Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 785 If life were just like the first time we met (two in one)

The farm game developed by Sina took into account the playability, the number of users on Friends Network and the expansion of new customer groups in the workplace, so it conducted an internal test with Fang Zhuo's nod.

The scope of the internal testing this time is relatively wide.

In addition to the companies that I can directly influence, when I am in the capital, I will inevitably have social interactions with several major Internet companies, so I opened a few registration portals by the way.

Fang Zhuo himself has no feelings about the game of stealing vegetables on the farm.

But it turns out that the once-popular social game still has its inherent success genes.

In many cases, are successful products made based on correct business logic?

No, instead, it succeeds first and then analyzes the logic behind it that makes it so successful.

Why is food stealing so popular?

Fang Zhuo decided to leave this issue to smart practitioners for analysis.

However, as the number of people in the closed beta test increased, despite some expectations, he still felt that things were gradually getting outrageous.

Old Xiong likes to steal food, maybe because he is young, and Sister Xiong may have the habit of getting up early.

What about Wang Yan?

Did he work overtime and stay up all night, happened to see some food to steal, and happened to stay up all night for three nights in a row?

Also, the venture capital friends who have joined the closed beta one after another have secretly formed a food-stealing alliance and jointly besieged Mr. Fang’s farm?

The person who surprised Fang Zhuo the most and called him personally to inquire about the situation was Qiu Ciyun from Bingxin.

"Mr. Qiu, don't miss farm games when you have a break from get off work." Fang Zhuo said more tactfully.

Qiu Ciyun smiled heartily and said, "Haha, Mr. Fang, I'm just curious and playing around."

Fang Zhuo had to speak frankly: "It's past four in the morning, Mr. Qiu, don't be too casual. If you do this again, I will have to ban your account."

Qiu Ciyun: "..."

I worked so hard to make ice cores, why can’t I still secretly cook food online?

He knew that Fang always did his best, so he kept saying this in his heart and agreed to the request from his boss.

A few days later, Qiu Ciyun became the first player in the beta farm to be quietly banned.

Apart from muttering a few words, he was in a good mood. Why did he steal the food before the ice core was ready?

In mid-October, the popularity of the closed beta did not fade over time, but became more and more active.

Like Xiong Xiaoge, as a well-known investor, in addition to having in-depth gaming experience, he can't help but consider the changes that such a game can bring. and QQ Dating, which have been renamed one after another, are locked in fierce competition. The former aims to create a better user experience without pursuing profits, while the latter tries to control the ecological impact caused by traffic import.

Zeng Liqing, one of the "Penguin Tigers", did not come up to flood the site, but also gave full consideration to the creation of the site's ecology.

Under this situation, the two companies are inextricably linked, and the cost of acquiring customers is also increasing.

Xiong Xiaoge called Mr. Fang and asked a very serious question - how to prevent Penguin Micro-innovation after launched the farm game?

He thought stealing food was really fun, but it didn't seem to create a moat.

To say that user scale is a moat and social relationships based on scale are moats, Penguin also has these.

If this problem cannot be solved, even if launches an extremely successful farm game, does it mean that Penguin with greater overall traffic can become more successful?

"Old Xiong, you asked a good question. At a small level, this is a farm, but at a large level, this is an industry." Fang Zhuo was not surprised to hear such considerations from Old Xiong, "If this question is so good, Solved, anyone can defeat Penguin."

Xiong Xiaoge was silent.

Indeed, Penguin’s market value in Hong Kong stocks is about to exceed HK$80 billion, and it has performed strongly since its listing.

In today's Internet industry, Penguin is the first echelon.

Moreover, this requires competing with the other party's strengths, which makes it even more difficult.

Whoever can solve this problem is bound to make a name for himself in the country.

Fang Zhuo continued to chat with Lao Xiong about issues such as social network user activity and user interaction inspired by the farm.

When he felt that the conversation was almost done, he was ready to end the call.

But Xiong Xiaoge was not in a hurry to hang up, and smiled and raised a little doubt that had been deep in his heart recently: "Mr. Fang, I have been playing the game of stealing vegetables from this farm these days, and sometimes I find that your vegetables can be picked. , I also picked it for you."

"I just discovered that a lot of people seem to like to visit your farm, such as Wang Fenggu, Zhang Chaoyang..."

Fang Zhuo interrupted: "Wang Feng Dog, that's my Brother Wang."

He taught him earnestly and sincerely: "Old Xiong, we can't yell like that behind our backs. Even if I call you Old Xiong in front of you, when talking to others in private, I'll always say 'Mr. Xiong' politely."

Xiong Xiaoge was helpless: "Okay, Brother Wang, I want to ask, why are your crops still so good when so many people steal your vegetables? Your farm level is rising so fast?"

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "I see that you all like to come to my place to steal vegetables. It seems that you are not satisfied enough, so I asked the backend to change the data. My farm is different from yours."

"This... this!" If Xiong Xiaoge is struck by lightning, can Fang be worthy of setting the alarm clock and getting up early to steal food day and night?

Fang Zhuo warned: "Don't tell anyone else, just know this by yourself."

Xiong Xiaoge's words that wanted to scold Mr. Fang swirled in his throat.

He was silent for a while before sighing and asking, "Has Zhou Zhicheng contacted you?"

When Fang Zhuo heard the name, he quickly said: "Hey, Old Xiong, let me make it clear first that I did not recruit Mr. Zhou. Yesterday he took the initiative to call me. I was surprised. Don't blame me for this. .”

Xiong Xiaoge said quietly: "You might as well say you poached him."

"Hey, neither the left nor the right, you investors are really difficult to take care of." Fang Zhuo said.

"I don't mean anything else." Xiong Xiaoge actually valued Zhou Zhicheng, the vice president. He pondered over and over again, and finally only uttered a few words, "Be nice to him."

"As long as they are talented people, I will definitely use them. Don't worry, you, old bear, don't have to say such things to me about the people who come out of IDG in the future." Fang Zhuo was about to slap his chest.

Xiong Xiaoge wanted to refute but felt that the future personnel movement was really uncertain.

In the end, I could only end this call with the emotion of "I am determined to kill the thief, but I am unable to save the day".

After a while, Sister-in-law Xiong walked into the study room excitedly: "Hurry, hurry, Mr. Fang's cantaloupe is almost here. This one seems to be quite rare. You steal one, and I'll steal one."

Xiong Xiaoge looked at his wife's happy look and couldn't bear to tell her the truth. Of course it was rare. The man named Fang shamelessly changed the data from the background!

Soon, the food stealing was completed.

Only Xiong Xiaoge was left awake alone in the study, staring at the farm page indifferently.

He realized the philosophy of life. The world is indeed more painful the more you wake up.

Fang Zhuo on the other side ended the call with Xiong Xiaoge and immediately took a few more calls from Tesco non-stop.

Seeing that this year's Double Eleven is approaching again, things have increased significantly.

In addition, Su Wei, the president of E-commerce, also came to Beijing to inspect the construction of the logistics center, and many calls went directly to the big boss.

Fang Zhuo listened to the report. As soon as he put down the phone, he saw Su Wei, who had changed her clothes, opened the door and walked in.

As she walked, she kept talking about the difference between this year's Double Eleven promotion and last year: "Suning really can't cooperate this year. It can't do it this time by relying on the good things of several offline electronics stores like last year."

"Is there a lot of revenue pressure?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"The main thing is the pressure on the supply chain, distribution and after-sales service." Su Wei frowned slightly.

E-commerce has given priority to distribution and after-sales this year, trying to better consider the user experience while vigorously developing.

There are many problems encountered in this regard, some of which are completely unexpected.

Fang Zhuo stood up and poured a cup of tea for Mr. Su. He didn't sit back in his chair, but sat directly at the table: "It's normal not to be able to cooperate with them. No matter who reaches the number one position in the market, they can't help but look up and look around. current and future competitors.”

"It's just that Gome and Suning, the two poles of the market, choose different ways to deal with it. Gome wants to directly squeeze our growth space, while Suning does not cooperate or contribute, and just focuses on its own business."

It’s hard to say whether different ways of coping are right or wrong. It’s more of a consequentialist approach.

Today's home appliance chain, Suning is first, Gome is second, and the latter are both behind. Moreover, Suning has repeatedly heard news of acquisitions or mergers, while Gome is struggling to catch up.

"Suning's development is indeed good, but if you want to say that it focuses on its own business, it is not necessarily true." Su Wei said with a smile the latest news, "I heard that Suning also has the idea of ​​trying e-commerce."

After she finished telling the shocking news she had just heard, she waited for a while, but didn't see the desired expression on Mr. Fang's face, so she asked, "What's the explanation?"

"One is mainly offline, and the other is mainly online, which is okay. We'll wait until it really takes shape." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Besides, the news like this at this time may be to cater to the stock market. "

It seems that Suning, which has maintained its No. 1 position in the industry this year, is also well-positioned to enter e-commerce.

In terms of warehousing and logistics, experience in electrical appliances, and financial strength, there are no problems with it, and it can completely integrate into the hot e-commerce concept.

"On the way back, I was also thinking, if Suning really wants to be an e-commerce company, how will it deal with the impact of online business on offline business." Su Wei said thoughtfully.

This is the difference between Tesco. It can resolutely handle the acquisition of large and medium-sized electrical appliances. I am afraid it will be difficult for Suning to resolutely drive offline business to benefit online.

"They are all difficult problems." Fang Zhuo smiled and briefly explained the questions Lao Xiong asked today, shook his head and said, "It's ups and downs, but I'd better get the Dangdang money first, and then I'll be happy."

I came to Beijing at the end of August, and now I am in mid-October.

Fang Zhuo understood very well and gave Dangdang time to raise funds. With great difficulty, Mr. Li finally informed him to start the process.

The bet took place in December last year, but this year the official process was in October, which was only 2 months behind the agreed time. It can be seen that Dangdang did not meet the conditions to win the bet.

"Where did Mr. Li and the others raise the money?" Su Wei asked.

Fang Zhuo sighed unknowingly: "Didn't I receive Kane, the president of Bear Stearns, once in Hang Lung? He came to China to do business. I don't know if the news is true. I heard that Qingzi and Bear Stearns Get on top."

Su Wei said strangely: "Why are you sighing? Are you not satisfied with the return on investment? It can be regarded as a settlement with Dangdang."

Fang Zhuo hesitated, saying it would be better if he could get the money from other places. Qingzi chose Bear Stearns, but he was really worried that he would be under greater financial pressure in the future.

He still smiled: "It's nothing, I just thought of the farm game and felt that it would delay a lot of people's work."

Su Wei also played this game briefly.

She smiled and said: "This is quite magical. I heard that Xiao Li also summed up the essence of the food-stealing game."

Fang Zhuo gave a questioning expression.

Su Wei shares insights from real players.

——In the face of interests, there is no family affection and morality to talk about, and anyone may become a thief who attacks your back.

——It is the last word to make friends widely. Having more friends will lead to more paths.

——People who come to your farm to water and fertilize you may not really be nice to you, they may just want to steal your vegetables as soon as possible.

There are more than a dozen of them, based on the game, and they are even more playful and funny.

Fang Zhuo found this quite interesting and quickly applied it to the situation of selling Dangdang shares.

Whether it is Fang Zhuo or, both parties want to resolve the share issue as soon as possible, so once they have enough money, the progress will be much faster.

On October 23, the weather was sunny and suitable for signing.

When Fang Zhuo signed and sealed in the Dangdang conference room, Li Guoqing and Yu Yu were obviously relieved, and they finally no longer had any entanglements with the guy in front of them.

Li Guoqing's mood was complicated, and his overall preference was that he showed his grace and took the initiative to shake hands: "Mr. Fang, from now on, we will make the domestic e-commerce cake bigger together, and we will each rely on our own abilities."

"Qingzi, I still..." Fang Zhuo responded with a smile.

Li Guoqing interrupted and said sincerely: "Mr. Fang, can you please stop using this title?"

Although I'm somewhat used to it, it's still not a good name.

"It's not because of me that I'm here today. I really have some advice to give you." Fang Zhuo said kindly, "But I only tell Qingzi and don't want to tell Mr. Li."

Li Guoqing was a little hesitant. The person named Fang was not a good person.

After Fang Zhuo said this, he took a few steps to the side.

These few steps seemed to have magic power, making Li Guoqing follow him unconsciously.

"Qingzi, regarding and its future development..." Fang Zhuo still called him that. Seeing that Qingzi did not refuse, he continued, "I am purely giving you advice as a former shareholder of"

"In the face of interests, no one can be trusted."

"Make more friends. Sometimes, official competition like ours is no reason to treat each other as enemies."

"People who are nice to you, people who are willing to pay you, may not really be nice to you."

Fang Zhuo finally shook hands with Li Guoqing: "That's all, Qingzi, if something happens in the future, I may not be able to miss you, Mr. Fang."

Li Guoqing shook hands and watched Mr. Fang leave the conference room with others, taking with him 66 million US dollars. Fortunately, the shares were finally returned.

"What did he just tell you?" Yu Yu came over and asked.

Li Guoqing was a little confused: "He said, he said, if life is just like the first time we met."

If life is just like meeting each other for the first time, it is also the fate of Shanghai.

Zeng said that as Amazon, Fang Li will eventually be divided into two sides.

Investing should be regarded as a memory, giving 66 million is still a loss.

——Don’t call me Qingzi, Mr. Fang.

——Okay, Keiko.

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