Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 620 Disagreement

"What are you thinking about?"

After watching the game that night and negotiating with Stringer, Yu Hong acted as the driver when returning from the arena to the villa, while the assistant stayed in the car behind.

"I'm thinking about the Anliang Chamber of Commerce." Fang Zhuo answered Xiao Yu's question.

Yu Hong said in surprise: "I thought you would be thinking about domestic BOE, TV Alliance or tonight's Rockets."

"It's almost the same. If it would be useful to prepare a group of swordsmen and axemen, things would be much simpler." Fang Zhuo subconsciously took out a cigarette, lit it and said, "Old Si still believes me to some extent, but this matter is indeed not entirely up to him. "

Yu Hong raised her eyebrows: "He himself said that he has been in the United States for decades. How can I believe you?"

"Zongheng returns to Zongheng, and it takes decades, but he has been working in two companies, and there is less trouble." Fang Zhuo disagreed, "However, we are also more frank in speaking. Sony obviously has someone in the LCD camp. consensus."

He thought for a while and said more rigorously: "Maybe it's not a consensus, but a tacit understanding. TV, a technology upstream of the production chain, is being blocked in the country. The last time the factory caught fire and raised prices, it was a bit of a blood-based alliance."

"Anyone can see that the domestic market demand is a hot commodity. These panel makers are not just making devices, but also have their own TV brands. If we allow technology to leak out, we are really subsidizing our enemies."

Yu Hong answered: "However, LCD still has a big enemy, plasma led by Panasonic."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly: "Yes, plasma is now at a disadvantage. If Panasonic and others are completely defeated, it will be more difficult to make technological breakthroughs and face more factors. A price manipulation alone will be enough."

Yu Hong silently agreed.

After a while, she said: "I heard that although Samsung is attacking BOE this time, it has actually begun to lower prices for panel purchases."

"It's a very simple and crude behavior." Fang Zhuo smiled, "It's also very effective."

Yu Hong did not comment, but instead asked a question that she had been thinking about in the arena: "Since we are going to use plasma to intimidate the LCD camp this time, is it possible to fake it and make it come true?"

"I have also considered this, but the difficulty is still quite high." Fang Zhuo said slowly, "On the one hand, there are more manufacturers in the LCD camp, and economies of scale can reduce costs. Because of this, the LCD camp may We will also come to China to do some joint ventures for fifth-generation lines, and our market growth can effectively help reduce costs."

"On the other hand, plasma is suitable for large-scale production, but not suitable for small-scale production. The industries that LCD can expand will become more and more basic. From TVs to computer monitor screens, this is also a strong growing demand. .”

"Such technical characteristics determine that the industrial cost of plasma cannot be easily reduced through scale."

"It takes time to build production line capacity. Samsung is betting on both sides, but the investment is basically 5:1. LCD production capacity can easily form a positive cycle with the market."

"It's okay to use plasma to scare the LCD camp, but if we put it all together, it will be difficult for TV manufacturers to get together one by one. This time the joint investment with BOE is already very reluctant."

Fang Zhuo talked a lot about his thoughts, but also had some uncertain conjectures that he didn't say.

According to the public information about the cooperation between Samsung and Sony, he suspected that the development of LCD production lines may not be step-by-step but leap-forward, which is likely to cause the reduction or even loss of plasma's advantage in large-size products.

For example, plasma TVs can be made into 55-inch TVs, which is large enough, but LCD TVs will be directly mass-produced at 65-inches. The display effect may not be as good as it is because the cutting is large. This feature is used to please consumers.

"I'm worried about a problem now." Yu Hong kept driving and looked at her boss from the corner of her eye, "Can the domestic TV alliance cooperate?"

Sure enough, she saw Mr. Fang's expression becoming solemn.

This is not an easy task.

Soon, Mr. Fang relaxed his brows and took the last puff of cigarette: "Try it, this is their own business. If they don't cooperate, I can't force them to cooperate. I can still fly back and point at their noses." Are you scolding?"

He shook his head: "That's unrealistic. I still want to watch the Rockets game."

Yu Hong was silent. The Rockets had already won a game. Maybe after a sweep, the boss would be free to go back and give gifts to the TV Alliance?

Anyway, the Nuggets are not strong, but the boss's character and temper are very strong.

"Oh, yes, I also communicated with the leaders of Luzhou and asked Bangbang to help us to build momentum." Fang Zhuo remembered something, "You can still contact Lin'an if necessary, but now Lin'an I’m not very familiar with the leadership.”

Yu Hong suggested without hesitation: "We can really try to discuss the settlement of the production line. Under the pressure of Samsung, we can change the conditions to be very favorable, so that the enthusiasm of Lin'an will be more real."

Fang Zhuo thinks this suggestion is good. If it is all fake, it will be easy to see through.

BOE's second 5th-generation line project has encountered tit-for-tat opposition from Samsung. Regardless of whether it is Tianjin or Shanghai, it cannot compare to Samsung's attractive 6th-generation line.

When Wang Dongsheng received the notice from Mr. Fang and sent a team to Luzhou for inspection, Samsung did not come this time. Sharp, another TV manufacturer, arrived belatedly. The vice president led a team to Luzhou to discuss investment in the panel production line.

The company is Japanese-owned, requires little capital investment, and is extremely pragmatic in talking about the fifth-generation panel line. It looks like it can be implemented at any time if the policies are in place.

This really made the leaders of Luzhou a little tempted. The other party came all the way to invest, should they be cold-faced?

This is not the way to attract investment. At the very least, you need justifiable reasons to refuse.

Luzhou also started talking.

Following Samsung's tit-for-tat confrontation in Tianjin and Shanghai, Sharp also blatantly pursued and intercepted the company.

With the merger of South Korea and Japan, BOE is in an extremely uncomfortable situation.

However, when Wang Dongsheng came to communicate with TV alliance manufacturers with Mr. Fang's proposal, he was even more uncomfortable to find that everyone did not accept this approach and gave different reasons.

"Product matters are no joke. How will we face consumers after we speak out?"

"Really going to do plasma or pretending to do plasma? Can this be decided in a few words?"

"After all the hard work, the purchase price offered by Samsung is quite favorable. This can be regarded as a concession on their part."

"Is this Mr. Wang's intention or Mr. Fang's intention? I don't quite understand why we need to use plasma to put pressure on the liquid crystal? What about plasma? I think people in Japan would rather fight among themselves to death than come over."

"How about letting Mr. Ni's Changhong pick up the plasma again? Mr. Ni, don't you Changhong have a good relationship with Mr. Fang?"

Plasma is not popular with domestic manufacturers because of technology patents. Some people have contacted Panasonic before, but they were basically treated coldly.

This time, we need to speak out collectively and help push the waves. Considering factors such as the differences in each other's market shares and whether they will be coerced, the differences in the TV alliance are quite large.

They neither believe in the plasma industry led by Panasonic, but also begin to waver in the price increases of LCD camps such as Samsung and Sharp.

Some people even think that Mr. Fang's enthusiasm this time is mixed with some personal motives.

I heard that ice cores in Luzhou are going into mass production, and there is a need for chip orders there.

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