Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 650 Clearing Obstacles (Two in One)

During this trip to the United States, Fang Zhuo finally took a rare day off.

The Rockets' game was great to watch, the communication with venture capital friends was smooth, and the preventive arrangements for the North American market were very important. All kinds of things kept filling my mind, until I played a game with Xiaoyu and had a meal. After some endless chatting, it seemed like we had a moment of relaxation.

Fang Zhuo is actually used to his nerves being constantly in a state of tension, but such true relaxation is also very valuable.

Xiao Yu is unlike others. Regardless of the time of acquaintance, status of cooperation, frequent official exchanges, discussions of each other's opinions... Fang Zhuo is very sure that he is extremely honest.

But he was a little regretful, precisely because Xiao Yu was not like others... Although Xiao Yu's official position was senior vice president, in fact, she should be given the title of "Co-Founder of Yike".

The development and growth of the U.S. market and the cultivation of foreign management systems are basically handled by this co-founder. Apart from her dazzling business achievements, her personal wealth can make even venture capital investors misjudge.

How to talk about life with such a wealthy and capable Xiao Yu?

It was difficult for Fang Zhuo to say this, and it was also difficult for Fang Zhuo to ignore the other person's position.


Former secretary Zhao Zhishan drove him back to the villa from the hotel. Fang Zhuo smoked a cigarette in the car and felt that this was even more difficult than some business judgments.

"Xiao Zhao, how are Mr. Zhang and the others doing today?"

Fang Zhuo put out the cigarette and asked about the daytime situation.

Zhao Zhishan replied: "Mr. Zhang and Mr. Xiong were in the study room near noon and in the conference room in the afternoon. The door was always closed. There may be some differences."

"The door is always closed, so how do you know about the differences? Did Lao Xiong tell you?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"No, they ate together during lunch, and ate separately during dinner." Zhao Zhishan provided a reason for his own judgment.

Fang Zhuo was stunned for a moment: "Your reason is quite original."

He thought for a few more seconds and then ordered: "Go back to the hotel, not the villa."

Zhao Zhishan was surprised, but then she remembered that Mr. Yu was staying at the hotel. She turned silently, and speeded up slightly considering that her boss was eager to return home.

"If Lao Xiong and the others ask, just say I'm busy with something." Fang Zhuo said again.

Zhao Zhishan couldn't tell whether it was what he thought, so he could only nod.

Soon, the car arrived at the hotel again.

"If you have an emergency, just call the hotel." Fang Zhuo said after getting off the car.

Zhao Zhishan also got out of the car and wanted to leave the car at the hotel for the boss to drive tomorrow.

Fang Zhuo said: "No, Xiao Yu's car is here. You can go back."

Zhao Zhishan drove back to the villa.

It was around eight o'clock in the evening, and the lights in the courtyard were dimmed. The heads of the four venture capital firms stood on the lawn like the four kings guarding the gates. Over in the living room, there were Wu Hongquan and Yi Ke from Luzhou SDIC. The figure of Vice President Pan Ben.

"Where's Mr. Fang? Haven't you come back?" Zhang Hongli called Mr. Fang in the evening. Knowing that he would come back in the evening, he felt strange that he didn't see anyone.

"Mr. Fang still has something to do." Zhao Zhishan replied truthfully, "I won't be back today."

Xiong Xiaoge said dissatisfied: "What else does he have to do in Houston?"

Zhao Zhishan shook his head, she just needed to give the definite information.

"Mr. Fang has a lot to do, so we have to come up with something in general before formally negotiating with him to save everyone's time." Xu Kaiwei was very conscious and said, "The situation at Luzhou SDIC is different from ours, Mr. Xiong, Do you think so? You have to understand."

Xiong Xiaoge said angrily: "Don't face me all the time."

Connor smiled and said: "Mr. Xiong, your attitude has become ambiguous. Logically speaking, you should be the most cheerful."

"You all have big businesses, how can I, IDG, compare with you?" Xiong Xiaoge retorted, turning around and saying, "Mr. Fang is not here tonight, and I have to have a good rest. I didn't sleep well yesterday, and I'm being dragged along by you again today. I’ve been talking for a day and my head is spinning. Let’s have a good chat tomorrow.”

He walked towards the living room, and before going upstairs, he glanced back and saw the shadows of the three people standing together being stretched so long by the light, it was so tempting to devour them.


Xiong Xiaoge cursed secretly and called Mr. Fang when he got to the room.

Shut down.

Change to another number.

Also shut down.

Xiong Xiaoge was stunned.

What's the meaning? Fang Zhuo, what does this mean?

He didn't believe in evil, so he simply called Mr. Yu directly.

"Mr. Fang? Is he out of touch on the phone? I don't know. I was chatting about Yike's business during the day, and I heard him mention that there might be MIGA fund matters to deal with." Yu Hong said to the phone.

Xiong Xiaoge was helpless.

He was also dizzy. Could Mr. Yu still speak for Fang Zhuo? It can be said to be fake!

He was full of anger and dissatisfaction, thinking that the worst possible outcome would be to clarify IDG's attitude tomorrow.

The quality of sleep this night was good.

In the morning of the next day, Xiong Xiaoge worked hard to deal with the other three companies. This time he came to support his own business. He didn't expect the progress to be so fast. This was much faster than the first financing.

The objections raised by Xiong Xiaoge on behalf of IDG mainly include two points.

First, is it biased to only have the four original institutional shareholders in this round of financing? What is the ratio between Luzhou State Investment and Fangzhuo?

Second, what standard is used for the valuation of this round of financing? Is it measured by a gambling agreement or something else?

IDG has somewhat inconsistent opinions with the other three companies in this regard.

There was little progress in the morning. DCM's Connor gradually became consistent with Xu Kaiwei of Goldman Sachs and Zhang Hongli of Deutsche Bank. After all, DCM's simpler consideration was the relationship between Bing Xin and Mr. Fang.

At noon, just as he was preparing to eat, Fang Zhuoshi came back unexpectedly.

"Let's have a brief communication and eat later. I have to go to the Houston city government in the afternoon to communicate about the team culture." He said.

Better late than never.

Although Xiong Xiaoge was always dissatisfied with the other party last night, he still felt that it was better for the person in charge to bear the pressure.

This time the communication was in a more formal meeting room.

Fang Zhuo didn't talk nonsense and made his attitude clear when he came up.

He will also make additional investments in accordance with the original proportion and try to maintain the original shareholder structure without major changes.

Afterwards, Fang Zhuo continued to answer objections.

Xiong Xiaoge felt something was wrong as he listened. All Mr. Fang answered were all the questions he had asked this morning.

Someone didn't attend the meeting, but now he knows everything about it and answers questions in a targeted manner?

Xiong Xiaoge's face looked a little ugly.

"It's a commonplace to say that China's economic growth is very fast, and it can be expected to remain so for a long time."

“If Ice Core still needs a third round of financing, I believe we can seek some investment from the administrative level.”

"In other words, everyone, this is probably your last chance to invest in ice cores."

"I myself am willing to use the money. This is my sincerity and determination. If the ice core is not successful, my money will be sunk here. Thanks to everyone's respect, I will have the courage to continue to push the ice core to a world-class level. Keep doing it.”

Fang Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief. His follow-up investment was not only to replenish the funds needed for the ice core, but also to remain a major shareholder.

"Everyone is sitting here today, and I can honestly say that there is nothing more worthy of investment than revitalizing a country's industry. It comes from both the determination of the country and the ambition of a group of people with lofty ideals. In my opinion, , as the mass production of ice cores begins, such a company with clear equity, technical potential, and first-class leadership can guarantee the lower limit."

"Such a lower limit is already the profit that a considerable number of investment institutions are willing to invest."

"However, for world-renowned institutions like Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, DCM, and IDG, we have to look at how high the upper limit can be."

"Today's investment is to narrow the gap between the upper limit of ice cores and the world's top, because the technology gap in wafer foundry is bound to get wider and wider. If we don't invest now, the funds required in the future will not be this amount."

"Other institutions and other foundry companies are still hesitating, but you have already invested money in ice cores. This is our correct and powerful pursuit of the previous goal."

Fang Zhuo glanced at the people in the conference room and said with a smile: "I am personally very interested in business competition, and I also like the challenges brought about by this process. This challenge also includes protecting the profits of all shareholders."

"Oh, yes, although commercial profit is the biggest indicator, after all, this is a company in China. Our technology introduction and equipment purchase license will end in 2008. Considering that there are some factors that may be disturbing, we have already A public relations department was established in Washington.”

"In the evening, Zhao Zhishan can give everyone a report."

Fang Zhuo raised his wrist, looked at the time, and apologized: "It's two o'clock if we just have a casual chat. I'll go to the municipal government first. If there are any problems tomorrow, we will continue to communicate."

Hearing this, Xiong Xiaoge realized that he was leaving without even eating.

He thought that the communication last night was fruitless, and he didn't want to make Mr. Fang look bad in front of everyone, so he could only make a serious statement while Mr. Fang got in the car.

"Mr. Fang, what do you mean?"

Xiong Xiaoge's face was full of emotions, and she was accustomed to listening to Mr. Fang's long speech.

He was determined not to be deceived this time.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zhuo neither explained that his cell phone was turned off last night nor explained the targeted Q\u0026A at the noon meeting, but simply said: "Old Xiong, I am a very simple person, you help me, and I will help you. "

Immediately, he got in the car and left without saying any other reasons.

Xiong Xiaoge silently returned to the restaurant and finished his lunch gloomily. He may have said his plan to reverse acquire IDG Group a little too early. This should not have been an influencing factor in this negotiation.


Reverse takeover is something that really requires the help of friends.

You help me, I'll help you.

It's hard for Xiong Xiaoge not to treat a simple person like Mr. Fang as a friend.

After all, he only wanted money and never had any other purpose.

In the afternoon, after close consultations, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, DCM, and IDG basically cleared the obstacles to Bingxin’s second round of financing, leaving only more detailed negotiations to be conducted.

At 7:30 in the evening, Zhao Zhishan, who had stayed in Washington to form a public relations department on behalf of Bingxin since the last permit application, gave a work report. It was not very constructive, but it also showed Bingxin's anticipation of policy risks. Design and efforts.

On June 27, venture capital friends moved to New York at the invitation of Mr. Fang to continue discussing the financing situation of Ice Core in the international metropolis.

The 28th was the time when Fang Zhuo agreed to the league's attendance at the Rockets draft, and it was also the time he planned to inspect Bingxin's overseas system.

The Rockets had a No. 24 pick in the first round this year. However, after reading the draft list, Fang Zhuo felt that the pick was too low, so the team spent cash + picks to trade up, and got a No. 16 pick in the first round. Lot number.

As the owner of the championship team, Fang Zhuo attended the league's draft held in New York and used the No. 16 pick to select Danny Granger, who was studying at the University of New Mexico and playing as a small forward. This was regarded as the final move of this year's Rockets.

"Granger is a small forward. If you select him, do you want him to be Carter's substitute, or do you want Carter to play shooting guard."

On the evening of the 29th, Yike's management in the United States was invited to a dinner by the boss, and Yu Hong chatted about what happened yesterday.

"It's all OK. Carter himself can play forward and guard. Although he was basically a small forward last season, changing positions may be better for the team as a whole. After all, Sura is too reluctant to split the position." Fang Zhuo He smiled and said, "What's the big deal about changing positions? You tell me, right?"

Yu Hong heard the implication of the words and burst into laughter: "Mr. Fang, you have called Pan Ben back. I am not in a suitable position if I don't give up. Now you want me to go back to China to grab Weiwei's store on e-commerce. Position? Or do you want to adjust Yike’s domestic and international strategic focus?”

Fang Zhuo has made it clear that Yike's overseas market position is that it should strive to become a research and development center in China. At least, it has been such a positioning in recent years.

"Pan Ben has done an outstanding job in Europe. I don't want him to come to the United States unless necessary." Fang Zhuo naturally chatted about the arrangements, "Besides, whether he can do a good job in the United States is something that needs to be verified. , once it’s not as good as expected, it will take a lot more work.”

"The maintenance and development of channels are stable for the current Yike. Instead, we need to pay attention to the series of products." Yu Hong also talked about work.

The two chatted as if Vice President Yu's resignation was a foregone conclusion.

However, while chatting, Fang Zhuo still felt that he should have a formal and serious attempt to retain her.

He suddenly stopped his conversation, looked at Xiao Yu, and asked, "Can you not leave?"

Yu Hong was originally thinking about what Mr. Fang was talking about about the company, but she was suddenly asked this question. She was silent for a few seconds, then smiled and said, "What's the reason?"

Fang Zhuo touched Xiao Yu's glass with his wine glass and replied: "Because you are very important."

"I don't think Yike will have major turbulence just because of the replacement of a senior executive while the market is still growing at a rapid pace." Yu Hong said calmly, "The incremental market will solve the problem."

"What I'm talking to you about is not a business issue." Fang Zhuo took a sip of wine.

"This is what you've been talking about just now." Yu Hong smiled, "But if it's not a business issue, you shouldn't ask it. What do you think?"

Fang Zhuo had to admit that Xiao Yu was right.

However, he still wanted to talk about things that weren't quite right.

At the very least, at the very least, leave aside Xiao Yu and keep Mr. Yu first.

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