Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 783 Mr. Fang proposes a question

The last day of August.

Two major players in the campus SNS community circuit have announced the number of users of the website. announced on its official website at 10 o'clock in the morning that since its establishment in December last year, in just 8 months, the total number of users has exceeded 7 million, and it will continue to optimize user experience and create an excellent community culture.

At just three o'clock in the afternoon, QQ alumni released their own data in a very competitive manner. Since the website was launched in April, the number of users has exceeded 5.5 million, and the target is to exceed 15 million by the end of the year. It aims to become the best campus social product in the country.

7 million in 8 months, is this the explosive power of entrepreneurship in the right direction?

Without waiting for everyone to sigh, the 5.5 million data in four months has made people have more complicated emotions. Penguin’s traffic is too big... This is too strong...

Moreover, QQ alumni directly announced its development goals. There are still 4 months until the end of the year. Will the 15 million users by then wipe out all the domestic college students?

Can QQ alumni or Penguin do it?

If you achieve that step, what is the next development direction for QQ alumni?

One day later, the doubts arising from the Penguin goal seemed to be answered first by the school network.

No, it should be said to be a friend network.

On September 1, the school website officially announced that it would be renamed Friends. Wang Xing, the founder, issued a handwritten letter, hoping that could connect campus and workplace and allow users to maintain closer contact with friends, classmates, and colleagues.

In addition, the page of has also undergone a series of small changes, completely removing advertisements, optimizing communication methods such as short messages, messages, and comments, and adding new information sharing methods such as book reviews and movie reviews.

It can be said that, along with the name change and website changes, intends to present a brand new and upgraded image to the majority of users in the new month.

At the same time, New Friends Network actively promotes cooperation with major well-known Internet companies, and uses online publicity and offline promotion to go out of campus and into offices to expand new user groups.

In response to competitors who have made such big moves, QQ alumni worked overtime and held meetings at night to discuss how to deal with them.

Xu Chenye and Zeng Liqing, two of the "Penguin Five", were present.

Zeng Liqing has been in charge of Penguin's social network strategy since April and has served as the social director of the QQ Alumni Business Group, while Xu Chenye provides information and resource support from the perspective of the entire group.

"Competitors have changed. It seems that our title must also change." Zeng Liqing presided over the meeting and said very relaxedly, "We can't call it QQ Alumni Business Group in the future. Otherwise, we will call it QQ Friends Business Group. How about it?"

Penguin is not averse to following its opponents' micro-innovations internally. On the contrary, they feel a sense of accomplishment after achieving results.

The means are not important, the results are the most important.

There was light laughter in the conference room.

Zeng Liqing asked while reviewing the updates and changes on, "Who can tell me what is the biggest problem in this competition?"

There was laughter again in the conference room.

Zeng Liqing also asked such a question when he presided over the business group meeting at the beginning, but that time, he gave his own answer after waiting for everyone to express their opinions - the biggest question is that if there is no problem, what does that mean? be oneself.

Facts have proved that as long as there is a suitable track, Penguin's traffic has indeed performed very competitively. The internal goal of QQ alumni is to exceed the number of users of the school network by the end of this month.

Xu Chenye was a good old man. He sat next to Zeng Liqing and smiled along with him. However, when he was halfway laughing, he glanced at the new message on his mobile phone. He raised his eyebrows slightly and waited until everyone had finished laughing before indicating that he would answer Mr. Zeng's question.

"Mr. Zeng, the answer to today's question will probably be mine." Xu Chenye did not sell out, " adjusted its strategic direction and changed its name and version. It happened to be today that Sina just published an interview with Mr. Fang Zhuo Fang in Beijing. When it comes to domestic social networks, I think we will have an Eastern-style Facebook on the first day of September, which is really a coincidence."

The remaining smile on Zeng Liqing's face completely disappeared.

Xu Chenye still said in a calm tone: "It seems that the biggest problem in this competition is Mr. Fang."

Names of people and tree shadows.

Aside from Mr. Fang’s uncompromising, eclectic, and unyielding style of doing things, his business talent is also very significant, and he has achieved impressive results in different fields, and has personally gained a lot of wealth as a result.

This must be given enough respect.

Zeng Liqing had a vigorous and resolute style and did not deny the answer given by Mr. Xu.

The thoughts in his mind just turned and he immediately said: "Very good, there is a real problem in this competition. It seems that the changes in the school network are caused by Mr. Fang giving us questions, but no matter how Mr. Fang sets the questions, our Traffic is like a fist that holds together.”

"Punch fast and punch hard."

Xu Chenye took over the words: "So, Mr. Fang said it right, there will be a Facebook in China, and that will be our QQ alumni."

The laughter in the conference room was quite reserved this time.

Everyone here is mid-level and high-level. Even if Mr. Fang is willing to give advice and discuss, they are confident in their own traffic.

4.5 million in 4 months has initially proved the development speed of model + traffic. Even if a new user group is opened, what can be changed?

The news that and Mr. Fang failed in their bet and Mr. Fang judged that there will be an Oriental Facebook has attracted the attention of practitioners.

However, just when everyone was distracted and thinking about the interesting gossip of and the competition between and QQ alumni, another piece of news suddenly came in.

Henry Paulson, the new U.S. fiscal steward, arrived in Beijing for his first trip to China since taking office. In addition to administrative-level dialogue, he also mentioned the economic-level exchanges he is concerned about in interviews with the media.

These include Citi's investment business, Bear Stearns' cooperation in the mainland, and so on.

Paulson also mentioned a Chinese friend to the camera, praising him as the most influential business leader and jokingly talking about how he was treated to steamed buns and fried liver on the streets of Beijing when they first met.

When the friend surnamed Fang's interview with Paulson came out, he had to complain about it in front of everyone at a company meeting.

"I really don't want to be mentioned at this time. The business leader is obvious and everyone can see it. There is no need for him to be mentioned by a foreign boss."

"Forget it, let's talk about the Penguin competition."

" is online and has begun to expand its user base. Penguin will definitely follow suit."

"This is good for Weibo's future competition. Everyone knows that Penguin's biggest advantage is its traffic. Penguin knows it, and so do we."

"Penguin has traffic, so we will find ways to divide its traffic. will undoubtedly do this in a substantial way."

Fang Zhuo is generally confident about Weibo's model, but Penguin's response on campus SNS is faster than ever before. Therefore, it is not ruled out that it will quickly follow up after seeing Weibo now.

The mobile era has not yet arrived, and the Penguin traffic at this time is still very destructive.

Therefore, confuse its strategy, divide its traffic, and reduce its damage.

This is how Weibo achieves success.

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