Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 626 Increase the intensity

The Japanese bow is very standard and seems very sincere.

But even Fang Zhuo is not sure whether Panasonic's attitude will loosen.

Therefore, this time the seminar involving direct leaders, panel manufacturers, and TV manufacturers was held to a very high standard, and all the deputy positions that had previously appeared in Shanghai, Lin'an, and Luzhou were turned into full-time positions.

After the seminar, which frightened Miyamoto Makoto, a high-profile media meeting was arranged.

In addition to the increased attitude, the most tempting thing for Miyamoto Makoto is that at this media-reported negotiation meeting, the development of plasma technology and the construction of plasma PDP panel production lines were discussed, but the leaders of China did not mention a word about LCD.

Even when talking about industrial layout, leaders use the word "plasma and other technologies".

Makoto Miyamoto believes that this reflects a very strong signal. The TV Alliance headed by Mr. Fang has strong administrative lobbying capabilities, which is likely to have a miraculous effect in reversing the competitive situation in China.

At the end of the day's business meeting, Panasonic's senior vice president communicated with the Japanese headquarters.

As a representative of the technical faction and the person in charge of the negotiations in China, Miyamoto Makoto's judgment is important and trustworthy to Panasonic.

The actions of the LCD Alliance, the signals released by the Chinese administration, the sincerity of the TV Alliance... there is a lot to report.

Makoto Miyamoto was participating in a conference call.

After some discussion, the senior management of the Japanese headquarters on the other end asked a question.

"Since they said that Samsung and Sharp are in secret contact and the purchase price is very favorable, why bother to negotiate cooperation with us? Moreover, it is still a large-scale technology shift? This will cause a lot of losses."

Makoto Miyamoto thinks this way: "Samsung and their LCD alliance are only willing to let go of screen purchases at low prices, and are unwilling to engage in substantive cooperation on upstream production lines."

"Samsung and Sharp once manipulated purchase prices, which caused crisis and distrust in China's TV alliance. This is another extremely fatal reason."

"They gave up the profits released by the LCD Alliance. It's not that they don't want to make money, they just want to make more."

Tokyo exchanged views for a while, adopted on-the-spot observations from the senior vice president, and asked a second question: "Are Samsung, Sharp, and LG really going to build production lines in China?"

This involves the speed of strategic development.

If the scale of the LCD panel production line increases rapidly, Panasonic will also need to increase investment in its plasma production line.

Miyamoto Makoto was not sure about the answer to the question. This time Samsung and the others' actions carried a strong signal of pursuit and interception. How much of it was true or false was probably unknown except for a very small number of people involved.

"Samsung, Sharp, and LG, I doubt their stance. However, I heard that manufacturers from Huaxia Treasure Island are also coming to the mainland. From this point of view, maybe there is a certain plan for the construction of the LCD Alliance. After all, they are a People of the country.”

Miyamoto Makoto adheres to the "One China" principle.

His answer still tends to be that the LCD Alliance has plans to expand its scale, which may also lead to the comeback of brands such as Samsung and LG in the Chinese market.

In the CRT TV era, China's domestic TVs relied on price wars to defeat foreign brands.

Since China itself has CRT production capacity and its prices are always competitive, foreign brands in the past few years did not focus on China.

However, the era of flat-panel TVs has changed, and China's TV market will surely be impacted again. The establishment of production lines will, on the one hand, reduce costs, and on the other hand, it will definitely have a positive impact on market competition.

Panasonic's Tokyo headquarters asked another question: "What kind of person is Fang Zhuo who formed the China Television Alliance this time? Will he still have sustained influence?"

From the meeting where he bowed that day to today, Makoto Miyamoto has been thinking about issues such as technology, market, LCD rivals, production line construction, etc. When he was suddenly asked about a specific person, he was a bit caught off guard.

He thought over and over again and described: "Fang Zhuo is very optimistic about plasma and has strong leadership, but..."

The Tokyo headquarters asked vigilantly: "Just what?"

"I'm just a bit abusive." Makoto Miyamoto said truthfully.

Tokyo Headquarters: "?"

Makoto Miyamoto continued: "It's very inconsistent when we disagree. It's not like other Chinese entrepreneurs. As far as the occasion of our meeting, the Chinese entrepreneurs I came into contact with will remain polite even if they are unhappy. He is different."

He added: "Maybe it's the passion he puts into his work."

Miyamoto Makoto understands this.

After a brief discussion at the Tokyo headquarters, Fang Zhuo's status as Sony's foreign director was also mentioned. Then, they continued to ask the senior vice president for his judgment on the situation.

This conference call took a long time.

In the end, Panasonic's headquarters was inclined to adopt the suggestion from Senior Vice President Makoto Miyamoto and carry out joint venture construction conditionally. First, it would bring the Chinese TV Alliance into its own camp. Otherwise, the trade-off would be an unfavorable situation.

Makoto Miyamoto is quite happy with this development.

Being on the front line, he can feel the difference between the LCD Alliance and the written report. It seems to have become more competitive and oppressive. Or, they have always been like this, but there is a problem with Panasonic's judgment of its opponents.

Fortunately, now there is an opportunity to increase your chips.

The senior vice president quickly informed Fang Zhuo of the news and was willing to start formal negotiations on cooperation in plasma production lines and technology.

Fang Zhuo was very happy. After confirming the negotiation time, he shook hands with Miyamoto Makoto and said affectionately: "This is a small step for Panasonic, but it is a giant step for our plasma."

Makoto Miyamoto was encouraged.

Just when Panasonic began cooperation negotiations, LCD manufacturers also came to Beijing.

Samsung and LG from South Korea, Sharp from Japan, and Chimei Electronics from Baodao.

The four LCD manufacturers gathered again to discuss the current situation, just like they had held thirty or forty meetings over the past few years to control prices.

The main reason why the four companies came to the capital was a negotiation meeting reported by the media. The word "LCD" did not appear in that meeting, which made LG, Sharp, and Chimei quite worried.

Previously, as Samsung judged, everyone was not impressed by the joint actions of Chinese TV manufacturers. The relationship between supply and demand is what needs to be discussed after all.

But now there are strong signals coming from the executive level, which is a little unsettling.

Moreover, while "liquid crystal" is ignored, "plasma" is frequently mentioned.

The four manufacturers are not afraid that LCD products will disappear from mainland China, but they are worried that Panasonic will take advantage of them and take away the meat on the market.

"Smoke bomb, definitely smoke bomb."

Li Jitai maintained his own judgment: "As the two major technical routes in the market now, deliberately not mentioning them is showing cowardice. This must be the administrative factor promoted by Fang Zhuo, which is used to mislead our judgment."

"Fang Zhuo has so much energy?" LG's vice president questioned.

Li Jitai nodded: "He does. Don't doubt him. Treat him coldly and wait for their active communication. The time has come to test our patience."

Before he could continue, everyone in the conference room was notified of the news immediately.

BOE and TV Alliance are expected to reach strategic cooperation with Panasonic in 7 days.

This is news from Japan. Panasonic leaders will attend the signing meeting in China a week later.

"Seven days, seven days, be patient, this is their last ditch effort."

Lee Ki-tae first set the tone for the new news without waiting for others to question him.

What's this?

It's just Mr. Fang's forced order.

This alone is not enough, and this alone cannot shake Samsung's determination.

Mr. Fang, use whatever tricks you have.

I believe there is not much time left for competing television alliances.

It's okay if we don't have this time. Since there is a release date, it is also counterproductive pressure.

Lee Ki-tae was calm and did not waver in the slightest.

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