Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 609 Behind me are four alliances

Google is very optimistic about the system developed by Android.

The first two contacts were for investment considerations, and then after internal discussions, they were inclined to acquire this small company to seek traffic entrances in the mobile era.

However, with the intervention of Yike, the world's leading mobile phone manufacturers suddenly emerged in a dazzling way and became a strong competitor for Google's acquisition.

Just as Android's Rubin couldn't ignore the beautiful imagination of these four companies joining forces, Google's Larry couldn't ignore their huge threats and prospects for success.

Therefore, Google hurriedly came over to formally negotiate with Android Company and the specifications were very high. Larry also brought Sergey, the other company founder, with him. Considering the key figures identified by Rubin, he also discussed it with Sergey. Ergai made an appointment with Dongfang President of Yike Company.

"This person has great influence in China's Internet industry."

"There are media in his country that declare him the trumpeter of the Internet spring."

"At the same time, he should also have very good connections in the political circles."

"Judging from my brief contact and understanding of his past..."

Larry was waiting for Fang Zhuo with Sergey in the cafe. He brushed off his impression of Dongfang President and thought about this man's past before continuing: "Sergey, Fang Zhuo once used a lot of Capital means obtained control of Sina, a well-known portal website there. From this perspective, I think he should have a flexible way of doing things."

Sergey was holding coffee and asked in confusion: "Capital means? Isn't it common?"

"That's China, and Fang Zhuo's hostile acquisition process is not too common even in the United States." Larry emphasized again, "And that's China, and the Sina acquisition case led by Fang Zhuo is quite... it should be said that it is quite written. The value of teaching materials.”

Sergey thought thoughtfully: "No wonder he is the core figure in the acquisition of Android Company. Is he trying to copy his successful competitive experience?"

"I think his judgment of the situation should be excellent." Larry finally said this, because he had already seen the Dongfang CEO getting out of the car outside the window.

The cafe is not luxurious. In fact, it is somewhat shabby compared to the net worth of Larry, Sergey, and Fang Zhuo.

However, the last time Larry visited the chairman of Sina because of Google's entry into China was also in the coffee shop.

"Hi, Larry, we meet again." Fang Zhuo smiled and greeted Larry, who was wearing a simple T-shirt, and shook hands with Sergey. "Sergey, your experience in founding Google with Larry." It’s great, I’ve benefited a lot.”

Sergey smiled and shook hands while sizing up the young Dongfang CEO.

Stanford and Wall Street have no shortage of young geniuses, but even so, this one is probably worthy of special mention.

Fang Zhuo ordered a cup of coffee and looked around, feeling that the space for conversation was not bad.

He decided to go straight to this long-awaited meeting: "Larry, I'm used to being honest. I'm afraid you're not looking for me today because of Google's market in China, right? Is Google actually so interested in the Android company? Not only You and even Sergey are here."

Dongfang CEO took a sip of slightly hot coffee and said, "I'm really surprised. After all, Google seems to have no news about cross-border mobile phones."

Larry also liked efficient communication and said with a smile: "Mr. Fang, don't you think that trying to create a disruptive mobile phone system requires a neutral person who does not directly participate in the competition in the mobile phone market?"

Fang Zhuo frowned slightly.

"Actually, Mr. Fang, I am also surprised." Larry said, "It is hard for me to imagine that Sony, Samsung, and Motorola, which are highly competitive, are all sitting together and working hard for a mobile phone system."

Fang Zhuo took another sip of coffee and said with a smile: "This system needs to be open source enough, and they need pressure from a strong opponent."

He shrugged: "It just so happens that the prerequisites for Sony, Samsung, and Motorola to sit down and talk have been met."

Sergey questioned: "Can we successfully promote such an operating platform just by sitting down and talking?"

Fang Zhuo looked at Sergey and asked, "Sergey, did you imagine that Google would be what it is today when you were in the garage?"

He said categorically: "As long as the four of us sit down and talk, it will be a successful start. What's more, I believe Stringer, Sandel, and Li Jitai can realize the value of the Android system."

Sergey considered Fang Zhuo's "decided" attitude.

Larry continued: "As far as I know, Motorola is developing an operating system similar to Android internally, and Android had earlier negotiated with Samsung. Samsung also gave up cooperation because of its own strong R\u0026D capabilities."

"Although I don't know why Motorola and Samsung are sitting here, Mr. Fang, you are too optimistic about your future."

Fang Zhuo smiled cheerfully and said: "No, Larry, it's not that I'm too optimistic, but that I'm used to doing difficult things. I don't see difficulties as difficulties, I see them as an interesting challenge!"

He asked: "Don't you think it's interesting to work with mobile phone manufacturers to create an open source system? Hey, please, don't tell me a negative answer, you are the founders of Google."

Being decisive is really decisive, and being high-spirited is really high-spirited.

Larry was as silent as Sergey.

Of course what Mr. Fang said is interesting, but it would only be interesting if it were acquired by Google. The current scene is not very interesting.

Larry drank half the cup of coffee.

He felt that he had to use something more difficult to resist to shake the challenging Eastern CEO.

"Google is interested in Android."

"Our interest changed from investment to acquisition. I should have been ahead of you on this."

"Unlike your four conflicting alliances, Google will only focus on providing help and guarantees for the development of the Android system."

"Mr. Fang, if you want to be optimistic, you should first ask whether Google will be willing to develop a similar system after the acquisition fails, or whether TI's system is also a good choice for cooperation."

Fang Zhuo asked calmly: "Is this a threat from Google? A threat from a company that has never had similar development experience but risks offending the mobile phone giant?"

Sergey reiterated: "Mr. Fang, this is precisely Google's advantage."

He looked at the Dongfang CEO and said in a different way: "Or, if Yike is unwilling to give up the acquisition, we can also talk to any of the other three companies, and someone will always agree."

Fang Zhuo frowned.

Larry also persuaded: "I heard that Yike wants to get involved in the mobile phone field. I can assure you that the open source Android can work hard to cooperate with Yike, and you can become the first mobile phone equipped with Android system."

Sergey also said: "Mr. Fang, if you don't agree, will Sandel also disagree? What about Li Jitai? What about Stringer? Do you have to hope that they will also regard difficulties as interesting challenges?"

The two Google founders took turns persuading.

Fang Zhuo stood up, drank the rest of the coffee in one breath, and said bluntly: "There is no way I will betray them."

"Behind me are four alliances."

"I'm sure they won't be so short-sighted."

"I'm very interested in talking to Rubin about whether mobile phone manufacturers or Google are more helpful to the Android system ecosystem."


President Dongfang walked away.

Larry and Sergey looked at each other, making mistakes in judgment, unwavering, sonorous, high-spirited, and resolute.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being one of the representatives of the Chinese Internet.

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