Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 579 Director Fang inspects Sony (two in one)

What will Sony look like after March?

Fang Zhuo occasionally pondered this issue.

Sony Group, needless to say, has a market capitalization of over US$30 billion even if it has hit rock bottom.

This market value is higher than Apple and Amazon. It has more than 170,000 employees worldwide and is still a giant.

It is precisely because of its size, number of employees, product lines, multiple regions and other factors that determine the difficulty of Sony's revival.

Can Stringer solve most of Sony's current problems?

"It is difficult to make much progress in the reform of the board of directors this year, but in a few months we will try to get the internal directors to resign."

"Let's not mention layoffs and reduction plans for now. Transformation 60 itself has a layoff plan, and we can further increase our efforts on this basis."

"The consumer electronics business is not an area I am familiar with. Let's see what strategy Ken Kutaragi has. I plan to transfer the person responsible for this area from Sony America back to the country and divide Kutaragi Ken's power."

Stringer was eating and chatting at the dinner table with great interest.

In half a meal, he completely recovered from the fierce conflict at the temporary board of directors in the afternoon, and quickly got used to the identity of the next head of Sony.

Fang Zhuo felt that Sir Stringer was answering the question in his heart again and again.

Moreover, he also understood that Lao Si's burning of bridges without any grudges was not all due to infighting and nepotism. He just looked down on the Japanese and Sony from the bottom of his heart. In his heart, he expanded the scope of Sony's American business philosophy.

Stringer's eyes suddenly lit up as he spoke, and he said half tentatively and half regretfully: "Fang, if you can come to Sony and become an internal director, then I will be more relieved."

I am not familiar with the consumer electronics business, but the young president in front of me started out in this type of business!

If Mr. Fang is willing to come to Sony and not just serve as a foreign director, wouldn't it be a big deal?

"How much salary can you give me? How many shares can you give me?" Fang Zhuo calmly refused with questions.

Stringer shook his head in regret, indeed, this could only be a beautiful fantasy.

"But..." Fang Zhuo pondered without saying anything further.

Stringer gently cut a piece of steak and asked, "What?"

Fang Zhuo has been thinking about how to talk about Sony's CMOS image sensor research and development since he arrived at the restaurant. However, firstly, he has not yet received the opinion report from domestic experts. Secondly, he is really not sure about Stringer's thoughts in this regard.

Therefore, he has been thinking about the art of speaking.

Fang Zhuo thought about it and finally gave the simplest answer: "It's still uncertain whether Yike's mobile phone project will be approved, but I heard that Sony's image sensor technology is good. If it really has a future, Yike can set up a subsidiary with Sony." company."

The board meeting has just been held and the voting nominations have just been passed. In the evening, we will talk about cooperative projects.

Fang Zhuo originally wanted to be tactful, but then he thought about it. He was not a saint, he was a businessman. It was normal to talk about things that would be a win-win situation for everyone after all his efforts. Lao Si should understand.

"CMOS, um, are you sure this has a future?" Stringer asked with concern, but don't apologize.

Fang Zhuo shook his head: "I'm not sure. I plan to take a look before returning to China, so as not to get into trouble with Sony."

Stringer smiled and said: "It's our Sony."

Fang Zhuo smiled and knew that the other party agreed in principle. One was money, the other was technology, and coupled with the personal relationship between the leaders of both parties, it was a natural fit.

After thinking for a few seconds, he said: "I need to find someone to evaluate this. If it can be done this time, it will be used as a pilot for cooperation between Yike and Sony. If it works, I believe the two companies can have greater room for cooperation."

Stringer nodded, he would have to go back and let others evaluate such cooperation.

The two spent a lot of time at dinner and exchanged many views on Sony Group.

That night, it was almost ten o'clock when Fang Zhuo returned to the hotel, but he immediately called Xu Keden and called the technical director to the room.

"On March 3, let's take a look at Sony's image sensor development status. You can ask a domestic expert group to come over and see if there is any value in cooperation. If not, are there any other technologies?"

Xu Keden was curious about what was going on in Sony's headquarters today, so he asked first: "Mr. Fang, have you agreed to visit Sony today?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a moment and said, "It should be an inspection."

He continued with a smile: "At the shareholders' meeting on the 2nd, I will become a foreign director of Sony Group."

Xu Keden froze in place, didn't Mr. Fang keep saying that he came to see the fun? Does this make him think of himself as a foreign director? !

I don’t understand, I don’t understand!

In such a large group, with tens of thousands of employees, and a dozen or so people in the highest authority, Mr. Fang just got involved?

"How, how did you do this?" Xu Keden couldn't help but ask.

"Invited by Stringer." Fang Zhuo smiled slightly, "It's just a false title. He is said to be a director. He will not have other positions within the group, nor will he be responsible for specific work. At most, he will vote for Stringer. Please give me some advice.”

Like a voting advisor.

"Did Stringer lead Mr. Fang to Sony's board of directors?" Xu Keden's eyes were still round.

"He just needs a little advice from me." Fang Zhuo said with emotion, "Sony is still in a mess now, ideologically confused, and the industrial business may be very stubborn. If it doesn't last more than half a year, I guess I can't change it." What effect?"

Xu Keden didn’t know what to say.

I have known Mr. Fang's tricks for a long time, but my understanding is always refreshed.

After a while, he said impatiently: "Mr. Fang, since you are going to become Sony's foreign director, why not get Sony Ericsson involved? The two companies' mobile phone businesses have their own characteristics, and together they are still powerful." Can you beat Apple?"

"Sony Ericsson's portfolio is relatively big, and it's not easy to invest in a joint venture." Fang Zhuo shook his head, "Foreign directors have no real power, and I'm not the chairman. No one at Sony would really regard me as one of them." of directors.”

"Without the right location, no harmony, and involving another Ericsson, we will end up cobbling together a failed product."

"As a foreign director, I can only exert some influence through Stringer. It is not easy for Stringer himself to sort out Sony and it will take time."

"Let's see if there is any technology we can digest and absorb."

Fang Zhuo explained, made a pot of tea, and sat leisurely on the sofa.

Xu Keden reluctantly digested the news, picked up the previous topic, and reported: "Mr. Fang, we have to invite experts from the United States."

"Huh?" Fang Zhuo was puzzled.

"It is impossible to form an expert group for domestic research on CMOS image sensors." Xu Keden said truthfully, "I contacted Beijing from Shanghai, and there was an associate professor from Tsinghua University who was doing academic research in the school. He said he was very good. As for the company, , Shencheng has a new company that has just been established, but it has little strength and cannot borrow people."

Fang Zhuo glared at Xu Keden.

Xu Keden helplessly spread his hands.

The situation is such that there is a shortage of talents in related fields in China, and Sony's technology needs to be judged - this may really be related to Yike's actions, and it will cause trouble to just make do with an expert group.

"You mean No. 3 can't inspect?" Fang Zhuo asked with a frown.

"It depends on whether Professor Liu can contact friends in the United States. There is a listed company in the United States, OmniVision Technology, which specializes in image sensors. Many mobile phone manufacturers now use its lenses. Professor Liu's friend is one of them. Technical team leader." Xu Keden said, "Samsung also has research in this area, but I can't find anyone I know."

Fang Zhuo hesitated. OmniVision Technology also makes image sensors. It seemed a bit bad to find a competitive person to judge. First, he was not sure whether it was fair, and second, there was a suspicion of leaking secrets.

Seeing Mr. Fang's troubled expression, Xu Keden said: "Mr. Fang, there is no other way but to do this first, or spend more time and see if there is anyone in the country who is qualified."

Fang Zhuo shook his head in dissatisfaction and said incredulously: "Can't even gather an expert team? It's's really a long way to go."

"There may be a shortage of everything related to semiconductors. This can't be solved with money." Xu Keden also sighed after contacting him. He knew that his boss, Ice Core, was facing difficulties, and the ice core problem was also faced by the domestic semiconductor industry. miniature.

CMOS is essentially a chip, and its difference from traditional chips is the components of the pixel array.

Nowadays, there are few people who study it, and even fewer people are proficient in it.

Therefore, we can only take the risk and find an American company first.

"Haowei Technology, right? It's an American company, right? It's a competitive relationship, right?" Fang Zhuo muttered, "You first contact Professor Liu to ask about the situation clearly, and then contact the technical team leader of Howey, and hire him with a high salary. Come on, let’s put the human relations in Yike first, so we won’t worry about leaks.”

Xu Keden: "..."

He found that he really couldn't keep up with Mr. Fang's ideas.

This seems to have really solved the risk problem that is judged by the technical talents of American companies.

The secret was leaked to our Yike, so it was perfect...

Otherwise, how could people always be prosperous?

How else could Fang always sneak into Sony's board of directors?

Xu Keden surrendered: "Okay, Mr. Fang, I understand."

But then, he had another small question: "Mr. Fang, what if Sony's technology is not worthy of our joint venture?"

"Are you afraid of wasting money?" Fang Zhuo pondered for a moment, "Didn't you just say that there is a newly established company in Shanghai? Let Yike Investments go and investigate and talk about it. If it is really a company doing things, it is a semiconductor company. If you are in the industrial chain, then invest in it, and there will be room for release."

Are you afraid of wasting the talent you poached?

Plant one in the ground and it will bear fruit sooner or later.

Xu Keden took back what he just said. Money can't solve all problems, but it can really solve many problems. The key point is the way Mr. Fang uses money.

The technical director left the room and urgently contacted Professor Liu from Tsinghua University in China. He also wanted to find a headhunter to try to recruit people. There were only a few days until the 3rd.

Fang Zhuo was nestled on the sofa, finally able to take a few sips of tea.

Putting aside the talent dilemma in advance, this is not about building a mobile phone tomorrow. All aspects of technology, devices, and talents have time to digest, screen, and cultivate.

The ice core has been obtained, and I have some resistance and determination.

On the last day of February, Liu Quanpeng, an associate professor in the Department of Microelectronics at Tsinghua University, once again received a call from Xu Keden, the technical director of Yike.

"Mr. Xu, oh, are you going to poach him to Yike?" Liu Quanpeng confirmed the news, a little confused. What he said before was that he would set up an expert team to go to Sony to see the technical level. Now this poaching...

I made the dumplings just for this bit of vinegar, right?

"Then... ok, ok, ok, can I bring students with me?"

Liu Quanpeng's inquiry received a positive answer, and all the expenses were covered.

When the call ended, Liu Quanpeng walked around the office excitedly.

"Quan Peng, look at what makes you so happy." The colleague next to him saw the associate professor's gaffe and asked with a smile.

"I was researching a project at hand, and Yi Ke asked me to check out Sony's technology. Gee, Sony is great, and CCD is very powerful." Liu Quanpeng said happily, "Do you think this is beautiful? Bar."

"Yike from Ice Core, I heard that the risk trial production of Ice Core has been completed and full production will be launched this year. This is amazing." said a colleague.

Liu Quanpeng nodded. There was no one in the circle who didn't know the news. This was a great news in the country.

He smiled and said, "It just so happens that we can meet Mr. Fang on this trip. I heard that he and his team were in the United States to mediate the procurement of ice core equipment. Let's see what kind of master this man is."

In the chaos, Sony has vaguely made progress in cooperating with Yike, while Luzhou Ice Core is investigating and overcoming the factors that affect the yield rate one by one.

Changhong Meiling, also in Luzhou, has also rolled out batches of LCD TVs.

On February 29, Changhong head Ni Runfeng, who had returned to Chengdu, came to Lu again. Together with Meiling Prince Zhang Xuebin, he inspected the busy production line and exchanged views on the growth of LCD products in the country.

Both Changhong and Meiling are quite satisfied with this Spring Festival promotion.

"Tomorrow is the day when Tesco goes online. I heard that Mr. Fang went to Tokyo for vacation." Zhang Xuebin chatted and talked to Mr. Fang next door, "His ice core is really tired."

"Ice core is very difficult. Mr. Fang has great determination and courage. This is really amazing. I can't do it." Ni Runfeng sighed.

Zhang Xuebin nodded.

Just when he was about to speak, his secretary trotted over in a hurry.

"No, no, no, Mr. Ni, Mr. Zhang, we got a call from Samsung. The purchase price of the LCD screen will be increased."

Ni Runfeng and Zhang Xuebin were both stunned.

The secretary came closer and breathlessly reported the breaking news: "Samsung's panel factory caught fire, production capacity is running low, and prices will be raised!"

Ni Runfeng's face slowly darkened and he asked: "Samsung wants to raise prices? We don't only purchase from it, aren't they afraid that we will give our orders to other companies? Contact Sharp!"

It’s not that the secretary didn’t do anything, he also made a phone call before coming: “There was also a fire at Sharp’s factory, and the price will also be increased by 10%.”

Zhang Xuebin took a deep breath.

Ni Runfeng's face instantly turned pale.

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