Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 791 Let’s do it (two-in-one)

On December 2, Bingxin held the third supplementary meeting of the second Wafer Manufacturing Service Alliance Working Conference in Luzhou, which is also regarded by domestic manufacturers as the most important supplier evaluation meeting this year.

The Ice Core Wafer Manufacturing Service Alliance is a relatively loose organization, and its core is the semiconductor equipment needs of Ice Core.

Last year, although many domestic manufacturers were very enthusiastic, they did not achieve much cooperation with each other. Instead, the series of standards proposed by the ice core industry received a lot of criticism in private.

When looking for suppliers, you should mention technical standards. However, there are also production, financial, management and other standards for scoring, as well as A/B/C/D grades. It is cumbersome and pretentious. After all, some of the data is the company's own internal data, so why should I show it to you?

Take a look, even SMIC doesn’t do this, so why do you win the ice core?

Last year's enthusiasm faded quickly. In addition to the strict standards and procedures of Ice Core, it is also because Ice Core's wafer fab in Luzhou purchases the most advanced equipment from internationally, making it difficult to leave room for domestic manufacturers.

But at the end of the year, this year, the situation is completely different.

First, there was a rumor in the industry that Ice Core was going to build a second factory, and Lin'an was quickly chosen. Then it was quickly confirmed that a third factory in cooperation with Sony would be built in Shanghai... This enthusiasm started to rise immediately!

Later, a senior executive in the ice core industry confirmed that they would try to increase the proportion of domestic suppliers this year, and their enthusiasm suddenly reached its peak!

Big order! Definitely a big deal!

This is the kind of big order that may expand the factory or bring it back to life!

Generally speaking, fabs of different sizes and different processes have fluctuations in demand, but hundreds of R\u0026D equipment and thousands of production line equipment are normal.

If it is relatively core equipment, such as CMP chemical mechanical polishing, which is one of the key technologies for semiconductor wafer surface processing, one of its manufacturers has only shipped less than 60 equipment in total for nearly 10 years before going on the market.

In this way, one can imagine the attraction brought by the demand for ice core ejection equipment.

Once a manufacturer can become the main supplier, the equipment it produces can be integrated into the production line, and it can continue to invest in research and development, this is the road to development, the road to technology, the road to listing, and the road to wealth.

Since this year, many manufacturers have been in contact with ice core one after another, but all such contacts have been classified under the platform of the Ice Core Wafer Manufacturing Service Alliance.

It was at this time that everyone suddenly discovered that the A/B/C/D grading standard developed by the ice core last year seemed to be important.

Generally speaking, A is excellent, B is good, C is average, and D is very poor.

Specific details, in the standard interpretation issued by Bingxin, Category A rating suppliers are considered to be at the advanced level of the domestic industry, Category B is considered to be at a good level, Category C is at an average level but has plans and aspirations for improvement, and Category D is considered to be at a backward level. And there is no plan or desire to improve.

And, there is no written text, but it is said to be the meaning given by Bingxin executives. They are willing to help Class A and Class B suppliers obtain some favorable bank loans and introduce powerful investment institutions.

Today's semiconductor field is not a hot spot, and loans and investments are definitely a major boost to corporate development.

Moreover, everyone is familiar with the other party’s public information.

This year, Bank of China and ICBC successively landed on the stock market, and Fang Zhuo’s name as a director is written on the information disclosure documents!

As long as these two banks can have more direction, the companies under them will receive a lot of help.

Many manufacturer leaders did not expect such a change this year, and they are very frustrated that they did not pay attention to the ice core rating.

On the morning of the 2nd, the conference hall of the evaluation meeting was already crowded before the sign-in time. Many of them were familiar faces in the industry. After signing in, they handed over a cigarette or borrowed a light, and in the blink of an eye, they gathered in small groups. Just talking.

Some are talking about the development of Bingxin and the changes in Liaoluzhou in the past two years.

Some are talking about the second entanglement between SMIC and Taiwanese reporters. I heard that this is not very good.

Also, let’s laugh at each other.

"You can also be rated B? How can I, a great manufacturer in Beijing Instrument Factory, have the same rating as Northern Huachuang? Mr. Zheng, did you stuff money into the ice core?"

"Bah, your instrument factory doesn't want to make progress, just wait until next year to get a C!"

"What a fucking C! If you ask me, it doesn't matter if it was a B grade last year. This year our ion implanter dares to touch the Germans! At the very least it has to be an A!"

"Mr. Xu, stop bragging. Why are you mentioning the Germans? We all get ice cores from Villian in the United States. Do you have the ability to compare with the Americans? See if you can get the ice cores from Villian." Squeeze it out on the production line?"

Xu Jianye, known as Mr. Xu, frowned when he heard the name "Villian", but he refused to admit defeat at all. One moment he said, "Villian will have to compare with our factory before he can be rated A", and the other moment he said, This year I’ll deal with the Germans first, and next year I’ll deal with the Americans”…

The people who talked to him were all old acquaintances and former colleagues. They knew his temper and picked out interesting words to tease him.

After a while, Xu Jianye's face turned red with anger. Hearing the cheerful laughter of a small group of people, he turned around and walked out in annoyance, intending to smoke a cigarette alone outside.

There is no way, no way, the ion implanter is dominated by the American Villian Semiconductor, and the Beijing Instrument Factory will not be able to catch up with them for a while.

Oh no, it’s not Jingcheng Instrument Factory anymore.

Xu Jianye lit a cigarette, squatted by the wall not far from the door of the conference hall, and took a long puff of Hongtashan.

Jingcheng Instrument Factory has been renamed Jingcheng Beiyi Innovation Vacuum Technology Company for several years, but he still can't adapt, and his words still have the smell of coming from a workshop.


Xu Jianye smoked half a cigarette and sighed unconsciously.

"What's going on? You're not allowed inside? Isn't it cold to squat here and smoke? Have you signed in?"

I don't know when, a young man walked up next to him, and while asking questions, he squatted down.

Xu Jianye was lost in thought just now, so he didn't pay attention and replied casually: "I've signed it out, but we still have to wait until we start."

He handed over the cigarette and asked, "Which family do you belong to?"

"Quit, smoking is harmful to your health." It was Fang Zhuo who squatted down, waving his hand to reject Hongtashan. Seeing that the gray-haired master didn't seem to recognize him, he smiled and said, "There are many people coming to the meeting this time. I'm here I glanced at the door and saw that there were people inside.”

"Who says it's not the case? All the famous people in the industry are here." Xu Jianye lit another cigarette and said with a grin, "Zheng Chuan of Shengmei Company, which was rated D last year, was so unhappy last time. Just now he was He’s smiling shyly inside.”

Fang Zhuo didn't know this, so he unscrewed the thermos cup, blew in the hot air, and repeated: "Shengmei? Zheng Chuan?"

Xu Jianye turned his head and looked a little surprised. He couldn't see clearly what the young man looked like in the white air. He just thought he was an assistant who came from another factory to do things. He didn't put on the airs of a senior or a leader, and gossiped about the gossip in the circle: "Shengmei It's engaged in electroplating copper equipment, oh, do you know it? It was just established last year."

He took a sip and continued: "Although it has not been established for a long time, the people inside are all experienced people. The company is located in Zhangjiang and serves as a supplier to SMIC. Last year, Bingxin received a D rating."

"Hey, when Zheng Chuan got the evaluation materials on the spot, he became furious and tore up the materials."

“He said that Shengmei’s equipment would be fine for SMIC, but Bingxin was not qualified to give it a D. He slapped the table and tore up the materials, and said he would never come to Bingxin next time.”

"Tsk, I heard about the ice core expansion plan at the beginning of the year, and the work meeting in the first half of the year came up again."

"Just now, if you didn't listen, Zheng Chuan would say to everyone he met, 'We have to re-evaluate, re-evaluate, re-evaluate this year.'"

Fang Zhuo listened to the excited expression of the old master next to him and asked: "Since we can be a supplier to SMIC, why did it only get a D rating last year? The relationship is not good?"

Xu Jianye was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and replied: "That's not true. Last year's rating itself was very strict, and the ice core was benchmarked against good equipment bought from abroad. Moreover, this Laoshizi rating also depends on R\u0026D investment. With the prospects of its technical roadmap and Shengmei’s nonchalant attitude, it’s not bad to rate it D.”

He breathed out: "This year's standards are in line with domestic standards. Shengmei has been promoted to C, but Zheng Chuan is still aggrieved. He keeps thinking about re-evaluating and thinks that their family must be a B."

Xu Jianye lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said: "The expert team of Ice Core is very serious and reliable in their ratings. That electroplating copper equipment used to be horizontal self-propelled. I heard that the little devil seems to have made one." Restore the formal rack plating of copper anodes, but it is advanced, but the cost is high."

"Shengmei is probably not willing to research in this direction. Ice core experts are certainly not optimistic about its technical prospects. Hey, looking at it this way, just give Shengmei a C. It's very fair!"

Fang Zhuo took a sip of hot water. Well, it's reasonable and fair.

After chatting for a while, he still didn't know the master's company, so he asked: "What is it called? What company is your company?"

"You don't know me?" Xu Jianye was a little surprised, "I'm Xu Jianye from Beiyi."

Fang Zhuo thought to himself, you don’t know me yet.

His thoughts changed, and he remembered where Beiyi appeared in the work report, and nodded: "Is it Beijing Beiyi Innovation Vacuum Technology Company? It's B-level."

Xu Jianye crushed the cigarette butt and said angrily: "The ice core experts are all blind! Regardless of scientific research investment or route prospects, our factory is not A? It's nonsense! I'm just squatting here to look at that ice core Liu Yangyang When will it arrive! I have to tell her clearly!"

Fang Zhuo was stunned, Comrade Xu, you just said it yourself, the ice core rating was fair, why did you turn your back on it?

He reminded him kindly: "Mr. Liu seems to have gone in."

Xu Jianye stood up: "Oh? Then I'll go find her!"

Seeing this, Fang Zhuo followed him into the conference hall.

The conference hall was full of people. Those in the east were talking about oxidation furnaces, those in the west were talking about etching machines, those in the south were talking about AC PVD, and those in the north were talking about CMP.

When Xu Jianye entered the conference hall, unexpectedly by Fang Zhuo, he went straight to Mr. Liu Yangyang, who was surrounded by a circle of men.

From medicine to ice cores, Liu Yangyang is a major contributor to the establishment of the ice core wafer manufacturing service alliance. The rating system is a plan she proposed based on the industry situation.

Fang Zhuo followed Xu Jianye, intending to see how he would argue.

However, Xu Jianye's steps became slower and slower, and finally stopped.

"Mr. Xu, what's wrong?" Fang Zhuo was surprised.

Xu Jianye shook his head and sighed: "Do you see why Liu Yangyang is surrounded by a circle?"

He asked and answered his own questions: "A-level MOCVD from China Microelectronics, A-level oxidation furnace from China Electric Power Research Institute 45, A-level photolithography machine from China Microelectronics, and A-level core sinking wet manufacturing equipment!"

Fang Zhuo understood, A-level strong men are so terrifying.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jianye continued: "I can't tell clearly, but there's also S-level in there, alas."

Fang Zhuo was surprised: "S level?"

Xu Jianye said in the tone of a well-informed person: "Although Ice Core only publishes A-D ratings, many people say that Ice Core also has an S-level strategic partner rating. I guess it is possible to go to micro-lithography. It’s hard to machine this thing.”

" will be whatever it is announced..." Fang Zhuo was amused.

"What do you know? The water here is very deep, and some support cannot be disclosed publicly." Xu Jianye glanced sideways, and suddenly felt that the young man next to him looked familiar.

Before he could think about it, he saw Bingxin Liu Yangyang in front of him walking quickly in his direction.

Xu Jianye was shocked. Sure enough, Bei Yi had an A-level appearance!

He took two steps forward and said politely, "Good morning, Mr. Liu."

Liu Yangyang stopped and shook hands politely: "Hello, Mr. Xu, our Lin'an factory has to see how Beiyi takes care of it."

Xu Jianye smiled and said, "Bei Yi will definitely do his best to ensure all work from front to back."

Liu Yangyang nodded politely, but ignored him and took two steps forward. He smiled and said, "Mr. Fang."

Xu Jianye followed Mr. Liu's footsteps and sight and saw the young man who seemed familiar just now, Mr. Fang? Is it Mr. Fang?

Most people in the conference hall have never seen the legendary Mr. Fang, and they did not expect that the richest man in the Mainland would stand so plainly in the crowd today, but Mr. Liu Yangyang would never admit that his boss was wrong...

Those who couldn't see clearly from a distance, those who were suspicious of their identity from close by, those who didn't dare to recognize anyone in the middle and made a joke, those who were just thinking about Mr. Liu's attitude, those who were distracted and wondering about their own situation... Suddenly, there was an uproar. .

Afterwards, the group of people gave their greetings very directly.

"Mr. Fang, what is the proportion of domestic equipment procurement for the new ice core factory this year?"

"Mr. Fang, our 48th institute is better than 45th institute!"

"Fart! Our 45th school is the best in the country!"

"Mr. Fang, wherever the Shencheng factory of Bingxin is opened, we Shengmei will follow!"

Fang Zhuo heard the enthusiastic calls from domestic semiconductor manufacturers.

Liu Yangyang took the microphone from someone unknown and handed it over.

Fang Zhuo actually just wanted to take a look at the situation today to see whether the ice core wafer manufacturing service alliance is beneficial to the development of domestic semiconductor manufacturers. He did not plan to make any public speech.

But the atmosphere is really warm.

"Hello everyone, I am Fang Zhuo from Bingxin."

Fang Zhuo decided to say a few words.

"I was hesitant before about whether Bingxin should take the lead in the service alliance, because Bingxin itself is far from the advanced level. I was worried about distracting Bingxin's energy, and I was also afraid that others would say that we didn't do things well."

"Later, I decided to do it."

“Although AMEC’s MOCVD is not as good as American Veeco’s.”

"Although the oxidation furnace of China Electric Power Company No. 45 is not as good as that of Thermco in the UK."

"Although SMIC's photolithography machines are not as good as ASML from the Netherlands and Nikon from Japan."

"Although the wet-making equipment for sinking cores is not as good as Japan's DNS."

Fang Zhuo shrugged: "Well, before I started working on the ice core, I didn't expect to be able to create such a parallel sentence."

The manufacturer representatives at the scene have become serious following Mr. Fang's words. The little joke has no effect at all. What Mr. Fang mentioned is the A-level ice core rating, which is also the advanced level in the country.

Even they can't compare to outside brands. What about B, C, and D present?

"Many or most of them cannot keep up with the international advanced level, but is there an opportunity for them to try to catch up?"

"A production line not only requires the most advanced photolithography machines, but also uses ASML in the front processes. The subsequent processes do not need to be so advanced. Can we give Shangmicro a chance?"

"In a production line, the first few processes of etching require the highest resolution of the etching machine, while the subsequent processes require lower resolution of the etching machine. Is it possible to give Northern Huachuang a chance?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at the companies on the scene and said honestly: "I don't know if I can give it. I'm not sure if it will harm the ice core. I can't do what lay leaders are experts at. So, with the Service Alliance, we have An opportunity is put in front of you to see if you can seize it."

"Bingxin cannot lower its requirements because we are also struggling to catch up. In front of us are SMIC, UMC, Intel and Taiwanese."

“What we want is to find partners who can help ice cores catch up together, rather than people who want us to relax our standards.”

"Of course, as I said before, there are different standards for a production line, and everyone here does have a gap with foreign countries. Not facing the gap is not the way to do things, but not having the will to catch up is also not the way to success."

"Whatever you can do, we'll see what we can use in the production line."

"There's not much else to say, just let's do it."

"We will do whatever we want, three years, five years, ten years."

"Just do it."

Fang Zhuo turned off the microphone and handed it to Liu Yangyang.

He took two steps toward the small office and saw Xu Jianye, whom he had just met, looking at him. He smiled at him in a friendly manner, shook hands with the old master, and then continued walking forward.

Delayed but sincere applause erupted in the conference hall.

Xu Jianye clapped along and was a little angry with himself. When we shook hands just now, he should have told Mr. Fang that we at Beiyi can really give an A!

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