Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 640 Ice core cannot be without Fang Zhuo

Goldman Sachs, DCM, Deutsche Bank, IDG.

Xu Kaiwei, Connor, Zhang Hongli, Xiong Xiaoge.

The four major venture capital investors gathered together again and chose the conference room of IDG.

Xiong Xiaoge still vaguely remembered the scene of the last meeting. Unexpectedly, he met these people this time because of Mr. Fang's affairs. Considering the role he played this time, he felt heavy pressure.

The gathering of Bingxin's institutional shareholders was led by Zhang Hongli. According to him, there have been major changes in Bingxin, and shareholders must express their attitude in a unified manner and protect their own interests from being harmed.

Especially when facing people like Fang Zhuo who most likely will not consider the interests of shareholders.

"Mr. Zhang Rujing's original words were that Fang Zhuo was open to his equity."

"Bingxin has sent out another invitation to honor the gambling agreement in advance. This is most likely Fang Zhuo's attempt to silence us."

“Considering the current good condition of Ice Core and the various factors surrounding it, I think Ice Core will almost certainly be put on the market within a foreseeable time to raise funds to support its continued development.”

"Under this prospect, the value of our shares is obviously not equal to the number in the gambling agreement."

Zhang Hongli succinctly stated that he believed that the people here would not be chasing the profits of this kind of gambling agreement. The original willingness to invest in Bingxin was for its greater prospects. This agreement was only made because of the matter between SMIC and Taiji. Lower limit patch.

If you can get the upper limit, who will look at the lower limit?

He glanced at the CEO who was listening to him silently and knew that they were all aware of the situation. Even if it was unclear when the incident occurred, they would definitely understand it after two days of understanding.

Zhang Hongli continued: "Let me tell you my attitude first. I will definitely not implement it. I will also tell you my considerations. If Fang Zhuo wants to use SMIC to try to take back Deutsche Bank's shares, then he will definitely take it. Not even."

"But if he doesn't think so and really wants to withdraw from the ice core..."

Zhang Hongli frowned and said, "This situation is worth discussing."

What's happening here?

Xu Kaiwei said it bluntly: "Fang Zhuo quits Bingxin. Then, can Bingxin lose Fang Zhuo?"

No one in the conference room made a sound immediately, thinking about this issue quietly.

Can Bingxin lose its founder?

"What will happen if Ice Core is taken over by SMIC? Will Zhang Rujing support Ice Core to continue to go public?" Xu Kaiwei said, "Zhang Rujing is probably taking SMIC as the mainstay. Even if he supports Ice Core, this intensity It’s also debatable.”

He paused and then said: "Moreover, if SMIC wants to completely annex Bingxin, he will ask for our shares. It will be difficult to determine the valuation at that time."

In other words, it is difficult to predict the situation when Bingxin will be taken over by SMIC. SMIC’s scale and level are definitely better than Bingxin, but this is not necessarily a good thing.

Connor also spoke up, saying something even more worrying: "If Fang Zhuo wants to leave, Bingxin will definitely be able to find a seller. This seller is SMIC, which is pretty good. What if it's Luzhou SDIC?"

"Luzhou SDIC holds 14.4% of the shares, and it is already the second largest shareholder."

"If you get 28.8% of Fang Zhuo..."

"Everyone, I have to remind you that if a shareholder with a local administrative background like Luzhou SDIC suddenly becomes the largest shareholder of Bingxin, it will be almost impossible for it to be listed."

Connor said solemnly: "The introduction of ice core technology and equipment purchase licenses are not once and for all, and they do not have to wait until they expire in 2008. During this period, they will have to face scrutiny from the United States from time to time. I don't think that under the leadership of Luzhou SDIC, The ice core can smoothly continue its progress.”

Zhang Hongli was stunned. He really ignored this, mainly because he had been speculating on Fang Zhuo's true intentions in the past few days, and was also designing the union of the four institutions, without considering the existence of the existing second largest shareholder.

It must be admitted that what Connor said is very likely to happen.

So far, only SMIC and Bingxin can smoothly purchase relevant advanced equipment in the mainland.

Once the largest shareholder changes to state-owned assets...

Zhang Hongli's brows furrowed deeply. If Luzhou State-owned Assets Investment Corporation had no money and any state-owned assets took over, it would probably face the same risk of review.

SMIC has to compensate Taiwanese journalists this year, and it does not have sufficient funds.

Looking at it this way, if Fang Zhuo has the intention to wash things out, that would be a good thing!

In case, he really cares about the price factor, no matter what, taking advantage of the fact that the ice core has just been put into mass production, he may have to get orders from the television industry, and he has a team of engineers headed by Hu Zhengming, which are the benefits that everyone can see, Looking for a high price to sell...

Fang Zhuo doesn't look like someone who can't do such a thing!

"I am afraid that Bingxin was able to find Hu Zhengming because of Fang Zhuozhi's great efforts. In addition, he was responsible for some of the preferential policies above, including the fact that Hu Zheng, the vice president of marketing at the front desk, launched the project in Luzhou. Work hard from it." Xiong Xiaoge also reminded, "No matter who Fang Zhuo sells the ice core to, whether it is to SMIC or Luzhou, I am not optimistic about 'Fang Zhuo's ice core'."

Xu Kaiwei smiled: "What the hell, it's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, and I'm going to sell the company, how can I stop her? According to what you said, it's better to just take the money and leave now."

Zhang Hongli shook his head: "It's just a possibility. Aren't we dealing with risks?"

Xu Kaiwei said: "After all, the best direction now is to keep everything unchanged? Fang Zhuo will not sell his shares and Ice Core will continue to develop. The problem is, this does not depend on us."

Zhang Hongli did not answer the question and looked at Xiong Xiaoge: "Mr. Xiong, what do you think?"

"I think Mr. Xu is right." Xiong Xiaoge said seriously, "The incident happened suddenly. I called Fang Zhuo, but I was really not sure whether what he told me was the truth. He said he would not leave me. , I can’t believe it.”

Connor emphasized: "More communication can solve the problem. Now, can we first establish a consensus that it is best not to sell the ice core to Fang Zhuo."

Although Zhang Hongli was annoyed by the uncertainty caused by Fang Zhuo, he recognized his importance to the ice core and further said: "The ice core cannot be without Fang Zhuo, just like the West cannot be without Jerusalem."

Seeing this, Xu Kaiwei echoed: "If you want to fight the Battle of Josephgrad, you must first have Joseph. To be honest, Fang Zhuofang is always there for the ice core. This is an important thing that we at Goldman Sachs were willing to invest in before. factor."

Xiong Xiaoge said nothing and nodded silently. Everyone recognized Mr. Fang's ability. This consensus... was quite logical.

"Mr. Xiong, you know Mr. Fang best, and Deutsche Bank will not execute it." Zhang Hongli looked at Xu Kaiwei and Connor, and received a nod from the latter, "The same is true for Goldman Sachs and DCM. Where is your IDG?"

Xiong Xiaoge hesitated: "If Mr. Fang is still in the ice core, IDG will not implement it."

"First of all, we must temporarily obtain a consensus and confirm an attitude. None of the four of us are willing to implement the gambling agreement." Zhang Hongli hesitated, "On this basis, Mr. Xiong, you have a good relationship with Mr. Fang. It is necessary to take this Communicate with him and let him and Bing Xin get back on track."

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