Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 618 Trick or Treat (2-in-1)

Things are not easy to deal with at BOE.

This was Fang Zhuo's intuition when he received the call and the conclusion that he had been deepening in his understanding over the past few days.

If it’s not easy to do, then should we do it?

Fang Zhuo had no hesitation about this. On the one hand, he was happy to see the development of the domestic industry. On the other hand, if he didn't have the ability, forget about it and just take care of his own family. It happened that Sony's Stringer was a good big brother, and, this The heads of various sub-TV alliances called.

Some people took the initiative to discuss solutions, some were hesitant to listen, and some simply said, "I'll listen to Mr. Fang."

It stands to reason that as the leader, it is interesting enough to bring together a TV alliance and BOE to cooperate, and there is no reason to continue after-sales service.

But, thinking about Lee Ki-tae, the president of Samsung Electronics, who went to the country in person, and started to challenge mobile phone manufacturers first and then TV manufacturers, it is really a bit technical.

So, there’s no harm in giving Samsung a try.

As a more critical link, whether Sir Stringer is willing to do a small favor really affects the development of the matter.

Taking advantage of the recent communication due to Android, Fang Zhuo took the opportunity of his team's first round of the playoffs to make an appointment with the old Jazz to watch football, discuss Google and Android, and talk about the reform and development of Sony Group.

On April 26, the NBA's 2004-2005 season began its playoff journey.

The Rockets are ranked third in the Western Conference regular season, behind the first-place Spurs and the second-place SuperSonics.

In fact, the Rockets have won 4 more games than the Sonics, but because the Sonics belong to the Pacific Division, they are ranked first.

The Rockets, led by coach Nelson and composed of Nash, Carter, and Yao Ming, already have the strength to hit the championship this year. .

In the first round of the playoffs, the Rockets faced the Nuggets.

As a team owner, and as an Oriental rich man who was famous in the league for his betting and interviews last year, Fang Zhuo naturally appeared at the beginning of the first round and also accepted interviews from the media.

This time, his championship declaration was not taken lightly. The Rockets' star combination experienced poor integration, changed coaches, and exerted strength in the second half. Many people have called it the "Trident."

At present, it seems that the Spurs, with their "troika" of Parker, Ginobili, and Duncan, are the biggest opponents in the West.

The evening game hadn't even started yet, but Fang Zhuo was already sitting in the best viewing position in the first row, waiting for the arrival of the old Jazz.

Because she also likes football games and needs to deal with official business related to Android, Yu Hong also followed the flexible change and came to Houston.

Of course, she is still curious about the turmoil in the panel production line.

"You asked Mr. Ni's son to talk to him, and he wasn't angry?" Yu Hong was quite surprised when she heard the boss's casual feedback.

"Why is he angry? Is he angry that he can't make up his mind? Or is he angry that his son is brave enough to speak for outsiders? Or is he angry with me?" Fang Zhuo was puzzled. "We have known each other for so long, Lao Ni knows who I am."


A person who sets a goal and tries his best to use various conditions to advance it.

Yu Hong was shocked by the boss's extremely smooth answer.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Xiao Yu's expression and said disapprovingly: "I don't want to harm him. Aren't I helping them in the United States? What am I trying to do? Is it because I don't like Samsung? Everyone's time is precious Okay."

Yu Hong stretched out her finger and gave an example: "Picture the relationship between Tesco and TV manufacturers, the chips used by TV manufacturers, the local administrative relationships between each other, and, although you don't value reputation very much, you can also take a picture of where you are. Domestic prestige.”

She raised her eyebrows: "Of course, I prefer to believe that you really don't like Samsung."

Fang Zhuo was silent for a while and said sincerely: "I have so many plans. How can Xiao Yu know me so well?"

"Onlookers know better." Yu Hong glanced at him, "The authorities are confused."

"It doesn't have to be so complicated. I help him and he helps me. Multiple friends lead to multiple paths." Fang Zhuo turned his attention to the warm-up players on the field again.

"The question is, why should Sony help? This involves more than just a little bit." Yu Hong asked.

"It's not complicated here at Sony." Fang Zhuo smiled slightly, "I wanted to ask Sony for help today, but actually I want to help Sony."

Yu Hong didn't understand.

Fang Zhuo blinked and said the Halloween activity phrase here: "Trick or treat."

Trick or treat, trick or treat.

On Halloween night, children dress up and knock on neighbors’ doors, asking for candy.

Seeing that her boss didn't say anything further, Yu Hong thought about his intention and suspected that the focus here was still on Sony and Android. However, wasn't Mr. Fang determined to kick Sony out of the game?

What other flowers could there be here? The Android system will not be effective in a short time.

"No more chatting, Lao Si is here."

Fang Zhuo stood up after the reminder and welcomed the head of Sony to support his team in the first game of the playoffs.

Stringer was in great spirits and was not tired at all from the flight. After greeting Mr. Fang and Mr. Yu, he sat down and joked: "I see other team owners are all big stars in Hollywood. If you are accompanied by a supermodel from the fashion industry, Fang, you might as well invite an old man over to watch the game together."

Fang Zhuo laughed and tilted his head: "There is a beautiful woman next to me. Not only can I watch football with me, but she can also give me advice on the development of the company. This is something that those people can't compare to."

Yu Hong kept smiling and didn't say anything.

Stringer smiled and reiterated what he said when he accepted the invitation: "Then don't forget to come to my charity dinner. I also want someone who can not only participate in charity together, but also provide advice on Sony's development." friend."

As the new head of Sony Group, in addition to the company's reform and development, he has also arranged some personal activities, and the charity dinner is one of the important ones.

Fang Zhuo agreed wholeheartedly, and everyone carried the sedan chair.

Stringer was not very interested in the game. After chatting for a while, he complained again: "I heard that last time you and Rubin started talking about Android in the arena. Fang, why do you like to talk in such a noisy place? "

"I spent so much money to buy the team, of course I want to show it to my friends." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Many times, I also feel that sports and business decisions are very similar. They require vision and courage. My football team The team’s performance this year proves that I have a good vision.”

“The Android system is facing quite a few challenges.” Stringer thought that Mr. Fang’s implication was referring to the Android company in which Yike and Sony jointly invested.

"Indeed, the same goes for our Yike mobile phones. It's easy to make a decision, but it's quite difficult to find out when you actually get involved." Fang Zhuo sighed, "I have always felt that Yike's current business model is too single, and I am looking for more growth directions. "

Stringer smiled and said: "So you chose the mobile phone market with Nokia and Motorola? Fang, of course it is a good thing to be ambitious, but... As the chairman of Sony, I am very happy to license the patent for Sony Ericsson mobile phones, but... From a friend’s perspective, I still don’t recommend you to make a mobile phone easily.”

Yu Hong couldn't help but mutter in her heart, can the money you paid for the patent be refunded?

Fang Zhuo thought about it for a moment, then began to praise Sony: "Sony Group's reform direction is very good. In particular, the development of Sony Entertainment will definitely lead the progress of the entire group in the future."

Sony Entertainment is Stringer's credit, and it is also his biggest reliance on getting to the top.

Stringer smiled and waved his hand: "Sony's reform will take time to verify the effectiveness. But regarding the image sensor you mentioned last time, I think there is a lot of room for our cooperation."

Regarding the group's image sensors, Stringer's attitude has become proactive. The main reason is that the detailed evaluation and analysis he received from the company shows that Sony is indeed lagging behind in the industry.

Whether it is their counterparts in Germany or Japan, they are already one position ahead of Sony.

Under this situation, Stringer is willing to look for partners who can provide help, provided that Sony's usual 50% joint venture.

Unfortunately, the enthusiastic Mr. Fang has not mentioned this matter recently.

Therefore, Stringer took the initiative to bring up the past this time.

"Well, I have to wait until I set up the image sensor CMOS department in China. I am very interested in this project." Fang Zhuo paused for a while after saying this. When the whistle blew for the start of the game, he continued, "I think one of the reasons why Sony is getting better and better is that it is becoming more inclusive and open."

Yao Ming on the court jumped to get the ball.

The first ball was given to Nash. Yao Ming set an off-ball screen for Carter from the high post, and Carter cut in to speed up.

The ball has arrived!


A chop!

Cheers erupted at the Rockets' home court. This has been a common tactical play for half a season. Nash initiates the organization, Yao Ming provides high-quality pick-and-rolls, can use soft-touch jumpers, and can also perform secondary organization. Carter often serves as the end point.

"Oh ho!"

Fang Zhuo followed the applause and cheered, smiled and said to the astonished Stringer: "This is the charm of sports. Where did I just say it? Yes, Sony's tolerance and openness are the keys to its success again."

Stringer asked, "How do you say that?"

"The joint venture between Sony and Bertelsmann, the joint venture between Sony and Ericsson, the joint venture between Sony and Samsung." Fang Zhuo talked eloquently, "I know that many Japanese companies are very closed. Sony is different. It is precisely because of such global operations that It is a global brand."

Sony likes a 50%-50% joint venture.

Stringer also agreed: "Sony is a Japanese company and a global company. It wants to cooperate with excellent companies around the world. I believe that Yike is also a worthy partner."

He was also thinking about the image sensor. Its technical research was good, but the production line modification involved was quite expensive.

This year, Yike's music player and electronic music sales are said to have grown astonishingly.

How amazing is that?

It’s amazing that Mr. Fang has the confidence to enter the fiercely competitive mobile phone market.

"Of course Yike is, but if Sony wants to have a better recovery, I'm afraid it still needs similar high-quality collaborators." Fang Zhuo looked at the increasingly anxious situation on the field from the first quarter and said casually, "Not only It’s just a joint venture, including the technology licensing that Sony Ericsson has done this time, which is also very good.”

He continued: "If I were you, I would also be willing to grant such authorization."

Fang Zhuo paused and said somewhat meaningfully: "After all, we have just taken charge of Sony, and we need to be more stable to carry out more scientific reforms."

Stringer was not surprised, and there was nothing inappropriate about what Mr. Fang said.

"Whether it's a collaborator or a technology license, Sony needs to choose, mainly for its own business." He smiled, "Besides, Yike isn't everywhere, so it's not easy to find such a co-production partner."

"What a coincidence. Speaking of cooperation, I have friends in China who might actually have room for cooperation with Sony." Fang Zhuo said seriously.

Stringer looked at Mr. Fang with a strange expression, then looked at Mr. Yu who was listening, and laughed dumbly: "Wait, Fang, is this why you said so much and even invited me to watch the game today? "

"Football first, Sony second, that's incidental." Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly.

Stringer smiled and said: "Since it is incidental, there is no need to say it today."

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and pointed to the Rockets, who had just won the ball: "If the Rockets score this ball, then I will say it. If this ball does not score, then I will not say anything."

Stringer found it interesting and nodded in agreement.

Fang Zhuo stood up and shouted loudly: "Dayao hits a ball, hits a ball!"

Stringer: "..."

The Rockets positioned themselves normally, and the ball was left to Yao Ming for a single.

The center of the Nuggets is Marcus Camby. He likes to block shots and has average defense. Yao Ming, who has comprehensive skills, is more confident in beating him.

However, Yao Ming threw the ball a little too hard and missed!

Immediately, he grabbed the ball from the frontcourt and scored another goal himself!

Stringer looked at this situation and said in shock: "What does this count for? Does it count? Doesn't it count?"

Fang Zhuo shrugged: "We are parties involved, so it's hard to say. Let Mr. Yu do the talking."

Yu Hong said without hesitation: "Yao played it all alone. No one else touched the ball, so it counts as a goal."

Stringer laughed loudly. This person was indeed not the person involved, but he might be more involved than the person involved: "Okay, Fang, I know the purpose of bringing someone with you, just tell me."

Fang Zhuo described BOE’s technical needs.

Stringer listened very seriously, but he couldn't help but smile again after Mr. Fang finished speaking: "Fang, you have found the wrong person."

"Oh?" Fang Zhuo was confused.

"You are looking for 6th-generation line technology, but we at Sony don't have it." Stringer smiled, "We are a 7th-generation line in cooperation with Samsung."

Fang Zhuo immediately said nonchalantly: "Boe Oriental doesn't mind the 7th generation line either."

"I'm afraid Samsung won't agree." Seeing that polite refusal had no effect, Stringer said directly, "I know what you mean."

He was afraid that Mr. Fang would pretend to be stupid, so he simply said more bluntly: "I know what you mean by seeking technology for your domestic industry, but..."

Stringer shook his head and said: "No, this is not possible."

why not?

He didn't say.

But the fun is inside.

"Really not possible?" Fang Zhuo confirmed.

Stringer replied firmly: "No way."

He added: "This is not your Yike, and it is quite sensitive. You know, Fang. Regarding this aspect of Sony Group's business, I need to seek other people's opinions more."

Fang Zhuo was not in a hurry after being clearly rejected by the old Jazz, and said slowly: "That's really a pity. Originally, I wanted to help Sony with the production line."

"Help Sony?" Stringer didn't understand this logic. Who was helping whom?

Fang Zhuo nodded and said lightly: "Yes, since the liquid crystal technology is unwilling to be licensed, our domestic manufacturers have no choice but to turn to plasma."

"If Sony wants to enter the LCD market, it depends on whether this market has prospects and whether there are enough benefits."

"Personally, I think that with the Chinese market, plasma will probably not lose to LCD."

"If Sony doesn't want to, let's just compete with normal technology. It'll be fine."

Stringer: "?"

Will he switch to a competitor without helping you?

Is this normal?

Sounds unusual!

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