Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 607 Our alliance is unbreakable (please vote for me) (two-in-one)

The systems developed by Android companies have value.

This value seems to have become even more dazzling after manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony, and Motorola began to show further interest.

As the founder of Android, Rubin had to think about one thing: How valuable is the system in his hands?

Is the original valuation of 70 million, which comes with respect for dreams, a bit low?

Of course, it is undeniable that Mr. Fang’s enthusiasm for open source still touches people’s hearts and can still be cited as a confidant, but let’s ask, is there such a possibility...

"What, eighty million?"

That night, Larry, the head of Google, communicated with Rubin on the phone again, and then he heard a price increase again!

Sixty million!

Seventy million!

Eighty million!

You can encounter a new price every time you communicate!

Damn it!

Larry, who had just finished communicating about the price of 70 million within Google, was laughed out of anger. He asked teasingly: "Rubin, okay, can you give me a reason to accept it? I would like to know this." Where does the value of ten million come from?”

Rubin replied seriously: "Because Mr. Fang has contacted a new party."

Larry calmed down his emotions slightly, but still asked with some resistance: "Say its name and let me see if it is worth ten million."

"Motorola." Rubin spit out the name.

Larry had to admit that Motorola, which currently ranks second in the mobile phone market, is indeed qualified to measure this million...

Even the second largest mobile phone manufacturer is willing to promote the development of Android system, which seems to mean that its future has more hope.

Larry was silent for a while, feeling that the bottom line in his heart had indeed been loosened, so he said without further ado: "Rubin, I won't go into details about Google's sincerity towards Android. We need to discuss the price."

Rubin breathed a sigh of relief and understood the other party's hesitation.

It changes every day, and everyone has to hesitate!

He ended the call with the head of Google and immediately called Mr. Fang from Yike. He first talked about the arrival of Lee Kit Tae of Samsung Electronics today, and then updated the price.

"Mr. Fang, Google may consider a new price. They think that 80 million may be more competitive."

Rubin turned around and threw the price he and Google had added to Mr. Fang.

"Okay, I understand." Fang Zhuo felt that Google was worthy of being a giant. Even if the price exceeded the original budget, it still reacted quickly and showed competitiveness.

He didn't care about the price, but instead talked about the combat effectiveness of the four alliances.

On paper, Motorola, Samsung, Sony, and Yike can easily hold an industry conference together.

Rubin also shares this optimistic outlook.

Therefore, when he ended the call with Mr. Fang and talked about the 80 million yuan with the vice president next to him, he commented proudly: "Since our Android system can attract the attention of Motorola and others, it will definitely continue to be developed in more... There’s widespread support.”

"The 80 million will be reported to Google first and then to Mr. Fang. This is a stretch."

The vice president asked: "Whether it's Sony, Samsung or Motorola, they all came very suddenly. Will we suddenly be unable to reach an agreement?"

Rubin thought for a while and said optimistically: "Mr. Fang said that Sony's Stringer and he are good friends, and Samsung and he are both Orientals. The appearance of Motorola is really sudden and surprising."

"Don't worry, Mr. Fang just told me on the phone."

"The four alliances are the core alliance of manufacturers. In the future, they will definitely maximize the open source features of Android as needed."

"Mr. Fang is very confident. He said that their alliance is unbreakable and there must be private communication between them."

Rubin said.

The vice president was relieved. Although he had not had much contact with Mr. Fang, he was indeed a man of action and was promoting the construction of the Android business ecosystem at an alarming speed.

Lee Ki-tae of Samsung Electronics arrived in San Francisco, Stringer of Sony flew in more conveniently, and Sandel of Motorola was the last to arrive.

Sandel, who was still personally received by Fang Zhuo, still introduced the situation in a clear and logical manner.

Sandel revitalized Motorola's reputation in the market and listened to the report of the young president of the East like a big boss.

He was a little surprised at the progress of the Android system, but he did not comment too much on it.

After Sandel got a little familiar with Dongfang President, he jokingly chatted about another Chinese company.

"Our China business director previously recommended Huawei to the headquarters."

"Mike, oh, Mr. Fang, you may not know him, but he was the CEO of Motorola before me."

"Mike accepted the recommendation and thought we could buy Huawei to supplement our weak areas."

"Mr. Fang, what do you think the purchase price they negotiated is?"

Sandor asked with a smile.

Fang Zhuo felt a little weird and shook his head, not guessing the price.

"7.5 billion US dollars!" Sandel continued, "Mike wants to use 7.5 billion US dollars to acquire Huawei, and he has even signed a letter of intent."

He shrugged: "But after I became CEO, I re-evaluated the acquisition. It was too expensive. Huawei was too expensive."

Sandel laughed loudly and said: "I still know something about your Huaxia company, and Yike also has great potential. It is definitely a wise choice to explore the possibilities of the Android system with Motorola this time."

Fang Zhuo nodded in admiration. He really looked like a big boss, and he was worthy of being the head of Motorola.

He asked the Sang leader to take a break and attend a closed-door meeting of the four alliances at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Leader Sang, Sir Si, Li Zuoshu, and Fang Zhenxin.

In this way, we finally got together to discuss important Android matters.

However, this meeting of only four people surprised Sandel from the beginning. He never expected that the development of Android system would be faster than he imagined.

The Android operating system has been implemented on Sidekick mobile phones.

This is several times faster than Motorola’s Linux-based development progress!

Sandel questioned the authenticity of this progress on the spot.

However, Samsung's Lee Ji-tae confirmed from the sidelines: "How is this impossible? As early as the beginning of the year when the Android company found us, the Sidekick mobile phone they made before could initially use the Android system."

Li Jitai thought that his words would move the meeting to the next node, but Sandel still didn't believe it.

He even said with disdain: "Can you Samsung understand the Android company's display machine? Did you cheat on it?"

Li Jitae was immediately furious.

The dignified president of Samsung Electronics, he was not used to Sandel, who had only been CEO of Motorola for just two years. He sarcastically said: "Do you think Samsung is like Motorola? Do you think it's just luck that I am like you?"

"I just picked up a Razr, can you make the next Razr?"

Sandel has always been proud of himself for leading the revival of Motorola, but the Razr, a best-selling mobile phone, is indeed a legacy.

He was poked where it hurt.

In particular, the market competition between Motorola and Samsung is actually very fierce. Samsung releases a new mobile phone almost every three months, but Motorola cannot decide on it for half a year.

Sandel believed from the bottom of his heart that Samsung was using a crooked approach and had no core competitiveness at all. However, the crooked approach did have quick results.

"Can Samsung have a best-selling mobile phone in the world? Just one, okay? What is your Samsung?"

"They are just leeches lying on the Korean people sucking blood!"

"Do you dare to compete fairly with Motorola in the Korean market?"

Sandor sneered: "A deformed monster! Just a deformed product of your deformed country!"

Li Jitai was so angry that his hands were shaking. How could he poke anyone in the face? !

He retorted: "Is this the anger of a loser? Samsung often sees such complaints like a resentful woman."

"However, hearing it from Motorola this time still makes me completely satisfied."

Li Jitai laughed: "After all, you were the king before Nokia. You were the king who put your own satellites to death with your own hands."

Stringer also laughed happily when he heard this. The Iridium Project is really powerful.

Sandel glanced at Stringer and murmured: "Sony can even lose to outsiders in its own industry. I doubt Sony's current execution ability."

Before Stringer could speak, Fang Zhuo coughed: "The times are developing, and we, Yike and Sony, are win-win partners."

Sandel said coldly: "I'm talking about apples."

Fang Zhuo considered whether he should break the cup as a sign of honor.

Stringer was not very satisfied with this complacent CEO, and shook his head and said: "What are you doing at Motorola that you can't do well? Even the semiconductor department has been cut off. You lose here and there, and you still doubt others?"

Sandel said calmly: "That's because our opponents are Intel and TI, not Samsung and Sony."

Stringer's jazzy demeanor faded a little, and he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, but you also forgot about a lumber mill. Your biggest opponent is a lumber mill!"

"That's when Europe set up communication standards. Do you think we lost to Nokia?" Sandel said disdainfully.

Stringer continued to nod: "Yeah, you lost to the lumber mill."

Sandel sneered: "I hope you can stand in front of Nokia with the report card of Sony Ericsson mobile phone and say this."

Stringer asked: "What did you say? That Motorola lost to the lumber mill?"

Li Jitai was tired of the quarrel and patted the table with his hand: "Are you here to quarrel or talk about Android?"

Sandel looked at the Samsung people and said: "What operating system do you Samsung know? Are you still talking about Android?"

Stringer also looked at Li Jitai and said: "Samsung can leave if you don't want to open it."

Li Jitai said angrily: "Okay, okay, I just want to know how Motorola, which lost to the lumber factory, built the system."

He added: "Sony mobile phones are not as good as Samsung, so who should leave? Oh no, it's not Sony mobile phones, it's Sony Ericsson mobile phones, which are still not as good as Samsung."

Li Jitai asked strangely: "Why are people from Sony coming to the meeting? Where are people from Ericsson? Are people from Ericsson outside the door?"

Fang Zhuo said with certainty: "There are just four of us, Ericsson's can't be outside."

Stringer glanced at Wang Nianjia with some dissatisfaction. The young man was confused at this time, and he was sarcastic.

The atmosphere in the conference room was intense.

A closed-door meeting means that everyone closes the door to prevent others from hearing what they are talking about. They are extraordinarily free, enthusiastic, frank, and sarcastic.

For a long time, Fang Zhuo drank a cup of tea in one breath, listening to the unfinished bickering of the three big guys, and deeply felt the fierce competition in the mobile phone market.


These are our four alliances of Yike, Samsung, Sony, and Motorola!

Our alliance is unbreakable!

Ula! Ula!

The closed-door meeting of the heads of the four companies lasted for more than two hours.

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Zhuo managed to regain the consensus by saying "Google is still watching us" in an exhausted voice.

——No matter what deep competition is engraved in the DNA between them, Nokia is now almost the only one, and the open source of Android system is likely to bring about an industrial change that shakes the market structure.

——Let the hardware belong to the hardware, and the system belongs to the system.

Well, neither Samsung nor Motorola agree with the second point. After a simple argument, the consensus returned to the first point.

When Fang Zhuo walked out of the conference room, he was no longer in the mood to invite the three of them to have a meal together. After a brief greeting, he only made an appointment to meet Android tomorrow.

"Your meeting must have been fruitful, right?"

I met Li Fuzhen again on the first floor. She was in the waiting area holding a phone.

"Why do you say that?" Fang Zhuo smiled and asked, "Where is Mr. Ren Xiao?"

"I just saw Mr. Stringer, Mr. Sandel, and President Li coming out with the same smiles on their faces as Mr. Fang." Li Fuzhen said.

It's a closed-door meeting, as long as each other knows each other, there's no need to bring friction outside.

So, although there was no discussion, everyone came out of the meeting room feeling optimistic.

Fang Zhuo took out a cigarette and nodded.

Li Fuzhen replied: "Xiaoxian accompanied my sister in the gym. He admires Mr. Fang very much."

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Then I have to thank Mr. Li for complimenting me in front of him."

"A statement of facts is far from a compliment." Li Fuzhen smiled slightly.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Li Fuzhen and said lightly: "Mr. Li is so beautiful."

Li Fuzhen was about to subconsciously thank him for the sudden compliment, when he suddenly remembered what he had just said...

She couldn't help but laugh.

"Mr. Li wants to open Shilla Hotel to the United States?" Fang Zhuo asked casually.

Li Fuzhen nodded seriously and talked about the positioning and development of Shilla Hotel.

Fang Zhuo didn't know much about this aspect, but when he saw the three-star princess talking about her work, she felt like a different person, no longer gentle, but more confident.

He listened for a while and commented: "Although I don't understand hotels, but seeing Mr. Li talking so eloquently, if I were an investor, I would definitely invest in Silla."

Li Fuzhen was praised by the richest man in the neighboring country, and his eyes were slightly crooked in smile: "Thank you, Mr. Fang, for the compliment."

"No, a statement of facts..." Fang Zhuo said half a sentence.

Li Fuzhen smiled and reiterated half of what he said: "It's far from a compliment."

Fang Zhuo nodded and put away the unlit cigarette.

"I hope to meet an investor like Mr. Fang next time," Li Fuzhen said.

"Investment is not possible, but I can introduce Mr. Li to a place in Shanghai where a hotel can be opened." Fang Zhuo thought of the land his family had acquired in Shanghai, and the commercial development there was still in progress.

When you go out, you don't hesitate to attract business and investment.

May the country be peaceful and peaceful in the Year of the Tiger, and may the weather be smooth in the coming year.

Dear gentlemen, all the best and a prosperous New Year~

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