Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 499 Nervous (two in one)

Sina's entry into the online game market has been a long-term decision.

Later, with the listing of Yike, this article was corrected by Fang Zhuo to Sina and Yike teaming up to win the agency rights of "World of Warcraft".

Because of the Western style of "World of Warcraft", Sina internally had some doubts about the high-cost agency of "World of Warcraft". At this time, Chairman Fang decided to cooperate with the two companies, and many Sina executives were very pleased.

Who said Sina is a godson? !

Look how considerate the chairman is!

This is sharing the risk with Sina with Yike!

There is no godson, no godson, everyone is biological!

Fang Zhuo didn't know about this kind of voice within Sina, but he knew that the negotiation process between Blizzard and Sina was surprisingly smooth.

Originally, because he was determined to win "World of Warcraft", Fang Zhuo gave a higher psychological price, which was close to 100 million US dollars. However, after Blizzard evaluated the company resources of Sina and Ninetowns, it focused more on the former's company resources.

In addition, Blizzard very much agrees with the operating method proposed by Sina, with Sina as the main agent and Yike as the game ecology. And because the controller behind both listed companies is Fang Zhuo, they believe in the sincerity of this plan. .

Fang Zhuo also thinks this is quite reasonable. After all, Sina's portal homepage is mainly about information, and Yike can provide a more professional platform for World of Warcraft players.

Of course, the basis of all this is that "World of Warcraft" is a phenomenal game that is worth the effort.

As for whether the cooperation model between the two brothers Sina and Yike can's not easy. After all, where are there so many phenomenal games, such as DOTA, LOL, and chicken games?

If you really have to put in all the effort to do it, Fang Zhuo will have to take the bus at no cost.

The flight was long and boring.

Fang Zhuo didn't feel sleepy at all. He had a leisurely discussion with Zhao Zhishan about the style of writing of newspaper reporters, and then criticized the slowness of certain departments. Finally, the topic returned to "World of Warcraft".

Secretary Zhao Zhishan was afraid to say more about the discussion with his boss. He was relieved to hear about the game.

She quickly fixed the topic: "Mr. Fang, what is the game Easter egg you just talked about?"

"It's not really an easter egg, it's just a little bit of fun. I plan to ask my friends to add a few sentences to the game." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "The Chinese version of "World of Warcraft" is a big job."

Zhao Zhishan took a sip of juice: "Hmm...what about?"

"For example, find Lao Xiong to dub the line, 'One day, the hunter will also become the prey.'" Fang Zhuo gave a brief example, "Find Mr. Duan or Li Sheng to dub the line, 'I want you to know, Old dogs also have a few teeth'."

Zhao Zhishan didn't know the name for a while and hesitated: "Mr. Duan? Li Sheng?"

After two seconds, she thought of who it was, Mr. Duan, who was expelled from Sina after fighting Mr. Fang, and the famous Li Sheng who bid for land in Shanghai.

Mr. Fang is quite vicious sometimes.

Fang Zhuo put away the newspaper with a smile. Everyone's current net worth is not high. This Manama, this Leinadong, they all sell face, which can leave a little easter egg in their lives.

"Have a rest, I'm still busy in New York."

Fang Zhuo gave the order.

Zhao Zhishan nodded and asked thoughtfully: "Mr. Fang, do you want me to call you regularly?"

"No, it's best to arrive in New York as soon as you wake up." Fang Zhuo shook his head.

However, just as he had not slept until the destination on all previous flights, this time was no exception.

The passenger plane landed in New York, and before seeing anyone, Fang Zhuo's mood was already like a string on a bow and arrow, slowly tightening.

Yike picked up two cars from the airport, and Yu Hong came in person. She also knew that Mr. Fang would have to go through the single-plank bridge of equipment procurement during his trip to the United States.

Although there is a precedent for SMIC, Huajing and Huahong have also been hindered by the procurement of international equipment.

It is said that Goldman Sachs and PH are assisting, but the four major departments in the United States are actually in charge of approval.

What should I do if they just don’t approve?

Purchasing sub-level equipment, introducing sub-level technology, and conducting independent research and development and manufacturing?

If we cannot take advantage of the technological conveniences of globalization, ice core will inevitably struggle in the future.

"what's on your mind?"

There were only two people in the car that Yu Hong drove: she and Mr. Fang. After more than ten minutes, the boss looked serious and said nothing.

"I'm worried, I'm afraid." Fang Zhuo said what was in his heart.

Yu Hong was both surprised and somewhat understanding. As the marketing director of Yike, she was quite close to Mr. Fang, but as an outsider to Bingxin, she was quite far away from the project. This perspective gave her a greater perspective. Space to think.

She continued to be silent for a few minutes, and then asked slowly: "It's very strange, Mr. Fang, I've always been very strange."

Fang Zhuo swore to quit smoking before boarding the plane. After holding on for more than ten minutes, he lit a cigarette and lowered the window: "What's weird?"

"It's quite strange that you entered the semiconductor industry like this." Yu Hong thought about it and commented, "It's quite a service to the country and the people, although you never say it."

Fang Zhuo didn't answer.

He smoked half a cigarette and said with a smile: "Isn't it good to serve the country and the people? Do something besides wealth."

Yu Hong immediately said: "What I mean is that you are very strong in serving the country and the people, and you are very strong in biting semiconductors after you pick them. Why semiconductors? Why not education or something like that?"

"I also think that education is a very good way to benefit the country and the people. In fact, we are quite profitable and very rich, right? This is something that Yike and Sina will also do in the near future." Fang Zhuo answered first. one question.

As for why it is a semiconductor.

He thought to himself for a while and said vaguely: "Men always want to be heroes."

Yu Hong frowned slightly and immediately understood what Mr. Fang meant: "Do you think the United States will have fierce competition with us? Can our semiconductor development be so fast? Will this field be clamped down?"

Fang Zhuo was surprised.

Yu Hong looked at the car in front of her, thought about it for a few seconds, and said, "Even if such a judgment takes effect, it will take a long time, right? Mr. Fang, are you looking forward to ten or twenty years from now?"

"Hahaha, doesn't wanting to be a hero promote the progress of domestic semiconductors? Why do you suddenly think of competition and suppression?" Fang Zhuo laughed twice.

"Whether you compete first and then make progress, or whether you make progress first and then compete, don't you have to compete? Once competition starts, you will be stuck by others even if you buy a piece of equipment. Won't they have to behave like monsters then?" Yu Hong's thinking is very complicated. Smooth.

Fang Zhuo crushed the cigarette in the ashtray and slapped his thigh: "It's over, it's over. If there were people like you in the department here in the United States, my ice core would be in vain!"

Yu Hong smiled: "That's definitely not the case. I think here in the United States, they don't care much about us."

She thought for a while and corrected: "But that's not necessarily the case. The senior management are all elites, so the ice core may not be approved."

"Xiao Yu, can you say something nice?" Fang Zhuo was dissatisfied.

"The nice thing is, it doesn't matter if the ice core can't be made. You go back to Yike and we will support you." Yu Hong said something nice.

Fang Zhuo felt temporarily relieved.

He thought about the ice core for a while, then picked up his bag and took out the newspaper, ready to change the topic to a lighter topic.

Yu Hong took advantage of the pause at the traffic light to take a look at the book protruding from her bag and said, "Leave your copy of "Logistics Engineering and Supply Chain Management" in the car. I happen to be very interested in this aspect recently." interest."

Fang Zhuo: "Uh..."

Yu Hong asked strangely: "Isn't it possible? Haven't you finished reading it?"

"It's not impossible." Fang Zhuo took the book out of his bag and put it in the car. It wasn't that it couldn't be done, mainly because he hadn't seen how to manage the ship yet.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Fang." Yu Hong smiled politely.

"Well, you're welcome." Fang Zhuo really felt like he was welcome.

However, although he was slightly disturbed by a textbook, he still felt that Xiao Yu was sharper than he thought.

I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain.

Xiao Yu's observation of the ice core in Yike seems to be a bit of a confidant.

Fang Zhuo did not continue to talk about ice cores, nor did he talk about the tension and worry in his heart. Emotions are useless. It is the right thing to work hard to push the project forward. As much as we can do, we will get as much as we can.

In the evening, Fang Zhuo met with teams from Goldman Sachs, PH Company, and ice core procurement.

Many companies have reached agreements on equipment purchases. On a commercial level, American companies do not mind who they sell their equipment to, whether it is Europe, Russia or China, as long as they can make money.

However, when it comes to administrative factors, you must have permission, otherwise you will face penalties.

Bingxin's application for equipment purchase approval from the four major departments in the United States is officially scheduled for June 20, which is almost half a month away. During this time, there are still some actions to be taken to maintain the image.

On June 10, Fang Zhuo will pitch for the New York Yankees.

Compared with basketball, the more influential sports in the United States are actually football and baseball. Every president will kick off at least once for MLB, and the New York Yankees are the most famous team of MLB.

Because Yike's U.S. headquarters is in New York, the product penetration rate is quite good, so the reputation of Yike's chairman, Rockets owner, and Forbes billionaire has really produced some effects.

Although Fang Zhuo doesn't understand baseball, he still has no problem throwing a ball for show.

On June 13, he will attend the private party of the famous Hollywood actress Angelina.

The next day, Scarlett will be invited to watch the New York Yankees game together.

At that time, the media will spread rumors that the rich man from the East is considering purchasing the New York Yankees. After all, he has already bought the Rockets, so it is normal for him to be interested in baseball. There may also be some entertainment-related scandals.

In short, Goldman Sachs owes him a favor to this rich man, and the public relations expenses are still calculated separately. Now it depends on whether the approval starting on the 20th can survive this last tremor.

Fang Zhuo's mood became more and more tense, and the string in his heart became tighter and tighter.

The night before kickoff for the Yankees, he finished a meeting on the American market and product competition in the Yike conference room, and performed a metaphysical prediction for Yu Hong on the way to dinner with her.

"Can pass, can't pass, can pass, can't pass."

In Fang Zhuo's hand was a flower he brought out from the conference room. He pulled off the petals and muttered something.

Yu Hong asked helplessly: "President Fangda, when was the last time you were so nervous? Are you getting the first financing for or waiting for Apple's product release?"

Fang Zhuo ignored Xiao Yu. As the results of the final petals came out, he said "I can pass" and then looked at Yu Hong in a happy mood and said with a smile: "I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous at all."

Yu Hong complained: "You almost have the word 'nervous' carved on your forehead."

"I thought I was quite nervous." Fang Zhuo looked at Xiao Yu next to him, "I didn't expect that as soon as I saw you, I wouldn't be nervous anymore."

Yu Hong hummed twice: "What's the explanation?"

"The moonrise is bright, and the outstanding people and officials are there. The people are comfortable and graceful, and the hard work is quiet." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "There are beauties under the moon, so I don't care about being nervous, I just want to admire the beauty."

Yu Hong recited it silently twice and said sarcastically: "Are you going to use this to talk about Eastern culture with a Hollywood actress in a few days?"

"No, no, no, I didn't have it in my mind at first. As soon as I turned around and saw you, these two sentences came out automatically." Fang Zhuo stared into Xiao Yu's eyes, "Don't you believe it?"

Yu Hong believed it.

But she didn't say anything. After a while, she asked, "What's in this?"

"It's "Moonrise" from "The Book of Songs", it's..." Fang Zhuo got stuck.

"What is it?" Yu Hong turned her head and glanced at the boss.

The origin of the name came to mind when I saw Tao Shuyao introducing himself in Lin'an, but I didn't want to talk to him about it.

When I was chatting with Xiao Yu, why did he just blurt it out?

Fang Zhuo's face was serious: "I suddenly remembered that someone from Goldman Sachs talked to me about the application yesterday."

Yu Hong knew that Mr. Fang had been thinking about this recently. She took a moment to think and said softly, "I hope everything goes well."

Hope everything goes well.

This is also the common idea of ​​Fang Zhuo, Goldman Sachs, IDG, DCM, Deutsche Bank, Bingxin, etc.

On June 10, Fang Zhuo successfully started the game for the New York Yankees.

Three days later, he successfully attended Angelina's private party, and the next day he successfully watched the Yankees game with Scarlett.

The related publicity exposure and media gossip also went smoothly.

In fact, Fang Zhuo felt that the news that he wanted to buy the Yankees was even more sweeping than the Rockets' change of ownership.

He saw on the Internet that many American netizens really believed that an Oriental rich man wanted to buy the New York Yankees, and some people even created a website to sign a joint letter of opposition.

As for entertainment gossip, the behavior of a rich man from the East dating Hollywood female stars did not cause too much trouble. Isn't it normal for a rich man to do this?

On June 19, just when the owner of the New York Yankees refuted the rumors and stated that he had no plans to sell the team, Fang Zhuo arrived in Washington, USA with his team.

The first purchase application submitted by Ice Core was the U.S. Department of Energy, and the next day it went to the Office of Hearings and Appeals.

"Fang, logically speaking, this is the easiest department to be tried."

Smith, the former vice president of Goldman Sachs and the senior vice president who just took office at Bingxin, commented.

Fang Zhuo concentrated and stared into this man's eyes.

Smith suspected that the Oriental rich man did not understand English.

"It stands to reason, wouldn't there be a twist later in 'It stands to reason'?" Fang Zhuo asked slowly.

Smith laughed, always feeling that this oriental rich man was a little too cautious.

"Fang, there is no turning point. I am very confident this time."

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