Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 605 Money ignites dreams (two-in-one)

Mr. Fang not only brought Yike, but also teamed up with Sony to make a bid that was beyond Rubin's expectations.

Unlike Yiko, which has no experience in mobile phones, Sony's mobile phones have a market position, which seems to be more suitable for the future ecological development of Android companies.

One company was spending money freely, and the other company that was brought along had rich hardware experience. Rubin couldn't help but be tempted by such a configuration, but...

These two large companies will invest a combined US$30 million, and Mr. Fang’s valuation of Android is US$60 million.

This means that Yike + Sony will hold 50% of the shares of Android Company.

Rubin is a little uneasy about such a high ratio.

It has only been 18 months since the establishment of Android Company. It is said to be a company, but in fact it has not carried out much commercial development. Rubin himself also used his technical appeal to recruit such a group of people to build a mobile operating system.

Relatively speaking, the atmosphere and goals throughout the company are quite pure.

However, once two aggressive companies acquire half of the shares, can the company still be in control of its direction?

More specifically, can Yike and Sony stick to their open source plan for Android? Will Android turn into a profit-seeking system like TI?

There was concern in Rubin's mind.

But but but...

The valuation given by Mr. Fang is really sincere!

Directly from 40 million to 60 million!

The troubled Rubin returned home and thought for half a night. After praising Mr. Fang's generosity in his heart, he decided to talk to Google about this investment intention. The venture capital and companies that Android had contacted before were based on Google's performance. Most willing.

Android has already negotiated with Google twice, and both meetings were of high standard. Rubin has been communicating with Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Burr from the beginning.

Even though no substantial investment has been reached, Rubin can clearly feel that Google is optimistic about Android.

Originally, Google would also hold a third negotiation meeting with Android.


Rubin felt a little confused after thinking about it, so he sat at the negotiation table with Yike + Sony.

He organized some words in his mind, called Google founder Larry, and talked about the Android company's new employer contacts - the focus was on this new valuation of 60 million!

Out of professional ethics, Rubin did not mention that the new owner was Yike + Sony.

Larry quietly listened to the situation statement from Android Company, and was a little surprised by this new offer of 60 million, which was obviously higher than the mainstream level.

What kind of company is Android?

It's not so much a company as it is a technical team or department.

Judging from Larry's observation, if the Android company is allowed to develop like this, the Android system will never be able to realize the prospects planned by this group of programmers, and the outcome can only be failure.

Therefore, despite hearing the extremely competitive offer, Larry still said calmly: "Rubin, you know our interest in Android at Google. I think many things are reflected in more than just money."

"I have been discussing this matter with Sergey these days. Since you called today, I will tell you."

"Google recognizes the value of the Android system. Not only does it recognize this system, but it also recognizes the value of you people."

"We now want to invest in Android, and we want you to become a part of Google, so that we can better achieve our common goals."

Larry said with some confidence: "How about it, Rubin? Join Google."

However, the voice on the phone did not express much joy.

"This... I need to think about it." Rubin found that the amount of information today exceeded the scope of what he could measure. Previously, he was still struggling with the excessive holdings of Yike and Sony. Now, Google doesn't even hold shares and wants to directly Acquired.

Larry was a little surprised and said: "$60 million, Google is willing to match this offer."

Rubin replied awkwardly: "Well... I really need to think about it again, Larry. You know very well that I, I haven't considered selling the company yet."

Larry smelled something different, and he said: "Rubin, Google can respect Android's wishes and give your team independence. Other companies may not be able to lead Android to victory."

Rubin still said: "Well... I'll think about it again."

Listening to the other party's tone, Larry didn't seem to agree with what he said, and asked with a smile: "Can I know who it is this time? After all, Google is very interested in Android. If possible, competitors can't pull it in." work together."

Rubin hesitated for a second and said, "It's Yike and Sony. It's Mr. Fang who came to talk to us."

Larry was shocked and retracted his previous judgment. It was actually Sony and Yi Ke?

Sony's Sony Ericsson mobile phone itself is a hardware manufacturer, and Yike's current success stems from its excellent software and hardware integration.

Larry once met with Fang Zhuo from Yike, which was about Google's entry into the Chinese market. He had a very good impression of this president from the East. If it is Yike + Sony + Android, then...

Not to mention that it will definitely succeed, it will definitely be much better than the Android company led by Rubin.

When the technical department complements the commercial capabilities, it may be the beginning of take-off.

Larry's thoughts were spinning in his mind and he said calmly: "I think we need to talk in person. How about tomorrow afternoon? I'm in Washington now and I'll go back after the matter is over tomorrow."

"Tomorrow afternoon... no, in the evening." Rubin thought of the communication he would have with Mr. Fang in the afternoon.

Listening to this tone, Larry roughly guessed the situation and said easily: "Okay, see you tomorrow night, Rubin, don't make a decision easily without hearing my plan for Android."

Rubin agreed. Of course he had to compare and contrast before deciding.

However, this phone call did not solve the problem, but instead proposed a new direction.

Is Google buying a company?

Can the team be given independence and autonomy?

Although there were no previous plans to sell the company...

But this sounds very cool.

Rubin ended the phone call and thought about it for half the night. He thought about Yike and Sony for a while, and thought about Google's rising momentum. In the end, he decided nothing.

The next day, when he arrived at the company a little dizzy, he suddenly saw Mr. Fang in a daze.

"Morning, Rubin, would you like a cup of coffee?"

Fang Zhuo greeted cheerfully.

Rubin's mind was already turning to mush. He was stunned for ten seconds before asking, "Mr. Fang, why are you here?"

"I'm here to tell you some good news." Fang Zhuo smiled.

Rubin blurted out: "You want to buy Android too?"

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "Whether I take it or not depends on your intention. I'm here today to personally invite you to answer Quora's questions. The website has been launched."

Rubin took the coffee from the other party, took a big sip, and felt refreshed: "Then I will write a good answer today!"

He took two steps and saw that Mr. Fang did not follow him, so he asked again: "Is this the only news?"

"Forget it if you don't ask. Since you asked, although it hasn't been done yet, I will share it with you." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "You didn't invite me to be the vice president of the company yesterday. I thought about it and realized that I was too I’m too busy to do this.”

He continued: "But I believe in the prospects of the Android system. Even if I don't hold a position, I can still help. I am contacting another well-known mobile phone brand, hoping that it can also join the Android system in the future."

Rubin hesitated: "We haven't negotiated the investment yet."

Fang Zhuo said cheerfully: "It's okay if we haven't reached an agreement. The Android system is open source. If Yike and Sony fail to invest this time, you won't refuse us to carry the Android line system, right?"

"We are open source partners. This time we are talking about cooperation just to see whether we can transform from partners in a broad sense to closer companions."

"Can we only use money to measure dreams?"

"Rubin, if this is the case, I will never believe that Android will be born from your hands."

As if the power of coffee was quickly stimulated and digested, Rubin's brain suddenly became motivated. He nodded slowly and admitted: "Yes, I have a dream..."

Before Rubin could continue, Fang Zhuo said loudly: "Good idea!"

"For your dream, and for the Android company's dream of a mobile operating system, Yike and Sony cannot disrespect it!"

"You are a group of people with dreams! Android's open source is also unprecedented!"

"I respect it, Yi Ke respects it, and Sony respects this dream, because only dreams are the driving force for progress."

"Seventy million, on behalf of Yike and Sony, I would like to revise the valuation of Android Company!"

Fang Zhuo said enthusiastically: "You are definitely worth this price!"

Rubin swallowed. Dreams cannot be measured by money, but they can be respected by money.

Undoubtedly, Mr. Fang is a very respectful person.

Rubin invited Mr. Fang into the office and had a serious talk about how he and his partners established the Android company, and talked about the development of mobile operating systems.

Although I know Mr. Fang doesn't understand technology, but after trying so hard to talk to him, how can he understand it?

Feel at home, feel at home.

However, this atmosphere did not interfere with the afternoon negotiation meeting. Rubin, on behalf of Android, still blurred the progress of the investment and failed to finalize the US$30 million for 43% of the shares.

In the evening, Rubin met Google founder Larry Page, who had rushed from Washington.

Larry doesn't know what the progress of Yiko and Sony is, but he believes that their plans for the Android system are definitely not as good as Google, which has had serious talks twice.

He enthusiastically talked about Google's plans, and finally expressed his stance.

"I absolutely agree with the value of you and Android, and I am willing to pay $60 million, or you can choose Google stock."

Rubin shook his head, stretched out seven fingers, and said sincerely: "Larry, their offer is 70 million."

Larry was startled and suspected that he had heard wrongly: "The price has increased?"

Rubin nodded. He didn't want to raise the price temporarily, but he respected my dream!

"Yesterday it was 60 million? Today it is 70 million? What happened in the middle?" Larry was surprised by this rapid price increase.

Rubin thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Fang may want to bring in another collaborator. Android Company has gained more recognition."

Larry frowned, suddenly a little unsure of what was going on.

Listening to Rubin's description, this company's valuation simply does not comply with the market process. The price that was already higher than the mainstream judgment was randomly increased by 10 million. Is the Android company worth that much money?

But then he thought about it, the Android company itself is not worth that much money, but Android + manufacturer means that the possibility of 1+1 is greater than 2.

Larry could still accept the price from his heart, but he was not impulsive. He asked curiously: "Which other company can Fang Zhuo get?"

He said objectively: "The more collaborators the Android system has, the brighter its future will indeed be."

Rubin felt even more confident when he heard that even Larry said this.

The exchange between the two did not continue after the price change, and they instead talked about the development progress of the Android system.

While Larry was having a secret meeting with Rubin, Fang Zhuo was also smoking while communicating with Samsung Electronics President Lee Ki-tae in a hotel not far from the two.

Lee Ki-tae was the president of Samsung Electronics in 2001. Under his leadership, Samsung’s Anycall mobile phone gained a good reputation in the market.

In addition to this one, Fang Zhuo also knows another figure in Samsung Electronics, Huang Changgyu, who is the technical director who proposed a "Huang's Semiconductor Rule".

For a president like Li Jitai, Fang Zhuo doesn't have to waste much time.

Yike is interested in Android system.

Same goes for Sony.

Google is the same, but it wants to acquire Android for its own use.

Are you Samsung coming to get involved?

The call lasted only ten minutes, and Li Jitai said that he would fly from France to talk about the Android company in person.

Android Company had approached Samsung before, and both companies were close to reaching a cooperation at that time. However, Samsung already had an operating system project internally, so it made a compromise with Android Company's R\u0026D on this scale.

Samsung can cooperate with Android to install the new system on mobile phones, but it must obtain orders from telecom operators.

Such preconditions blurred the prospects for cooperation between the two parties, and in the end, the agreement was not signed.

However, the situation is different now. Yike, Sony and even Google are all stepping in. The small Android pond is about to get a big product, so Samsung is also thinking of joining in to stir things up.

It’s unclear whether cooperation is possible, but Samsung will also appear here.

Fang Zhuo understood Samsung's mentality to some extent and didn't mind if they had similar thoughts. He just finished the call with Li Jitai and called HTC CEO Zhou Yongming.

However, Zhou Yongming's response surprised Fang Zhuo.

"Android should be open source."

"The last time Rubin and I talked, they were willing to let HTC be the first phone to run Android."

"We have no idea of ​​investing in mobile operating systems for the time being and will only focus on the integration and improvement of hardware."

Fang Zhuo asked in shock: "Even if Yike, Sony, Samsung, and Google are all interested in Android?"

"Focusing on our own field is our HTC principle." Zhou Yongming affirmed that HTC does not intervene in the system, but only chooses the system. Now it is working closely with Microsoft.

In 2002, HTC teamed up with Microsoft to launch the world's first Pocket PC equipped with Windows Mobile.

Seeing how determined the other party was, Fang Zhuo didn't say any more and crossed out HTC's name from his notebook.

He didn't know that Rubin had ever had such an exchange with Zhou Yongming.

The first phone with Android?

it's gone now.

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