Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 622 The whole world will punish him (two in one)

On May 3, the Rockets swept the Denver Nuggets with a 4:1 record in the first round.

As the team owner who has been watching and supervising the game, Fang Zhuo also accepted an interview with the NBA media after the game and gave a very brief sentence.

"I'm already thinking about my opponents in the Western Conference Finals."

Judging from the record and situation, this year's Western Conference playoff finals opponent is either the Spurs or the SuperSonics. The former has a greater chance, but these words angered the opponents that the Rockets still need to continue to overcome.

The Mavericks, also in Texas, also reached a 3:1 position in the first round. Seeing that they were about to meet the Rockets in the second round, they did not expect to be noticed by the Eastern boss at all. This made the Mavericks boss Cuban particularly angry and faced it. Expressed ridicule to the media for Fang Zhuo, who has just entered his second season in the league.

Nash of the Rockets was the starting point guard of the Mavericks last season. With the interaction between the bosses in the media, the Mavericks team has a posture of putting their lives at risk.

However, after Fang Zhuo was interviewed by the media, he didn't pay attention to the news in the sports section at all. After handling the last thing, he took the others on the transoceanic flight to Shanghai.

On this trip, Yu Hong, the vice president in charge of the US market, also returned to China.

Different from the considerations of some senior executives within Yike, Fang Zhuo believes that after Vice President Su Wei becomes president of Yike, there is no need to promote a functional vice president responsible for domestic affairs during such a period.

As the competition in domestic music players becomes increasingly fierce, profits in this area are decreasing rapidly. In the next two to three years, the country will need to strive to become a research and development center for mobile phone software and hardware.

From this perspective, Yu Hong just returned to China to handle official duties.

Different from traveling lightly before going abroad, Fang Zhuo actually brought a lot of people with him when he returned to China this time, including MIGA foundation, software engineers, secretarial assistants, etc., which can be regarded as "returning with a full load".

Yu Hong asked a question before going to bed: "The Li Fuzhen you called Samsung last time, her brother Li Zaiyong is causing trouble in China, can she still come to open a hotel?"

"She is her, and her brother is her brother. The distance between the hotel and the TV business is quite big..." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I don't think she means to refuse."

Yu Hong glanced sideways: "Are you going for the hotel or for the people?"

Fang Zhuo immediately replied: "Of course it's a human being."

Immediately, he explained: "You only saw me calling Li Fuzhen, but you didn't see me calling Brother Zheng. Coming to a foreign luxury hotel can be regarded as attracting investment. I happened to use this matter to chat with Brother Zheng." Let’s talk about the severe situation faced by domestic television alliances.”

Yu Hong was a little surprised. She knew about the relationship between her boss and Shencheng's deputy leader Zheng Danrui, but she didn't expect that he would take a different turn: "Then what did he say?"

"He is my brother, what can he say?" Fang Zhuo shrugged, "I was thinking about Shencheng when I was away. Of course he is willing to help me if he can."

Yu Hong likes Mr. Fang's way of never leaving the word "brother" even when Zheng Danrui is not in front of him.

She pulled the thin blanket and said, "I hope everything goes well."

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly: "It's a good hope and a good dream."

As the news of Mr. Fang's flight home spread to China, six companies from BOE and the TV Alliance also arrived in Shanghai by bus from Lin'an.

Shanghai City is the home court of Yike, and because of the partnership with Yike, the reception here is the most considerate and welcoming that everyone can experience.

Wang Dongsheng counted Mr. Fang's time and borrowed the conference room of Hang Lung 23 to hold a meeting while waiting for his return.

Because of the strong competition from the LCD camp, and because Samsung and other companies have begun to cut panel prices, Changhong head Ni Runfeng does not dare to claim that this TV alliance is unbreakable.

Since he made up his mind to bet on the panel production line, Ni Runfeng has been working hard these days to maintain the existence and unity of the alliance.

He succeeded halfway. The alliance still exists. As for unity...

"I'll do the math for you. I'm not saying I'm discouraged. This year, the sales of flat-panel TVs in first-tier cities will definitely exceed 50%. This is amazing."

Skyworth's senior vice president Zhao Fenghui sipped tea and provided a view on market data.

Both LCD and plasma technology lines are flat-panel TVs, and they compete for the market share of CRT color TVs. From this perspective, the two are in the same camp.

However, the bulky CRT is too irresistible. Not only are the sales of flat-panel TVs rising steadily in first-tier cities, but the penetration rate in second-tier and third-tier cities is also increasing significantly. This speed is almost beyond the imagination of TV manufacturers.

"Technology is upgrading too fast. I always feel that CRT TV still has a product life cycle, but the reality is that it has been eliminated and sentenced to death." Zhou Yunjie, Haier's vice president, lamented loudly.

He looked at Ni Runfeng, the head of Changhong, and asked: "I see that Changhong is going to the third and fourth tiers and even rural areas to stock up on CRT TVs. How is the effect?"

Before Ni Runfeng could answer, Zhao Fenghui from Skyworth rushed to answer: "With Mr. Zhang from Meiling on hand to help, Changhong will definitely be very good at destocking, and it will definitely not be dragged down by the backlog of products."

Haier's Zhou Yunjie originally wanted to talk about specific data trends, but when Zhao Fenghui said this, he couldn't help but feel a bit sarcastic.

He was embarrassed and unhappy.

This Zhao Fenghui belongs to Skyworth, and Skyworth's Mr. Huang had an accident a while ago. Meiling CEO Zhang Xuebin, who is sitting in the conference room now, jumped out from Skyworth. There has been some strangeness between the two since the first meeting.

At first, Zhao Fenghui grabbed Zhang Xuebin and taunted him. The latter endured it but fought back at a meeting. The scene was ugly for a time.

Changhong and Meiling are obviously the same trousers. Although Skyworth has experienced turmoil at the top management, its original market share is still very high. Although Hisense and Haier are both from Qingdao, the relationship has become a bit subtle as Haier enters the TV industry.

There is another Konka, which has a more pragmatic style. The vice president Yang Hongsen who came this time basically watched everyone argue and didn't get involved much. At the meeting in Lin'an, the vice president couldn't help but put other people in the meeting because of the chaos. The five companies criticized it and almost started fighting with Skyworth's Zhao Fenghui.

All in all, the shaky alliance is the biggest factor why Wang Dongsheng is eagerly looking forward to President Fang's return.

He felt that although Mr. Fang had considerations about the chip, he was still an outsider and could help the alliance move forward in a relatively neutral manner.

Oh yes, speaking of chips, Hisense’s chairman this time was Zhou Houjian. He made it clear that the other party was a little worried about this because Hisense wanted to make its own TV chips.

"It doesn't matter if the panel cannot be independently controlled. We have worked hard on the chip design. I have to say this first."

When Wang Dongsheng thought of this, he unconsciously glanced at the smiling Morningstar Semiconductor Marketing Director Wei Boyun in the conference room. This was exactly what Mr. Fang said on the phone.

On the last day in Lin'an, when Wei Boyun was introduced, Hisense Chairman Zhou Houjian's face immediately darkened. Some other manufacturers were also not satisfied.

Wang Dongsheng couldn't figure out the relationship between the small company Qingxing Semiconductor and Mr. Fang, but he knew that Mr. Fang cherished his own semiconductor business. He didn't know what would happen if he ran into Zhou Houjian, who had a tough attitude.

A panel manufacturer BOE, six competing TV manufacturers, a TV chip design company... this combination is a real visitor from all directions.

Wang Dongsheng saw that the atmosphere in the conference room became tense again with a few words, and his originally depressed, helpless, and heavy mood suddenly calmed down.

Feel free to do whatever you want, this is Yike's place anyway.

If Mr. Fang cannot unite the competing TV manufacturers this time, then break up as soon as possible, and BOE need not be as aggressive as it is now.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the head of Yike has not yet arrived, and the conference room has turned from noisy to silent.

After another five minutes, Zhao Fenghui from Skyworth sighed: "The water is almost gone. This party won't come. Isn't there even anyone to refill the water?"

Wang Dongsheng explained: "I gave the order. I was afraid that someone would come in and disturb our communication."

Zhao Fenghui said with a smile: "Mr. Wang has the intention, otherwise, if we fight, Yike's people will definitely interfere."

Said several words in one sentence.

Kangjia Yang Hongsen almost got into a fight in Lin'an, Changhong Ni Runfeng who had always had a good relationship with Mr. Fang, Meiling Zhang Xuebin who was wearing a new pair of trousers, and Yike who was "extraordinary"...

Before Zhang Xuebin could retort, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a tall and thin man in his thirties walked in.

"Here, add some water, and help me get a pack of cigarettes. When will Mr. Fang arrive?"

Seeing that the person coming was not Mr. Fang, Zhao Fenghui urged him.

The tall and thin man was stunned, glanced at the conference room, nodded, turned around to find water, and also got cigarettes for Mr. Zhao from Skyworth.

After a while, he came back in, first gave the cigarette to Zhao Fenghui, then sat in the last seat and said, "Mr. Fang will be here soon."

Morning Star Semiconductor's Wei Boyun was familiar with the situation. When he saw the people in the conference room adjusting their sitting postures slightly, he introduced himself in a low voice: "Hello, I am Wei Boyun, the marketing director of Morning Star Semiconductor. What do you call me?"

The tall and thin man said concisely: "Zhao Yajiang."

Wei Boyun saw that he put his hard-cover notebook and pen on the table, and thought that Zhao Yajiang was going to take minutes of the meeting, and said, "Where is Mr. Fang? Didn't he just leave the airport?"

Zhao Yajiang replied: "I guess we will be downstairs soon."

Before Wei Boyun could speak again, this time the door of the conference room was pushed open and Fang Zhuo, the landlord of Yike, arrived.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Ni, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhang... uh." Fang Zhuo smiled and was about to say hello, but before he could say anything, he saw another person who had a relationship with Brother Zheng's former unit, and laughed and said, "Zhao Si, why are you sitting there? Come on, come on, sit here."

Fang Zhuo patted the seat next to the main seat and asked Zhao Yajiang, deputy director of the Development and Planning Department from the National Development and Reform Commission, to come and sit.

He glanced at everyone's surprised expressions again, roughly guessed that a certain link was missing, and immediately introduced: "Blame me, blame me, it's all my fault for being late. I couldn't help admiring the Yike company's logo downstairs just now. I didn’t have time to introduce it to you.”

Zhao Yajiang stood up, picked up his pen and notebook and walked to the conference table.

Fang Zhuo continued with a smile on his face: "This time it involves the domestic TV industry's key actions in the upstream of the production chain. The leaders are very concerned. Zhao Si is the director of our Development Planning Department, and this trip is specially for investigation. situation."

He took two steps forward, shook hands with Zhao Yajiang, and said with a smile: "Leader, the difficulties we face are not small. What we have to compete with this time is not a Samsung or a Sharp."

"What we are competing against is the alliance of TV giants, led by Samsung and Sharp, which occupy key upstream links in the production chain."

"This time, it is not a competition between enterprises, but a competition between domestic production chains and foreign production chains!"

"I believe that the leadership's concern and everyone's concerted efforts will surely overcome many difficulties and ultimately win this competition!"

These words followed the introduction of the leader's identity. Everyone in the conference room had not yet sat down, and even Zhao Yajiang's hand was still in Fang Zhuo's.

Zhao Yajiang felt his hand being held firmly and said with a serious face: "I believe everyone can overcome the difficulties and will win this competition."

Fang Zhuo let go of his hand and applauded the leader vigorously.

Zhao Yajiang also applauded, well, this president is indeed the same as the legend.

There was warm applause in the conference room. Some people knew who the chief director of the Development and Planning Department was, and guessed that he was a deputy director. His position was high or low, but as soon as he came back, he got a development reformer. Leader, Mr. Fang’s situation...

The applause paused and everyone took their seats.

But Fang Zhuo didn't sit down.

He took the kettle, filled a circle of tea himself, finished the unfinished greetings again, and finally poured himself some water.

After all this action, he was still standing.

Wang Dongsheng smiled and greeted: "Mr. Fang, please sit down. Why are you, a landlord, so polite to us?"

"Just wait two more, it's almost there." Fang Zhuo reiterated, "This is a competition between production chains. Objectively speaking, we are at a disadvantage. Our strengths lie in the vastness of the market and the presence of everyone here. It’s a concerted effort from all of you.”

"It's not because the market is vast, nor will it attract the covetous attention of hungry wolves outside."

“Without everyone’s concerted efforts, we cannot defend our market.”

After Fang Zhuo said these two sentences, he also waited for two people who surprised everyone.

TCL head Li Dongsheng and Xohua General Manager Xie Siyu, who had earlier withdrawn from the alliance.

Fang Zhuo introduced the two and Director Zhao to each other, and after they exchanged simple greetings, he said: "Hisense, TCL, Skyworth, XomoChina, Haier, Konka, Changhong, and Meiling, these are the 'Eight Heroes' of our Chinese TV industry. "

“I thought about it before boarding the plane, and I always felt that it would be a pity not to have TCL and Xoceco. I called Mr. Li first and invited him again to compete with foreign brands. What moved me was that Mr. Li agreed without saying anything. ”

Li Dongsheng's eyes were a little subtle. Well, even if the production line is introduced, it needs approval from the Ministry of Finance before it can be built. Mr. Fang said it very straightforwardly.

"Then I called Mr. Xie again, and Mr. Xie also understood the importance of justice."

Fang Zhuo smiled and sighed: "With the union of our eight companies, what kind of competitors can't touch us?"

Everyone in the conference room nodded or made a sound. The enthusiastic atmosphere was different from before.

"Of course, we have more than eight domestic brands, but as I just said, this is not an ordinary competition, it is a battle between production chains." Fang Zhuo said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, if there are more than eight domestic brands, TV manufacturers want to take advantage of our competition with Japan and South Korea to make small moves, but I will be the first to refuse."

"Who dares to make small moves or even hook up with Samsung and Sharp at this juncture?"

"It's not just me, if we get together, the whole world will be punished!"

Fang Zhuo looked at them one by one with stern eyes. No one's eyes flinched at this moment.

Very good, the leader is at hand, morality is in hand, and the whole world will punish him.

I stayed up a little bit today after not staying up yesterday, and I still have a small chapter.

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