Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 595 Observation (two-in-one)

Fang Zhuo had two days free in the capital. One was to take the lead for BOE, and the other was to see if there was any progress in the interview between Dangdang and Tesco.

In this way, considering that he was about to fly to the United States to see Android, he would probably also act as an investor, so he followed the spirit of learning and took a look at Lao Xiong's daily work.

As a well-known venture capital, IDG has a small number of employees.

When Fang Zhuo, accompanied by Xiong Xiaoge, walked into the headquarters office of IDG China, he was warmly welcomed.

"Mr. Fang, it's Mr. Fang who's here!"

"Mr. Fang has come to IDG to guide the work!"

"Welcome Mr. Fang!"

"Mr. Fang, we are greatly encouraged by the progress of the ice core!"

Following the greetings along the way, Fang Zhuo had a vague illusion that he had come to his own company - of course it was not the feeling of Hang Lung 23. It was like a subsidiary company that had not been here for a long time. The subsidiary company had recruited many new and unfamiliar people. employees, but new employees know the boss as a matter of course.

Fang Zhuo had a warm smile on his face, greeted and nodded, as if he was really here to give guidance.

When he sat in Lao Xiong's office, he couldn't help but smile and said: "You guys at IDG are very enthusiastic. I thought you would be more calm and aloof."

Xiong Xiaoge said subtly: "Of course you have to be enthusiastic. I heard that Pan Ben and the others did a good job under your hands."

Pan Ben used to be the vice president of IDG and was sent to Yike to investigate the situation two years ago.

Then, there is no more.

If there is one, there are two. There are only a few people in IDG, and the destination of job-hopping cannot be concealed at all.

Fang Zhuo nodded frequently and praised: "Pan Ben is really good. Fortunately, he came out of IDG. He is now responsible for the development of Yike in the European market. He is very motivated and capable."

Xiong Xiaoge looked at this shameless CEO coldly.

He said: "So, to a certain extent, I can understand Li Guoqing's mood. He can't be entirely blamed for his quarrel with you."

"The problem of talent is a problem that has been bothering me in the past two years." Fang Zhuo sighed, "You can understand him, but you can't understand me?"

Xiong Xiaoge remained silent and did not intend to continue this topic.

Fang Zhuo waved his hand: "Forget it, let's not talk about it. It's not easy for everyone."

Xiong Xiaoge wanted to ask the security guard to ask this person out.

"Let's have some tea. Where's the project book? Where's the industry research? Where's your IDG's internal judgment? Do it quickly, do it quickly." Fang Zhuo sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and urged his old friend.

Xiong Xiaoge pressed the intercom and called Vice President Wu Xingyi to come in and introduce the tracks and projects IDG was looking for this time.

Regarding video websites, IDG's judgment is that with the rapid development of the Internet, the market for the entertainment film and television industry will become larger and larger, and as a derivative, video websites will meet great demand, which will in turn affect film and television.

However, there is still some controversy within IDG about the time when this demand will fully burst out. Some people think it will take three to four years, while others think it will take five or six years.

No matter what, IDG considers taking a shot and giving it a try.

Wu Xingyi quoted words from an internal discussion meeting - "Projects as difficult as ice cores have seen the light of day. What is there that video websites dare not invest in?"

However, there was also the same objection in the internal discussion - "Where can you find another Mr. Fang?"

——"Why don't we call Mr. Fang to do this together?"

——"Mr. Fang is willing?"

Fang Zhuoyue heard more and more something was wrong, so he stopped and said, "Stop, stop, Mr. Wu, I got off the subject. I'm going off topic. I want you to introduce the project situation. Don't repeat these side details."

Wu Xingyi said sarcastically.

Xiong Xiaoge, who was sitting on the boss's chair, said, "He is the one who suggested calling you to do this."

Fang Zhuo was stunned.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think of video websites?" Wu Xingyi said cheerfully.

"It must be quite expensive. Let's start in four or five years." Fang Zhuo didn't hide anything.

Wu Xingyi nodded and said: "What do Yike think? What do Sina think? What do Mr. Fang think?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at the vice president, then turned to look at Lao Xiong, and said seriously: "According to my opinion, in fact, it is all burning money anyway. You IDG have to invest anyway. Instead of investing in the video website, why don't you continue?" Put your money in me."

He spoke faster: "Who should I vote for and not vote for? Who should be burned and not burned? We are all so familiar with each other, and there have been successful cases before, right?"

Wu Xingyi fell into deep thought.

Xiong Xiaoge interrupted his subordinate's contemplation and refused: "Eggs are not put in one basket. We are engaged in investment, not the semiconductor industry."

Fang Zhuo regretfully said to Wu Xingyi, "You Mr. Xiong still don't trust me enough."

Xiong Xiaoge said: "Wu Xingyi, you can go out first. As long as Mr. Fang and I are here for LeTV, we are just listening and watching anyway."

Wu Xingyi left the office.

It's nine forty-five in the morning, fifteen minutes before the scheduled ten o'clock.

IDG's morning arrangement is to leave one hour for LeTV, then one hour for Tudou, and then the lunch reception will be with Tudou.

Compared to the LeTV project that someone introduced, Xiong Xiaoge is still more optimistic about Tudou, whose founder has a more beautiful resume.

"This LeTV network was introduced by a friend. There have been a lot of investment projects recently, and some of them are not easy to recommend." Xiong Xiaoge said to Fang Zhuo.

The implication is that this is just a formality, but it can also provide some understanding of current views on the new track.

Fang Zhuo smiled and nodded.

Xiong Xiaoge added: "If it's really good, you can continue the conversation and look at the people and their plans."

Fang Zhuo poured himself a cup of tea and looked through the information on the two projects.

Speaking of LeTV...

This stall with chicken feathers all over the place is indeed quite familiar.

The people we are going to meet today are Jia Chuxu, Jia Zhengshi, Jia Huiguo, Jia Yezi, and Jia Zaoche. They are quite well-known, and their surname is named Huo, which has a kind of black humor.

Speaking of Lao Jia's history, he is quite famous as a fellow from Jin Province who is engaged in real estate, but he is also a fellow from Jin Province who keeps a low profile behind the scenes.

Liu Hong, the co-founder of LeTV, is a journalist. It was he who introduced the fellows from Shanxi Province, and then the project started to develop.

In other words, it’s a journey of fraud all the way up.

LeTV’s financial fraud lasted for an astonishing ten years.

Without the three-year fraud before going public, LeTV would not have been able to go public.

Without the seven years of fraud after listing, LeTV’s story would not be possible.

As for why everything has been peaceful for the past ten years...

Some people think that Jia Leshi's final defeat was because he moved too fast. In fact, he had to move fast. If he didn't tell new stories quickly, the entire bubble would be easily burst.

There is nothing new under the sun.

Fang Zhuo still remembers the absurdity of the Top Group. The two are actually the same, but the ones under the Internet are more dazzling, have more changeable methods, and have more people to back them up.

There was a knock on the office door.

Vice President Wu Xingyi led the two founders of LeTV in.

Jia Yueting and Liu Hong.

This was the second time the two came to IDG's office. The last time they came, Xiong Xiaoge was in Shanghai to discuss Tesco financing, so Jia Yueting spent a few seconds to confirm who Mr. Xiong was.

It is not difficult to confirm that the old man behind the desk is Mr. Xiong.

Jia Yueting just spoke, still chatting, and his eyes suddenly turned uncontrollably to the young man sitting on the sofa.

This rich god is so handsome...

Really are……

After Jia Yueting finished his usual greetings, the co-founder Liu Hong next to him had already confirmed it.

"I didn't expect to see Mr. Fang here. Even if I don't have Mr. Xiong's favor, it's a worthwhile trip to get Mr. Fang's guidance." Liu Hong was a little surprised.

"Hello, Mr. Liu, take a seat. Mr. Jia will also take a seat." Fang Zhuo smiled and gestured, "I was called to study. Don't pay attention to me. Mr. Xiong is the one who can invest money."

Jia Yueting and Liu Hong both took their seats.

The two of them looked at each other, neither of them expected to see the Yike CEO today.

Xiong Xiaoge can understand the aura of being the richest man in the mainland. After all, in addition to the aura of this name, if someone is willing to ask about Mr. Fang's deeds, it is quite convincing.

He gave time for pleasantries and calming down.

Fang Zhuo exchanged business cards, refilled himself with tea, lit another cigarette, and silently watched as the IDG president asked questions about the LeTV project.

The contact between venture capital and the founding team is not complicated. Xiong Xiaoge has already reviewed LeTV’s materials, researched the industrial environment, and compared similar projects. Therefore, today he mainly looks at people.

He wanted to see whether the founding team was reliable, what their style and philosophy were.

Although they are not all the same, some founders stumble in their speeches and cannot clearly describe the advantages and disadvantages of the project, which makes it really difficult for people to become interested in investing.

But... if Mr. Fang is so fluent in his answers and has unparalleled eloquence, he may also have some doubts.

Regardless of LeTV or Tudou, IDG will not invest too much in this round of contact. After all, video websites have no reference, many variables, and relatively high risks.

This is why Xiong Xiaoge came to Mr. Fang, hoping that the president, who was accustomed to judging the cutting-edge direction of the Internet, would give some advice.

Of the two founders of LeTV, Liu Hong spoke out more, while Jia Yueting added from the side.

Fang Zhuo thought about it while smoking, feeling that the old Jia was still acting a little shy.

The exchange between Xiong Xiaoge, Liu and Jia lasted half an hour.

Finally, at the end of this round of conversation, Xiong Xiaoge asked: "Mr. Jia, Mr. Liu, do you have anything else to add?"

Jia Yueting thought for a while, opened his notebook, opened the PPT, and said: "Mr. Xiong, Mr. Fang, I, I am a little excited. I want to look at the PPT and type it again."

Xiong Xiaoge said "Huh" and nodded in agreement.

Fang Zhuo still had no reaction.

Unexpectedly, Jia Yueting, who was originally shy, became energetic when he looked at the PPT.

He mentioned the development of video and the importance of copyright that is now ignored. He also compared the "combination of the Internet and music" once said by the richest man, saying that this is another spread of the Internet's tentacles, and that the combination of the Internet and video will explode. Expose huge power.

Co-founder Liu Hong got a little excited when he was told.

Xiong Xiaoge blinked. He wasn't very infected, so he thought it was just fine.

He has seen larger and clearer PPTs and listened to more puzzling and powerful speeches.

Jia Yueting's face turned dark and rosy when he said it. However, when he finished, he was a little disappointed to find that both Mr. Xiong and Mr. Fang were indifferent.

"Mr. Fang, I've been watching and listening for a long time. Do you have any opinions for us to learn from?" Xiong Xiaoge looked at Mr. Fang and said, "You also started a business, so you can give some advice."

All three people looked over.

Fang Zhuo put out his cigarette, thought for a while, and commented: "The PPT was done well."

Jia Yueting: "..."

Liu Hong: "..."

Xiong Xiaoge said dissatisfied: "What else?"

Fang Zhuo thought again: "Dreams are great, Mr. Jia, but this thing is not that easy to do. Are you mentally prepared to stick to this project?"

Jia Yueting said firmly: "Mr. Fang, even if I am suffocated by my dreams, I will persevere."

Fang Zhuo nodded, "Oh, it's me."

He said concisely and concisely: "The project has prospects and the industry needs to be developed."

Then he fell silent.

Xiong Xiaoge was a little surprised. This is not Mr. Fang's style. He doesn't analyze or communicate when he encounters such a thing?

He felt strange and guessed that this was because he was not optimistic about it.

Xiong Xiaoge pondered for a moment, asked a few procedural questions, and ended the meeting at 10:45.

Jia Yueting and Liu Hong both stood up. At this time, the former suddenly looked at Fang Zhuo and made a request: "Mr. Fang, can I take a photo with you? I admire Yi Ke very much, and I also admire Mr. Fang very much."

Fang Zhuo laughed and agreed.

After the photo was taken, the two founders left IDG.

When there were only two people left in the office again, Xiong Xiaoge asked in confusion: "Mr. Fang, are you optimistic about this or not? Why are you so perfunctory today?"

"I just came to see how your venture capital works today." Fang Zhuo innocently spread his hands.

"Then give me some advice!" Xiong Xiaoge was displeased.

"If you have to give me some advice, don't vote for LeTV." Fang Zhuo shrugged.

Xiong Xiaoge asked: "Why?"

"I think his PPT is not good enough, and he is very awkward when talking about dreams." Fang Zhuo said with a serious face.

Xiong Xiaoge felt that Mr. Fang had no intention of giving any real ideas at all, so he said angrily: "As long as you are good at PPT, you have the most rounded dream!"

Fang Zhuo said modestly: "There have been talented people from generation to generation, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years."

Xiong Xiaoge thought that Mr. Fang was a little weird today and seemed to be referring to something, but he didn't know what he was referring to.

"There is also Tudou. I really suggest that he change his name."

Fang Zhuo said casually: "Couch Potato is a kind of person who watches TV on the sofa. It has a unique meaning. The name actually doesn't matter. Look at the idea, look at the team, and look at the execution."

"You're not saying that the founder of this company has a very good resume. In that case, it probably won't be too difficult for him to find money."

"There will definitely be a few video websites, as long as you can bear it."

Xiong Xiaoge said in astonishment: "Do you want to talk again now?"

"As I said, I'm here to study today. In a few days, I have to go to the United States to visit a company. Google has already had a round of talks with that company." Fang Zhuo shook his head and said, "If you are interested, I will discuss this matter with you." I can take you with me, that’s what’s interesting, it’s much more interesting than any video website.”

Xiong Xiaoge thought for a few seconds, frowned and said, "IDG America is in charge over there."

"If the negotiation can be concluded, I can put a shell on you." Fang Zhuo said.

Xiong Xiaoge made a decision immediately: "Okay."

Fang Zhuo was surprised: "Why are you so decisive?"

"I don't know why, but I vaguely saw you taking out the PPT." Xiong Xiaoge frowned, "It's just a feeling that has no reason."

Fang Zhuo rubbed his chin. Well, there is no sword in his hand, but there is a sword in his heart.

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