Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 64 Advancement

On November 13, Zhou Xin and Fang Zhuo boarded the train to Lin'an.

Zhou Xin walked around nervously as soon as he got on the train. He looked around the entire carriage before returning to his seat.

"Xiao Zhou, what are you looking for? Could it be that you have made an appointment to ride with someone in the car?" Fang Zhuoqi asked.

"Brother Fang, I just can't sit still. When I think about going to meet venture capital and big figures in the Internet industry, I feel like grass is growing in my heart." Zhou Xin took two large gulps of water and added, "The data from our website Isn’t it wrong to be seen out?”

Fang Zhuo smiled and said nothing. He really looked down on the courage of his technical director.

But then I thought about it, it seemed that people like Xiao Zhou were correct. How could they mock the correct by using the incorrect?

Zhou Xin continued, minding his own business: "If they didn't see it at first, what if they saw it again after coming into contact with us, how embarrassing it would be."

Fang Zhuo's tone seemed to sway slowly with the ups and downs of the train: "If you are worried about being embarrassed, then you should try your best to do it. Because people will not criticize successful people, they will only give flowers and applause."

Sitting next to him was an old man who looked like a farmer. He grinned when he heard this and said in a thick dialect: "You students talk like you are writing poetry."

Zhou Xin turned around and said strangely: "Uncle, how did you know that we are students?"

The old man replied: "You can tell with your eyes."

Fang Zhuo smiled, glanced at Zhou Xin, and said to the old man with a smile: "Uncle, you have really good eyesight. We are from Luzhou. We went to Lin'an to attend meetings because of a project. As for my little brother, I always He doesn’t have much confidence, you see him walking around and fidgeting when he gets in the car.”

Fang Zhuo continued: "Uncle, please listen to see if our project can be successful. As we usually do, we will inevitably get sick or something. What we do is to allow people to use their computers to call the doctor without having to go to the hospital. Go inside. Uncle, what do you think? Can we succeed?"

"Yes, people, if you eat all kinds of cereals, you will always get sick sometimes." The old man nodded, "Do you mean that I can get registered without going to the hospital?"

He thought about it seriously and said, "If the money is not so expensive, it will definitely work."

Fang Zhuo found it quite interesting. The uncle had only a short time to think, so he asked: "Why?"

"I think it costs money to travel from home to another hospital to register, and eating there is expensive. If you can't register, you have to spend money on accommodation. Of course, you can save money and effort." The boss calculated with his fingers. It's easy to understand.

Zhou Xin next to him couldn't help but smile.

The old man hadn't finished speaking yet. He said cheerfully: "It sounds like what was said on the radio. Those of you who use computers must be advanced. You can also take care of people like us who travel long distances to the hospital. As long as you don't If you are collecting money with a black heart, why can't you succeed?"

Fang Zhuo thought. "People" was not a common word used by this uncle. He vaguely guessed the content of the so-called broadcast. It was probably only proposed this year, but "****" would appear in political textbooks in the future. theory.

He gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Uncle, what you said makes sense, but our project still needs development before it can be spread to more counties, townships, and towns. I'm afraid it will take some time before you can use it."

The old man bent down and took out a bottle of wine from the snakeskin bag, and while twisting the cap, he said: "It doesn't matter whether we can use it, but our children will definitely be able to use it in the future. Computers must be started from babies. Just let him study computer science. Your technology will definitely be better in the future, and everything can be done in one go."

He smiled cheerfully again and said, "When you say this, I feel less like a student. Come on, you have a cup over here, and I have wine over here. Let's take a few sips."

Fang Zhuo laughed heartily and waved his hands repeatedly.

He tilted his head at Zhou Xin and said: "We have a project, and uncle has wine, why don't you hurry up and drink two with him. Listen to what the uncle said just now, he is teaching you how to introduce the project to the leader, hurry up Here’s to you uncle.”

Zhou Xin listened thoughtfully, but now he was troubled by the boss's words.

He was so thin-skinned that he had no choice but to take the wine poured by the old man with a cup. After two cups, his head felt a little dizzy, but he was not as nervous as he was when he got in the car and thought about the meeting.

The train was swaying, and Fang Zhuo was chatting with the passengers from time to time. These people were quite talkative and could talk about anything. It was also an interesting journey.

The train departing from Luzhou stopped at Lin'an Station at around 12 noon. The nearly 5-hour journey gave Fang Zhuo some backache.

He walked out of the station, looked back at the stop sign, and said with emotion: "When will there be a high-speed train from Luzhou to Lin'an?"

Zhou Xin was confused: "Brother Fang, what is high-speed rail?"

Fang Zhuo was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and explained: "It's the current RB Shinkansen, do you know?"

Zhou Xin smiled and said: "Then you have to buy it from abroad. Is there any such news? The price must be very expensive."

Fang Zhuo felt that this kind of thing could not be explained clearly, so he could only carry the bag and walk forward without comment. If he had the opportunity in the future, he would definitely let Xiao Zhou recall what he said today.

"Let's go to the hotel. Your teacher should have arrived, right?" Fang Zhuo took a few steps and felt that the train station in Lin'an was indeed more developed than the one in Luzhou.

"Well, according to the itinerary, he should have arrived this morning. The teacher signed up this time, and our rooms should be adjacent." Zhou Xin thought for a while, "Maybe he will see the teacher in the evening, Brother Fang, see you What is he going to say?"

"What should I say? Don't think about this now, think about more important things." Fang Zhuo twirled his index finger and thumb, "Think about how to visit those venture capital investors, and how to explain to them the bright future of our registration network. , this is the business."

Zhou Xinxin smiled and said: "I still get nervous when I think about this. Brother Fang, I'll leave it to you to think about it."

Fang Zhuo glanced at him and said, "That's okay. You'll be with me anyway. As a technical director, your nervousness is in line with everyone's stereotype of technology."

Zhou Xin was unconvinced for a second, and then followed the boss silently.

By the time the two checked into the hotel, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

"Uh, Brother Fang, our clothes seem a bit casual. I have seen several suits. I wonder if they are attending the Internet meeting tomorrow." Zhou Xin was in a nervous mood, which was in line with his personality as a school student who came to see the world.

"It's okay. It's better to be casual. Maybe you think the students are motivated. Think about the students abroad who started their own businesses while they were in school. Like Zha..." Fang Zhuo stopped in time.

Zhou Xin corrected: "Brother Fang wants to say Bill Gates, right?"

"Yes. That's him. If we can go on stage, our white T-shirts might look unique. Don't be rigid about this kind of thing." Fang Zhuo sat on the sofa in the hotel lobby and looked at the people coming in and out.

How to meet the big boss on this trip?

Fang Zhuo thought about it and decided that the easiest way was to go up to someone he knew and say hello, ask for a business card, and leave a phone number.

After all, students can be so reckless.

However, after waiting for more than ten minutes, although there were many people in suits and ties, he didn't recognize any of them. Maybe there were current celebrities among them, but Fang Zhuo was not familiar with their appearance.

What he can recognize at a glance is the second horse kind, including Sohu and NetEase, which have long been prosperous in news.

"Forget it, let's find an acquaintance first. Come on, I'll log on to QQ and make a friend."

Fang Zhuo wasted no time and walked towards the public computer in the hotel lobby.

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