Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 507: Fighting to catch up

Bingxin has obtained countersignatures from four major departments in the United States.

Qiu Ciyun was so happy!

Fang Zhuo is crazy with joy!

Luzhou is crazy happy!

Xiong Xiaoge Gao... was very happy and relieved.

Goldman Sachs breathed a sigh of relief, IDG breathed a sigh of relief, DCM breathed a sigh of relief, and Deutsche Bank breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what kind of development the ice core will have in the future, at least, with the purchase of equipment and the introduction of technology, it will finally have a basic level of enrichment.

As for what others think, whether they think it is difficult for ice core to be competitive or they have high expectations for ice core, Chairman Fang Zhuo has no time to care about it. Now he just wants to spend the money happily. .

Fanlin, please ship your wafer raw materials.

Ke Lei, right? Pack up your photomasks and reticle.

Teradyne, right? Pack your test equipment and put it on the ship.

Tokyo Electronics, right? Let's take your... Oh, your equipment was squeezed out by Texi, let's do it next time.

On the night when the ice core passed the review, equipment manufacturers swarmed in, eager to take the money-waving local boss home.

A small celebration banquet was going to be held in the hotel, so after some hard work, the vendors were sent out, leaving only themselves to open the champagne.

Most of the team Qiu Ciyun brought to Washington from Luzhou were senior executives of Ice Core. Everyone witnessed the most difficult part and also knew that the boss had made great efforts to pass the review, including but not limited to a lot of public relations expenses. , domestic favors owed, and the operation of personal relationships.

Spraying champagne is a bit beyond everyone's habits, but Maotai draws people into a familiar atmosphere.

"Mr. Fang, say a few words!" Mr. Qiu Ciyun was chatting like a teenager. While drinking, he suddenly raised his arms and asked the boss, who was smiling all the time, to come to the stage to speak.

Soon, a chorus of shouts brought Fang Zhuo to the stage.

Fang Zhuo held the wine glass in his left hand and held the microphone in his right hand.

He glanced around the small banquet hall, looking at the old and young. Some were in their fifties, some were in their prime, and of course, there were also those in their thirties and forties.

"That's great, that's great."

Fang Zhuo looked at the people at the ice core and seemed to also see the engineers in Luzhou.

He raised the glass high: "What are you talking about? Give me a drink first!"

Everyone in the banquet hall drank this cup with laughter.

Fang Zhuo put down his wine glass and said, "Mr. Qiu asked me to say a few words. Originally, when the ice core had just made some progress, I felt that I shouldn't say anything more because our process was not yet complete and the yield rate still had to be improved. We’re not here yet, the equipment hasn’t been shipped back yet, it’s too early to say anything!”

"But, I'm really worried."

"From last year to this year, a big stone hanging in my heart finally fell to the ground!"

"From last year to this year, Ice Core has finally been able to stand at a starting point that can compete normally in business!"

Fang Zhuo paused for a moment, then his face became serious: "Yes, it is a starting point for normal business competition, a starting point that can compete with global companies such as Intel, TSMC, and Samsung."

"The equipment we can buy now is no different from these companies. We can now introduce the best technology money can buy."

"This is undoubtedly something to be happy about and something to cheer about."


"However, while I was happy, I also felt that there was something suddenly on my shoulders."

"The last one to stand at this starting point was SMIC, and they are now struggling."

"The best technology we can buy comes from Belgium, but it's more than two generations behind."

“We are far behind the starting point where we are happy and excited, but such a starting point is what Huajing and Huahong in China once dreamed of.”

"We have a lot of talents, engineers, and managers poached from our friends in Ice Core. You understand better than me the pain of being limited in equipment and technology, the pain of being stuck in the same place, the pain of watching the domestic industry weaken, The pain of watching others get stronger and stronger.”

"It hurts, right? You can't buy equipment in the world."

"Isn't it very hard? Stick to the backward technology and study little by little, and then get closer and closer to the world's level."

Fang Zhuo saw everyone in the banquet hall put down their wine glasses, and everyone's expressions became serious and... ugly.

It can be said that people here know the pain of the domestic semiconductor industry best, because they have experienced it firsthand.

Fang Zhuo took a breath and said: "Maybe I'm not qualified enough to say this, but it's really what I mean. It's because of the pain, because of everyone's personal pain and unspeakable suffering, that I can catch up. You can cherish this rare opportunity.”

"It's so painful, what else can I do?"

"It's so painful. What can I do if I don't pursue it?"

"We have UMC, Intel, Samsung, GlobalFoundries, and TSMC in front of us. They are all far ahead of us."

"We just have to catch up, just to let them feel the strength we have emerged from the pain!"

"Don't give us a chance, don't give us a chance!"

"But if you give it a chance, try what it feels like to be chased so closely!"

Fang Zhuo slapped the microphone in his hand hard, and there was a long-lasting buzzing echo.

For a while, there was only such noise echoing in the banquet hall. Some people's eyes were shining and their hearts were burning.

When the sound disappeared, Fang Zhuo finally said: "Today is a good day for Ice Core. It is July 24, 2004. I hope that in three years, five years and ten years, today will not only be Ice Core, but also Huaxia Semiconductor." A good day."

"Drink, I won't come back until I'm drunk tonight!"

Fang Zhuo plugged the phone back in, and the banquet hall burst into agreement and applause.

Bing Xin’s good days will never come back until you’re drunk!

The celebration party lasted for a long time.

Fang Zhuo was really drunk that night.

He didn't know how much he drank, and he didn't know how he got back. He just knew that it was already noon when he woke up the next day, and his head hurt badly.

Fang Zhuo calmed down in his room for a while, once again confirmed that the countersigning of the ice core was approved, and once again breathed a long sigh of relief.

Now that the ice core equipment is available, we can talk about how to go down.

He washed up normally and called Qiu Ciyun, but no one answered.

Mr. Qiu is no older than me, but he can't drink too much and pass out in the room without anyone knowing.

Fang Zhuo felt a little worried, but soon realized that it was unnecessary.

He hurriedly went out to find someone and found that Qiu Ciyun was not only not in the room, but was even convening a meeting with the ice core purchasing team and had already begun normal work.

"Mr. Qiu, didn't you drink too much yesterday?"

Fang Zhuo waited until the end of the meeting before asking Qiu Ciyun about having lunch together.

"I drank a lot." Qiu Ciyun said with a smile, "But when I thought about what Mr. Fang said yesterday, I no longer felt drunk, and I just wanted to hurry up and implement the purchased equipment."

"What did you say yesterday?" Fang Zhuo didn't know what Qiu always meant.

Qiu Ciyun nodded and said seriously: "Yes, President Fang said, let them feel our pain."

"..." Fang Zhuo was so happy and excited yesterday that he wasn't sure what his original words were.

Qiu Ciyun did not continue talking about this and directly talked about work.

I got a permit here in Washington, but it’s actually not a good place to work. Next I have to go to Houston. The port there is the second international commercial port in the United States. A lot of purchased equipment has to be shipped from Houston to the country.

In addition, TI is located in Texas, not far from Houston, and there are many details that require continued negotiation regarding technology and process guidance.

Fang Zhuo listened and ate, agreeing with Mr. Qiu's next work arrangements, and at the same time considering going back to Belgium with him.

"Mr. Fang, the most important thing for us now is to digest technology and improve the maturity of the process. You don't need to go to Belgium, you just need to confirm it again." Qiu Ciyun said, "We are still short of people and engineers, and... The product market also needs clearer consideration.”

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly. He and Qiu Ciyun had discussed the production capacity plan and the outlook for the television industry, which could be a boost for Ice Core to initially gain a foothold.

However, this is also based on technical craftsmanship.

If the yield rate cannot be improved, everything is in vain.

As for the lack of people...

To be honest, the ice core keeps digging people and never stops.

But there are only a few domestic semiconductor companies, and those who can be poached have already been poached. Foreign engineers, after all, distance is a very influential factor here.

Fang Zhuo changed his mind and said, "Well, take it step by step. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"Go back to Houston in the afternoon. We can watch the first batch of equipment being shipped tomorrow." Qiu Ciyun showed an excited smile. He had been thinking about those equipment for a long time.

"Okay, let's watch the equipment being shipped together and watch it sail to China." Fang Zhuo took a breath, and his normal thoughts returned, and his thoughts jumped back and forth in terms of talents, equipment, Yike, TV, etc.

This is just the beginning of the ice core. I can't help with the technical process. I can only make it faster and more stable from other angles.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When I went to the author's backstage, I found that chapter 296 was gone. I took the time to change it. This chapter is 2700. I will update another chapter at noon tomorrow.

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