Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 591 Don’t Respond (Two in One)

The dinner party took a small turn and then ran in a strange direction.

In the end, Ning Junxia, ​​president of Jinxin Capital, who has been quite prominent in the investment industry in the past two years, initially accepted Mr. Fang's invitation and was willing to have further detailed discussions on Tesco's first round of financing.

Ning Junxia came here for Dangdang's shares, but he didn't expect that it would turn out to be Liaodang's competitor Tesco.

Push the cup and change the cup, and discuss with each other.

He felt that Mr. Fang really lived up to his reputation. His observations and judgments on the e-commerce market were very eloquent, and he was very insightful when comparing domestic and foreign companies.

Ning Junxia was secretly admired, but also felt a little resentful that they had met so late.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the dinner ended.

Both parties exchanged warm greetings and said goodbye.

Fang Zhuo was driven here by his secretary as a driver today. Before he got in the car, he asked: "Xiao Liu, have you drank?"

"No, no, Mr. Fang." Secretary Liu Zonghong replied quickly, "I remember what Mr. Fang said, don't drink when driving, and don't drive after drinking."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, and just as he was about to sit in the back seat, he changed his mind, turned half a circle, and got into the passenger seat, intending to take a look at the night view of Shencheng.

Secretary Liu drove for a while. Seeing that his boss was in a good mood, he couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Fang, why do you think these investors have to ask this question?"

Today is the third day of dinner.

He also watched three shows in a row and thought it was so strange. Every investment institution's boss would ask the boss what he believed in.

As a result, the boss believed in himself without exception, and then introduced Yigou in a programmed manner.

In particular, today's performance was almost as if it had been rehearsed - oh yes, one family had really rehearsed, and the other really had not rehearsed.

"Investors are all smart people who like to calculate this and that. Dangdang is indeed good. This kind of 'good' is not to compare it to Amazon in the United States, but as a book e-commerce company, it is really good." There is room for growth." Fang Zhuo blew the evening breeze and said casually, "The book e-commerce market will not be said to be tens of billions in a few years, but there will always be billions online."

He smiled and said: "It's me, oh, no need to change, I really voted, it's just that I encountered special circumstances now."

Liu Zonghong was deeply impressed and said sincerely: "Mr. Fang, I think you really know these people well."

"That's out of the question. After all, we can only talk if we have common interests." Fang Zhuo lit a cigarette, "What about these people today, or rather, these venture capital people, to use an inappropriate analogy, different venture capital Investment is like different departments in our company. What I have to do is to weigh the different demands and put people and money in the right position to form a synergy."

He was very talkative tonight and continued: "During this process, some departments were unable to understand or treat my requests and actions well for a while. I have to understand and help them, and I have to tolerate their misunderstandings about me. "

Liu Zonghong admired him and said, "Mr. Fang, you are very tolerant."

Fang Zhuo flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said: "Life and work are like this, they give in to each other."

Liu Zonghong couldn't take pictures anymore.

He drove silently for a while and finally asked: "Mr. Fang, how does Mr. Ning compare today to the previous two days? He seems to be quite famous in the industry in the past two years."

Fang Zhuo thought of his old friend who was not easy to impress now, and shook his head slightly: "Just an ordinary thing."

No coincidence.

Just as Fang Zhuo was riding home, IDG President Xiong Xiaoge also received a call from his colleague. It was Yan Honglin, the president of Zhixin Investment.

"Mr. Xiong, a friend introduced me to Mr. Fang's Dangdang equity. I heard that you are very familiar with him. Can you recommend me?"

The domestic investment industry has developed greatly in the past two years, with both own funds in the market and funds coming in from the outside.

According to Xiong Xiaoge, Zhixin Investment is money from the domestic market.

He considered that it was not easy for Mr. Yan to make and invest money, so he declined: "Mr. Yan, Dangdang's matter is more complicated, and there may be no results in a while. As for Mr. Fang's intention to sell, I suggest... "

Yan Honglin waited for a few seconds and saw nothing more, so he asked, "What does Mr. Xiong suggest?"

Xiong Xiaoge said seriously: "Don't respond, don't respond."

"Hey, Mr. Xiong, your seriousness scares me. Could it be that Dangdang and Mr. Fang teamed up to trick you?" Yan Honglin said with a smile.

"That's not the case." Xiong Xiaoge replied.

Yan Honglin exchanged a few more pleasantries and hung up the phone.

Then, he complained to the vice president next to him with some dissatisfaction: "This Mr. Xiong, forget it if you don't recommend him, but don't respond at all. I dare him to eat and drink enough, and I don't want to leave any for the brothers."

"I would like to go to Shanghai and have a look. See what kind of tricks there are! See how Dangdang can raise prices and how complicated it is!"

Yan Honglin put his cell phone on the table and thought about how to get in touch with the richest man in the country.

Mr. Fang has built an e-commerce website of his own, and is having a good fight with Dangdang, so he needs to take advantage of now to see if there is room for improvement.

Time waits for no one, time waits for no one.

The competition between Dangdang and Tesco is fierce.

One time it’s this promotion, the other time it’s that promotion.

From time to time, the media interviews the publishing house, and reporters often approach people familiar with the matter.

On March 23, a very reliable news spread and appeared in the newspapers.

——"Breaking news: Mr. Fang was trying to sell Dangdang shares, but he has been unable to sell them!" 》

——"Mr. Fang is in trouble when looking for a new buyer for his Dangdang shares!" 》

——"If Dangdang's shares are in the cold, Mr. Fang may suffer the consequences!" 》

Some people who had stood up because of Li Guoqing's bombardment couldn't help but feel happy when they saw this news. This is really like reaping the consequences! We obviously invested in Dangdang, but now we are engaging in homogeneous competition!

Fang Zhuo, Fang Zhuo, you also have today!

I'll pay you to death!

Just as such news spread, Hang Lung 23 held a meeting attended by several venture capital firms.

Fang Zhuo's old friends and new acquaintances all arrived.

IDG Lao Xiong, the new sister of Capital Today, and Shen Xinke Innovation King.

Yan Honglin from Zhixin Investment, Ning Junxia from Jinxin Capital, Xu Tubin from Tiankai Venture Capital, etc.

Altogether there are 9 in total.

It’s fun to mix old and new.

Of course, Yan Honglin was slightly indifferent to Xiong Xiaoge.

This meeting was delivered by Tesco’s Chairman Fang Zhuo and President Su Wei. The content of the conversation was the prospects of Tesco’s project and the current book war.

Those who came today are more inclined to invest, and they basically understand the introduction.

"The newcomer is not a good person, but apart from costing some money, based on our own internal evaluation, this competition is also a good thing."

"It not only builds popularity, but also tests the quality of the team."

"The online book business itself is not our focus. Its five-year and ten-year expectations are 5 billion and will definitely exceed 10 billion in our forecast. However, this is still too little for the entire e-commerce market. .”

Fang Zhuo changed the subject: "However, if we don't pursue profits through books, the timing of this competition is not only not bad, but also good."

"Books are very standardized products, with convenient express delivery and logistics, and they don't require much after-sales service. They also have a foreseeable and sufficiently expanded user base, which is very good for the start-up of e-commerce."

"We already have the offline channel of Dazhong Electrical Appliances, but it is still a challenge for customers to build enough trust in us online."

"This group of people who are willing to buy books online can have a very high conversion rate to other products such as 3C electronics. This entry point combined with the overall publicity launched by us on Tesco is a 1+1 greater than 2 effect."

"Trust is always built step by step, and e-commerce is no exception."

Fang Zhuo talked a lot, his mouth was a little dry, so he picked up the tea cup and took two sips of tea.

At this time, Yan Honglin, the president of Zhixin Investment, suddenly came to apply, suddenly came to buy Dangdang shares, and suddenly came to sit in the conference room. Yan Honglin smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, you don't need to say so much, I trust you."

"This is not a matter of trust or distrust. Project investment must be made clear." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "I know that friends here think that I, the so-called richest man in the Mainland, have a bad reputation, but e-commerce is indeed a I’m also walking on thin ice in this new field.”

Yan Honglin nodded slowly, this is Mr. Fang.

He looked at the president of IDG across from him, feeling awkward. Did Mr. Fang know that Xiong Xiaoge was blocking other venture capital investors? This person kept refusing to allow others to respond, but he was sitting here with a thorn in his side.

Oh, don’t respond to Xiong Xiaoge.

Hey, sincere Mr. Fang.

Fang Zhuo drank half a cup of tea and made a key point: "Yike will inject the offline channel of Dazhong Electrical Appliances into Tesco as an asset. We believe that its existence can supplement the current customer trust. Dazhong Electrical Appliances will choose the location to open a store." They are basically in key cities and are in line with Tesco’s current customer base.”

"At the same time, the after-sales service of Dazhong Electrical Appliances will also be a very strong guarantee."

"This channel is still very useful."

Xiong Xiaoge agreed with this. He went to negotiate the acquisition with him and said: "Although e-commerce is e-commerce, it does not need to adhere to the boundaries between online and offline. Tesco is good at adapting measures to local conditions."

Fang Zhuo nodded: "B2C itself needs to rely on offline conditions. The future expansion of the Dazhong Electrical Appliances channel will be guided by Tesco's needs. Our positioning of it is a good helper for Tesco's development."

The electrical appliance chain can be developed as the main business, and it can also be listed on the market, just like Suning and Gome, which are also very popular now.

However, its positioning in Tesco's system is now clear.

"I want you all to come here today. First, we will talk about the development and prospects of Tesco and have a general discussion." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Second, doing B2C does cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Everyone is My sponsor."

Laughter erupted in the conference room.

This is the situation, but it is still a bit ridiculous for the richest man in the mainland to say this.

Ning Junxia, ​​president of Jinxin Capital, asked: "Mr. Fang, how long do you think Tesco's money-burning competition will last?"

Fang Zhuo showed an optimistic smile and said: "In three years, I think it will look good."

Ning Junxia nodded, yes, 2008.

Xiong Xiaoge glanced at Mr. Fang and said nothing.

The next step is to discuss the value injection of Yike, a large and medium-sized electrical appliance asset.

Dazhong Electrical Appliances was purchased by Yikeshi. This investment needs to be treated with caution, as it will also involve major asset changes of the listed company.

However, Fang Zhuo had no intention of really reaching any conclusion today.

The actual first round of financing is planned to be officially launched after the competition between Tesco and Dangdang has come to an end.

The meeting lasted for a long time. Fang Zhuo and Su Wei answered investors' questions about the current situation of Tesco. They had some minor opinions, but overall they were able to reach a consensus.

Fang Zhuo also brought up the term "Eastern Amazon" and talked about something that was persuaded by IDG President Xiong Xiaoge.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting ended, and there was a dinner reception after a short break.

Fang Zhuo left Xiong Xiaoge behind, invited his old friend into his CEO's office, and handed him fragrant tea.

"Old Xiong, hey, Zhilengdian, I haven't seen you for a while, why do you look so depressed?" Fang Zhuo wondered.

"I'm busy at work, unlike Mr. Fang, who looks radiant." Xiong Xiaoge said angrily.

Fang Zhuo shook his head and said: "Competing with Dangdang now puts me under a lot of pressure."

He asked again: "Do you have any trouble with that Yan Honglin? Why do I think he looks at you a little awkwardly?"

Xiong Xiaoge said calmly: "Not very familiar."

Fang Zhuo said "Oh" and didn't care. He got down to business: "Old Xiong, you haven't been to Luzhou for a while. As a shareholder, you don't care and want to inspect."

"I don't understand anything, so what's the point of inspection? It's good news that the risky trial production has passed. I'm waiting for the mass production news." Xiong Xiaoge was suddenly startled when he said this, "Is there bad news now?"

"No, no, Mr. Qiu and the others are focused on improving the yield rate, but the funding for ice cores must also be considered." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "A production line is always a bit lonely."

Xiong Xiaoge asked: "Can its production capacity be fully reached now?"

"Part of it is that we look for it ourselves. In addition, if a leader calls me and is concerned about this, he will definitely provide support." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Bing Xin is registered after all."

Xiong Xiaoge nodded slightly. As long as it can be put into production, the support in this regard must be considerable.

But he shook his head again: "The cycle and investment of ice cores are quite large, and IDG is not able to invest for the time being. What I said on the phone was not an excuse."

"So, there are no other families." Fang Zhuo lowered his voice, "Let me say hello first and ask for your cooperation in the middle of the year."

Xiong Xiaoge looked at Mr. Fang.

Fang Zhuo asked strangely: "For the ice core, for the project, is there any problem?"

"No problem." Xiong Xiaoge was no longer afraid of being poked in the back.

Fang Zhuo knew that this was the old Xiong he knew.

Just as he was about to continue chatting about this important matter, the landline phone in the president's office rang.

Fang Zhuo reached out to take it and heard a slightly anxious report.

"President Fang, ten publishing houses jointly accepted an interview and accused us of Tesco's promotions disrupting the market order!"

Fang Zhuo did not panic and asked: "Ten? Is it the publishing house that has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Dangdang?"

"Yes, all of these ten."

Fang Zhuo said: "Okay, I got it, let's see the reaction of public opinion first."

Xiong Xiaoge asked: "What happened?"

Fang Zhuo talked about the matter, and before he could continue to comment on the publishing house and their actions behind the scenes, the landline rang again.

This time, his face was much more serious when he answered the phone.

Xiong Xiaoge waited until the phone call ended and asked with his eyes.

"The phone number of the publishing office." Fang Zhuoyan said concisely and concisely, "I want to make an appointment with Tesco and Dangdang."

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