Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 481 Spiritual inheritance

Fang Zhuo had some lingering memories about Dangdang coming to his door for financing.

Until he boarded the flight to Tokyo, he pondered the rewards and expectations of such an investment.

It takes three hours to fly from Shanghai to Tokyo, so Fang Zhuo made a rough calculation in his mind.

Dangdang→Ice core production line +1.

Yongke→Ice core production line +1.

Fund → Ice core production line +1.

Team → Ice core production line +1.

The right replacement is carried out at the right time. As long as the talents, equipment and technology of the ice core are in place, won't this slanderer be able to increase the production capacity?

If the profit is not enough, if you sell it, you will make a lot of money.

If other projects at home and abroad have better entry opportunities, the production line +1+1+1...

Looking at it this way, it is really extraordinary that Zhang Zhongtang can build TSMC into its current scale.

Fang Zhuoyao thought about his competitors and evaluated whether his algorithm with a production line of +n could match TSMC. Well, the production lines become more expensive as they go up, and the algorithm may need to be adjusted to a single +0.5. really requires a lot of effort.

However, Fang Zhuo is also confident. With his reputation, who wouldn't want to sit down and talk?

"Mr. Fang, there's still half an hour."

In order to make things easier for his boss, Yike temporarily hired Zhao Zhishan, an employee who was proficient in Japanese, as a secretary assistant.

She was nervous all the way and observed silently. The boss didn't seem strict, just quite silent.

Zhao Zhishan thought about this and couldn't help but worry about this trip. He said that he was going to record a TV Tokyo program. If the boss was not good at talking, he would definitely suffer.

"Oh, I got it." Fang Zhuo came back to his senses when he heard the secretary's voice, and his thoughts shifted from +1+0.5 to Professor Hu Zhengming's younger brother Hu Zhengda.

Hu Zhengda is also a Ph.D. and is engaged in semiconductors. He has worked for IBM and Silicon Valley for more than ten years, and then served as the director of Baodao Electronics Research Institute. Now he is the vice president of marketing of TSMC.

Two years ago, he was the vice president of R\u0026D at TSMC. It is said that he applied to transfer to the market field on his own.

Judging from the information Fang Zhuo received, Hu Zhengda had his own ideas.

Before visiting Hu Zhengming on the 31st, Fang Zhuo asked someone from the University of Science and Technology to call Hu Zhengda. He talked about the academic exchanges between the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of California. He also talked about Princeton University, where Hu Zhengda was born, and also about his brother Hu Zhengming. professor.

But in addition to polite exchanges, the latter also showed some interest in mainland investment policies.

This inevitably gave Fang Zhuo some extra thoughts.

TSMC’s Zhang Zhongyi is 73 this year and is about to retire. Do many people within the company already have different ideas in such an atmosphere?

Hu Zhengming left the company and returned to academia, and Liang Mengsong left Samsung a few years later.

As the vice president of marketing, Hu Zhengda, does he have other plans in such a period and atmosphere? Can such a plan be used for ice cores?

If possible, Fang Zhuo hoped to have a face-to-face chat with Hu Zhengda so that he could make a better judgment. Well, it would be quite polite to ask his brother first and then his brother.

Moreover, the younger brother does not seem to have as much desire as the elder brother, and may have more room for cooperation.

Fang Zhuo is willing to unite all forces that can be united and try to seize every opportunity he can.

He decided to have a secret date with TSMC's vice president of marketing as soon as the flight landed. It was not in the mainland, but in Tokyo. Anyway, it was convenient to travel between Baodao and Tokyo. No matter how Hu Zhengda talked, as long as he was willing to come, he would release a certain kind of date. Signal.

On April 1, at 5:30 in the evening, a passenger plane taking off from Shanghai landed at Tokyo Narita International Airport.

Fang Zhuo and his party met Shigeru Eto, who was in charge of picking up the plane at TV Tokyo.

Jiang Tengmao understands Chinese. While he is polite, he is also shocked by the youth of the Chinese tycoon and Sony's enemy.

"Mr. Jiang Teng, you're welcome."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said to the people at the TV station: "We will record tomorrow afternoon, and we will be free to move around tonight. I also have friends here, so I don't need to trouble you with the reception."

Jiang Tengmao was in a dilemma as he held the pick-up sign in his hand.

At this time, Fang Zhuo had already seen Tian Zhongmin, the president of Lexiang Electronics, walking through the crowd. He continued: "If Mr. Jiang Teng is willing, you can have dinner with us tonight."

Jiang Tengmao quickly declined, thinking it would be rude.

Tian Zhong came closer, with respect in his smile and Chinese in his words: "Mr. Fang, thank you for your hard work. We won't come home until we get drunk tonight."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "That's not possible. I have something to talk about tonight, so let's try the local delicacies. Mr. Tian, ​​there's no need to be polite between us old friends."

Tian Zhongmin's Chinese name is Tian Zhongshi, and the latter is more in line with Fang Zhuo's taste.

Lexiang Electronics struggled to sell Yike's OEM products in Japan in the early days. Now, although it is not as good as the US market, it has gradually impressed some users. At least it can keep Tian Zhongshi's company away from bankruptcy.

As for whether Tian Zhongshi will be emotional because he was restrained too hard by Yi Ke...

Anyway, Fang Zhuo didn't see any dissatisfaction on this person's face.

The people from TV Tokyo were sent away.

Fang Zhuo and the four of them boarded the car prepared by Tian Zhongshi, and their hotel was arranged at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Tokyo, which was better than the one arranged by the TV station.

Tian Zhongshi kept talking along the way, talking about product sales and problems he encountered, hoping to get Mr. Fang's guidance.

But in fact, Fang Zhuo has no solution to this, because Lexiang Electronics is still facing the deep-rooted concepts of Tokyo consumers.

"Mr. Tian, ​​you have to be patient and don't be impatient in running a business. What Lexiang Electronics can do is already quite outstanding."

"The competitor you are facing is not an ordinary company, it is Sony, which is a global giant."

Fang Zhuo comforted him.

When Tian Zhongshi heard the word "Sony", he couldn't help but mock his competitors' strategies. Until now, Sony still has not launched a decent MP3 competitor.

The second half of the journey to the hotel was filled with the CEO of Lexiang Electronics criticizing and criticizing Sony.

After getting off the bus, secretary Zhao Zhishan saw the Japanese going to the hotel front desk and couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "Mr. Tian is really very emotional towards Sony, um, very angry."

She actually wanted to say that Mr. Tian really wanted Sony to die in his words.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Zhao Zhishan and said with a smile: "Mr. Tian came from Sony, so it is inevitable that he will pay more attention and love to his old club."

"Ah?" Zhao Zhishan was stunned. He was from Sony? Is this caring and love?

Fang Zhuo said: "Although Mr. Tian's position has changed and he has become a competitor for part of Sony's business, I believe his care and love have not changed."

"It's just that the hatred in his words will be more unique."

"Besides, I think Mr. Tian has inherited the spirit of Sony. As long as this spirit is there, who will make the products and face the consumers will be the same?"

Zhao Zhishan was speechless, but she was suddenly full of confidence in this trip to TV Tokyo!

"Xiao Zhao, remember to remind me to call Mr. Hu in Baodao at 9:30 in the evening." Fang Zhuo looked at Tian Zhongshi, who was walking towards him quickly with a smile, and told him another thing, "I have to Talk to Mr. Hu about the spirit of TSMC."

Zhao Zhishan nodded repeatedly and immediately understood the boss's spirit. It was hard to put it in words, but he was very energetic.

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