Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 558 Saying farewell to the old and welcoming the new (three-in-one)

Communication moves from indirect to direct.

Occasions range from private to formal.

But sitting in the conference room, Luo Minghua felt that the possibility of ice core being pushed to "Chinese Silicon Valley" became greater.

He didn't expect Leader Wang to contact him directly and make Fang Zhuo's words public like this.

As far as I know, Song Deming is not the only one here who will go to inspect the ice core. What do the people here think when the leader speaks on the phone like this? How effective can this phone call be?

Change it as soon as you say it? Just mention it and make progress?

Luo Minghua felt that if this could happen, the world would be at peace.

"I heard that Bingxin has to work overtime during the Spring Festival this year to overcome the difficulties. It's not easy." Wang Shushan was still chatting on the phone.

"The arrangements for the Spring Festival are based on SMIC's expert team. SMIC's tasks are also very tight. All we can get is 11 days to try to solve the problem of 130nm risky trial production in the near future." Fang Zhuo said truthfully. , "Due to technical assistance, I am also changing the arrangement. I will take the cook with me in two days to provide the experts with the best diet. I hope to keep them longer, and I also hope to see the successful trial production as soon as possible."

"Mr. Fang, since you are coming to Luzhou, you should come and talk to our cadres about the coordination of business and administration. The more we talk, the more progress we can make." Wang Shushan said.

Fang Zhuo hesitated for a second and agreed.

Wang Shushan ended the call, put his cell phone next to the material, and said with a smile: "Isn't it easy to communicate and talk? Young people are such obedient donkeys, why do they always want to impress other people's economic honors?"

"Seek truth from facts, seek truth from facts."

"If Luzhou wants to develop, it must abandon its old ideas."

"I hope that the ice core issue is a trigger, rather than a trouble for you."

When Wang Shushan said this, he looked around at the people in the conference room and said calmly: "I have been in Anhui Province for a long time. I want to see if this introduction can catalyze a group of people who are capable and determined to develop the economy."

He waved his hand: "Let's dismiss the meeting."

Everyone stood up silently.

"Secretary-General Luo, stay here for a moment." Wang Shushan's voice sounded again.

Luo Minghua sat back again.

At this time, he thought of his previous phone call with Fang Zhuo at the entrance of the ice core factory. Fang Zhuo went around and around with him and talked straightforwardly with the big boss, but this "let the ice core become the introduction" was somewhat common.

No matter what Fang Zhuo thinks in his heart, or even simply dissatisfied with Song Deming, his actions may really have an impact on Luzhou.

"What did you see when you went to the ice core?" Wang Shushan asked directly.

Luo Minghua adhered to the style of not talking about other people's style tonight, only talking about his own work content. Now he was asked about this and did not hide it: "Bingxin's signboard was taken off, Fang Zhuo said he wanted to change the inscription, and there are many Shencheng people outside. The truck with the license plate is working overtime in the factory inside.”

"Fang Zhuo has a temper, so he has to deal with it." Wang Shushan smiled, "Have you met Qiu Ciyun? What's the specific story about the promotional video during the day?"

Luo Minghua organized the speech: "The promotional video is about the development of ice core, and there is also a swearing-in meeting to encourage the company's development in the coming year."

Wang Shushan nodded thoughtfully: "Shun Mao Donkey was blown up like this."

Luo Minghua could only listen.

The big leader's final statement just now was quite harsh.

With such a protective attitude, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he may have to go around Fang Zhuo in the future.

"How to promote the better development of ice core in the city is a matter that requires your coordination of administration and business cooperation." Wang Shushan said with great earnestness, and the "you" in his words was not only Luo Minghua, but also Sun Ruolong, who was also sitting next to him.

Both nodded.

Sun Ruolong spoke up and said to Luo Minghua: "Secretary-General Luo, let's communicate more about this matter."

According to their current positions, the two of them do not need to communicate much.

But Luo Minghua understood the meaning, which was focusing on the upcoming future.

He smiled and nodded, and after seeing these two words of explanation, he stood up and left, leaving the conference room for the two leaders to continue their communication.

It was already midnight.

Luo Minghua felt hungry when he got into the car. He didn't think about this sudden incident until the car drove away from the compound.

I thought there would only be three or four people in the evening meeting, but unexpectedly many people came, especially Sun Ruolong. If Luzhou wants to promote development and grasp the economy, the future will largely depend on this person's policies.

When it comes to the economy, projects, and whether they can form a synergy for development at work, this will probably be included in his employment considerations.

Luo Minghua took out his cell phone and wanted to call Fang Zhuo but gave up.

But when he got home, he dialed the number again.

"Mr. Fang, when will you come to Luzhou? I'll treat you to a big drink."

"No surprise tomorrow afternoon." Fang Zhuo replied on the phone.

"Okay, see you tomorrow. Tomorrow you, the chairman, will come, so the company won't even have a sign, right?" Luo Minghua thought of the bare exterior wall again.

Fang Zhuo said: "It doesn't matter whether there is a sign or not, as long as the people inside can do research and development."

Luo Minghua smacked his lips and said nothing more.

Fang Zhuo on the other side hung up the phone and was also in the car. He was rushing home from the new district.

Tonight I was interviewed by Qiu Lanhua and met several leaders in the district. The atmosphere was quite harmonious.

"What do you say in Luzhou?" Su Wei has almost become the exclusive driver these days.

"The big boss talked to me on the phone, and Lao Luo went to the field to understand the situation. In fact, he didn't say much. They didn't say anything." Fang Zhuo said casually, "But since they called me, I guess Bing Xin will do it in the future." Become quiet."

Su Wei asked again: "What about Zhangjiang?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a while, but he didn't expect that in addition to receiving calls from Luzhou today, he would also receive calls from Beijing.

The main reason is that the response speed is beyond expectations.

"There is currently no production capacity for ice cores, so we definitely cannot move it. We will talk about the future later. Generally speaking, Luzhou has greater enthusiasm to support the development of ice cores."

"In the final analysis, Song Deming doesn't think what we care about is a big deal. He is not the only one who thinks so. His thoughts have directly affected the ice core. Who knows what will happen next time."

"Luzhou SDIC is a shareholder of Bingxin. Deutsche Bank and DCM will sell their shares sooner or later. Even if SDIC currently holds 14.4% of its shares, it is quite strong."

"No matter now or in the future, companies must have a charter for doing things."

Fang Zhuo said this.

Su Wei said with all her thoughts: "So, you took advantage of this to get angry?"

"That's not true, I'm just angry." Fang Zhuo said honestly, "With 130nm blocked here, I feel a bad breath in my heart."

Su Wei: "Hmm."

She thought for a while: "If it really doesn't work out, I can just drag Bing Xin and join Chief Qiu."

"Well, Qiu Xiaoguan is good at everything, but the budget is not enough." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Su Wei thought for a while, Qiu Xiaoguan, Qiu Xiaoguan's, this time was not as high as District Chief Qiu.

She asked: "Are you going to SMIC tomorrow morning?"

"Go and thank Mr. Zhang, and take some photos by the way." Fang Zhuo nodded.

"Then let's meet in Luzhou the day after tomorrow." Su Wei still has Yike's matters to deal with in Shanghai tomorrow, and plans to return to Luzhou a day later to celebrate the New Year.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "Okay, see you in Luzhou. Bingxin welcomes President Yi Kesu to visit and give guidance."

"I also want to see the development of Bingxin in Luzhou, and why Bingxin is Mr. Fang's pet peeve." Su Wei said as she stepped on the accelerator.

The flight from Shanghai to Luzhou takes place in the afternoon.

Fang Zhuo took people to SMIC in the morning and went to the airport to say goodbye to his parents, uncle, aunt, and sister at noon. They had never been abroad. This year they wanted to see the scenery abroad. The final itinerary was to start in the United States and then Japan.

If there is enough time, Fang Zhuo may be able to catch up to the end of the trip to the United States or can only accompany him on the trip to Japan.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Zhuo flew to Luzhou.

Different from communicating on the phone, seeing the bare walls in person actually felt quite... strange to him.

Qiu Ciyun accompanied Mr. Fang and asked, "Mr. Fang, is our signature inscription really empty like this?"

"If 130nm completes risk trial production, I will invite leaders from the capital to come and take a look, and give me an inscription by the way, how about it?" Fang Zhuo paced back and forth.

"Which leader?" Qiu Ciyun asked.

Fang Zhuo glanced sideways: "You are scared when you meet the city leaders, so don't ask. The writing is better than before."

Qiu Ciyun sneered.

Coming from Zhongxin to Bingxin, he does have this level of experience. In the past, he only focused on the industry and himself, but now he inevitably has to deal with administrative people. However, those administrative people are eloquent.

Qiu Ciyun, the person who came to shoot the promotional video yesterday, listened to him chatting about the contact and communication with Mr. Fang. It seemed as if the two parties were good buddies, and it seemed that Mr. Fang meant it.

"Two of the logistics people I brought with me today are chefs from five-star hotels. They came here to make a big meal for us. If we work overtime during the Spring Festival, we must have good food and drink." Fang Zhuo and Qiu Ciyun chatted while walking. , "The time given by SMIC is 11 days. If it can't be done by the time, let's see if we can stay a few more days. After all, they will definitely feel guilty if they return without success."

Qiu Ciyun nodded, knowing this very well.

"Mr. Fang, this is easy to say. Everyone who comes here knows each other, so we won't mention it and let them take the initiative to mention it to SMIC. This will be convenient."

"Last night, Wu Jingang, one of the leaders this time, even asked me why there were so many familiar faces at Bingxin, as if he was at the SMIC branch."

Fang Zhuo smiled, it was an exaggeration, it was definitely an exaggeration.

He asked casually: "Wu Jingang is the main person who came to help this time? Is he powerful? Can he stay?"

"It's quite impressive. He used to work at the Industrial Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan." Qiu Ciyun looked embarrassed. "If he just comes here and doesn't seem to be good."

The Ministry of International Trade and Industry is a department under the Japanese Cabinet.

"Oh, yes, we have to pay attention to word of mouth. I asked SMIC to help me this time. I also made an agreement with Mr. Zhang not to poach their people maliciously in the future." Fang Zhuo thought for a moment. He was really grateful to SMIC for coming this time. Hard help.

In turn, they are increasingly annoyed by the interference in the development of ice cores at critical moments.

"Eat in the cafeteria in the evening, Mr. Qiu, and try the chef's skills." Fang Zhuo said, "I have been in the factory these days, contacting Philips and Morningstar Semiconductor to see if I can get an order."

Qiu Ciyun lit the cigarette: "Can Changhong come up?"

"Let's talk, let's talk." Fang Zhuo said noncommittally.

At 5:30 in the evening, a group of people were sitting in the canteen. The chefs were showing off their skills. The engineers had not yet got off work. Fang Zhuo and Qiu Ciyun were discussing the problem of TV chips. If Philips was unwilling to include ice cores in foundry, then with Morningstar Semiconductor As an alternative, you also need to find an IC packaging factory.

SMIC is already involved in this area, but the level still needs to be improved.

At 5:45, Fang Zhuo's cell phone rang.

The caller was Luo Minghua, who said he wanted to buy him a drink yesterday.

"Oh yes, I forgot about this."

Fang Zhuo responded briefly on the phone, put down his phone, and said to Qiu Ciyun: "Secretary-General Luo made an appointment with me yesterday. It seems that we can't try the chef's skills together in the cafeteria today."

Qiu Ciyun quickly said: "Mr. Fang, go and do your work."

Fang Zhuo stood up, glanced at the subordinates chatting around him, and said directly: "Come two who can drink with me."

When six or seven people heard this, they stood up in anger.

"I'm from Inner Mongolia."

"From Lu Province."

Two people who self-reported their family background successfully obtained a spot.

Fang Zhuo took two gentle young men and went straight to Luo Minghuayue's restaurant.

Luo Minghua didn't expect that Mr. Fang would bring two assistants with him on such an obviously personal occasion. He was shocked and felt that there were many things he couldn't say.

"Brother Luo, no leader wants to come to Luzhou's dinner this time, but you are the only one who I have to come even if I don't want to." Fang Zhuo ordered a box of liquor while talking. "Thank you, Brother Luo, for taking care of our ice core. I won't say anything else. Yesterday you said you were going to have a big drink, so we are going to have a big drink today."

Luo Minghua looked at Mr. Fang, at the two kind-faced young men next to him, and then at the white wine on the table.

"Mr. Fang, brother Fang, you are out of touch when you say this. Ice Core is in Luzhou, and it is not a foreign company. Whether it is you or me, whether it is the city or the province, we will absolutely support its development."

"Okay, let's drink. This is the last drink before the year. You must drink it well."

A drinking party for four.

Luo Minghua looked at the appearance of these three people and planned to have a drink and talk about the friendship between his hometown.


After three, three, and three rounds of drinking, his stomach was turned upside down by the excessive and violent drinking methods.

"No, no, I'm going to the bathroom."

Luo Minghua stood up staggeringly.

Fang Zhuo stood up and motioned to the two drinking companions who were following him not to follow him, but to support Brother Luo himself.

Luo Minghua vomited for a while.

Fang Zhuo supported this person, patted him, pointed at the mess, and said: "I invited experts from SMIC to help. That's how I invited them after they drank until they vomited."

Luo Minghua has a good drinking capacity, but he was also dizzy at this moment: "Ugh, you, you are the richest man, who dares to drink you like this?"

Fang Zhuo asked back: "You are the secretary-general, who dares to feed you like this?"

Luo Minghua was startled, chewing carefully, ah no, thinking about these words carefully, his stomach and mind were all turned upside down.

Even today, when he came to the wine table to drink, he still felt that Mr. Fang was making a fuss.

After all, it’s just one day, why bother digging? Why do you have to alert the big boss?

"I drank for three days and vomited for three days." Fang Zhuo performed appropriate artistic processing, "It's not your company. If it doesn't happen to you, the big man will not be angry. He just insists on giving priority to your affairs. .”

"Secretary-General Luo, Brother Luo, the ice core must not be wasted even a day. This is the opinion of Qiu Ciyun, President Qiu, and mine."

"Are you able to digest advanced technology in a blink of an eye? Can you catch up with GLOBALFOUNDRIES? Can you catch up with TSMC?"

"If we can do practical things, we'll do it. If we can't, don't delay each other."

Fang Zhuo was not drunk at all.

Luo Minghua rinsed his mouth and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Fang, no one wants to delay the development of ice core."

"Yes, we are all looking for a way that is more suitable for the rapid development of ice core." Fang Zhuo nodded, his tone suddenly softened, "I understand the leader, but I am afraid that the leader does not understand us."

Luo Minghua didn't manage or understand. After vomiting like this, he felt a little bit more sympathetic.

He rinsed his mouth again and said half-complainingly: "I understand. If you want to force someone to drink, you should go to someone who doesn't understand. Why did you do it to me?"

"Didn't Leader Wang ask me to communicate more with Brother Luo?" Fang Zhuo spread his hands.

Even though Luo Minghua drank like this, he felt happy when he heard the name of the leader.

He coughed: "Did Leader Wang say that?"

Fang Zhuo did not answer directly: "I heard that the city is going to adjust this year. Brother Luo can't go to the executive office?"

The executive ranks higher than the secretary-general.

Luo Minghua shook his head and said, "Brother Fang, don't talk about this."

Fang Zhuo nodded.

The two returned to the wine table.

"You guys go back first. Leave the car here until someone comes to drive it back tomorrow. I'll take Brother Luo's car later."

The two young men left the restaurant still unfinished.

This time it was the private drinking party that Luo Minghua imagined.

However, Mr. Fang has already demonstrated his style that he has never shown before by pouring wine.

Luo Minghua can feel his determination and his need to stick to himself - whether it is his style of conduct or corporate culture.

Mr. Fang's meaning is very clear. Regardless of whether you understand his stress reaction or not, you can either do as he wants or meet again by fate. Such expressions are relatively mild at the level of leader Wang, but a bit uncomfortable at the city level. Too human.

But having said that, the supply and demand relationship between large projects and local areas is like this, especially for integrated circuit projects, there are always eyes from above. No matter how the party expresses its style, if ice core is OK, then everything will be OK.

Luo Minghua vomited and his mind became clearer.

He ended the exchange with some sincere words.

"Mr. Fang, Luzhou, Anhui Province's original policy for ice cores was to be tax-free for ten years. This number is our determination."

"Looking at the ten-year plan, it is normal for some minor unhappiness, some disputes, and some mutual misunderstandings to occur during this development process of at least ten years."

"Ten years later, when we look back at the present together, this kind of moment may make our cooperation more mellow and have more aftertaste."

Fang Zhuo nodded appreciatively to Luo Minghua and said with a smile: "The next time Leader Wang calls, I will say that I originally wanted to leave because Secretary-General Luo would rather drink until he vomited than let me leave."

Luo Minghua felt much more relaxed and responded to the joke: "Forget it, it doesn't sound like a good reputation."

"The fragrance lasts for a long time. I'll have a drink with Brother Luo again in ten years." Fang Zhuo stood up and went outside to get two boxes of tea from the trunk of the car. "It's not convenient to give anything during the Chinese New Year. The Buddha's hand chosen by a friend can clear away heat and eliminate internal heat." Still hangover, brother Luo, have a happy new year."

Luo Minghua didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was forced to drink and given tea to relieve his hangover. It would be nice if this party always stayed so kind.

The next day, the last day of the Lunar New Year, Luzhou held a small tea party in accordance with leader Wang's wishes, and invited company representative Bingxin Chairman Fang Zhuo to discuss cooperation experiences on major projects.

Before this meeting, last night's extraordinary meeting had spread throughout the Luzhou administration.

So, the atmosphere today is somewhat strange.

But the presence of Sun Ruolong made this strangeness legitimate. It is not bad to start the connection of different styles in this form.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Zhuo showed up on time.

He smiled brightly on such an occasion and didn't say much about his cooperation experience.

"When it comes to integrated circuit companies, we at Bingxin are still exploring, but SMIC in Shanghai is the number one company in the country and is also an example for Bingxin to learn from."

"I happened to go to SMIC before I came here and asked them a lot."

"Mr. Zhang Rujing is very selfless, and they happen to have this kind of communication with the district."

Fang Zhuo took out the relatively hot material.

Fang Zhuo did not appear in the video. Instead, the leader of the new district, Qiu Di, was walking and chatting with SMIC President Zhang Rujing. Next to him was Liang Mu, who was responsible for interviewing and asking questions.

"SMIC has factories in many places, but if I really want to evaluate it, the administrative level here in Shanghai is the highest."

“It’s neat and tidy here in Shencheng, there’s nothing superfluous.”

"Some leaders like to come for inspections, and I don't understand why."

Zhang Rujing laughed.

Judi was among those who were praised. There was nothing bad to say at this time: "For political achievements, take photos and group photos. You can't find anyone when something goes wrong, and make a surprise inspection when nothing happens."

Zhang Rujing led the people forward with a smile, and said: "The main reason is that SMIC is not yet successful, and it does take time to develop. If we are indeed very strong, then I also like to share that SMIC is now a big and It’s not strong, it still needs time to focus on its own development.”

The group continued to talk in SMIC's factory.

Fang Zhuo sat at the table and listened, watched and studied with the city's leaders.

People like Zhongxin claim that they are big but not strong, and Bingxin is even worse.

Zhongxin is troubled by the administrative style of some regions, and Bingxin has to learn from experience and lessons.

Anyway, these words were all said by Mr. Zhang.

The video interview not only talked about these, but also talked about some more serious issues.

Fang Zhuo didn't speak and listened quietly.

After about thirty minutes, this section ended, and the next section automatically played, and the swearing-in ceremony of the ice core popped up, which was clearly the content shot by Song Deming the day before yesterday.

Song Deming, who was present, had his throat twitching and his face was complicated. How did this promotional video leak out?

Fang Zhuo continued to watch with a calm expression.

The promotional video lasted for fifteen seconds, but then changed to the recording of Qiu Ciyun and others. The editing was very smooth and smooth, as if it was originally a video, with the title in the front and the main film in the back.

Qiu Ciyun, dressed in formal attire, spoke his final New Year's greetings in front of the camera as the president of Bingxin.

"Bingxin is very loved by the leaders in Luzhou. On behalf of all the employees of Bingxin, I would like to thank all the leaders."

"On the occasion of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, I wish Luzhou and Anhui provinces will develop better and better, and I also hope that under the care and care of the leaders, ice core will have full orders in the new year."

"Thank you to Anhui Province, thank you to Luzhou, and thank you to all the employees of Bingxin."

Qiu Ciyun seemed a little excited and even stuttered when he spoke, looking very simple and sincere.

Wilted and bad. Wilted and bad.

This is a comment that comes to mind from many leaders.

"This is my first time for an enterprise with such investment scale as Bingxin. It can develop to this point without the support of all leaders." Fang Zhuo paused the playback with a smile, "Like Mr. Qiu, I wish Luzhou and Anhui the best The province’s development is getting better and better, and I wish all leaders a happy New Year.”

Fang Zhuo finished his speech today. There was no criticism, it was all emotion.

Sun Ruolong didn't expect the young CEO to act in such a way, so he laughed in his heart as he watched.

"Bingxin will definitely be better in the coming year. This is what we all hope for. I believe in Bingxin and Mr. Fang."

Sun Ruolong made the final decision that this was the Lunar New Year's farewell to the old and the new, and it was also his leader's farewell to the old and the new.

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