Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 634 Advance (two-in-one)

The Rockets unfortunately lost their first Western Conference Finals game.

When Fang Zhuo said goodbye to the CCTV hosts and guests, he was repeatedly comforted - some were beaten in the back, and some were beaten in the back.

"I'm not talking about the situation... I think this round may really last seven games. If there is a tiebreaker, I will go to the scene to supervise the battle."

"As for today, maybe the stadium will be disappointed, but the shopping mall will be proud."

Fang Zhuo left the studio with a smile and rushed to see Samsung Prince Lee Jae-yong.

Unlike Lee Ki-tae who chose an inconspicuous but distinctive restaurant, Lee Jae-yong chose the most luxurious place in Beijing.

Fang Zhuo had been thinking about this person's mentality and plans along the way, but when he got there, he suddenly realized that he still hadn't considered enough.

"Mr. Fang, we meet again."

A third person appeared during the supposed dinner party between the two of them, and it was someone Fang Zhuo knew - the three-star eldest princess Li Fuzhen.

Fang Zhuo was slightly surprised and then smiled and said, "I thought Miss Fuzhen was in Shanghai. I planned to go back to Shanghai and treat you to dinner."

"I came here as a translator for my brother." Li Fuzhen smiled, "It is also to thank Mr. Fang for helping us obtain preferential policies for Shilla Hotel."

She paused and said a bit angrily: "But, Mr. Fang, you didn't tell me that that piece of land belongs to your developer..."

Fang Zhuo explained: "Because I am a developer under Yike, I can have the right to help you get the best policy incentives."

Li Fuzhen was stunned, which makes sense.

The two exchanged some pleasantries, and then Fang Zhuo greeted Lee Jae-yong in English. They could actually communicate without any barriers, and it was not a formal business negotiation, so no translation was needed.

Fang Zhuo was thinking about the intentions of the brother and sister, but Lee Jae-yong did not confront each other tit for tat or hide behind the scenes. Instead, he talked about today's Rockets game.

"I am a fan of the Rockets. Yao Ming is not only the Great Wall of China, but also the pride of Asia." Lee Jae-yong said this with a natural expression. "When the Rockets won the championship, Wan Wangfang always asked for Yao Ming's autograph for me."

Fang Zhuo listened and suddenly asked Li Fuzhen in Chinese: "Does your brother really like basketball and Yao Ming?"

Li Fuzhen was stunned, in front of his brother...

She nodded with a smile and did not make trouble: "Of course, Mr. Fang, he likes it."

Fang Zhuo switched to English and said to Li Zaiyong: "Mr. Li, Miss Fuzhen told me the truth. Let's not talk about basketball today. Let's talk about things when we have something to do. After all, your time is precious and my schedule is very tight. "

Li Fuzhen: "..."

Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, why don’t you avoid people when you say this!

Lee Jae-yong glanced at his sister, as willful as ever, but harmless.

He smiled and said: "Today, I believe that both Mr. Fang and Mr. Wang from BOE can see the sincerity of our Samsung and our determination to develop LCD. To a large extent, it is because of this determination that we That’s why the current negotiations are happening.”

Fang Zhuo nodded: "Well, let's continue talking. I heard that Chimei Electronics seems to have some differences of opinion with the three of you."

Chimei Electronics is a Baodao company. Compared with the technology and capital investment cooperation methods currently recognized by Samsung, LG, and Sharp, it is not willing to do this.

As for what it wants to do.

From the perspective of contact, it is just to have a look, basically to show off.

Lee Jae-yong said: "Chimei is now eager to build new production lines, and funds will be concentrated on this area. The three of us..."

Fang Zhuo interrupted: "Chimei wants to build in the mainland, but that's not easy."

"Mr. Fang, what do you mean?" Li Zaiyong stared at the young CEO in front of him, feeling that the other party was putting extra chips on the table.

"BOE's fifth-generation line in Beijing has just started mass production. Whether it is LCD or plasma, this is another production line." Fang Zhuo calculated with a smile, "As far as I know, all four of you seem to have come to the mainland to invest in construction. plan."

"I understand you. The construction cost is low, the labor cost is low, the tax policy is good, and it can not only take the initiative but also get local investment, which alleviates a lot of financial burden."

"But for China, we need to consider the issue of production capacity space."

Fang Zhuo said lightly: "It's impossible for you all to apply and then get approved. This is not targeted at anyone, it's the reality and it must be considered."

Lee Jae-yong thinks this is targeted!

However, LCD panels do need economies of scale to reduce costs. This is the only way to go. However, adding BOE to the mix will give up some initiative.

However, if not allowed, BOE will go to the opposite camp.

If one company must be stopped due to approval factors, as long as it is not Samsung...

When Li Zaiyong thought about it, he suddenly realized that Fang always put multiple-choice questions in front of him.

He pondered without speaking, thinking about the gains and losses here.

Li Fuzhen was half active and half passive today. Seeing that his brother needed time to think, he took a sip of juice and said with a smile: "The Rockets are only one point away from defeating the Spurs today. It's a pity. Do you really think you can break out of the Western Conference this year?" ?”

Fang Zhuo glanced at the three-star princess.

Li Fuzhen blinked: "My brother doesn't like basketball, but I didn't say I didn't like it."

"Then which team do you like?" Fang Zhuo expressed some interest.

"Bulls." Li Fuzhen replied seriously.

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised and answered her previous question: "I'm not sure if I can rush out, but this round will definitely be exciting. The Spurs have been a target that the coaching staff has simulated for a long time. In order to deal with it, we traded for power forward Kurt. Thomas, got Yao Ming's substitute Nazr Mohammed."

"Kurt and Nazr's defense is tough enough, and they are prepared for Duncan."

"It's a pity that the Spurs actually accelerated their attack against us in this game. This preparation was a bit in vain."

“I feel like Coach Nelson was caught a little off guard as well.”

Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly with regret.

"This year's Spurs are really good," Li Fuzhen said. "Although Carter performed very well in this game, I feel that the Spurs defended him very specifically. I'm afraid he won't be so comfortable in the next game."

Fang Zhuo concentrated: "How to say?"

"The Spurs are not like the Pistons, who are also well-known for their defense in the East. The Pistons' pressure is very fierce." Li Fuzhen organized his language slightly, "The Spurs are not only in today's game, they have been expanding their defense this season, blocking breakthroughs in the middle, and letting opponents go. Go to the wing, like Carter, if he reaches the corner, allow him to break through, and then have the inside defense on the weak side."

"Today Carter was either forced to make a mid-range shot, or he made a wide-range transfer of the ball and made a mistake."

"If we don't solve this problem, I'm afraid..."

Li Fuzhen blinked and said no more.

Fang Zhuo was a little shocked. Although he claimed to be the boss who knows the most about football, he didn't seem to notice it when he was a guest on CCTV's live broadcast today. But now that he heard her say it, he felt that it was indeed the case.

Carter was the main attacker today, scoring 39 points, but ultimately lost.

Will he fall into the Spurs trap?

Fang Zhuo thought.

Lee Jae-yong on the other side was also thinking about it. Did Mr. Fang set up a trap to provoke infighting in the LCD Alliance?

He weighed it repeatedly and came to the conclusion that the current enemy was plasma, and the way to prevent infighting was to quickly eliminate the one that was least beneficial to one's own side.

Can Chimei Electronics pose a threat?

No, Chimei Electronics is the weakest.

What about LG?

They are both Korean companies and can have a certain tacit understanding in the LCD field.


Japanese company! Powerful!

Once Plasma is defeated, Sharp will be the most competitive threat in the same camp.

"My only interest in basketball is that I was influenced by Fuzhen." Li Zaiyong said with a smile, then stood up and said, "Sorry, Mr. Fang, I have to go to the bathroom."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly.

After the Samsung Prince left, he asked curiously: "Miss Fuzhen, I can understand your brother's emphasis on this cooperation, but he won't call you here specially? Could it be that he is not satisfied with Shencheng's policy? , have you come to the capital to pick a place?"

Li Fuzhen shook his head: "We at Shilla Hotel are very satisfied with Shencheng, and considering the different positioning of the city, we also think it is more suitable there."

She showed a smile: "Besides, since we are under Mr. Fang's banner, of course we can be taken care of better there. As for today... a good atmosphere is better for communication than a stiff atmosphere, isn't it? BOE and LCD will benefit from the merger, and each will get something. It’s what you need, this is the optimal solution.”

Fang Zhuo heard her talk about LCD for the first time and asked: "With all due respect, Miss Fuzhen, have the arrangements within your Samsung Group been fixed? Your brother's Samsung Electronics and your Shilla Hotel?"

He added: "Oh, I'm just curious. If it's not convenient for you to answer, you don't need to answer."

Li Fuzhen's expression changed slightly. This was really presumptuous, but it didn't seem so presumptuous to ask from Mr. Fang.

She thought about how to respond appropriately.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "It's just a little bit of personal curiosity. This time it involves project negotiation. Only when I met your brother did I know that he is indeed as good as Miss Fuzhen. If I were President Li, it might be really difficult."

Li Fuzhen said helplessly: "Mr. Fang really knows how to praise people."

She avoided talking about this topic and praised it back: "Although I have just arrived in the capital, I heard from my brother that Mr. Fang's operation involving BOE impressed everyone deeply."

Fang Zhuo waved his hand and said: "I actually didn't play a role. You were too forced by BOE to switch to plasma. It's not a good thing to do things too strictly in business. My philosophy has always been that everyone makes money together."

Li Fuzhen said sincerely: "I hope our Shilla Hotel will conform to Mr. Fang's concept."

The soft opening and closing of doors.

Lee Jae-yong is back.

He circled the topic again and then asked a question: "I wonder what China's requirements are for applying for the construction of production lines? Chimei Electronics needs this kind of construction now. Samsung and Sharp may not be so urgent about production capacity. "

Fang Zhuo replied lightly: "I'm not the leader, I just know that there is such a situation."

He asked with a smile: "Since we are on the same front, Samsung can not rush to apply and give up this production capacity space. Chimei Electronics had a good negotiation with Lin'an before, and it may be passed quickly once the application is made."

Lee Jae-yong also laughed: “Samsung and BOE are more willing to cooperate through technology transfer. It would be much more convenient to have domestic production lines. Chimei Electronics also has excellent technology. It is said that LG’s 7th generation line is also expected to be placed in China in the future. .”

He never mentioned Sharp and looked at the president of Huaxia in front of him with piercing eyes.

Fang Zhuo liked the eyes of the Samsung Prince.

What kind of eyes are these?

Have pursuing eyes.

Unlike that Li Ji Tae, his eyes were almost gray.

Fang Zhuo said relaxedly: "The final result still depends on various factors. Anyway, the leaders' basis is very reasonable. I believe they will also fully consider the conditions of Samsung, LG, Chimei... and other companies."

"Investment and construction must be a win-win situation, with enterprises benefiting and local development developing. Otherwise, why bother?"

"I particularly like what Mr. Li said last time. Considering the situation of consumers, I want to provide them with low-price and high-quality products."

“I don’t know why, but even though I haven’t met Mr. Li very often, I always feel like I was getting along with Google’s Larry and the others when I was in the United States.”

He didn't mention Sharp either.

Li Zaiyong was probably sure that Mr. Fang knew what he wanted, and the two completed a potential communication.

Next, Lee Jae-yong talked about the development of LCD technology and received more support. The atmosphere of the dinner became more relaxed with Lee Fuzhen occasionally talking about the situation of the NBA Western Conference Finals.

At half past nine in the evening, the dinner ended.

The brother and sister sent Mr. Fang to the car together and watched him get into the Rolls-Royce before getting into their own car.

Unlike the perfect meal, the brother and sister didn't communicate much in the car. Lee Jae-yong soon concentrated on listening to what his voice recorder recorded.

Li Fuzhen looked on coldly: "You can still do this now?"

"It's President Li's teachings. I think it may have a certain effect." Li Zaiyong said calmly, "The experience of my predecessors must have been successful, so I will try to learn from it this time."

Li Fuzhen asked: "Is it useful?"

Li Zaiyong shook his head and said: "It's useless. Fang Zhuo hardly left any words worth using. Do you think this is a coincidence or is he accustomed to this? Or, as President Li said, he is very wary of us?"

Li Fuzhen said calmly: "There may be all three."

Lee Jae-yong put away his voice recorder, feeling rather regretful.

"I heard that President Li went to see his father." Li Fuzhen said again.

"Cooperation is imperative, and he can't shake it." Li Zaiyong said this, but he was thinking about how to promote Chimei's attitude.

The progress of negotiations is even faster.

After a dinner that had no substantive communication but seemed to have reached an exchange, the negotiations between the LCD Alliance and BOE accelerated.

In just three days, Chimei Electronics, which had been reluctant to participate in BOE's 6th generation line investment, relented and agreed to hold 10% of BOE's shares in this production line together with Samsung, LG and Sharp.

The price of this shareholding is lower than normal, and the share is symbolic. Everyone must work together to expand the scale of LCD using the Chinese market.

The progress of BOE's LCD negotiations is encouraging, but Panasonic also noticed that things seemed to be not going well.

In particular, Panasonic Vice President Makoto Miyamoto watched the Samsung team enter and exit the same hotel, and even chatted and laughed with Mr. Fang and Mr. Wang.


Miyamoto Makoto reminded the boss of this situation and asked Mr. Fang questioningly.

"Mr. Fang, have you forgotten that you said that one small step for Panasonic is one giant leap for plasma? We at Panasonic are here with sincerity!"

Fang Zhuo thinks that this person should talk to Mr. Wang. After all, he is the head of BOE. He has stopped participating in the business negotiations between the two parties in the past two days, and his work is almost over.

But he is also willing to give an explanation: "Yes, yes, that is a big step forward for plasma, but liquid crystal came here on the run."

"Panasonic is unwilling to disclose its patents, which makes it very difficult for us."

"Mr. Miyamoto, you must speed up, otherwise, BOE and Panasonic may really miss each other."

"That will definitely be the regret of the century."

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