Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 658 Ji Yue Guang Feng (two in one)

Fang Zhuo’s opinions on the development of Tesco occupy a dominant position.

Regarding how Dazhong Electrical Appliances can cooperate with the development of Tesco, this is something that needs to be studied urgently in the future and should be combined with practice to train employees.

The afternoon meeting was a continuation and deepening of the morning meeting, and the focus was still on getting the executives of Dazhong Electric to unify their thinking.

The current situation seems to be a multiple-choice question. On the one hand, it is the rapid development of the home appliance chain market. On the other hand, the future of e-commerce is promising. It seems that not only can you choose A or B, but you can also choose a mixture of Tesco and Large and medium-sized enterprises develop in parallel.

But in fact, the only solution is to allocate resources to promote Tesco.

In the evening, Fang Zhuo, who had been emphasizing the main body of e-commerce all day, invited Zhang Dazhong and Zhang Xuebin to have dinner together. Su Wei, the president, was also present.

After three cups and two drinks, there was no one else at the dinner. Zhang Dazhong finally broke his near-silence throughout the day and took advantage of the market development to speak out for the Dazhong Electrical Appliances he had built himself.

"Suning and Gome are developing so fast."

"Especially Gome. I met Huang Guangyu in Beijing. At that time, I never thought that he could leave Dazhong far behind."

Zhang Dazhong expressed this emotion after toasting Mr. Fang with a glass of wine.

As the head of Meiling, Zhang Xuebin also feels the same way, but from the perspective of a supplier, he smiled and said: "The faster Gome develops, the more complicated our manufacturers' feelings become."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Xuebin talked about the details of Gome’s raid on Suning’s Jinling base camp last month.

Meiling is also a supplier of Gome, and last month it sent a vice president and regional manager.

Before the Gome Jinling store opened, Huang Guangyu held a supplier meeting in Beijing, and all the supplier brands that did not attend were used by him to sacrifice the flags at the Jinling site and serve as special discount machines.

Like TCL, they didn't hire anyone, so they opened at a low price.

Similarly, the Konka color TV that participated in Gome's Jinling press conference was sold by Suning at a 20% discount.

This is a competition that does not care about costs and profits, but only cares about momentum and influence.

Zhang Xuebin shook his head and said: "The channels are strong, but our suppliers are having a hard time. That Sakura Bathroom Kitchen, they participated in the Gome promotion. When the news reached Suning, the products were immediately sold at a 40% discount."

"In the end, Sakura Kitchen had no choice but to withdraw its cabinets from Gome to calm Suning's anger."

He concluded: "Prosperity, suppliers suffer, death, suppliers suffer."

Hearing this, Su Wei said with a smile: "It's just a little bit hard, as long as you can make money in the end. That Sakura Kitchen Kitchen you mentioned, isn't it afraid of Huang Guangyu's anger when it withdraws from Gome?"

Zhang Dazhong said slowly: "Sakura Kitchen obviously has a larger share in Suning. Moreover, in the battle in Jinling, it encountered a joint price reduction sale by Suning and Five Star, so it had no choice but to withdraw from Gome."

He also paid attention to Gome's raid on Suning and knew more details.

Therefore, the competition among home appliance chains is quite disturbing.

Zhang Dazhong has been working in a home appliance chain all his life. Seeing the grandeur of his former competitors, he felt more unspeakable emotions.

He toasted Mr. Fang with another glass of wine: "Gome and Suning still have great potential."

Zhang Dazhong raised his neck and drank.

Fang Zhuo didn't want to talk about one thing but another, and he didn't want to guess whether Zhang Dazhong was talking about Dazhong Electric through Gome and Suning.

He held the wine glass without moving and asked directly: "Mr. Zhang, I see you didn't say much at the meeting today. Do you still have any opinions on our Tesco's development strategy?"

Zhang Xuebin didn't expect Mr. Fang to ask this question so abruptly, he quietly put down the cup he had just raised a little.

Su Wei is also paying attention to Zhang Dazhong's answer. The founder of Dazhong Electrical Appliances undoubtedly maintains a huge influence on the channel. Judging from his performance today, he still has some ideas in mind.

Zhang Dazhong looked at Mr. Fang and said restrainedly: "Mr. Fang, I reserve my opinion today."

After hearing this, Fang Zhuo raised his hand to drink and laughed: "Mr. Zhang, your opinion is very good."

Zhang Dazhong was a little confused by the laughter and asked: "Mr. Fang, what's the explanation? What's the benefit?"

"It's good that you reserved your opinion." Fang Zhuo half-joked, "Otherwise, if Tesco is so weak, I would have to replace the person in charge of the channel."

Zhang Dazhong's expression froze.

The atmosphere at the wine table also became cold.

Seeing this, Su Wei smiled slightly and said softly: "The current situation is a bit complicated, Mr. Zhang. Offline home appliance chains are looking prosperous, but Gome and Suning have both been listed on the market. Dazhong Electric wants to match them." Due to competition for resources, I’m afraid we can only get blood transfusions from Yike, right?”

The implication of her words was simple.

Why did you, Dazhong Electrical Appliances, sell yourself?

It’s not because Gome and Suning have a lot of funds to start their rapid development after going public.

Then why is Zhang Dazhong thinking about it now?

It wasn't because he felt that Yike, who was also a listed company, was standing behind him.

Su Wei stood up slightly, poured wine into the glasses of Mr. Fang and Mr. Zhang, and continued to smile: "Yike has its own projects to do, the player is increasingly eroding in the domestic market, and it has its own strategic transformation tasks. "

"As for Tesco, although it has financing recognition from venture capital, it is more for Mr. Fang's personal relationship. There is a difference between investing the money in offline channels or online development."

“If Tesco wants to continue financing, it will definitely not enter the fiercely competitive offline home appliance chain industry. It must combine the rapid development of the Internet to enjoy the growing consumer demand for home appliances on the one hand, and participate in the construction of domestic e-commerce on the other. "

"Furthermore, Mr. Zhang, think about it, as long as consumers build trust in the Tesco website with offline large and medium-sized electrical appliances, this B2C model will be more advanced after all."

"It creates a brand name so that consumers have no worries and reduces their hassle of going back and forth."

"The website reduces the channel layers, allowing consumers to get relatively more transparent prices and benefits."

"The goal of Tesco is definitely not to become Gome today as mentioned in today's meeting. It is to leave Gome and Suning far behind in the future."

Su Wei raised her glass gently: "I believe that Tesco will ultimately succeed. This success is inseparable from Mr. Fang's strategic vision, his full commitment to offline channels, and the close cooperation with suppliers." .”

Zhang Xuebin, who was watching on the sidelines, listened to Mr. Su's words. From Yike's funds and Tesco's financing to the advancement of the model and long-term goals, he talked about it and promoted it step by step...

And he even took it into consideration, and felt that he was worthy of being Mr. Su who took charge of everything from Yike to Yigou.

As a result, the atmosphere relaxed, and Zhang Dazhong nodded thoughtfully, making a gesture of toasting together.

He was even more awakened by Mr. Su's words "Yike's blood transfusion". Yike obviously did not want to fall into the quagmire of competition due to the acquisition of Dazhong Electrical Appliances. This was not only an objective consideration, but also obviously depended on Mr. Fang's wishes.

From yesterday's simple private communication to today's statements throughout the day and the wine party, Mr. Fang remained unmoved and his will was quite firm.

Zhang Dazhong put down his wine glass and said proactively: "The key to Tesco is how to cultivate consumers' confidence, so that they believe that the products they see online are of the same quality as those in stores, and they can get the same after-sales service."

Zhang Xuebin also said: "To put it simply, you can buy it with confidence and use it comfortably."

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Yes, Tesco does not need to deliberately pursue revenue this year. It just needs to initially establish consumer awareness. Therefore, offline channels have a very important task."

Zhang Dazhong did not hesitate this time and immediately expressed his position: "Dazhong Electric is confident to help Tesco move forward."

The atmosphere of the wine shop became more and more harmonious.

At 9:30 in the evening, the four of them finished eating and drinking.

Fang Zhuo and Su Wei took a car home together.

"Aren't you afraid that your words will force a rich man to resign on the spot?" Su Wei watched Mr. Fang admiring the night view of Shanghai in a good mood, and reviewed the key points of the dinner with a smile.

After Yike wholly acquired Dazhong Electrical Appliances, there was no doubt that Zhang Dazhong was a rich man.

Fang Zhuo turned sideways, patted Su Wei's hand, and replied: "No, Dazhong Electrical Appliances is his lifelong career, so he shouldn't be so impulsive."

Su Wei said suspiciously: "You don't want to have a drink to release your military power, do you? What if he really resigns? If it were me, I would have no shares, inconsistent ideas, and enough money to spend for several lifetimes, so I would just resign." "

"If you really want to quit, then just quit." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "What else can I do?"

Su Wei concluded: "At least you are talking about this matter with the bottom line expectation of Mr. Zhang's resignation. In fact, I think Mr. Zhang is okay. The main reason is that the people under him are a little unconvinced. What really makes Tesco run, they All emotions will be soothed."

Fang Zhuo did not deny it.

After a while, he said: "The offline channels need to be renamed. They can no longer be called Dazhong Electrical Appliances. They need to be gradually changed to Yigou to unify online and offline. The product experience function of offline channels must also be brought into play. come out."

When Su Wei heard this, she felt that Mr. Fang's dissatisfaction with the Dazhong Department was deeper than she thought.

She thought for a while: "Let me talk about Mr. Zhang's side."

Yike's acquisition has not touched the name of Dazhong Electrical Appliances so far. Firstly, it is out of respect for Zhang Dazhong himself, and secondly, it is considered that this name has a certain influence on the consumer group.

But it is not difficult to change if you really want to. Dazhong Electrical Appliances stores can offer name-changing discounts that last for a week or half a month.

For example, activities such as "New names are coming, special offers on Tesco".

However, the timing of this name change can easily lead to misunderstandings.

"Mr. Zhang can accept Tesco's clear positioning of Dazhong Electrical Appliances today, and he can accept the channel's name change tomorrow." Fang Zhuo said casually, "Some management can be gradually changed the day after tomorrow."

"Dazhong Electrical Appliances is part of Tesco. These are normal work changes."

"On the contrary, you act cautiously as if Dazhong is still the same Dazhong."

Su Wei was not angry because of the small criticism and understood: "Fang always believes in his own influence and believes that his people can take over quickly. I consider that Mr. Zhang also has a certain influence and want Mr. Fang and Mr. Zhang to The organic combination of influence allows Tesco to move forward smoothly."

Fang Zhuo stopped talking.

"Mr. Fang, as soon as you don't say anything, I feel like I've ruined your conspiracy." Su Wei teased.

Fang Zhuo couldn't laugh or cry: "No problem, if I want to replace Zhang Dazhong, I will communicate with him directly. Today, he and I will discuss the company's strategy in a matter-of-fact way. If he divorces because of one thing, then I can accept it." , is such a logic.”

"I am a piece of Jiyueguangfeng, and I have been distracted by you people."

Su Wei pouted: "Yes, yes, I use the heart of a woman to judge the heart of a gentleman."

Fang Zhuo nodded seriously, that's it.

"Tesco needs to be more united internally and work in one place."

"I'll call Huang Guangyu tomorrow and ask him to have dinner together to talk about the supplier's price."

"At noon today, Zhang Xuebin told me that Huang Guangyu was meeting with suppliers in the capital again. Do you think he would regard our Tesco as Gome's rival after Suning?"

Su Wei pondered.

Fang Zhuo added: "E-Goo's revenue this year is not even a fraction of Gome's. How can he pay so much attention to it?"

Su Wei asked: "Mr. Fang, is Tesco's goal to be more powerful than Gome?"

Fang Zhuo nodded naturally. Tesco does compete with Gome, but the ultimate goal is the domestic e-commerce market. That is the ultimate goal.

Su Wei shrugged: "Then Huang Guangyu treats Tesco as his opponent, which is not a loss at all."

No matter what the process is, people seem to be doing this now.

"Yes, there's nothing wrong with that." Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly, "Let's make a bet. Do you think Huang Guangyu will agree to my dinner date tomorrow?"

"What are you betting on?" Su Wei asked the lottery first.

Fang Zhuo glanced at the sky outside the car window and sighed: "The moon is so full tonight, it's a good time to work overtime. The loser should just listen to the request."

"Bah!" Su Wei glanced sideways, "Where are your public and private boundaries?"

"The moment I saw Weiwei, I couldn't tell the difference between public and private." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Want to bet? Bet or not? I bet he will agree."

"Bah, bah, bah!"

A few days after Mr. Yi Kefang returned to Shanghai, as he investigated the company's situation and convened meetings, news that Mr. Fang was in Shanghai gradually spread.

Chen Xiao, the head of Yongle Electric Appliances in Shanghai, has been paying close attention to Mr. Fang’s movements recently and wants to visit him when he knows he has returned from abroad.

However, when he heard that Gome had held another supplier meeting, Chen Xiao stopped such plans.

Gome and Suning went public, Dazhong sold itself to Yike, and Sanlian Trading Company is said to be negotiating acquisitions with Gome... The home appliance chain industry seems to be ushering in a new pattern of changes. Under such circumstances, Yongle Electric is facing greater pressure.

Gome and Suning are constantly expanding, especially the former, whose pace has not stopped.

In the battle of Jinling, Suning and Five Star Electrical Appliances stood together to resist Gome's price war and defend their regional status. Who could Yongle Electrical Appliances look for in Shanghai?

Fierce industry competition, a difficult road to listing, and rapid changes in the situation, Chen Xiao also had a similar idea after seeing Zhang Dazhong selling Dazhong Electrical Appliances, Gome? Suning?

Or maybe Mr. Fang, who seems to be intent on entering the home appliance chain market?

Chen Xiaoren was in Shanghai and had heard a lot about Mr. Fang's deeds. He felt that if he really wanted to sell, he could try Mr. Fang's words.

However, since Gome may have new actions, let's take a look at Mr. Fang's response and whether there will be changes that are beneficial to Yongle Electric.

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