Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 603 Mr. Fang never cheats his friends (2-in-1)

Google is powerful.

Google will be more powerful in the future.

Considering that Google has already had two negotiation meetings with Android companies, it is unknown when the expected acquisition negotiations will come. It just so happens that Stringer, Sony's old friend, returns from Tokyo, so the friendship between the two parties will be consolidated.

On April 5, Fang Zhuo made an appointment with Stringer for a more private afternoon tea.

Because Stringer was hosting local executives from Sony at the Greenwich Hotel, which was not far from Chinatown, Fang Zhuo arrived at the hotel in advance and met with the increasingly prosperous Anliang Business Director Fan. male.

The Greenwich Hotel is located in New York, but its style is not modern. Its oak beams and antique wood floors have an exotic feel.

Fang Zhuo was sitting in the sofa waiting area on the first floor, listening to Fan Xiong's chat and looking at the style of the hotel with interest. A little further in, there was even a lush courtyard.

"Mr. Fan, there is a normal job transfer in the group. Do you want to transfer Fan Yuanzhi to the American market? Since our son is close, we don't have to wait for the New Year and holidays to urge the marriage."

Fang Zhuo mentioned Fan Xiong’s son.

"Mr. Fang, it depends on his own wishes, work is the main thing." Fan Xiong said with a smile.

Fang Zhuo knew that the talker in front of him wanted to keep his son away from the Anliang Chamber of Commerce, so he nodded slightly and talked a little more about the MIGA fund.

As the MIGA fund invests in U.S. real estate, dabbles in subordinated bonds, and actively buys stocks of high-quality Internet companies, its reputation in the Chinese community is becoming more and more famous. In particular, the continuous growth of Google's market value has made everyone earn. earned a lot.

The current MIGA fund has a high threshold, and there are still people who want to invest through the relationship with the Anliang Chamber of Commerce, which plays into Fan Xiong's plan and uses it to sell influence.

It can be said that although many people in Chinatown don't know what "Mr. Fang" looks like, they all know that there is such a person standing behind the Anliang Chamber of Commerce. Compared with the original Li family, the situation is no longer the same.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Fan Xiong put the car keys on the table in front of Mr. Fang and asked: "Mr. Fang, the car has been processed. It is safe and confidential. Do you want two more assistants to follow it?"

The places Fang Zhuo visited in New York were all prosperous areas. Hearing this, he said with a bit of laughter and tears: "I'll just have tea with Lao Si, it won't be a big deal."

At this time, a little boy came in through the revolving door of the hotel, happily walked around the fountain, and trotted to the waiting area.

The little boy was only four or five years old. As soon as he ran to the sofa, he saw a group of people sitting expressionless. He staggered and almost fell down.

Fang Zhuo had quick eyes and quick hands and stretched out his arms to hug him.

The four Asian faces following behind saw the little boy being hugged by a strange man, and one of them said in a stiff tone: "Let him go!"

The little boy shrank inward when he heard the sound.

Fang Zhuo glanced at the menacing Asian man. He didn't know what the situation was and didn't let go.

The assistants of the Anliang Chamber of Commerce who came with Fan Xiong all stood up.

The four Asian men were not intimidated, and their expressions became even more fierce.

The hands of the two assistants silently touched their lower backs.

When all four Asian men saw this action, their steps stopped abruptly and their hands stayed away from any parts that might cause misunderstanding.

"China, Japan, Korea?" Fang Zhuo touched the little boy's shoulder and asked in English.

Before the Asian man could answer, the sound of high heels hurriedly came from behind, and then a rather intellectual woman appeared.

She looked at the confrontation in surprise and quickly spoke to the little boy in Korean.

The little boy looked up at Fang Zhuo, replied in Korean, shook Fang Zhuo's hand, and ran towards the woman.


Fang Zhuo said something to Fan Xiong, and he actually recognized the woman who had just appeared.

Fan Xiong and his assistants all sat down.

The woman squatted down and gently comforted the little boy, while an Asian man whispered the situation and details of the encounter just now.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fang, for causing you trouble." The woman stood up, glanced at Fang Zhuo, who was quite outstanding on the sofa, apologized in Chinese, and then introduced herself, "I am Li Fuzhen from Samsung Group. Xiaoxian is a bit naughty and really abrupt."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly. This so-called eldest princess of the Samsung Group appeared here for some unknown reason.

He smiled and said politely: "It's okay."

Fang Zhuo had no intention of continuing the conversation. Although Li Fuzhen was the eldest princess of Samsung, she was far away from the core of power. Although the idea of ​​four alliances was mentioned in the previous communication with Xiaoyu, the contact through the Android company was enough.

"Mr. Fang, I have heard about your entrepreneurial experience and I admire you very much." Li Fuzhen hugged his son and sat down gracefully. "My brother Li Zaiyong also talked about the story of Yike's defeat of Sony. He admires you very much. vision."

She thought that the richest man in a neighboring country in front of her didn't know about her, so she mentioned Samsung Prince Lee Jae-yong again.

Fang Zhuo said slowly: "Well, how is Mr. Li Jianxi? We have been friends with him for a long time and have never had a chance to visit him."

Li Fuzhen was startled when he heard this person mentioning his father, and then he realized one thing. Neither the "Prince" nor the "eldest princess" looked good enough in front of the other party. The other party's specifications should be a meeting between the heads of the family. .

Although Yike is far from Samsung Group, there seems to be more than wealth behind "the richest man in neighboring countries".

Li Fuzhen came to New York this time to relax and visit his sister. Before he came, he actually heard his brother mention things about neighboring countries. One of them was related to the man in front of him. Several home appliance companies in China are going to join forces to invest in panel production lines. It is said that there is This one is the central puller.

This "supposedly" is very accurate because it is specific news coming from a home appliance company in a neighboring country.

"My father is very interested in China's economic development and intends to go to China to inspect investment in the middle of the year." Li Fuzhen replied seriously.

Fang Zhuo's expression softened and he asked with a smile: "Could President Li want to invest in the panel? If I return to Shanghai then, he is welcome to be a guest."

Li Fuzhen didn't expect that this person would suddenly ask a question about the "panel". She was in charge of Samsung's hotel business and was not involved in the panel, one of the group's core businesses. She was also afraid of giving wrong answers and causing trouble. For a moment, she was a little worried. hesitate.

"Uncle, do you know my grandpa? Do you know my mother? Do you know me?" The little boy suddenly broke away from his mother's hand, took a step forward, and asked curiously.

Fang Zhuo reached out and touched the little boy's head, and said with a smile: "I don't know you yet, how do you call him?"

"My name is Ren Dongxian, and I came to inspect the hotel with my mother!" The little boy Ren Dongxian proudly puffed up his chest and even took out a business card from his body and handed it over.

Fang Zhuo took the business card in surprise. He looked down and couldn't help laughing. It was obvious that the business card was drawn with colored pens.

He smiled and shook his head, and took out one of his business cards and handed it to the little boy: "Hello Ren Dongxian, you are amazing. You can actually accompany your mother to inspect the hotel."

Ren Dongxian took the business card and found that it contained Chinese characters he didn't recognize. He handed it to his mother and continued: "Of course! Mom's Shilla Hotel is a member of the Leading Hotels of the World and is the best hotel in the world!"

Fang Zhuo exaggeratedly said in a coaxing tone: "Really? That's great."

Ren Dongxian smiled a little shyly and added: "I remembered that my mother taught me not to say this. The Shilla Hotel is one of the best hotels in the world."

Fang Zhuo was once again amused by the child's "one" way of fixing the problem.

Li Fuzhen on the side watched this scene and explained softly that the Leading Hotels of the World has a luxury hotel alliance, of which his own Shilla Hotel is a member, and he came here with the intention of inspecting the styles of other hotels.

Fang Zhuo rubbed the little boy's head and saw Stringer being sent downstairs by Sony's local executives from the corner of his eye.

He shook Ren Dongxian's little fleshy hand and said, "Goodbye, Mr. Ren Dongxian, I'm going to get busy."

Ren Dongxian said in a serious tone: "Goodbye, sir. You go and do your work. I also want to inspect the hotel."

Fang Zhuo stood up and left with a smile on his face.

A group of people from the Anliang Chamber of Commerce followed closely behind.

When Ren Dongxian saw his uncle leaving, he quickly asked his mother: "Mom, mom, what's his name?"

Li Fuzhen held the business card. There was no extra title on it, only the name and number. She pointed at the Chinese characters and read: "Fang, Zhuo, Fang Zhuo."

Ren Dongxian repeated it twice, ran out two steps, and shouted loudly at Fang Zhuo's back: "Mr. Fang Zhuoda, goodbye, goodbye! I have to be busy too."

Fang Zhuo stopped, laughed, turned around and waved, and then left the hotel together when Stringer arrived.

"Stringer?" Li Fuzhen also recognized the new foreign head of Sony Group.

"Mom, who is Stringer?" Ren Dongxian heard his mother's soft question.

"He is a very powerful person, the one who left with Mr. Fang just now." Li Fuzhen said.

Ren Dongxian lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "Mom, you said that powerful people are with powerful people, so is Mr. Fang Zhuoda who is with Mr. Stringer also very powerful?"

Li Fuzhen touched his son's face: "Of course he is very powerful, but I don't know how powerful he is."

"How about comparing with uncle?" Ren Dongxian asked.

Li Fuzhen thought about his brother's current position. He was in charge of the LCD subsidiary business of the Sony-Samsung joint venture... while the other party was discussing development strategies with the head of Sony.

She shook her head: "Mr. Fang is more powerful."

Ren Dongxian's eyes widened and he asked in surprise: "How about comparing with grandpa?"

Li Fuzhen held his son's hand and smiled: "Of course your grandpa is great."

Ren Dongxian nodded: "That's pretty awesome."

"Let's go up and see my aunt. She's been in a bad mood recently. You need to comfort her more." Li Fuzhen instructed.

"I know." Ren Dongxian pursed his lips and agreed.

"The innocence of children can make people forget their worries. Their world is always simple and beautiful. Unfortunately, ours is always very complicated."

Stringer saw Mr. Fang laughing on the first floor and said with a smile after getting in the car.

"Who says it's not?" Fang Zhuo drove a low-key Mercedes-Benz. "There should be cigars in the car. How about Sony? Is the layoff reform going well?"

"The group is very bloated and the business is very complex." Stringer did not find a cigar and lit a cigarette. "Suddenly I felt a little regretful. Maybe I shouldn't have taken over this position."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "Okay, that's not very simple. Let Nakaba Ryoji be the chairman."

Stringer shook his head and said: "But I'm afraid that Sony Group will fall into the hands of others."

Fang Zhuo glanced at the head of Sony out of the corner of his eye and said after passing a traffic light: "So, I have a good deal when I come to New York. I wanted to talk to you when I heard that you were back."

Stringer made a listening gesture.

Fang Zhuo introduced the Android system of Android Company, also talked about the current situation of the mobile phone market, and mentioned various problems faced by hardware manufacturers and software developers.

Finally, he talked about his contacts with Android companies and his investment intentions.

"It's not easy." Although Stringer is not good at this aspect of business, it is not easy just listening to Mr. Fang's introduction.

Sony has a joint venture mobile phone company with Ericsson, which is actually considered the first echelon in the current market. However, there is a big gap between the head and the tail of the first echelon.

Nokia is too powerful, Motorola is not bad either, and there is Samsung ahead of them. The market share of Sony Ericsson mobile phones often fluctuates between the third and fourth places.

"It's just not easy that it's worth doing." Fang Zhuo described, "Otherwise, why do you think we Yike and Google fell in love with this Android company at the same time?"

He added: "It's not just the two of us, including Samsung and HTC, who have been in contact with Android companies and have shown great interest."

Stringer wondered: "Why didn't I receive a report on this? Did the Android company contact Sony?"

Fang Zhuo replied succinctly: "Sony's performance in the past two years has not been good."

Stringer's heart felt a little blocked, and after half a cigarette he asked: "Where is the investment budget?"

"If Sony is willing, then you can do half-and-half with Yike, each with 15 million U.S. dollars, and a total of 30 million U.S. dollars to discuss investment with the Android company." Fang Zhuo reported the figures, "Just like Sony does with Ericsson and Bertelsmann. "

The cooperation model that Sony likes is half and half, as is the case with Ericsson, Samsung and the original Bertelsmann.

However, Stringer was stuck again. The group was now laying off employees and had to focus on developing its existing business.

The most important thing is that as the newly appointed chairman, this year's financial report will definitely attract much attention. At this time, there is such an expenditure... and it is also the electronics business that everyone is concerned about...

The inclination in Stringer's mind shrank back.

Fang Zhuo saw his old friend pondered and said nothing, and smiled: "You can ask Sony's team to evaluate the prospects of the Android system. I personally think that this is a very important deal. I can't say whether it can be completed. But it’s well worth doing.”

Stringer spoke, but did not mention this investment. He talked about Nakahata Ryoharu, who had a conflict on the Tokyo board of directors, and said that although he was not elected as a director, he is still in charge of the group's electronic products business.

Fang Zhuo saw that he had arrived at his destination and slowly pulled over to the side.

He turned to look at Stringer, his old friend, and said with a smile: "If you say this, I can understand your difficulty. Otherwise, you can find a compromise method. This money does not need to be paid by Sony Group, and it is easy to Ke is looking for authorization for mobile phone patents.”

"It would be more appropriate to package the Sony Ericsson mobile phone patent license for a period of several years. This way, we can invest in the future without having to argue with Nakahata Ryoji and others, and the funds will not be affected."

Fang Zhuo asked for advice gently: "How is it?"

Stringer's tendency popped out, and he said reservedly: "Fang, if you want patent authorization, you don't have to go through such a circle."

"Hahaha, you saw it." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "But I think this is a win-win situation, so there is no need to be too secretive, everyone gets what they need."

Stringer nodded slightly: "I will have an evaluation of the Android company here."

"As soon as possible, I will fly to San Francisco to talk to them." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "We want to get ahead of Google. I heard that it intends to acquire it directly."

Skin's motto is concise and concise: "Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"I'll treat you to afternoon tea today." Fang Zhuo winked, "But you want to reply to me tomorrow, how about that?"

Stringer smiled: "Deal."

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