Mingde, who was seconded from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, couldn't help but ask about today's results: "Mr. Fang, will Professor Hu and Professor Hu agree to come to the ice core?"

Fang Zhuo temporarily put away the thoughts in his head and smiled at Liu Mingde and Xu Kaihuai, who did not speak but was also concerned about his answer: "I don't know, I can only say that I hope it is the answer that is most beneficial to the ice core."

Liu Mingde and Xu Kaihuai looked at each other with somewhat unwilling expressions. As people in the industry, they knew very well how much Professor Hu could promote ice cores.

What's more, they embarked on the path of semiconductors precisely because they had such a globally renowned hometown celebrity as a role model.

Liu Mingde and Xu Kaihuai were the two Bingxins who were attracted by Fang Zhuo in recent days with favors and promises.

When the richest man in the Mainland stands in front of you and talks about work in terms of salary, future, and industry, it is really difficult for people to refuse, especially in the most exciting youth stage of life.

Therefore, they also watched Mr. Fang's efforts to find a CTO for Bing Xin. It can be said that he worked hard and painstakingly. Things like forcibly adding another person before the deadline for the recommendation of foreign nationals are the most difficult of difficulties. .

However, this matter only had room for two sentences in today's exchange between Mr. Fang and Professor Hu.

The two of them even felt a little regretful, feeling that Mr. Fang should talk about the favors he owed and the efforts he had made to better convince Professor Hu.

Fang Zhuo saw the expressions of the young engineers and could probably guess what they were thinking, and said, "That's how things are done. We try our best and can only hope that the results will bring some good luck."

"Professor Hu is a very powerful person. I especially hope that he can come to Bingxin. There is no need to be taboo. To be very frank, this is also an important reason why I have tried every possible means to find you."

Fang Zhuo was very honest and changed the subject: "But even if he doesn't come, won't the ice core develop?"

"No, we still have to develop firmly and look for more opportunities to grow."

Fang Zhuo looked at the young man who was thoughtful in the dusk and continued: "The development of ice cores requires uniting all forces that can be united. This is true for Professor Hu, and so is it for you. This is true for equipment procurement, and the same is true for fund raising."

What the young president said today was not impassioned, it was all straightforward.

Because that's what ice cores do.

"Losers often pretentiously seek rewards for doing something. We can't do this. We have to do everything we can and see what we can get."

"You will be happy when you win, and you will have no regrets when you lose."

Fang Zhuo's cell phone rang in his pocket. Bing Xin's car had arrived at HKUST.

He listened to the phone call for three seconds, and finally concluded the chat between himself and the young engineer: "After all, there is nothing else, just self-improvement."

"We must strengthen ourselves."

Liu Mingde and Xu Kaihuai chewed on Mr. Fang’s words, we must strengthen ourselves, we must strengthen ourselves.

"Let's go, have a good rest at night. You must be exhausted from running around with me these two days." Fang Zhuo smiled at the two of them, got up and walked towards the school gate.

Liu Mingde and Xu Kaihuai followed Mr. Fang in a daze, leaving the University of Science and Technology and getting into the car. Their emotions gradually stirred up again.

Fang Zhuo didn't take the car. He wanted to be alone for a while tonight to clear his mind.

As dusk fell, the president and the engineer waved goodbye. The latter left the University of Science and Technology of China with the former’s high expectations and ran towards the direction of the ice core for the first time.

Fang Zhuo watched the car drive away and rubbed his face, feeling exhausted mentally and physically.

He looked back at the campus of the University of Ophthalmology, remembering the last time he came here.

But this time, I have completed a potentially extremely important lobbying. Judging from past experience, Professor Hu should have a high chance of agreeing to come to the ice core.

Maybe he won’t be the CTO, but he can play a big role as long as he comes. There is no doubt about this.

Fang Zhuo was walking alone on the streets of Luzhou, reviewing the dishes and planning to have something to eat.

For a long time, it was difficult for him to have half a day's leisure like this. The busyness and running around these days made this leisure time even more valuable.

Fang Zhuo arrived in Luzhou on the 24th. After thinking and hesitating for two days, he decided to finish the content that could show his sincerity first. After thinking about it for a long time, he went to find two young colleagues from Professor Hu’s ancestral home as a very good job. Weighty weights.

Facts have proved that this did have an effect on Professor Hu, who is about to enter his 60s.

Professor Hu was born before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and was immediately taken to Treasure Island by his family. Fang Zhuo found it difficult to persuade him from the perspective of the country. This was an objective situation determined by his personal growth environment.

However, when they combined what they knew about inheritance, hometown, old and young, professors, academicians, and underachievers to establish the ancestral hometown scholarship in the name of the father and son, Fang Zhuo thought he could give it a try.

In fact, there is one thing he has not shown yet. Liu Mingde is not only the winner of the first Hu Scholarship, but also the winner of the postgraduate scholarship established by Hu Zhengming at Tsinghua University.

Lobbying requires a certain degree of control. Fang Zhuo felt that the previous degree was enough, just as he did not mention his busy days and the favors he owed.

In fact, if you owe a favor, you owe it. This is not terrible, just pay it back slowly.

Especially, during this trip to the capital, he felt more attention.

However, just as Professor Hu Zhengming was confident before, this matter would just come naturally to him sooner or later, so Fang Zhuo made the decision without mentioning it.

Fang Zhuo thought over and over about his exchange with Professor Hu and still thought it was a good start.

Professor Hu has a non-competition agreement, which will not be lifted until the end of next year. From now to then, Ice Core can do more contact work because of this good start.

In addition, this exchange with Professor Hu allowed Fang Zhuo to consider more possible changes in TSMC.

It is time for an internal power change in this leading company. It is said that Zhang Zhongtang praised his favorite subordinate Cai Lixing more than once, and he has great intentions of handing TSMC into his hands.

Fang Zhuo is not sure what TSMC was like during this period, but he knows that Zhang still controlled the direction of the company.

He extremely doubts that the current seemingly inevitable power change was reversed due to the global financial crisis in 2008. This is why he has the impression that TSMC is still controlled by Zhang Zhongtong.

So, will the real opportunity for ice cores be in three or four years?

At that time, the global financial crisis spread to the semiconductor upstream and downstream industry chains, Hu Zhengming and Liang Mengsong passed the non-compete agreement, the domestic economy took off and increased the size of the terminal market, and smartphones ushered in a new era of earth-shaking...

On the last night of March, Fang Zhuo went into a street snack bar in Luzhou alone, eating while thinking about the development situation in the next few years.

Ice Core has not yet reached its time to shine. What we have to do now is to play steadily, accumulate strength, do everything we can, and wait for the development of the times and the mistakes of our opponents.

Just like a tiger lying on a deserted hill, its minions are lurking to endure.

One day, the ice core will allow the world to see its glory.

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