Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 643 The root is found (two-in-one)

The Rockets won their third championship in team history. Their last trophy dates back ten years.

This means that the city of Houston has added sports honors, the Rockets team has achieved the success of the Trident, and the league is also happy to see its market expansion in Eastern countries.

In turn, domestic coverage of the combination of Fang Zhuo and Yao Ming receiving such a valuable honor was widely reported.

Sports know no borders, and while that may not always be the case, this moment was refreshing.

That night, Fang Zhuo had a party all night long at his villa.

The team's management, coaching staff, players and their families and friends all gathered here to celebrate a proud achievement.

Food, both Chinese and Western.

Fine wine, Maotai Champagne.

Beauty, blonde supermodel.

The entire villa was a scene of lively celebration.

As a worried quartet of venture capital investors, Xu Kaiwei and others were not incompatible, but they were somewhat unable to drink. They always wanted to have a simple communication with Mr. Fang first.

The noise from the outside world pressed the four people into a small, close group, wandering around looking for their master.

As a result, after going half a circle, I found that Mr. Fang and Yao Ming were being interviewed by CCTV together.

"I would love to win a trophy with Dayao under such competition."

"The only regret is, hey, we say this privately, Dayao did not win the MVP of the Finals. It would be better if he had this. Of course, Carter did perform better. This is what we chat with ourselves. I think these emotions are quite inevitable."

After saying this, Fang Zhuo turned around and looked at Yao Ming, who was sitting next to him as if he was standing: "Do you have any regrets?"

Yao Ming always had a smile on his face. Hearing this question, he shook his head repeatedly.

Fang Zhuo shrugged and said to the camera: "Well, the person involved has no regrets. I hope there will be another chance next year."

The reporter asked: "Mr. Fang, will there be strong competition pressure next year?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and replied: "Next year, the Spurs should be more competitive in the Western Conference. Their lineup is solid. The Mavericks are also good. The Pistons and Heat in the Eastern Conference may be able to continue their performance this year, but who will make the NBA Finals?" I can’t say for sure about the final.”

He continued: "It seems that everyone's lineup has not changed much. The Rockets are definitely capable of defending the title. If possible, I hope that Dayao can compete with O'Neal of the Heat next year and have a head-on collision in the finals."

Yao Ming laughed loudly: "President Fang, O'Neal, I'll sign you next year and you go out there and try."

Fang Zhuo also laughed.

While he was laughing, he saw his friends, so he motioned for the camera to look aside, and said loudly: "This is the charm of sports. This time, I am here to support the Dayao competition. My domestic friends are also very enthusiastic. Come, come, come." , Mr. Xu and Mr. Xiong, please express your feelings about watching the game this time.”

Reporters and photographers looked over.

The four people who were already out of the celebratory atmosphere were a little stiff, but with the cameras focused on them, they had no choice but to celebrate in general terms.

The biggest feeling today was watching the real PK at close range, but I obviously couldn't tell the truth to CCTV.

After the four people were interviewed, they turned to look for Mr. Fang, only to find that he had disappeared again without realizing it.

When we met again, Mr. Fang was already full of alcohol and drunk.

"Come on, old bear, I'm happy to tell you how we can't get to know each other without fighting."

When Fang Zhuo saw Xiong Xiaoge, he hesitated to talk about friendship.

Xiong Xiaoge was quite embarrassed, in public... He had that kind of Eastern restraint, but he was not as thick-skinned as Mr. Fang.

"Mr. Zong, come here, sit down." Fang Zhuo saw Old Xiong squirming and replaced him with another one. He laughed and said, "Let me tell you what you are here for this time."

Zhang Hongli remained silent. How could Bingxin's business negotiations begin on such an occasion?

He looked at Mr. Fang, who was acting rather dissolutely after drinking the celebratory wine.

Xu Kaiwei took the initiative to persuade: "Mr. Fang, I'm just happy today. I'm just happy that the Rockets won the championship. Let's talk about business tomorrow."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "Mr. Xu is right, give it to Mr. Xu."

Xu Kaiwei was forced to drink a drink.

When the other three saw this, they couldn't talk about it, so they might as well drink.

This drink... I can't hold it back.

By the morning of the next day, the party that had been partying all night had been cleaned up, and the four venture capitalists woke up one after another. Thinking about the excitement last night, they felt like they were in another world.

"Mr. Xiong, where is Mr. Fang?"

Zhang Hongli asked Xiong Xiaoge, who was already sunbathing on the lawn.

"I just called him to talk about the Champions City Parade in Houston." Xiong Xiaoge replied a little helplessly.

Zhang Hongli's head was still a little dizzy, and he said sincerely: "Mr. Fang also drank a lot yesterday, and he is really energetic."

Xiong Xiaoge did not answer the topic. After a while, he said, "Mr. Wu Hongquan from Luzhou SDIC will be here at noon."

"We have to talk to Mr. Fang about the ice core tonight." Zhang Hongli looked at Xiong Xiaoge and observed his reaction.

"Okay, you have to let him set aside some time." Xiong Xiaoge also agreed.

Zhang Hongli nodded. The impact of the Rockets' championship seemed to be beyond his imagination. There were actually so many people participating in the celebration parade. It was really... it was really not Mr. Fang's petty fuss.

Even the domestic battles are not small, and they have the attitude of a sports tycoon.

He frowned and took a breath, wanting to see if the arrival of Wu Hongquan from Luzhou SDIC would give him a different reaction.

Luzhou SDIC represents the local government. If there are unexpected changes in the ice core, there may be early ventilation.

At noon, a group of venture capital investors gathered together to bask in the sun, and then waited for Wu Hongquan from Luzhou SDIC who arrived in a hurry.

"Have you communicated with Mr. Fang on the phone?" Zhang Hongli got straight to the point as soon as he saw Wu Hongquan.

Wu Hongquan was startled: "Mr. Xu didn't tell me. It might be cooperating with SMIC. I asked Mr. Fang and he said he wasn't sure yet. I reported it to the leader before I could come over. Are we going to hold a board meeting?"

From the moment he received the call to the moment he arrived in Houston, he was confused. When he asked for instructions from his leader, he was told to "listen more and talk less."

Zhang Hongli nodded. Although it was not in the name of the board of directors, it had already formed such a substantial form.

This thing can't be said to have much effectiveness, but it is still a statement to Mr. Fang.

But... when I saw Mr. Fang again, he returned to the villa with friends and happily played mahjong, the quintessence of Oriental culture.

Fang Zhuo, Nelson, O'Neal, and Yao Ming played a table of mahjong, while the family members of the latter three chatted politely.

Yike invited O'Neal to serve as a product endorser, and also asked him to co-produce commercials with Yao Ming.

O'Neal also came to watch the finals this time, and was invited to his home by Fang Zhuo today.

Mahjong is played in the living room.

Blah blah blah, blah blah.

The sound of rubbing numbness kept echoing in the ears of Zhang Hongli and Xu Kaiwei who were hesitant to speak.

"Mr. Fang, let's set a time to talk about Bingxin. When we came here, we watched the ball and drank wine. What is the cooperation between Bingxin and SMIC going to be like?" Zhang Hongli couldn't bear it. I still said what I said.

Fang Zhuo played a set of three and said casually: "Oh, you are overreacting. We are still discussing the form of cooperation with SMIC. Don't worry, Bingxin is definitely stable and improving."

Zhang Hongli couldn't accept this description and said, "Mr. Fang, how about you give me some time and let's have a good chat."

"Aren't you just afraid that I will sell my shares? Look at you." Fang Zhuo pointed out the driving force behind the group's coming, "Why are you not calm at all? Neither I nor Bing Xin mean to trick you, no. I want to honor that gambling agreement and give you financial profits."

Reasonable and legal approach.

If you cash out in advance, the venture capital will definitely make money!

Xu Kaiwei said: "Mr. Fang, we are not here for this, we are here for the development of ice cores."

When Fang Zhuo heard this, he raised his head and looked at Mr. Xu of Goldman Sachs.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his head, O'Neill across from him shouted in weird Chinese: "It's settled! It's settled!"

Fang Zhuo immediately turned his head, glanced at the mahjong that O'Neill pushed down, and started to rub mahjong helplessly.

He rubbed it for a while, then remembered the people sitting next to him, and promised: "Let's talk about mahjong tonight and tomorrow night. I'm really wondering why you are so excited about coming here."

The situation is not right and effective communication cannot be carried out.

But judging from Mr. Fang’s reaction, it seems that the cooperation between Bingxin and SMIC is not as bad as imagined.

This comforted Xu Kaiwei, Zhang Hongli and Connor.

From this perspective, Mr. Fang said it was okay to be excited.

However, when it comes to small and big money, it is normal to be a little excited.

Another night has passed, and at least there is some more positive information.

The next day, Mr. Fang disappeared in the morning, but in the afternoon he was seen playing in the swimming pool with great interest.

The sunshine in June is very good, and swimming is a good exercise to cool down.

It's just... this scene is somewhat annoying to the venture capital. Where is that Mr. Fang who worked so hard! Today I would rather sit in the swimming pool than discuss things together!

Connor was a little angry and tried to awaken Mr. Fang's fighting spirit.

"It's not appropriate. It's not appropriate this afternoon. I'm waiting for someone." Fang Zhuo responded helplessly to Connor and to his venture capital friends.

"Who are you waiting for when swimming?" Zhang Hongli believed that Mr. Fang might have the intention of delaying time, and suspected that the domestic Bingxin and SMIC would have further negotiations.

Fang Zhuo stretched out his hand and pointed upward.

Several people were at a loss.

Fang Zhuo was soaking in the swimming pool, lying on the edge, as if listening.

After a while, there was a sound in the air from far to near.

The venture capital investors from China and Luzhou SDIC Wu Hong all watched helplessly as a helicopter flew towards the villa slowly but really quickly.

There is a helicopter parking space on the roof of the villa.

When the helicopter landed, the blond supermodel with a bumpy figure first greeted the young rich man upstairs, and then changed into a bikini before getting out of the swimming pool.

Zhang Hongli was stunned. He had to say that he had seen the beautiful female companion next to Mr. Fang since the villa party, but this one being transported by helicopter from the sky was a bit beyond his imagination.

Fang Zhuo swam two more times, floated in the water, shook the water, and said loudly: "Night, if you don't have time at night, then tomorrow night, I really don't have time during the day tomorrow, there is a team celebration parade. "

The venture capital friends silently glanced at the supermodel with excellent figure and Mr. Fang chatting and laughing in the swimming pool.

Connor walked back and said: "Sometimes, you really can't blame Mr. Fang..."

Zhang Hongli and Xu Kaiwei were speechless.

This seems to be the life of the rich, especially since Mr. Fang is still so young, but the change is really fast!

Soon there will be a flaw!

He can't suddenly change like this for no reason!

That night, the CEOs did not disturb Mr. Fang, thinking that they would wait until the celebration parade was over before having a thorough communication as Fang Zhuo said.

The next day, they didn't go to the scene and only saw the Houston Rockets celebration on TV.

Mr. Fang made a loud promise to the urban people.

"Continue to build a lineup with the potential to win championships, even if it's a luxury tax!"

"Not one, not two, not three, we want more champions!"

"Cheer, the era of rockets is coming!"

Fang Zhuo held the microphone and was full of enthusiasm.

This promise was echoed by a public outcry that was hotter than the summer weather.

Zhang Hongli looked at this scene and had to say: "Even if he is engaged in sports, Mr. Fang is still famous."

Seeing him saying this, Xiong Xiaoge laughed and said, "This doesn't seem to be very good news."

"But I still believe in Mr. Fang's enterprising spirit in his career." Zhang Hongli said.

Xu Kaiwei was a little hesitant. Mr. Fang's prosperity was not fake. Let's not talk about why he changed his focus, but he had more fun after the shift.

How fulfilling is it to be truly immersed in the crowds of people on the TV screen?

"Let's talk tonight. We can always hear Mr. Fang's real thoughts today." Xu Kaiwei said with a frown.

After a series of events such as winning the championship, parties, relaxation, and parades, in just a few days, it seemed like a month had passed before the venture capital friends finally had the opportunity to sit in the study with Mr. Fang to discuss.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wu, Connor, Lao Xiong, you really have a keen sense of smell."

"Regarding the cooperation between Bingxin and SMIC, there has been some progress in China in the past few days. I would like to inform you, the shareholder."

“In principle, I think SMIC’s Mr. Zhang has the outstanding ability to lead any semiconductor company forward.”

Fang Zhuo looked at his friends sitting in rows and said calmly: "Of course, this also includes ice cores."

The meaning is obvious!

Connor couldn't accept this kind of rhetoric the most, and asked in shock: "Mr. Fang, this is great, why are you doing this for no reason?"

Fang Zhuo sighed: "I went to the capital before and met Mr. Zhang from Sohu. Hey, he drives a Rolls-Royce, has beautiful cars and beautiful women. That's what life is!"

"Even Mr. Zhang can do that. It makes no sense for me to be miserable..."

Grass, the one who is close to the ink is black, the root has been found!

Look, such a good person has become such a rich man!

Connor couldn't help but interrupt: "Mr. Fang, stay away from people like Mr. Zhang from now on!"

Fang Zhuo shook his head and finished what he wanted to say: "It makes no sense that I worked so hard and thought so hard, and in the end I was squeezed out in front of others. It's better to buy than to make, and to buy is worse than to make."

He shrugged: "Anyway, with the great expert Zhang Rujing and Mr. Zhang here, why should I bother?"

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