Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 79 It’s over

The deeper and colder the night in Luzhou becomes, the more satisfying the aroma of hot pot becomes.

At 1:30 in the morning, the lights in the office were very bright, and both Sequoia and were having a good time talking and eating.

An investment of $240,000.

This is something that other teams within Sequoia might ask out of curiosity, but Zheng Lang himself is very optimistic about the future development of the registration network.

If the two provinces can be connected as expected, then the future will be promising.

Compared with his previous chat about IDG, another well-known venture capital company, which valued "people", Sequoia Capital is more accustomed to focusing on the development trends of the industry, or, according to several teams, is more accustomed to focusing on "tracks."

As long as you choose the right track, you have a great chance of reaching the finish line.

Zheng Lang walked to the floor-to-ceiling window of the Registration Network office. He looked at the bright lights not far away and said with a smile: "You have chosen a good place for your office. The top three hospitals are right in front of you."

"Well, it's convenient." Fang Zhuo responded and extended the invitation, "It's too late anyway. Can I accompany Mr. Zheng to the hospital for a visit? What kind of field trip is just to the office? You have to see the application of our registration network. Scenes."

Zheng Lang glanced at his watch and nodded: "That's okay. I'll check the hospital and then go directly to the airport. I have to fly for a key project."

Fang Zhuo said in surprise: "Mr. Zheng, you are in a hurry. You came to Luzhou and we didn't treat you well. What is this? If word spreads, other venture capital investors will not dare to come."

Zheng Lang burst out laughing: "That's exactly what I want, to drive away the competitors. Next time we, Sequoia, will do it."

Fang Zhuo smiled and went along with the flow: "Mr. Zheng still has far-reaching thoughts. Since there are arrangements in the itinerary, there is no need to force it. I hope that next time Mr. Zheng comes to Luzhou, we can change to a larger office and laugh about the valuation of the Series A. .”

Although there may be twice the age difference, at this moment...

The hot pot he tasted after feeling hungry, the view from the sixth floor of the office building, the lights of a tertiary hospital not far away, and the night in Luzhou, all these elements were mixed together. Zheng Lang believed that the mood of the young Mr. Fang resonated with his own. of.

"I hope I can lead the team to Luzhou again in the middle of next year." Zheng Lang said with a confident smile.

Fang Zhuo didn't say anything, and only looked at the first attached courtyard that was also glowing at night with him.

At such an early hour, there is actually nothing interesting to see in the hospital, and there will be no users of the registration network who can present the usage scenario in front of the vice president of Sequoia.

Of course, if notified in advance, it is not impossible to have such a scene, but who would let this be a surprise attack.

In fact, not only were there none, even the lights in the outpatient building were turned off, and the one on duty was the emergency building of the hospital.

Zheng Lang came to see Lonely with great interest.

But he didn't pay too much attention. He came to Luzhou this time just to meet the shareholders and simply confirm that this was the case.

After all, he could see the registration function and online hospitals of the registration network in Lin'an.

At 2:20 in the morning, Zheng Lang got into the Audi car tiredly, cheered up and waved goodbye to the three shareholders of the registration website, and then went straight to the airport.

When the subsequent contract is signed, Sequoia will have a dedicated person bring a standard contract, and the details will be modified to meet the requirements of both parties. Anyway, the main body of the angel round has been determined-funds, shares and option pools, and the rest. It's a side detail.

According to Zheng Lang, if everything goes well, 2 million will be transferred to the public account of the registration network within a week.

In other words, the registered website, which has been established for less than two months, will soon have millions of book funds.

"Xiao Fang, I feel like I'm dreaming..."

The three shareholders of returned to the office. Yu Hong sat on the chair and stared at the First Affiliated Hospital, letting out a sigh.

"Xiao Yu, go back quickly. You can still have a good dream at night." Fang Zhuo yawned, feeling exhausted.

Yu Hong jumped up from the chair, and arrived in front of Fang Zhuo in two steps. She was very close, and her eyes were looking at each other: "I am not your sister Yu anymore? What on earth did you do in Lin'an? How did you do this? Is this executive so deceptive?"

Fang Zhuo leaned back, slumped in the chair, and said dissatisfied: "What lie? I just talked about the future development of the registration network, and they approved of it. I will come here in a hurry. If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Zhou."

Yu Hong looked at Zhou Xin who was so happy that he couldn't recover.

"Ah? Sister Yu." Zhou Xin used to call her by her first name, but now she keeps calling her the same way.

"What were you two doing in Lin'an?" Yu Hong was extremely puzzled. She took out the note in her pocket, pointed at the content and asked, "Who is this 'Uncle Zheng'?"

Zhou Xin opened his mouth to explain. He heard his boss talking about this leader in the car, but he didn't know the cause and effect: "Ah, yes, Brother Fang, who is Team Leader Zheng?"

Yu Hong continued to wonder: "He became Team Leader Zheng again? Who is Team Leader Zheng?"

Fang Zhuo yawned one after another.

The most impressive image of this trip suddenly flashed through Zhou Xin's mind, which was the boss's glow when he took the stage to speak.

He immediately said: "Sister Yu, Brother Fang's speech on stage was really great! You should really come and see it together! It would be a pity if you didn't see it!"

Yu Hong asked again: "What did you say again?"

"Just say, just say..." Zhou Xin stuttered, "Just say that the registration network is good!"

Yu Hong: "???"

Fang Zhuo rubbed his temples: "Okay, don't go around, Xiaoyu. We came back from Lin'an to eat and chat together. We are really tired. Anyway, we can almost win. After you have rested, I will call Xiaoyu tomorrow. Su, let’s review this matter.”

"Then you think I won't be able to sleep tonight!" Yu Hong protested strongly.

Then forget about sleeping with me. Fang Zhuo swallowed his teasing words again. Well, he was really exhausted today.

The afternoon meeting, the five-hour drive, and the night talk by the fireside, all these cannot go wrong, and they are too brain-consuming.

"Tomorrow at six o'clock in the afternoon, since we are all alone, let's go to the HKUST cafeteria and have some millet porridge." Fang Zhuo set a time.

Zhou Xin said weakly: "Maotai?"

The voice was too low and Fang Zhuo didn't hear it.

"Okay." Yu Hong originally wanted to ask about the option pool, but seeing that Xiao Fang really couldn't hold on, she could only hide her doubts and speculate on various situations this time.

Zhou Xin's voice suddenly became louder, and he asked excitedly: "Brother Fang, I just did the math, did my shares become 3.6%?"

Fang Zhuo said feebly: "Is it just now? Xiao Zhou, are you really a top student at HKUST?"

"Then according to Sequoia's investment, this is 360,000!" Zhou Xin's eyebrows are not eyebrows, and his eyes are not eyes. He is full of uncontrollable joy.

"If the registration network cannot be built, it will be waste paper. Of course, if you want to say that this valuation can indeed be calculated like this." Fang Zhuo said lightly, "You can first enjoy the pleasure of becoming a millionaire without spending a dime. "

Yu Hong followed the small squeeze and said, "Hey, I think about it, who exchanged those 5% shares for a salary of 1,500 yuan?"

"Uh, it's me." Zhou Xin's eyebrows and eyes all returned to their normal positions at once, but he spoke again the next moment, "But, think about it, it's all Brother Fang who is messing around, and I can't help... Take it. Shares would be great.”

"Xiao Zhou looks like a top student again." Fang Zhuo stood up unsteadily, "Let's go, if we can't go back to the dormitory, I'll take you to a hotel."

He lazily said goodbye: "Xiao Yu, let's go. See you tomorrow."

When Yu Hong saw the two people leaving, she turned to look at the mess on the hot pot table, and then looked at the lights of the hospital outside, and was stunned for a long time.

Then she murmured:

"It seems I won't be able to use the office tomorrow. I have to return it and get half of the money back."

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