Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 483 Sony’s Enemy

On the 2nd, one o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhao Zhishan was bored in the lobby of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, waiting for his boss to return. Sitting on the sofa opposite was a staff member from TV Tokyo.

Mr. Fang has disappeared from morning until now, even though he knew he wanted to see Vice President Hu...

But Zhao Zhishan still couldn't help but have some random thoughts. Did Mr. Fang finish the conversation long ago? I heard that there is a lot of unique content here, and that rich people have some quirks.

Before she could think any further, she saw a smiling Fang Zhuo walking in from the revolving door.

"Why are you waiting here, Xiao Zhao? Oh, and Mr. Jiang Teng, isn't it only recorded at three o'clock in the afternoon?"

Fang Zhuo glanced twice and saw his secretary and Jiang Tengmao, who had picked up the plane yesterday.

Zhao Zhishan stood up and replied: "Mr. Fang, we still need to put on makeup, choose clothes, and do some simple draft review, so they came first."

Fang Zhuo was in a good mood and pretended to be surprised: "Hey, do I still need to use makeup?"

Zhao Zhishan looked at the boss's bright eyes, hesitated twice, and said firmly: "Mr. Fang, you are here to record the show, we must do our best and show our image, there is no room for error. "

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Don't be so serious. It's just a show. I was just curious about what happened to Sony, so I came over to take a look. This is not CCTV. They are just playing a gimmick. If it is too serious, it will be boring."

The secretary stopped talking. She was filling this role on a temporary basis and she was only a small employee who had only been with the company for a few months. However, being silent didn't mean that she couldn't stubbornly convey her opinions to the boss with her firm eyes.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds.

Fang Zhuo shrugged: "Then let's check the manuscript while putting on makeup. I didn't expect that we have to check the manuscript here as well."

Zhao Zhishan nodded with satisfaction. He had strongly requested the draft from the TV station.

However, it is said to be a draft, but in fact it is just a very brief direction for today's interview.

This program of TV TOKYO is called "Tokyo Online". It was the first domestic entrepreneurial program clips they obtained and broadcast that made Fang Zhuo's judgment and warning against Sony popular in Japan. Now it is their breakthrough to present the case to the parties. Invitation initiated.

At 2:10 p.m., Fang Zhuo only took Zhao Zhishan and two staff members from TV Tokyo to the recording site. The two accompanying Yi Ke were going to fly to the United States to handle work there, so they were given leave to enjoy the scenery of Tokyo. .

The content of the "Tokyo Online" program does not have a fixed field. It mainly discusses things that the audience likes to watch or that attracts attention.

Fang Zhuo arrived at the recording site, saw a few audience members and guests, and introduced each other politely.

Although Japanese people generally have strange English accents, the host Hiroshi Kimura's English is quite smooth.

As a foreigner, Fang Zhuo received a lot of curious looks before he even started recording. He listened to the jabbering Japanese and looked at the audience who avoided looking at him, which he found quite interesting.

According to the program schedule, Fang Zhuo did not appear at the beginning. He only appeared after a guest introduced Sony and the domestic industry situation in Japan.

So, when the recording started at three o'clock, Fang Zhuo and Zhao Zhishan were waiting at the backstage, with Jiang Tengmao staying connected next to them.

"What are you talking about here?"

Fang Zhuo was mentally organizing his words based on the questions that the program might raise. When he turned around, he saw that his temporary translator looked a little unhappy.

Zhao Zhishan hesitated for a few seconds and whispered: "Mr. Fang, they started talking about Sony. They mentioned you just now and said some weird things."

Fang Zhuoyi frowned. It felt really bad to be illiterate because of the language barrier. If there were some bottom line issues involved, then he wouldn't be able to participate in the recording.

Zhao Zhishan said with a serious face: "They gave the boss some weird nicknames, such as the Tiger of Shanghai and the Walkman Destroyer."

Fang Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Oh, it's a similar title to Sony's Enemy, right? It doesn't matter, people here sometimes tend to be average."

Before the two could continue chatting, background music suddenly sounded, and then the host introduced the guests with a slightly exaggerated expression.

Backstage reminder, Fang Zhuo is about to appear.

This time is earlier than scheduled.

"What song is this? It sounds familiar."

Fang Zhuo stood up calmly and asked Jiang Tengmao in his spare time.

Jiang Tengmao quickly replied: "Mr. Fang, it's the theme song "eyes of the tiger" from Stallone's movie "Rocky"."

He paused and continued: "The Chinese name should be translated as "Tiger Gazing Covetously"."

Zhao Zhishan's face became even worse.

Judging from the host's previous introduction and the tense background music, this recording seemed very hostile.

Fang Zhuo nodded and commented: "It's quite exquisite."

Jiang Tengmao said "uh" and saw the young president walking towards the aisle when he heard his name, followed closely by the female assistant.

Fang Zhuo walked into the recording scene with a smile on his face, and waved to everyone in response to the audience's applause and the host's introduction.

Although he didn't understand the introduction, Fang Zhuo could vaguely guess what it meant when he saw the words appearing on the screen.

——Shencheng’s Tiger.

——WM's destroyer.


——A classless barbarian.

——And, Sony’s enemy.

This is a series of titles given by the show.

As the host ended his passionate introduction with "Sony's Enemy Mr. Zhuo", the music stopped abruptly, and the applause of the audience reached its peak.


Fang Zhuo somewhat understood the style of the show.

It's like coming to a boxing gym, the people on the stage are stimulating the audience.

He nodded to the audience and sat on the sofa.

"Mr. Fang, welcome to our "Tokyo Online". In fact, we are surprised that you agreed to the invitation of the program. Do you mind telling us the reason?" Host Hiroshi Kimura asked in Japanese and Chinese.

"On the way." Fang Zhuoyan replied in two words concisely.

Then, Zhao Zhishan next to him translated.

Hiroshi Kimura was stunned and gave an unexpected answer.

He responded quickly and said with a smile: "Mr. Fang must be very busy to achieve his current achievements. It is an honor for "Tokyo Online" to take time out of his busy schedule to participate in our program. We are curious to ask Mr. Fang what he thinks of Sony. Before, can you satisfy some of the audience’s curiosity?”

Again in Japanese and again in Chinese.

Fang Zhuo agreed, suspecting that the questions in the name of the audience were irrelevant.

Sure enough, the first question was very personal.

Kimura Hiroshi asked: "I heard that Mr. Fang is still single. Of these on the screen, which one do you admire more?"

Swish, swish, swish.

Four Japanese actresses appeared on the screen at the recording site.

The host looked at the young Chinese tycoon with interest, and the audience also gossiped and discussed in low voices.

Zhao Zhishan felt that it was not good. What was this recording about? The boss only cares about Sony and TSMC, so how can he have the leisure to record these things with you?

She turned around and looked, and sure enough, Mr. Fang frowned.

Zhao Zhishan silently cheered up, preparing to interpret the boss's protest with emotion.

"Nanako Matsushima, Yuki Shibasaki, um..." Fang Zhuo tried hard to identify the actresses on the screen. He looked at the two behind him hesitantly, and they seemed to be very kind. He turned to Secretary Zhao and asked, "Do you know the two behind them?"

Zhao Zhishan didn’t even recognize the person in front of him!

Hiroshi Kimura quickly replied: "Mr. Fang, followed by Satomi Ishihara, who won the Newcomer Award last year, and Yui Aragaki, who just debuted this year. They are both newcomers, but they have also received love and praise from many audiences."

Fang Zhuo glanced at her twice and replied: "Ishihara Rimi, she looks kind."

Hiroshi Kimura translated China Rich's options to the audience, and then switched the screen and posted a probability predicted by the audience. Only 20% of people voted for Ishihara Satomi.

Fang Zhuo shrugged, not knowing what knowledge of himself these voting predictions were based on.

Seeing that the host wanted to continue to play some tricks, he stopped him with a smile: "Mr. Kimura, we have stopped. The atmosphere adjustment just now has been enough. If this is all, I may have to end the recording early."

Despite his gentle words, Hiroshi Kimura still did not underestimate the rich man's temper, and put down his cards angrily.

The audience of the show, including the live audience, are still very curious about this young Chinese tycoon!

Kimura Hiroshi switched statuses quickly and pressed the button with his right hand. A clip from the China Entrepreneurship Program that has been well-known for a while appeared directly on the screen, with Fang Zhuo talking above it.

"Mr. Fang, you are already recognized as Sony's enemy in our country, not only because you made predictions about Sony a few years ago, but also because your player is squeezing Walkman's market space."

"What do you think of the title Sony's enemy?"

Hiroshi Kimura asked formally.

Fang Zhuo thought for a few seconds and said slowly: "I have great respect for Sony as a company. Let's not talk about the so-called enemies of Sony for now. I know you are discussing Sony's current situation."

"If a competitor can pose a threat to a giant like Sony, you should not ask me about this competitor first, but ask Sony itself."

"What happened to Sony?"

"This must be a problem with its internal system, which caused setbacks in the operation of the company."

"Obviously, Sony has encountered so much discussion, and its problems have directly hurt the Japanese people's pride in the national brand and hurt everyone's hearts."

"As a bystander, the problems of such a giant company often make me think deeply and try to figure out some answers that I don't know whether they are correct or not."

"This is also one of the motivations why I came here today to discuss with you. Only by sitting down to discuss and learn from each other can we make progress."

Hiroshi Kimura translated this passage to the audience, which immediately aroused enthusiastic response.

How can this be done? I have to ask myself, it hurts the people, I am thinking about it.

Sony's enemies are really good at what they say!

I was supposed to be able to code again last night and put my daughter to bed, but today I was very busy again.

More on that tomorrow.

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