Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 551 Connecting branches with the same energy (two in one)

As for Zhang Rujing's judgment on Samsung, Fang Zhuo can confirm each other with him.

Samsung is now rushing into the wafer foundry market, but it does not have a technical foundation. Samsung in the field of storage products has now established an advantage that other competitors cannot easily shake.

In 1993, its memory chips ranked first in the market. In 2003 the year before last, its market share in the flash memory market also reached the first place.

In the past two years, the prices of both DRAM and NAND have been declining. The average price drop of 20% at every turn has undoubtedly impacted Samsung’s semiconductor department. This has led to its focus again driven by various factors. Foundry.

Unlike SMIC and Bingxin, Samsung has an unobstructed external environment, and it has the technology and funds. In its initial stage, it introduced the enviable 90nm technology.

As for the future behavior of the global market, Fang Zhuo knows two nodes. One is that Apple's first self-developed chip will be manufactured by Samsung, and the other is that Liang Mengsong's team will help the rapid development of Samsung's process technology.

But now I’m sitting at the wine table and thinking about it, UMC, GlobalFoundries, and Intel are right on the stage, and Samsung’s attempt to compete with TSMC seems like the next era.

Thinking about it again, it seems that Apple will release the iPhone the year after tomorrow.

Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly and came back to think about it. It would take so long for a company like Samsung to make achievements in the foundry market... Bingxin needs more help from its brother units.

Time waits for no one.

Drink quickly.

"Mr. Zhang, UMC's standards are also very high. They are also rushing to develop the 65nm process." Fang Zhuo talked about another competitor.

Then, he looked at Jiang Shangzhou and asked, "I heard that UMC has a very good attitude towards us. Are you interested in setting up a joint venture factory in Shanghai?"

Jiang Shangzhou confirmed: "Not only does Shencheng have plans, Jingui has basically finalized cooperation and will build an 8-inch wafer fab with Shanghai Semiconductor."

He smiled and said: "Ice Core has made a good start. I believe our semiconductors can develop better and faster."

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the cooperation between UMC and SMC was basically finalized.

Several people drank another glass of wine together.

"UMC has strong technical strength, and this time it is willing to come to the mainland because of its future market prospects." Zhang Rujing said, "They will definitely trial production of 65nm this year, but TSMC is engaged in immersion lithography. This is another good move, and it is still done by UMC. Front."

He asked: "Mr. Fang, do you purchase your lithography machines from Nikon?"

Fang Zhuo nodded: "Yes."

"TSMC may have obtained ASML's prototype last year or even the year before, and immersion lithography is likely to bring revolutionary development." Zhang Rujing was quite worried in his words, "Since they got 130 to now, they have really been on a fast track. .”


Zhang Rujing did not continue this sentence, but everyone knew the unfinished meaning behind it.

However, SMIC is stuck in a lawsuit, which is a big blow to the company that is committed to catching up with the first-class level.

Others are in the fast lane, and I am squeezed into the slow lane. Over and over again, the gap becomes even wider.

Don’t look at SMIC’s trial production of 90nm now. It seems that there is only one generation of process difference, but the other party has completely carried out mass production of immersion lithography technology. The final result is higher yield and faster research and development. , stronger competitiveness.

The Matthew effect in the field of wafer foundry is extremely obvious. The strong ones get stronger and the weak ones get weaker. Any lagging company will have similar worries.

Fang Zhuo was particularly sympathetic to Zhang Rujing's feelings.

Hearing about industry hegemons in the news and going out to personally inspect competing products are two completely different things.

"Mr. Zhang, TSMC is even more powerful. GlobalFoundries and UMC have strong technologies. Samsung is also entering the market with partners and funds. Domestic semiconductor development still faces great challenges, but I am still confident." Fang Zhuo toasted another glass of wine. "To be honest, I was inspired by SMIC to develop ice cores. SMIC is here, and so is my confidence."

He continued: "Mr. Zhang, I admire you very much, and I absolutely believe that SMIC, the domestic leader in semiconductors, can drive more development in the industry."

Zhang Rujing nodded to the district chief who poured him a drink and said, "Mr. Fang, you really impressed me. I really didn't expect you to be able to make ice cores. To be honest, I thought you were trying to deceive me." Investor money and administrative policies.”

As soon as these words came out...

That means drinking a little too much.

What to say?

Are you saying that the richest man in the Mainland wants to defraud investors of their money?

Is it because the richest man has no money or because the investors are too rich?

However, Fang Zhuo was not angry at all and said disapprovingly: "If you want to cheat, you can also use Internet projects to cheat money. What's the point of going to such trouble for semiconductors?"

When Zhang Rujing heard this, he thought it made sense.

"Ice core is not enough. Every time I go to Luzhou to see the progress and every time I have a meeting there, I have to mention SMIC and Mr. Zhang and call on them to learn from SMIC." Fang Zhuo became more and more sincere. .

"Mr. Zhang, Bingxin and SMIC are completely on the same front. Our equipment procurement and technology introduction are all facing the same situation, and we all have the same opponents."

"Domestically, Ice Core and SMIC are both good. As the domestic industrial chain develops, Ice Core and SMIC will also develop."

"Mr. Zhang, tell me, right?"

Fang Zhuodan touched Zhang Rujing's wine glass and drank first.

Zhang Rujing did not drink immediately. He raised his hand to his mouth and stopped again. After doing this twice, he still couldn't help but said what he had been holding in his heart for a long time: "Mr. Fang, since we are on the same front..."

"You can' least, you shouldn' someone who digs the core like this."

Where do the engineers come from who can support the production line with ice cores?

All are outputs from well-known manufacturers at home and abroad!

Zhang Rujing has never criticized Bing Xin in public, but he is indeed a little bit resentful that Mr. Fang even poached his own Qiu Ciyun!

Fang Zhuo pushed the empty wine glass towards Qiu Xiaoguan, without being anxious or annoyed, without being arrogant or impetuous, and said: "Mr. Zhang, I admire SMIC and you, and I really believe that we are on the same front. Let me ask you a question. question."

"Am I someone who only digs cores?"

He asked and answered himself without waiting for Zhang Rujing's answer: "I treat everyone equally! It's not against SMIC, I just want to get the project started."

Zhang Rujing: "?"

"Huahong, SMIC, TSMC, Special Semiconductor, our ice core engineers come from all over the world, just want to add strength to this industry." Fang Zhuo patted the table lightly, "Let's take Qiu Ciyun, Mr. Qiu. Say, is he blooming with greater value?"

"Without him, the Bingxin factory would not be able to operate at all!"

"I think SMIC is not like TSMC. It is a friendly flow of talents between us."

"Let me just say this. If one day, Mr. Qiu feels that SMIC is a better stage, and he tells me that he wants to return to SMIC, I will never stand in the way, and I will not make any disputes about non-competition agreements."

Sonorous, powerful, and striking.

Zhang Rujing stared at Mr. Fang's eyes, wondering if he was a little drunk, but felt that there seemed to be some truth to it.

Qiu Ciyun did have greater development in Bingxin, but, but...

He was stunned for a while and sighed: "Qiu Ciyun, if you are capable, you can be the president even at SMIC."

"I absolutely agree with Mr. Zhang's view. We have a consensus on this point." Fang Zhuo nodded repeatedly.

What the hell.

Zhang Rujing shook his head and drank the wine he didn't drink just now.

"Speaking of Mr. Qiu, he is actually a man of temperament." Fang Zhuo took a sip of his wine and became more energetic as he spoke. "Last time, just the last time, we just heard about SMIC's lawsuit. Mr. Qiu and I They were all shocked.”

He turned his head and asked Zhang Rujing: "On the night I sent you a text message, Mr. Zhang, about the U.S. market risks of the ITC ban."

Zhang Rujing nodded slightly. There was such a thing, but he didn't reply at the time. Later, he saw the media reporting that Mr. Fang was worried about semiconductors and shed tears on the board of directors before replying.

"Mr. Qiu has feelings for SMIC. I admire him. He has been with SMIC until now. Even when he came to Bingxin, he often told stories about his past at SMIC." Fang Zhuo said accurately, "On that night , we were having a normal meeting, and he talked about a second-hand equipment purchased by SMIC, and while he was talking, he burst into tears."

"I am a very emotional person, and I had difficulties when I encountered the ice core. I almost burst into tears."

"Later, I don't know who at the meeting went to the media and told the media that I burst into tears at the meeting. That was a misinformation. It was actually Mr. Qiu."

"Mr. Zhang, he broke the bones and tendons when he hit Zhongxin."

Su Wei had been watching silently. After hearing this, she confirmed that Mr. Fang was talking nonsense. At that time, Mr. Fang was obviously in Shencheng and Mr. Qiu was in Luzhou. The two of them were not meeting together at all...

But Zhang Rujing believed it.

Because he knows what kind of person Qiu Ciyun is, and he also knows that the other party must know how difficult the situation SMIC is facing.

Zhang Rujing was speechless for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's not easy for everyone."

"Yes." Fang Zhuo nodded.

He saw that Mr. Zhang and Dr. Jiang's wine glasses were empty. This time he stood up and took the wine bottle from Qiu Xiaoguan's hand to pour wine for these two people. While pouring, he said: "It's not easy. It's not easy for all of us. This trip is not easy." I also want to ask Mr. Zhang if there is anything I can do to help with the lawsuit in the United States."

Zhang Rujing said: "This matter should have a result in the near future. Mr. Fang, I will speak up if there is anything. I hope that both SMIC and Bingxin can contribute to the domestic industry."

Jiang Shangzhou also said at this time: "Domestic companies are all in the same spirit. Mr. Fang, I understand that ice core needs talents to develop, but I have to say that your move to poach people is a bit ruthless."

Fang Zhuo was silent.

He was silent for five seconds and made a promise: "Mr. Zhang, Dr. Jiang, let's make a gentleman's agreement. Bingxin will not recruit people from Zhongxin in the future. Of course, we will not refuse normal resignations from Zhongxin." Talent, is this okay?”

Zhang Rujing and Jiang Shangzhou looked at each other in surprise, neither of them expected that Mr. Fang was so easy to talk to.

This kind of poaching or not can only be a private agreement, but the words of a person with Mr. Fang's status may have some effect.

Zhang Rujing felt that Mr. Fang really gave a lot of face to himself and SMIC, and also felt that his previous words were a little more credible. He gave a thumbs up, and then picked up the wine glass: "Mr. Fang, you have nothing to say, you are Kuaishou, our two families will cooperate more in the future and communicate more if there are any problems with the ice core. I will not hesitate to help if I can."

Fang Zhuo clinked glasses with Mr. Zhang, drank the wine, and then said without even putting down the glass: "When Mr. Zhang said this, I really thought of a question."

Zhang Rujing's wine was still in his neck, and he felt that the Maotai became ice cold along the esophagus.

He couldn't help but spit out the wine, and was a little bit dumbfounded: "Mr. Fang, tell me."

"Mr. Qiu told me something two days ago. He said that the factory in Luzhou was conducting trial production of 130nm. He said that it was always unsuccessful. Can you send experts from SMIC to give guidance?" Fang Zhuo said relaxedly. said.

The tone was too light and casual.

Zhang Rujing felt that he had heard something wrong and asked: "What?"

"It's just that the risky trial production of 130nm didn't go well. There's something wrong with the process flow." Fang Zhuo said again, "Can Mr. Zhang help me to optimize it and make it happen?"

Zhang Rujing glanced at Jiang Shangzhou to confirm that he was not drunk too much. Even Dr. Jiang had a look of surprise on his face.

He laughed loudly: "Mr. Fang, you really know how to joke."

Fang Zhuo held the wine glass, looked around, and said in shock: "Mr. Zhang, is this problem complicated?"

Zhang Rujing stopped talking.

Jiang Shangzhou looked at Mr. Fang's expression and suddenly felt that Mr. Fang really only cared about funds and not about technology, but then he gave up the idea. It was impossible. If he didn't know the seriousness of the problem, how could there be this dinner?

"Mr. Zhang, tell me the number, and Bingxin is willing to pay for it," Fang Zhuo continued.

Zhang Rujing frowned and said, "Mr. Fang, this is not about money."

Jiang Shangzhou also said: "This involves the core technology of the process, Mr. Fang, it is indeed a bit overwhelming."

Fang Zhuo put the wine glass on the table angrily and asked Zhang Rujing first: "Mr. Zhang, did I drink too much? Just now I heard you say that we are on the same side."

He asked Jiang Shangzhou again: "Dr. Jiang, you just said that we all share the same spirit."

"I haven't even finished the wine yet, so I don't even care about turning around?"

"District Chief Qiu, Mr. Su, tell me, did I get it wrong because I drank too much?"

Judy smiled: "This, this..."

He could tell that Mr. Fang was being unreasonable, but he also knew how excessive this request was.

Su Wei expressed her support without hesitation: "I heard it. The juice I drank can be heard clearly."

Zhang Rujing said angrily: "Mr. Su and you are on the same side, and her words don't count."

He swung the glass and said, "Even if I drink another bottle today, I still can't agree to your request."

Fang Zhuo was really angry.

He slammed the table: "I thought Mr. Zhang was such a casual hero. Do we need to hold on to SMIC's 130nm technology so tightly? Which one of TSMC, UMC and GlobalFoundries has already mass-produced 130nm?" They are all running towards 65nm!”

“If our domestic companies don’t help each other at this time, when will we help each other?”

"Do you still want me to return Professor Hu Zhengming, who can do FinFET technology, to TSMC in exchange for the help of their experts?"

"Do I have to lower my head and beg foreigners?"

Zhang Rujing was indifferent to the other party and always smacked the table. He shook his head when he heard the first sentence, but when he heard the middle sentence, his head suddenly stopped turning.

"Wait, Professor Hu Zhengming? Mr. Fang, please expand on this."

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