Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 62 Information Wind

Regarding the registration network, from Fang Zhuo's perspective, it has been able to fulfill its own personal role.

He didn't even need to talk about making money on behalf of his aunt in front of his aunt, he just told her that the registration network was in full swing.

Of course, this "in full swing" may not be that popular, but with such a name, it can win people's trust.

As for how much you can believe, anyway, there are regular medical expenses every month, which may be a lot or a lot less, so life-threatening treatment comes first.

As for the registration network, which is a product that promotes the development of the details of the times, Fang Zhuo has considered several possible outcomes. The best one is of course to expand along the way and continue to facilitate both doctors and patients.

The worst thing is, Fang Zhuo thinks that he should control it to the extent that he will not be in debt.

Between the two, whether there are large and small similar registration networks competing with each other in the country or their influence is limited to Luzhou, he can actually accept it.

However, when doing things, of course, we should go all out towards the best goal and try our best to achieve a "perfect" ending.

Now, if you want to be perfect, the meeting of the Internet Development Forum in Lin'an is very important.

This will be the first time that speaks out in front of everyone and leaders, and will also be a key point in whether it can take advantage of the situation and take off.

Fang Zhuo once talked about the duality of policies at Yu Hong's house, but there are many things that cannot be fully experienced by just talking about them without personal experience.

Just like the generation born in the 1990s, it is difficult for them to realize how obsessed with Qigong is, and how desirable it is to go abroad. They grew up in an era where technology, especially the Internet, is constantly developing and national power is constantly increasing.

Yu Hong, Zhou Xin, Su Wei, those who are on campus or have just left campus, cannot realize how big the wind can be.

The first level is wind, and the tenth level is also wind.

In the years before and after 2000, computer fever was a trend. It started with the saying "the popularization of computers must start from childhood." It took more than ten years to gradually form a social wave with the efforts of a group of people.

The current call of ministries and commissions to build informatization is a more targeted administrative emphasis. It can not only stimulate the continuous development of many enterprises, but also allow some people to make a splash in the market with concepts and capital.

Fang Zhuo knew that this kind of "appearance" wouldn't last long. At the end of the millennium, there would still be some residual heat that people could catch. By next year or the year after that, when the trend subsides, the true colors will be revealed.

If he remembers correctly, two years later, in 2002, China will issue its first national informatization plan. It is a key special plan for informatization in the "Tenth Five-Year Plan". It is a summary of the past and a guide to the future. outlook.

Fang Zhuo now wants to use this meeting in Lin'an to stand out and let people who are watching the development of domestic informatization know that he is the kind of upward young man in the informatization enterprise who meets the "demand orientation and application effect".

Is it difficult?


The biggest difficulty is that he doesn't know whether the leader of this meeting is the kind of leader he hopes to emerge.

Others, including speaking on stage, are minor issues.

Fang Zhuo regarded this private dinner for 6 people as a "blowout" meal. If possible, he would actually prefer it to be a blowout banquet. However, he still had to save money.

As for whether it has any effect.

From Fang Zhuo's observation, the five people all responded to his request to "work harder at this juncture" in a confused manner.

At nine o'clock in the evening, dinner was served without any extra dishes until the owner of the shop came in and looked at it twice. It was still Song Rong who drove Tang Shangde back on his motorcycle, while the company's shareholders were walking on the campus of the University of Science and Technology. chat.

However, while walking, Zhou Xin suddenly felt like he had diabetes due to drinking too much beer, and he quickly disappeared into a corner of the campus.

Yu Hong was just a little bit drunk. She was not drunk tonight, but she kept talking non-stop. She was not satisfied with the encounter with the hospital, but also felt proud of successfully winning the hospital.

Fang Zhuo and Su Wei were relatively quiet, and the former would make compliments from time to time.

"Xiao Su, have you drunk too much? Are you so quiet?" Fang Zhuo walked for a while and found that Teacher Xiao Su was absent-minded.

"Yeah, what's wrong with Weiwei?" Yu Hong chattered until she felt thirsty.

Su Wei shook her head and said with a smile: "It's okay. I was just thinking about how important that meeting in Lin'an was? I feel like Xiao Fang cares about it."

Fang Zhuo said "Huh" and said, "It's about as important as whether to wear leather shoes or straw sandals from now on."

"Is it so important?" Yu Hong was surprised, "Were there many venture capital investors attending that meeting?"

Fang Zhuo suppressed a smile: "Well... there may be the biggest venture capital investor."

"Really?" Yu Hong hadn't reacted yet, but the names of several well-known foreign companies flashed through her mind.

Su Wei glanced at Fang Zhuo in the night.

Fang Zhuo felt that Teacher Xiao Su was quite considerate, so he spoke frankly: "Last time at your house, you said we should not wait for top-down, but do bottom-up."

Yu Hong recalled a little and admitted: "Yes, but it's impossible."

"It's good that you know. What I want now is that we can make a move → let the leaders feel that it is an area that is in line with the trend of development → what they say includes us from top to bottom." Fang Zhuo organized his thoughts, "Miss this time , maybe ten times more movement may not be effective.”

He continued: "In that case, we might as well open a chain milk tea shop."

"If you want Dahong to treat her to milk tea, just say so." Su Wei joked.

Yu Hong was thinking, why? Why do you have to look for this time? You can't predict the future.

She asked: "You said before that ministries and commissions called for information construction. The Internet is a major trend. Isn't it necessary to build it in the future?"

"Can the focus at the beginning be the same as a wave in a big wave?" Fang Zhuo smiled slightly and added in his heart, and there will be another "We must resolutely stop scraping" in the near future. Information Wind'" document.

In my general impression, that was the year when Top Software Park, which was wearing the emperor's new clothes with its information style, disappeared, and Song Ruhua, who had once boasted that he wanted to be the "Bill Gates of China", fled across the ocean in a hurry.

Well, that's a bad information trend.

I want to bring positive information to the public.

But if you don’t shave it now, you won’t be allowed to shave it in the future.

Fang Zhuo was thoughtful in the night.

"Then what if the meeting is not what you imagined?" Yu Hong asked.

"How about doing foreign trade? I know a little bit about that." Fang Zhuo was serious at first, and then his thoughts began to diverge. "It's not bad to make a milk tea brand. Really, this stuff makes money. How about stocking up on cultural relics and frying walnuts? Yes, there are many places to make money anyway.”

"Are you kidding?" Yu Hong was shocked.

Fang Zhuo smiled and did not answer the question directly, but said: "Xiao Yu, you can give me the official contract between the entire company and hao123 tomorrow, and I will take it to Lin'an to sign with Webmaster Li."

"Ah? How did you know he would come to Lin'an?" Yu Hong asked.

Fang Zhuo said matter-of-factly: "I have his QQ friends, and we have a very interesting chat."

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