Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 767 Teacher Sa

Geithner obviously made his identity very clear.

As a regulator, he could see the opacity of financial innovation transactions, the size of mortgage-backed securities and the existence of systemic financial risks.

As for himself, although the CDO market has risks, there will still be no problems in the future. He can also transfer risks and even make profits through credit default swaps (CDS). This is of course a good opportunity for MIGA funds.

Fang Zhuo understood what he heard, but he was a little...appreciative of this mentality of "the problem will eventually be solved."

Just listen to the president!

But CDO cannot be involved anymore. MIGA funds have already gained a reputation. Just buy CDS to express your judgment on the market.

If you really want to help the president make money, you need to separate a financial institution that plans to invest in the "Big Short" Paulson, let it surface relatively, and then use it as the core to make money, and also use it to sponsor Xiao O's campaign.

Let Geithner make money with him in the subprime debt, and then invest the money in O'Brien, so that O'Neill and Geithner can come to power and work together to solve the problems caused by the subprime debt.

Money doesn't disappear, it just moves from here to there.

Fang Zhuo's mind was filled with excitement, thinking that he must share this once-in-a-lifetime way of making quick money with his friends.

He listened to a few words of Geithner's familiar data analysis on the real estate market, and nodded solemnly: "There are indeed many two sides of the coin in the market today. This must be carefully distinguished and studied. In fact, since I came to the United States, I have really I’ve benefited a lot from this.”

"A few years ago, I was confused about financial issues in New York, so I asked a professor from Columbia University to give me a class. He recommended a lot of interesting books to me."

“The one I read over and over again is Paul Samuelson’s Economics.”

"MIGA Fund plans to set up an economic analysis organization due to business needs. I originally wanted to ask Mr. Sa to serve, but I heard that he is not in good health now. This is really a pity."

Fang Zhuo shook his head regretfully and said with interest: "I have also read Huaxia's translation of "Economics" and I always feel that some parts are not very essential. I am already looking for someone to translate it again."

Paul Samuelson, Nobel Prize winner, famous economist.

Mr. Fang’s words sounded like he highly praised Teacher Sa.


Geithner smiled naturally and said: "To this day, his "Economics" and "Samuelson's Scientific Papers" are all on my desk. I can't help but flip through them every time I have doubts. .”

He pondered for a moment and continued: "Mr. Sa's physical condition is indeed no longer suitable for taking up the position. If Mr. Fang needs it, I think Summers might be interested."

Summers, whose full name is Lawrence Henry Summers, is a typical Jewish name. He was once Clinton's financial steward. After working with his mentor Rubin to loosen financial constraints, he entered Harvard University as president.

Recently, he was forced to resign from Harvard because of his offense to environmental protection, equal rights, and women's issues.

As well, he is Paul Samuelson's nephew.

The surname "Somers" was changed from "Samuelson" by Summers' father, Robert Samuelson, the younger brother of Paul Samuelson, allegedly to avoid anti-Semitism.

And Geithner is a disciple of Summers.

It doesn’t matter if you praise others, but if your uncle praises your mentor, isn’t this a lice on the monk’s head? Isn’t it obvious?

What's more, Summers and Samuelson are of the same academic origin. Summers is the master of Keynesianism, and Summers also firmly believes that the government should expand spending and implement deficit finance to stimulate the economy and maintain prosperity.

If Mr. Fang wants to defeat Teacher Sa, there is Teacher Xiao Sa who is in the opposition again!

We are all in the same group!

Geithner believed that Mr. Fang must be aware of Teacher Xiao Sa's current situation, and also felt that increasing his teacher's income might help improve his recent mood.

Fang Zhuo smiled in surprise and said: "Summers, is MIGA Fund really lucky enough to invite him? That would be great!"

At this time, Xiao Ou also said: "I respect Mr. Summers very much. I think his views and decisions have greatly contributed to the financial prosperity of our country."

Fang Zhuo nodded repeatedly. It was no surprise that Xiao Ao respected him. He would also ask Xiao Sa to provide suggestions for economic policies in the future.

He recalled briefly and talked about Summers' actions during his fiscal tenure, which is also one of the factors in today's financial situation.

Is today’s financial situation good or bad?

There are good and bad.

The good thing is of course brought about by Rubin and Sasha, and the bad thing is naturally caused by the Anglo-Saxon gang hired by George W. O'Neal on the stage. Whether it's O'Neal, Dame or Snow, one look at the backgrounds of these stewards. Then you will know.

Geithner was aroused to talk. He didn't have any good comments about O'Neal, Damm and Snow in front of him, but he was looking forward to Paulson's rise.

Fang Zhuo also sincerely hopes that Paulson's appointment will bring benefits to him. At the very least, if Goldman Sachs eats meat, he can also have a few sips of soup.

The MIGA fund accepts investment, and now it has an additional layer of relationship with Mr. Xiao Sa.

The chat between Geithner and Mr. Fang became increasingly harmonious.

"Hey, you should really sit in the office and have a good chat. Today we are here to take a look at the cultural construction of the championship team." Xiao Ao listened for a long time, smiling at first, but as the topic deepened, he finally Showing some dissatisfaction.

"Of course it's because of me that the championship team has been able to pay the luxury tax for two consecutive years, and will have to pay the third year next year." Fang Zhuo picked up the basketball, tossed it casually, and this time he shot into the basket, and immediately said with a shameless smile, "Look, I can still find the feel."

Upon seeing this, Xiao Ou proposed: "Let's take 5 free throws and see whether you, the champion boss, or I, the congressman, have better skills."

Fang Zhuo agreed and said with a smile: "Then let's add some bonuses. If you win, then I will give each of you a championship ring from last year and this year. If I win...then you can only talk about the Rockets in the future. It’s your favorite team.”

Xiao Ao hesitated for two seconds and agreed to the bet.

Geithner watched the game with interest and helped pick up the ball.


Fang Zhuo fell behind 1-3 at first, and then chased 3 goals in a row. Xiao O's forehead was sweating, and he withstood the pressure to tie. In the end, Fang Zhuo regretfully missed the shot.

Xiao Ao wiped his sweat, laughed, imitated Mr. Fang's hat-off salute, and shouted: "This is the honor I won for the Bulls!"

Fang Zhuo had no choice but to go to the office to get last year's Rockets championship ring and deliver it to O'Neill on the spot. He also gave him a championship hat and a cultural shirt.

As for this year's ring, the design has not yet been completed and will be given to Geithner, who is helping the two count, after it is made.

Unconsciously, the communication between the three people became decent and comfortable.

While chatting, Fang Zhuo also promised some expensive expenses for Xiao Ao's speech in Illinois. By the way, he also expressed the hope that Yike's competition would be viewed on the same level. This was somewhat of a stated demand.

It's okay to give something away, but it's okay to take it back, but it's not conducive to the reputation building of MPs' work. This is not just one person or one place at a time, it's a family tradition.

A long-term business requires a long-term business, and only if you are honest and honest.

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