Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 656 Clarification (two in one)

Face-to-face communication is more real than text or phone calls.

Tesco has a relatively complex competitive situation. As a company that promotes B2C e-commerce, the entire chain home appliance industry is wary of this. There seems to be a clear line between "Internet" and "entity".

Moreover, there is a well-known mainland rich man behind Tesco, which makes people even more wary.

Gome is the number one in the country in this industry, so this vigilance is the most obvious one for it.

Just like the outside world's evaluation of Huang Guangyu, the head of Gome, as "domineering" and "strong", everyone's evaluation of Fang Zhuo, the head of Yike, is even worse.

The most widely circulated of Fang Zhuo's deeds is the change of ownership of Sina, the country's number one portal website. That hostile takeover and the calculated and unintentional cracking of the "Poison Pill Plan" have been included in the textbooks of some colleges and universities as business cases.

The "poison pill plan" is a classic defense method often faced by hostile takeovers of listed companies. A professor from Peking University made a widely circulated comment when explaining the Sina acquisition case at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

——"Any tactics are executed by people. As long as they are people, they will have flaws."

——"Mr. Fang of Yike is not only good at finding loopholes, but also extremely patient in creating them. He used SEC rules to lock Duan Yongji's stock operation space, and then suddenly launched an attack, combining vertical and horizontal forces to defeat Sina. "

——"Everyone here has a successful career and is a business talent and genius. But if you meet Mr. Yi Ke Fang one day in the future, you must be cautious. If it is not possible, you can just invest."

——"After all, Mr. Fang belongs to the top group, there is no shame in losing to him."

A black magic defense class, ah no, jokingly called "Mr. Fang's defense class", is just a small part of Mr. Fang's famous reputation.

People's reputation is always accumulated from various factors.

The hostile acquisition of Sina attracted special attention because of the media role of the website itself. However, the cunning venture capital hunters, the expelled Changshang professor, the changes in Sichuan Changhong, and the Li family's application to see my face are also different. The influence brewed in the circle, and eventually it became a more general recognition.

Fang Zhuo of Yi Ke is a domineering, powerful, tough-minded character with a deep background.

In particular, I don’t know how many friends this person has, but it seems that several opponents have entered.

Under such circumstances, Huang Guangyu, who ranked second in wealth in the mainland last year, led Gome to become the number one in the industry, and met Mr. Fang, who wanted to do competitive product business... We don't know who will win, but we only know that according to the rumors, these two people I'm afraid there will be sparks popping up in my character.

Fang Zhuo is not yet aware of the outside world’s predictions or expectations for him. He just decided to recruit suppliers after communicating with the president of Tesco. Meiling’s Zhang Xuebin was the first to bear the brunt.

In addition to studying the situation reports these days, he also considered competition strategies.

Although Gome is the number one in the industry and has influenced the prices of many suppliers with its powerful channels, it cannot control everything.

Like Gree, it had a stalemate with Gome last year. The latter also made the decision to remove Gree air conditioners from its shelves and clear Gree's air conditioner inventory. The two companies have continued to be at odds to this day.

Coupled with some personal relationships, Fang Zhuo believes that it is not impossible to find friends for Tesco.

However, considering that Gome is now in full swing, Fang Zhuo made a new decision after discussing the company's development in more detail with Su Wei.

"Although Gome is number one, Suning is still chasing after us."

"Why is Huang Guangyu so hard on us, Tesco?"

"I'll make an appointment with him to have a chat after the internal affairs are sorted out in the next few days."

Fang Zhuo planned to meet the head of Gome.

Although there is competition in each other's business, as Gome is so large, there is no need to compete with each other on product prices. If you have the time to continue to compete with Suning, Five Star, and Yongle Electric, it will take some time for Tesco to grow.

When Su Wei heard Mr. Fang's decision, she said, "I heard that Huang Guangyu is quite powerful."

"There is no one who is strong. Others think I am strong." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "The world is not about fighting, it is about human relations. With the size of our Tesco, let's meet each other, have a glass of wine, and be harmonious to make money. .”

Su Wei pondered, this is of course the best result.


She looked at Mr. Fang who had folded the documents and put them on the table.

This also means that the job inspection is over, and the man in front of him has changed from "Mr. Fang" to "Fang Zhuo".

Su Wei and Fang Zhuo have an agreement that "public is public, private is private".

She also gently put down the document in her hand, looked sideways at Fang Zhuo, and said calmly: "A few days ago, Dahong called me twice. Do you have anything to say?"

Fang Zhuo, who was about to speak, froze slightly, and his thoughts changed slightly.

He hesitated for a few seconds and then looked at Su Wei who was waiting for his answer, intending to talk about life.

However, just when Fang Zhuo was about to open his mouth, Su Wei put her index finger on his lips to stop him from speaking, her eyes filled with water.

"It's easy for men to lie when they speak at this time." Su Wei still stared at Fang Zhuo, "She didn't say anything on the phone, but I could hear that she was hesitating to speak."

"I don't know if what you're telling me will be a lie or the truth."

She paused, lowered her eyes slightly, and continued: "I don't want to hear lies, but I'm afraid that the truth will hurt people more than lies, so you'd better not say anything."

Su Wei revealed a fact and stopped Fang Zhuo from speaking when the fact shocked him.

Fang Zhuo pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

He pondered again and again, stretched out his hand to hold Weiwei's hand that was on his lips, and said, "Xiao Yu has an additional title of 'co-founder', and she and I... maintain a tacit understanding from a business perspective."

After hearing this, Su Wei smoothed her hair and said softly: "I heard that she was hesitant to speak, but I didn't ask her because I believed her."

She looked at Fang Zhuo and said in a leisurely tone: "Sometimes, I can't help but think about one thing. What if you were not in Shanghai at that time, but in New York? Or, if, I was not next to you at that time, it was Dahong." What would it be like here, now.”

Fang Zhuo didn't think much this time: "I never like assumptions, and I don't think assumptions have any meaning."

Su Wei let the topic end here: "I know, but she is different to me, but..."

She held Fang Zhuo's hand with her backhand and said firmly: "From today on, I will not assume this matter."

Fang Zhuo nodded silently. He looked at Weiwei who was as gentle as water, and suddenly a sentence came out in his heart, it is difficult to make steel with ease.

Su Wei watched the man in front of her nod his head, and suddenly let go of her hand, her face darkened, and her tone became serious: "Okay, Fang Zhuo, I have something to ask you."

Fang Zhuo was stunned: "Huh? You ask."

Is there anything more worthy of solemn expression than Xiao Yu?

"What's going on with Samsung's Li Fuzhen?" Su Wei frowned.

"What's going on?" Fang Zhuo heard the meaning of the question and felt that it was unfair.

"She is also known as the eldest princess of Samsung, right?" Su Wei clenched her fist and punched Fang Zhuo's arm, "When you were not in Shanghai, she came to visit Hang Lung 23. What did she want to do? What did she mean? She and What's your relationship?"

Fang Zhuo: "..."

He quickly replied: "Her hotel is coming to Shanghai, and I helped secure preferential policies from Shanghai. I plan to let the hotel settle in the commercial project developed by Yongke, that's all."

Su Wei raised her chin: "Really?"

"More real than real gold." Fang Zhuo added, "More unjust than Dou E."

Su Wei hid the needle in her cotton pads: "Oh, now you can finally complain, right?"

Fang Zhuo: "..."

"Sure enough, men don't have good things." Su Wei stood up and stacked the documents in front of her on Fang Zhuo's. "That's it for face-to-face communication. I want to see how you communicate with Zhang Dazhong in the meeting the day after tomorrow."

Fang Zhuo experienced Weiwei's manipulation of holding it up high and putting it down gently. He coughed and said, "I told my mother to work overtime today."

"Why are you working overtime? I just got off the plane today." Su Wei complained.

Fang Zhuo opened the document, pointed to the data on the third page, and said: "As for the comparison of the financial data of Gome and Suning, I think there is a lot of information worth digging. Well, in this case, I will call my mother. Are you there? The people nearby helped me and told me that I had to work overtime."

Su Wei disagrees.

Fang Zhuo has already dialed the phone.

Soon, the call came through.

"Mom, I'm not going back. I have work to do today." Fang Zhuo spoke in a voiceover.

Zhao Shumei dragged out long syllables: "Huh?"

Fang Zhuo touched Weiwei.

Su Wei had no doubt that he was there, and said helplessly: "Auntie, the company has some analysis on the competition situation."

Zhao Shumei's voice suddenly became enthusiastic: "That's it, um, that's it, okay, okay, Xiao Su, come to the tea room for tea when you have time."

Su Wei responded and chatted a little more about cosmetics and clothes.

After hanging up the phone, she asked with some confusion: "Why does Auntie feel weird?"

"Why is it weird? I didn't feel it." Fang Zhuo replied.

Su Wei thought for two seconds: "It's so enthusiastic."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "My mother is like this, a nice person."

Su Wei gave up thinking and said with a straight face: "Don't be so playful, you will sleep in the guest room today!"

Fang Zhuo raised his head: "Where are you thinking? I really want to talk to you about work. Gome's revenue is a lot of things."

Su Wei glared at the man in front of her. Even if she stayed, she would only talk about work tonight and nothing else.

The moon and stars are sparse, so work is really busy that night.

Perhaps due to jet lag, Fang Zhuo felt quite tired when he inspected the company the next day.

However, Tesco has already understood the basic situation. What he has to do today is to communicate face-to-face with the heads of different businesses one by one, and listen first-hand to the problems they have faced and the progress they have made during this period. He will not be too busy.

In addition, Fang Zhuo also took time to review the report from Yike.

Yike's domestic player market is no longer comparable to that of foreign players, but the new MP4 product series still has some room for success. Therefore, the company's functional positioning transformation is proceeding without haste.

Thanks to the profitability of the early domestic market and the excellent performance of foreign software and hardware integration, Yike has a lot of funds on its books. According to Fang Zhuo's idea, it can just concentrate on building a technology research and development system.

Just as he said to Infineon Asia Pacific President Luo Jianhua in New York, Yike really needs to learn their scientific research strategy for cooperation with universities, which is also what Bingxin needs to do.

Domestic scientific research talents can only be obtained and cultivated from this area, and it will take time to be effective.

Two days passed, and on the third day after Fang Zhuo returned to China, he finally held a meeting with Tesco's senior executives. Whether it was Zhang Dazhong, who was still working in the capital after the acquisition, or Meiling Zhang Xuebin, who was just a cooperative supplier of Tesco, Everyone came to Hang Lung to participate.

However, this meeting was indeed only about one supplier, and Zhang Xuebin, who had a particularly strong sense of presence, naturally received the gaze from Tesco.

At half past nine in the morning, the meeting was held on time.

Fang Zhuo did not let anyone else speak, and first announced the news of strategic cooperation: "Mr. Zhang personally came to Shanghai to express his sincerity and determination to cooperate with Tesco. Meiling will be our strategic partner of Tesco, not counting Gome." No matter what decisions are made over there, Meiling will stand with us."

As soon as he came up, he didn't make any nonsense. He directly named "Gome" and expressed his attitude firmly.

As for what will happen to Meiling, whether it will be removed from the shelves of Gome like Gree, this depends on the subsequent development. According to Fang Zhuo, it is of course good to retain channels. If there is a serious conflict, then we must stand together.

Zhang Xuebin arrived in Shanghai yesterday and had a discussion with Mr. Fang in the evening.

Then, he didn't sleep much that night.

It can be easily said that things are not that easy to handle. Moreover, the development of Meiling's business may also be related to Changhong's replacement. However, without the support of Mr. Fang, he may not be able to get the position where Mr. Ni retired. Changhong’s overseas channels are still tied to Yike.

Although most of the products and funds that Changhong initially cooperated with APEX were absorbed, it still had a certain impact on Changhong.

Zhang Xuebin didn't have much choice in this regard, but he finally agreed with Mr. Fang's request and regarded the relationship between the two parties as strategic cooperation.

Applause erupted in the conference room.

This is Tesco's courtesy to its suppliers.

Fang Zhuo waited until the applause subsided and continued to talk about the second thing. He still did not take any detours and did not take into account that Zhang Dazhong was sitting in the conference room: "E-commerce is the development trend of the times and has unparalleled prospects. Even if Tesco's current revenue is not much , even if it cannot be compared with our offline channel Dazhong Electrical Appliances, we still have to be aware of one thing."

"We should focus on online, and use offline as a strong supplement to online."

"Rather than confuse the initiative with temporary strength or weakness."

Fang Zhuo didn't ask questions, he just spoke straightforwardly.

Today, not only Zhang Dazhong came from Dazhong Electric, but also several regional managers.

Fang Zhuo only had a brief communication with Zhang Dazhong in advance. At this moment, the managers of Dazhong Electric looked at each other a little bit when they heard this. From their point of view, of course, resources should be tilted towards the stronger side, at least online and Offline is approximately equal.

However, Zhang Dazhong remained motionless, so they could only listen silently.

Fang Zhuo glanced around and asked, "Do you have any different opinions?"

No one said anything.

"Do you have any different opinions?"

Still no one said anything.

"Do you have any different opinions?"

After asking for the last time, Fang Zhuo said seriously: "Very good. Since you don't have any different opinions, or if you are willing to put your opinions in mind first, then implement it well."

"If you can't implement it, you can contact me or Mr. Zhang after the meeting."

"All provinces and regions should make clear their attitude and put Tesco first."

"As for the specific implementation, everyone from offline channels will have another meeting in the afternoon."

Fang Zhuo tapped the table with his fingers, clarifying the priorities without hesitation.

This was difficult for Su Wei to do, but he could easily make the decision.

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