Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 537 The prototype of rapid development (two-in-one)

At 10:9 pm on December 17, Xiong Xiaoge led the team to the familiar Yike conference room at Hang Lung 23.

Xu Xin and Wang Fengyi are already there.

Xu Xin happened to have a small project in Lin'an, and after the negotiation, he took the bus directly to Shanghai.

Wang Fengyi had a dinner with his boss. After eating and drinking, they came to Yike. Everyone slept in the lounge for more than an hour.

"Tell me, Dongfang Bezos, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Xiong Xiaoge sat down exhausted, first asked the three subordinates who came with him to rest, and then motioned to the landlord to give him a cup of strong coffee.

The conference room is already filled with the aroma of coffee. This smell, along with the half-placed PPT and documents scattered on the conference table, proves that this small meeting has been going on for a long time.

Fang Zhuo made a cup of coffee, stood up and placed it next to the old bear, and then continued: "This trend proves that its future is promising, and this 'bigness' may be beyond our imagination."

Xiong Xiaoge almost spit out the coffee he just took a sip: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Xu, and Mr. Wang, how dare you just continue chatting like this? At least introduce the situation to me."

"Oh, let's take a five-minute break. I'll make a call and Mr. Xiong will find out about the situation." Fang Zhuo thought about it. Even though he knew what he knew when he greeted Old Xiong with "Oriental Bezos", he still knew it. Gotta set aside time.

While he took out his mobile phone, he motioned to the two presidents who had been chatting for a while to tell Lao Xiong.

Wang Fengyi put the documents in order and handed them to Mr. Xiong.

Xu Xin returned to the PPT to explain Mr. Fang’s judgment on the e-commerce market.

Xiong Xiaoge listened, read, and flipped through the information, thinking in multiple threads without any confusion. It happened that Mr. Fang's call seemed to take longer than expected, so he roughly understood one, two, three, and four.


Xiong Xiaoge signaled Xu Xin to stop explaining, shook a piece of material in his hand, and asked strangely: "Why is there an analysis of Skyworth's current situation?"

Wang Fengyi laughed: "It took the Yike team half a day to sort it out."

Xiong Xiaoge looked helplessly at the general manager of Shenxin Technology: "I mean, why is it there?"

"Uh." Wang Fengyi thought for a moment, "Maybe it's because Mr. Fang is so cautious?"

Xiong Xiaoge and Wang Fengyi knew each other's business level well since they had been dealing with each other, but he didn't expect that after being promoted, he couldn't even keep up with the frequency of communication.

Fang is always petty, you don’t need to tell me about this.

What I want to know now is that we are obviously talking about the investment and planning of e-commerce B2C Tesco. Why should we put personal grudges into it?

Xiong Xiaoge doesn't like this approach.

He frowned and quickly browsed the materials in his hand, and found that Skyworth's matter had made new progress.

At five o'clock this afternoon, along with the statement released on the official website, Skyworth's seven senior directors who returned to Hong Kong appeared at a press conference and made the most formal statement.

——Respect the rule of law.

——Skyworth is a public joint-stock company. The major shareholders have certain rights and interests, but the company is owned by all employees. We sincerely ask people from all walks of life to have a fair evaluation of Skyworth's development and contributions.

——Skyworth Digital is only a listed subsidiary of Skyworth. The current problem only exists at the level of listed companies in Hong Kong and should be distinguished from the entire Skyworth Group. The main business of the group is in the mainland. We urge the media not to cause misunderstanding and harm to mainland companies.

——Skyworth is united as one, the leadership team is stable and strong, the company maintains normal business activities, and is confident and determined to overcome the current crisis.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the leaders of the four major domestic home appliance retailers, Gome, Yongle, Suning and Dazhong, personally expressed their support for Skyworth to tide over the difficulties.

——No matter what happens, we will support Skyworth and remain unmoved.

According to people familiar with the matter, these four major electrical appliance channel dealers may take concrete actions in the near future and will sign a large-scale commercial purchase and sales agreement with Skyworth to implement their stance.

Xiong Xiaoge turned to the next page and found that the latest news was more than half an hour ago. It was the head of Gome who once again spoke out, saying that he would cooperate with Skyworth to carry out promotional activities in the next week to benefit consumers.

"More than half an hour ago..."

Xiong Xiaoge put down the materials, looked at Mr. Fang who came in after making a phone call, frowned, and criticized: "Mr. Fang, why do you use personal grudges to do commercial projects?"

Fang Zhuo said strangely: "No, I want to start e-commerce and resolve some personal grudges."

Well, this logic is correct. You must sort out the priorities and not get carried away.

This is the Mr. Fang that I know.

Xiong Xiaoge nodded, ready to hear Eastern Amazon's strategic ideas.

Seeing that this person had no objection, Fang Zhuo also accepted the information handed to him by Xu Xin. Yes, this was the old Xiong he knew.

"Where did I say just now?" he asked Xu Xin.

"Speaking of 'big', it's beyond imagination." Xu Xin remembers it clearly.

Fang Zhuo pondered for a while: "I am considering the possibility of acquiring Dazhong Electrical Appliances."

Xu Xin: "?"

Xiong Xiaoge: "??"

Wang Fengyi: “Oh, let’s acquire it.”

Xu Xin and Xiong Xiaoge glared at Wang Fengyi, and then looked at each other again, feeling that the other had similar thoughts.

This time it’s not because of some grudge considerations, but——

This is very un-Internet!

To be considered a representative figure of the Chinese Internet today, your name must be mentioned!

But now, is your path a little crooked?

Don’t be asset-light, but go for asset-heavy. This is the cult Internet!

"Mr. Fang, I know Dazhong Electrical Appliances, a domestic home appliance retailer, well, it was mentioned in the material just now." Xiong Xiaoge pointed to the material he just read, "Will acquiring it be beneficial to Tesco?"

"Even if it's beneficial, how much is it beneficial?"

"Mr. Fang, I'm not questioning you. Tell the truth. Did Mr. Huang offend you to death?"

Xiong Xiaoge wanted to say this in a relaxed tone, but thinking about the difference between entities and the Internet in his mind, his tone became much more serious unconsciously.

"Old Xiong, don't mix personal grudges into this." Fang Zhuo shook his head.

"Mr. Fang, I have to think otherwise. Well, you are Eastern Bezos, and you want to be Eastern Amazon. However, Amazon itself doesn't even have offline physical stores, so why bother?" Xiong Xiaoge said seriously. , "Is this still B2C? Is it still e-commerce? Is it still the Internet?"

Amazon does not have any offline entities.

However, that is not done now. It will still open offline stores in the future.

Fang Zhuo organized his words in his mind and said: "Old Xiong, well, although the new sister didn't say anything, she must have similar doubts."

Wang Fengyi gestured: "And me."

"One of the shortcomings of you investors is that you are too attached to the concept. It seems that if the concept is good, the project will be successful. Otherwise, the project will definitely fail." Fang Zhuo criticized, "You have to put a label on it, you have to use the Internet. No."

He continued: "Yigou wants to be B2C, and its main category is 3C products with high unit price per customer. This has very high requirements on all aspects, including logistics, channels, authenticity, and after-sales. Tesco has done everything. That’s fine, even if it starts from New Year’s Day, it may not be able to become a system until the end of the year.”

“How to build consumer trust?”

"Is it okay to just rely on my name, Fang Zhuo? Could it be that the refrigerator they bought is broken and it can be repaired immediately just by mentioning my name?"

"E-commerce, e-commerce, is still a business. Just labeling it as 'electronic' or 'Internet' doesn't make everything fine."

"If Tesco wants to be able to burn money, if it wants to get started, if it really wants to make it happen, it takes too long to lay the foundation."

Fang Zhuo paused and took a sip of cold coffee: "Dazhong Electric's channels, operations, and after-sales guarantee can provide a strong complement to Tesco."

He lowered his head and flipped through the information, found the situation of Dazhong Electrical Appliances, and handed it to the three investment consultants.

Dazhong Electric was established in Beijing in 1982. It opened its first store in 1989 and started to operate an electrical appliance chain store in 1999. It opened 6 chain stores in 2000 and expanded to 32 stores in 2003, becoming the largest electrical appliance retail store in Beijing by market share. business.

In the same year, Dazhong Electrical Appliances went out of the capital and began to build a national chain of electrical appliances.

This year, the company has become a well-known electrical appliance retailer in China. There are chain stores of Dazhong Electric Appliances in big cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai.

Xiong Xiaoge, Xu Xin, and Wang Fengyi fell into silence while passing on the information.

To make 3C products, it is destined to start in big cities. It sounds like Dazhong Electrical Appliances can really complement Tesco.

However, physical and online are completely different models.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to directly acquire Dazhong Electrical Appliances and then use it as the main body for larger-scale nationwide expansion.

Xiong Xiaoge expressed this consideration.

"Dazhong Electric Appliances has a total of 70 stores in China this year, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other places. They are now mainly engaged in provincial capitals and big cities, but the competition among domestic home appliance chains is quite fierce." Fang Zhuo Said, "It also has Gome, Suning, Yongle, Sanlian, and Five-Star, all of which exceed it in terms of actual turnover."

"What's more, Suning and Gome are listed in Xiangjiang this year and are eligible for capital expansion."

"Yongle also plans to go public next year, this is another one."

"Dazhong Electrical Appliances is still far from being launched on the market, and the competition it will encounter in the future will become increasingly fierce. This is also a microcosm of this market."

"I can choose the emerging track of B2C, why should I join the foreseeable and fiercely competitive track?"

Fang Zhuo first rejected the direction Lao Xiong was considering.

Later, he said: "I want to acquire Dazhong Electrical Appliances. Firstly, it is not particularly expensive. Secondly, I want to acquire its after-sales and operation system. After-sales service is a direct complement to Tesco and can quickly build the trust of some consumers."

"And its operations team can quickly form combat effectiveness in cooperation with the employees I assign. Otherwise, Yike's team will have to slowly explore."

Fang Zhuo said this and continued to play the PPT. The following content was about Tesco's warehousing and logistics operations in recent times, and also mentioned the development of online medicine in General Medical.

Xiong Xiaoge thought as he watched, and soon understood this person's plan.

Whether it is a medical vertical e-commerce or a large and medium-sized offline entity, Tesco B2C will take the best of it.

It was previously rumored in the industry that Mr. Fang would vigorously develop pharmaceutical e-commerce, but now it seems that only a glimpse of his strategic plan has been glimpsed.

Can the acquisition of Dazhong Electrical Appliances accelerate the development of Tesco?

This is a question with a relatively positive answer.

"Would you care about one thing and lose the other?" Wang Fengyi asked a rare question.

"Online B2C is the mainstay, and offline entities are supplementary. This premise is the huge development of e-commerce in the future, and it is also the consensus of our gathering today." Fang Zhuo answered.

He also emphasized: "The acquisition of Dazhong Electrical Appliances will not involve huge investment in new construction, but will only allow it to specialize in the existing system. It will not focus on offline, but make targeted supplements. It will not be paranoid that it must be on the Internet, but will adapt to local conditions. Plan for project development.”

Such a statement is sonorous and powerful.

Not to mention Wang Fengyi, Xu Xin was convinced first.

She asked a more critical question: "Who is the subject of this acquisition?"

"It's Shencheng Yike." Fang Zhuo replied.

Xu Xin asked: "Isn't it Yigou?"

"E-Gou has no money in its accounts." Fang Zhuo said realistically, "Shencheng Yike has money in its accounts. I am also very curious about the stock market's reaction to this acquisition. If given the future development of the domestic chain of electrical appliances, the stock price can If it goes up, I will have more money on hand to use.”

Xiong Xiaoge understood what this meant, and Fang always wanted to ship the goods.

Although he said that he will not vigorously develop the acquired large and medium-sized electrical appliances and will not target China's electrical appliance chain market, the outside world does not know and may still expect it.

He turned his thoughts and weighed Mr. Fang's long speech over and over again.

Xu Xin also pondered for a long time and then asked: "What about the valuation of Tesco's first round of investment?"

"E-Gou will not conduct many rounds of valuations. The reason why I only called you three this time is that we are all familiar with each other and I can tell you anything I have to say directly." Fang Zhuo said simply, "Second, you It is also a partner that can meet the needs of Tesco’s development.”

Xiong Xiaoge finally said: "Mr. Fang, you are trying to make a lion open his mouth."

"Otherwise, you can pay for the acquisition of Dazhong Electrical Appliances, and I can accept it." Fang Zhuo said calmly.

"If Shencheng Yike acquires Dazhong, even if Dazhong does not continue to develop, you can still make a profit by selling it in a few years if you maintain its scale." Xiong Xiaoge pointed out this point, "The valuation of Yigou is It makes sense.”

Fang Zhuo didn't want to talk about rationality and tapped the conference table with his fingers: "I'll just talk about what Eastern Amazon is like in China and what the domestic e-commerce model is. Tesco's attempt is a defining attempt."

"The definition of the e-commerce era has extremely considerable value."

"If you miss this time, you will regret patting your thigh."

Wang Fengyi slapped his thigh: "Mr. Fang, I voted!"

Xiong Xiaoge glanced at it, dog care!

He asked: "Has the acquisition price of Dazhong been determined?"

"I'm looking for someone to contact overnight." Fang Zhuo replied.

Xiong Xiaoge said in astonishment: "Isn't it possible that the other party has no intention of selling yet? We contacted him overnight?"

"I will negotiate a reasonable price with Zhang Dazhong, the head of Dazhong Electrical Appliances. If he is not willing, then I will tell him that I will invest in his competitor." Fang Zhuo said, "The model of chain electrical appliances is different. Fresh, homogeneous competition is serious.”

Rivals have already gone public, and huge sums of money are being poured into other rivals.

Can the market of national chain electrical appliances accommodate so many brands?

Xiong Xiaoge put himself in the shoes of the head of Dazhong Electrical Appliances and sighed: "Mr. Fang, you are now talking reasonably."

"Talk when it's time to talk, and take a long-term view when it's time to talk." Fang Zhuo said sincerely, "Isn't this the reason why we have always been successful?"

Xiong Xiaoge shook his head slightly: "Forced to be long-term, forced to succeed."

Wang Fengyi said optimistically: "Mr. Xiong, I have to talk about you. Being forced to succeed is also a success."

Fang Zhuo glanced at General Manager Wang appreciatively. He was worthy of being promoted, and his ideological level was really high.

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