Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 568 Research and Development (two-in-one)

Fang Zhuo returned to Shanghai. Unlike the annual vacation that Luzhou Ice Core just started, the Spring Festival atmosphere of Hang Lung 23 has passed.

The key project Tesco is about to go online in half a month, and everyone is busy preparing for it.

Two days ago, Taobao made a high-profile announcement that it was the e-commerce brand with the largest market share in China, claiming that it had a market share of 60%.

Many people are skeptical about this data.

Last year, the competition between Amazon, eBay, Dangdang, and Taobao was in full swing. There were TV commercials before the Chinese New Year and eBay’s massive publicity. How could it be possible that after a Lunar New Year, the time becomes so short in just over a month?

However, eBay, Taobao's main competitor, did not respond to such claims, which seems to confirm Ma's statement in front of the media.

Has Taobao really reversed the market and defeated eBay? !

That’s not to say that Taobao’s competition is not difficult. It can be seen from its continuous financing last year that the situation is very tense, but... eBay is an international giant with a market value of tens of billions of dollars!

I always feel that Taobao still needs more efforts to become number one.

Fang Zhuo listened to everyone's discussion during the meeting at Hang Lung 23 and gave his own thoughts.

"International giants are not as scary as imagined. Strategically, there is no problem in treating them as paper tigers."

"But to say that Taobao has secured its No. 1 position in the market now is probably a bit early. If you had occupied 40% of the market, could you just give up because of this?"

"The competition between Taobao and eBay will continue for a long time."

"Of course, Taobao will definitely have the last laugh. The localization of international giants has always been a problem. eBay did not do well in Japan, and it still failed to learn from its experience in China this time."

"The same applies to our B2C competitor Amazon."

"On March 1st, Tesco went online. We have two goals. First, be the number one in B2C and defeat Dangdang and Amazon."

When Fang Zhuo said this, he looked at Su Wei, the president of Tesco next to him.

Su Wei understood what Mr. Fang meant, looked around at the executives in the conference room, and said her second goal: "Become the number one in e-commerce again."

After hearing such a clear goal, a group of senior executives were gearing up and eager to give it a try. Tesco has prepared a lot of things, and now it is finally time to give it a try.

Fang Zhuo left the rest of the time to Su Wei. While listening to her breakdown of specific affairs, he glanced around at the senior executives present.

This team that aspires to be the first in e-commerce is now made up of four parts: Yike, Yike, Dazhong and input from friends. What can be achieved can only be achieved through practical operation. Perhaps, we can also invite another People who like it come and help.

At 10:30 in the morning, the high-level meeting of Hang Lung 23 ended.

Fang Zhuo and Su Wei walked towards the CEO's office and exchanged words: "What if I invite Shao Yibo here? Do you think we can do things together?"

"Shao Yibo? The one from eBay? Didn't he go to the United States?" Su Wei was a little surprised.

Shao Yibo is the founder and president of eBay. He became the vice president of eBay after the company was acquired, but he went to the United States at the end of 2003 for family reasons.

Su Wei got to know this person when she was sorting out the domestic e-commerce landscape after confirming to take over the e-commerce project.

She thought for a while and made a hypothesis: "Mr. Fang, do you think that if he had not gone to the United States, eBay would have been at a disadvantage in competing with Taobao in China?"

"Localized competition requires someone who knows the local situation well to be at the helm. He may make eBay's competition less bad, but it will not change the final result." Fang Zhuo commented, "As long as eBay does not delegate power, who will replace it?" It’s no use.”

He pushed open the door of the president's office and continued: "This is not the case of eBay. Amazon is not willing to delegate power to the domestic team. Essentially, they think their own way can handle it and don't trust the Chinese team."

"This is a common disease that is difficult to cure."

Fang Zhuo made a pot of tea and said with a smile: "But I think he is still very talented. He jumped out of eBay and eBay and watched the company he built fall into disadvantages. He doesn't have any ideas at all, right?"

"I think we can have a chat with him. Tesco still lacks talents."

"It's just that I have to ask for your opinion as the president. Do you think he is suitable to be our vice president?"

Su Wei did not answer immediately and pondered for a while. This man was not too old, but he was indeed a senior. How to distribute power after he comes is an important issue.

Before she could answer, the president's office welcomed a visitor.

"Old leader, I wish you a happy old age."

Fang Zhuo stood up to greet Qiu Di, who called him during the meeting and wanted to stop by.

Judy nodded towards Su Wei who also greeted him, sat down on the chair next to the desk, and complained: "Mr. Fang, how long has it been? I'm still in my old age. If you bother me too much, I think my old age will be gone." It’s hard.”

Fang Zhuo didn't know the purpose of Qiu Lanhua's slightly abrupt visit, and wondered: "What happened? Are you going to the CPPCC again?"

Judy choked, and then said angrily: "Can you hope for a better life?"

"Different positions serve the public." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Judi couldn't help but glare and said: "I came because you want to poach our corner, Mr. Fang. I heard Mr. Zhang say that you want to build an ICC outside Shanghai, which is the Integrated Circuit Technology and Industry Promotion Center. "

Fang Zhuo frowned, not because Mr. Zhang told Lao Qiu about this, but because he was surprised that such a thing was worthy of Lao Qiu's trip.

He shook his head: "That's it?"

Instead, Qiu Di calmed down and said, "Mr. Fang, you are different now. You are greeted by big leaders wherever you go. You don't understand the difficulties of small officials like us. The ICC is the job of the Science and Technology Committee. If you say you won't help, forget it. We were still thinking about a spin-off, and Mr. Zhang discussed this matter with ICC. The Science and Technology Commission knew that I still have some friendship with you, the big boss, and he spoke sincerely when he found me."

"Just tell me." Fang Zhuo thought for a while, "What I want to do has nothing to do with Luzhou and Anhui Province. It is purely for cooperation and progress."

"I'm afraid it's hard for you, Mr. Fang, to talk." Qiu Di calmly gave a very strong reason.

Fang Zhuo glanced at the old leader, unable to believe what he said, and then glanced at Su Wei.

Su Wei nodded and gave the answer silently. Mr. Fang was not easy to talk sometimes.

Fang Zhuo turned his eyes and said thoughtfully: "There are many misunderstandings about me in the world. I didn't expect that the scope of this misunderstanding was wider than I imagined."

"So, Mr. Fang, please promise me not to get involved in the ICC name in Luzhou. When I get back, I will tell the Science and Technology Committee people how considerate you are as a big boss." Qiu Di first took matters into his own hands.

"Then I want to create an ice core wafer manufacturing service alliance? By the way, invite SMIC's packaging factory to participate?" Fang Zhuo asked tentatively.

"As long as it's not ICC." Judy nodded.

Fang Zhuo is a little confused about the brain circuits of these people. If the co-author has the Shencheng ICC, he will not let himself get the Luzhou ICC?

He looked at Lao Qiu for a few seconds and sighed: "If others had asked me, I would have gone to hell, but the old leader came to me in person, and even though I was confused and reluctant, I had no choice but to agree."

This was not the first time that Qiu Di had dealt with Mr. Fang, and he cooperated sincerely: "I know Mr. Fang is a nostalgic person. Although he is often the boss of Mr. Wang or Mr. Li now, he can still understand the suffering of junior officials like us. "

Fang Zhuo shrugged: "Qiu Xiaoguan still needs to work hard."

Judy nodded: "Boss Fang is merciful."

Su Wei felt funny in her heart as she listened to the two singing in harmony.

"Nothing else? Is this really the case?" Fang Zhuo finally confirmed.

Judy confirmed: "I'll tell you about this on the way. It just so happens that I owe someone a favor and I'll pay it back this time."

"Then...have something to eat for lunch?" Fang Zhuo said as he opened the cabinet and took out two boxes of Buddha's hands.

Judy refused: "No, there are other things."

Fang Zhuo handed over two boxes of tea, and Qiu Di simply left after taking them.

"He brings people to the company like this without fear of being criticized." Fang Zhuo just walked to the door of the office and complained to Su Wei.

Su Wei smiled and said: "District Chief Qiu's reputation is that he often communicates face-to-face with enterprises and solves practical problems encountered. He has a good reputation. Everyone likes such a leader who is pragmatic and not unrealistic."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, he really didn't know this.

"President Fang Da, I'm very confused about something." Su Wei asked at this time, "How many Buddha's hands did you buy?"

"I bought a car." Fang Zhuo answered honestly.

Su Wei nodded funnyly, that's great.

When Fang Zhuo saw that she didn't ask any more questions, he didn't mention the truckload: "ICC is not a very good name. Since Lao Qiu is like this, let's not choose another name and just call it Ice Core Wafer Manufacturing Service Alliance. I plan to leave this matter to Liu Yangyang."

"Where is SMIC? Are you not inviting it?" Su Wei asked.

"First make the framework. If SMIC cares about the name, we will change it." Fang Zhuo thought for a while and still hoped that such a framework could play a synergistic role. It will definitely not work in the short term, but ice core is a long-term business. .

There are still things that need to be reviewed by Su Wei at E-commerce, and Fang Zhuo also has to deal with E-commerce and the upcoming game jointly operated by it and Sina. He really needs to work overtime before leaving Shanghai to fly to Tokyo.

February 21st.

Fang Zhuo met Liu Yangyang, who flew from Lin'an, at the CEO's office.

Before he could even explain the establishment method of the "Ice Core Wafer Manufacturing Alliance", he received a call from Luzhou. It was Professor Hu Zhengming who had arrived in Luzhou.

"Congratulations to Mr. Fang, and congratulations to Bingxin. This is a good step." Hu Zhengming congratulated Bingxin on its risky trial production. This was the first time he took the initiative to call.

Fang Zhuo couldn't help but smile in surprise: "Professor Hu, this 130nm breakthrough is no longer top-notch. Did you make a special call to congratulate me on this?"

Hu Zhengming asked: "What do you think? How do you think I will react when I hear such news?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a few seconds and said, "I thought Professor Hu would just say 'not bad' calmly when he heard the news."

"That Mr. Fang really guessed wrong." Hu Zhengming said cheerfully, "You and Mr. Qiu can build a 12-inch wafer fab, and can break through the risky trial production of 130nm from scratch, and put it anywhere in the world." It’s a commendable thing for the region.”

He continued: "When I arrived at TSMC in 2001, they were only competing with IBM on 130nm. Ice core was already very good."

When Fang Zhuo heard such praise, he said honestly: "I always feel that we are not as fast as SMIC, which took one year to put into production, nor are we as fast as TSMC, which has the technology at the international forefront. Well... Professor Hu, today we have This phone call from you has boosted my confidence."

"Hahaha, I think Mr. Fang is a person who will continue to do things regardless of whether his confidence has increased sharply or not." Hu Zhengming said with a smile, "But I don't know when Ice Core will be able to practice FinFET. "

Fang Zhuo tasted it for two seconds and said decisively: "Professor Hu, the ice core is now going to be mass-produced at 130nm, and we need to continue to push the process forward. 90nm and 65nm are the times when we need the professor's generous guidance. I believe that with With the professor’s guidance, Ice Core will definitely be able to start making FinFETs as soon as possible.”

"Okay." Hu Zhengming said one word.

It was too easy to agree.

Fang Zhuo almost choked.

He was stunned and didn't speak for more than ten seconds.

Hu Zhengming couldn't help laughing: "How about I think about it again?"

"Farewell, farewell, Professor Hu, I am so happy that I am speechless. Professor Hu is in the ice core, just like Liu Bei paid three visits to the thatched cottage to invite Zhuge Liang, and the world will be divided into three parts just around the corner!" Fang Zhuo said excitedly.

Hu Zhengming smiled and said: "But, Mr. Fang, I have something to say beforehand. I don't know if you can agree to it."

Fang Zhuo said in a deep voice: "Professor, please speak."

"Process catching up is a very expensive thing. When I was at TSMC, their annual R\u0026D expenses were close to 10% of their annual revenue, which was quite intensive. If Bingxin wants to move forward, it is impossible without spending money. It’s not small money.” Hu Zhengming said eloquently, “I heard Mr. Qiu say that SMIC’s R\u0026D investment last year was less than 8%. Its revenue was not as good as others, and its R\u0026D investment was not sufficient, so how can we catch up?”

Fang Zhuo understood.

Regarding the current situation of SMIC, he also talked with Qiu Ciyun when he was in Luzhou. Many of the latest news were learned from Wu Jingang. SMIC's R\u0026D investment in 2004 was about US$80 million.

If Professor Hu comes to ice core, he must lead R\u0026D.

He agreed to come to HKUST. He was previously willing to give guidance and make certain commitments. Now that he saw that the ice core really had the initial conditions, he was naturally unwilling to waste time on the sidelines and wanted to personally promote development.

So, there was this call to get a commitment to invest in R\u0026D.

"Professor Hu, how appropriate do you think the current status of the ice core is?" Fang Zhuo asked cautiously.

Hu Zhengming was silent for a while and said: "The annual R\u0026D investment is at least 100 million US dollars. What we have to do is to conquer 90nm. This step is relatively better. The next 65nm is a huge test."

During his time as technical CEO of TSMC, in addition to helping TSMC complete the technology accumulation of FinFET, he also upgraded the 90nm process. Therefore, this step is relatively confident and guaranteed.

"Okay." Fang Zhuo replied in one word without hesitation.

This time it was Hu Zhengming's turn and couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure? Mr. Fang, this kind of thing needs to be taken seriously."

"Guarantee 1 and fight for 1.6, Professor Hu, there is still money left in the ice core account." Fang Zhuo said, "Goldman Sachs, IDG, and Deutsche Bank will definitely not invest any more money, and Luzhou SDIC has also sold iron. At this time, I can’t count on anyone else, I can only rely on myself.”

Hu Zhengming asked: "Only rely on Mr. Fang himself?"

Fang Zhuo took a breath: "The only way we can maintain our research and development is by selling stocks."

Hu Zhengming was moved that Mr. Fang truly loved semiconductors.

Fang Zhuo continued: "Maybe I can only be the second richest person next year."

Hu Zhengming: "..."

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