Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 799: The insider’s efforts after Apple’s press conference (5k)

Apple’s press conference is enough to change a lot of things.

Fang Zhuo agreed with Schmidt's statement and said he would cross the river by feeling the apples.

After leaving Google, the two founders of Yike did not have much communication on the way back. They needed to digest multiple pieces of information at their respective levels.

Fang Zhuo was stripping away the side details related to mobile phones until he went to bed, trying to look at the significance of increasing the success rate of Yike's first mobile phone from an overall perspective.

Yike has cross-patent licensing with Google, Yike has cooperated with Morningstar and MediaTek in chip design, Bingxin has been intensively trying to break through the 65nm advanced process, Bingxin has cooperated with Sony in Shanghai to develop and manufacture CMOS sensors...

Once the terminal's mobile phone is successfully launched, all of these will be gradually linked together and rotate at the same frequency.

The most important thing is that he has considerable dominance in this chain. Even in terms of chip solutions, Qualcomm is not the only one currently favoring it. Both TI and Samsung can become excessive, and there is a lot of room for movement.

Yike's first mobile phone is like an indispensable key gear, like a spark on a haystack, like a spoonful of hot oil after steaming sea bass...

Fang Zhuo's last thought before going to bed came into play.

The next morning, Fang Zhuo, who had carefully finished a whole steamed seabass, arrived at the R\u0026D center, ready to discuss the reinvention of the front-facing camera associated with Yike Mars.

But just after he and Xu Corden briefly discussed the idea of ​​​​camera, Schmidt from Google called in.

The nine o'clock meeting scheduled in the morning was therefore postponed.

Schmidt said three things in total, which shows that he did not rest after the meeting last night.

First, Cisco will launch a lawsuit against Apple today to prevent Apple from infringing, deliberately copying and using Cisco's registered trademark iPhone.

Fang Zhuo was surprised by this.

He always thought that the trademark registered by Apple last year was gone. He did not expect that there would be a small friction with Cisco in the trademark category, but this would certainly not be an obstacle.

Second, Marvell bought the mobile phone chip department from Intel. The two companies have basically completed the acquisition process. However, some chip engineers are unwilling to work in the new company.

What Schmidt meant was that if Mr. Fang was interested and Yike needed it, he could set up a line.

Fang Zhuo showed a strong willingness to welcome this, believing that Google is indeed a good partner of Yike, so engineers from Intel are exactly the talents that Yike is longing for.

As for the third thing...

It has to be said that even if Schmidt, an Apple director, cannot intervene in Apple's daily operations, he still has channels to learn a lot of information that is difficult for the outside world to know.

"Someone from AT\u0026T told me that they and Apple have adopted a revenue sharing method for new network users. The specific ratio is unclear, but this is undoubtedly a cooperation template worthy of discussion between us and T-Mobile."

"The most important thing is that the terminal price of Apple mobile phones sold to the market through AT\u0026T is likely to be 200 or 300 US dollars."

"No matter how the bundled operator charges are calculated, users can get an Apple phone at a very low price."

The prices at Apple's press conference are US$499 for the 4G version and US$599 for the 8G version.

If the price is 200/300 US dollars, this is a 50% discount or even more discount purchase.

Moreover, Apple mobile phones are exclusive to AT\u0026T's network. For consumers, they can either buy them at the original price but still need to use the AT\u0026T network, or get them directly from AT\u0026T at a great discount.

There is no doubt that in both cases more people will choose the latter.

Apple didn't mention this at the press conference, and no one will mention such a discount when it debuts.

If Yike benchmarks at the level of $499/$599, it would be a huge mistake.

Although we don’t know when AT\u0026T will announce the price of the contract phone, if Yike has negotiated cooperation with T-Mobile and even Verizon and learns about this situation, I am afraid it will face great changes.

Fang Zhuozhen took a breath. He knew that the exclusive cooperation between Apple and AT\u0026T was a contract phone, but he did not expect that the "integration" could reach this level.

The $200 threshold doesn’t even cover the hardware cost!

The initial cost estimate for the Mars prototype two days ago was still US$259!

Fang Zhuo's thoughts were spinning and he was silent for a full ten seconds before giving his own evaluation: "It's great. This will be a win-win situation and may even affect the value distribution of the telecommunications industry chain."

The entire telecommunications industry chain is undoubtedly focused on operators. In the United States alone, the top two operators, AT\u0026T and Verizon, have extremely strong positions. This is what Yike has experienced personally.

But if mobile phone manufacturers in the smartphone era can achieve great success and attract a large number of users to join and switch networks, it will definitely shift the value center of the chain.

It’s not that telecom operators are no longer important, but that mobile phone manufacturers have become more important and more dominant.

The things before and after are connected together.

The AT\u0026T confirmed by Schmidt last night put pressure on Apple, and finally made Jobs compromise and make a 2G mobile phone. This is not only because AT\u0026T itself is strong, but also because the cooperation between them is crucial.

The iPhone needs the full support of carriers, and AT\u0026T is betting on the appeal of touch-screen smartphones to users.

This greatly lowers the threshold for American users to try out the iPhone.

Schmidt had just received the price news of the contract machine, and it was precisely because of this that he made this call in conjunction with the previous two things.

He heard the price and immediately knew it was a huge threat.

However, Schmidt did not expect that the first reaction he heard from Mr. Fang was not panic or distress, but actually a compliment from an elevated overall perspective.

He was stunned for a moment, and he quickly understood what this person meant, and he admired Mr. Fang's courage.

Schmidt calmed down and continued to describe the situation: "AT\u0026T and Apple will share the income of new customers who join the network. Apple will give it low-priced mobile phones, and AT\u0026T will continue to subsidize. I don't know yet what price Apple will give AT\u0026T."

If AT\u0026T sells the 4G version for $200, the price from Apple will most likely be higher than that.

Because Yike is also making mobile phones, the cost is here. No matter how low Apple's cost is, it can't be much lower. It is most likely to be lower than the retail price and higher than the cost price.

AT\u0026T is not a philanthropist. If it buys high and sells low, it will definitely design a phone plan that can make money back in the medium to long term.

Fang Zhuo realized one thing and said seriously: "This poses a great challenge to the cooperation between Android phones and operators."

The word was "Android phone", not "Yike phone". He was emphasizing that this is not the business of Yike family.

AT\u0026T is willing to share and make a bet, but T-Mobile may not be willing, let alone Verizon, which has always had trouble negotiating.

And if no operator is willing to follow up like this, the mobile phones that Yike strives to build can only choose second-level parts to cut costs, lower selling prices, and improve price competitiveness.

——But in this case, the product strength will be reduced.

Yike Mobile is not competing with the $499 iPhone, but with the $200 iPhone.

No matter how differentiated it is, price will always be the most sensitive factor among user groups.

Fang Zhuo has a deep understanding of this. It's like buying a plane with the money given by Qingzi. If the budget of the plane exceeds what Qingzi gave, he probably won't buy it.

First, Apple's price is 200 US dollars, and then Yike's price may be 300/400 US dollars. The psychological expectations are completely different. This is the same truth.

However, from an operator's perspective...

T-Mobile: What? Did I hear that correctly? It’s great if I can purchase your mobile phone, but you still want me to give users a large subsidy? Do I also want to get a share of the income from my new online users? Take out the money I put in my pocket? Do you think you are Nokia?

Nokia doesn’t do this either!

This is also the reason why Schmidt called in such a hurry. The operator is not a soft persimmon who can be manipulated.

He wished he could stand in front of Mr. Fang and let him see his dignity: "Yike needs to come up with a more impressive mobile phone. This is not empty talk. Even so, it will be difficult for Yike to convince T-Mobile."

Schmidt has been euphemistically expressing that it is not "difficult", but his judgment is "impossible". Apple and AT\u0026T/Cingular have been in contact since 2005. Such a close relationship is beyond the reach of Yike.

"Google will communicate more with T-Mobile and we must be united."

"President Fang, only unity can achieve success."

Today's important information makes "better mobile phones" no longer a courtesy, and makes "more support" a must.

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "Schmitt, thank you for the information you provided, and thank you for the support provided by Google. I have confidence in Yike mobile phones and the future of Android phones."

Without Schmidt as an Apple director, it would be really difficult to obtain such first-hand inside information. Without Google's support, it would be even harder to convince operators.

"Communicate at any time and maintain cooperation. If Yike needs anything, ask it as soon as possible." Schmidt was about to end the call. He still had a lot to do today.

"Yes, Lao Shi is right, we must unite as one. Oh yes, there is one more thing. Since you called me, I also think we need to talk about it." Fang Zhuo said naturally, "Yike and Google are on Android We still need to talk about the share ratio on the Market, 5% is too little.”

Schmidt wanted to punch himself five seconds ago.

He emphasized: "It's 'need', Mr. Fang, do you understand?"

Fang Zhuo understood very well: "Yes, it is a need. We all need unity."

"You'd better implement that 'great idea' you said last night!" Schmidt didn't agree or refuse, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Fang Zhuo silently digested the big news from Lao Shi for a while. The US$200/300 iPhone must be an important basis for the sales of Apple's first mobile phone.

Yesterday, when he saw the $599 price of Apple's 8G version, he was a little surprised and felt that Apple was really confident.

For comparison, Nokia's N95, the ultimate machine to be launched this year, is likely to be priced at US$799 in the United States.

Now it seems that a sufficient sales volume is more important to Apple.

Xu Keden knocked gently on the office door, indicating that the morning meeting had been postponed for a long time.

"You guys talk first, and I'll deal with something else." Fang Zhuo chose to postpone again.

Now that Schmidt, the inner ghost, has exerted his strength, he cannot lose to him.

Fang Zhuo gathered his thoughts and immediately called Stringer, the head of Sony.

We talked about the weather, the development of Sony, and the funds that made profits from short selling.

Just when Stringer wanted Mr. Fang to elaborate, he heard the help he wanted to seek.

"Sir, you know that Yi Ke is making mobile phones, but recently I found that it is really difficult to make mobile phones. It is unexpectedly difficult."

"Yike has invested a lot in it. As you know, like the patent license I got from you, we invested in the Android company together. These are all money."

"Now it seems that you are really good at quitting Android. The development of smartphone systems is too difficult."

Stringer listened to Mr. Fang's complaint and comforted him with a few words, Queshi, the idea of ​​Android is very good, but it is difficult to implement it.

"I saw the preliminary prototype produced by the company last week and I was very disappointed. It is very uncompetitive!"

"I was just sitting in the office using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone, and suddenly I felt that Yike could learn the shooting technology on mobile phones from Sony. No matter what, Yike's mobile phone has good features."

Fang Zhuo said sincerely: "I wonder if Jazz and I can have business cooperation in this area?"

Stringer understood Mr. Fang's intention. Since it was a business cooperation, he must be rich.

He agreed readily: "Mr. Fang, let the departments below discuss such matters directly. We are partners who can create common prospects."

The cooperation between Sony and Bingxin is still in progress in Shanghai. In addition, Stringer is not proficient in consumer electronics, so he will leave professional matters to professionals.

Fang Zhuo chatted for a while, and then got the phone number from Ichiro Takagi, the head of Sony's mobile phone department, and made an appointment with the old jazz to meet again in New York, where they could also talk about the value-added promotion of personal assets.

He ended the call and immediately called Takagi Ichiro to talk about the business cooperation between the two parties.

Then Fang Zhuo was surprised.

Ichiro Takagi, the head of the mobile phone department, instead sought help from Sony director Fang Zhuofang, saying that his department had not obtained the technology of Sony's camera department and hoped that Mr. Fang could help coordinate.

Fang Zhuo confirmed.

Is it that Sony's camera department is unwilling to hand over technology to Sony's mobile phone department?

"That's it, that's it, Mr. Fang, that's it!" Ichiro Takagi couldn't help but get excited after listening to Mr. Fang's repeated confirmation. All the reports he made in Tokyo fell into stone, and his in-person appeals were never dealt with. "Our Mobile phones can obviously be better!”

Yes, our Yike mobile phone can obviously be better!

"Okay, I will talk to Stringer about this matter in the next two days. Don't worry, Takagi, I will uphold justice. This is outrageous." Fang Zhuo directly promised, his communication channel with Stringer Very smooth.

If a director doesn't make decisions for his subordinates, he might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes!

Foreign directors are also directors!

The mole is also a mole!

Fang Zhuo hung up the phone in the voice of Takagi Ichiro's thanks.

He held the phone and confirmed the information in his mind again. Sony's camera department was afraid that the mobile phone department would keep up with the camera's photography experience and was unwilling to share technology internally...

So Sony! Really Sony!

You can't blame yourself, the foreign director, for getting angry.

Fang Zhuo shook his head and took his mobile phone to attend the meeting next door that had been postponed for a long time. He planned to contact Stringer in two days.

When he walked into the conference room, the first thing he saw was that the table was covered with dismantled and shredded mobile phone parts, and then he heard loud exchanges that continued.

It seems that there has been a spontaneous and thorough discussion in the conference room on today's topic of "front-facing cameras."

"Can you do it?" Fang Zhuo sat down and asked Xu Keden and Judy directly. One of them is from China and the other is from the United States. Sometimes they represent two ideas and factions in the department.

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "Okay!"

"Very good, let's do it." Fang Zhuoli said neatly, "Determine the pixels, study the algorithm, optimize the system, and start recruiting the best electronic engineers at all costs today."

“We’re going to make a phone with the best front-facing camera in the world,” he announced.

There was a roar of agreement in the conference room.

What is the concept of the best in the world?

Even if it’s just a niche area!

This groundbreaking work is especially exciting for designers and engineers!

Xu Keden’s concluding report: “We need to study the front camera without reducing the size of the 3.7-inch screen.”

Fang Zhuo nodded. His bottom line was 3.5 inches, but 3.7 inches would be ideal.

The meeting quickly adopted changes to the design that focused on the front-facing camera.

Fang Zhuo then listened to the supply chain report.

This part is relatively boring and complicated, but it is related to cost and should not be underestimated.

The main reporter was Hunter, the deputy director of the United States. He reported item by item and quickly mentioned the details of a differentiated competition.

"We are looking for glass cover suppliers around the world. Now there is one in Germany and the United States that is willing to try. China, uh, has three, but I think the technology in China is not very mature." Hunter mentioned that China He hesitated for a moment, but still gave his professional judgment, "Manufacturers in Germany and the United States have talked about many possible technical routes, but there are very few from China."

He added: "Moreover, Chinese manufacturers are all very small. At present, it seems that Schott Glass Factory in Germany, which has 130 years of experience in the glass field, is the most promising. It has mentioned an aluminosilicate glass route. Very promising.”

Just as Fang Zhuo was about to nod, he saw Fan Yuanzhi, who was a little further away, looking hesitant. This was a supply chain employee from China and the son of the "Copper Pea" Fan Xiong.

He called his name: "Xiao Fan, you are familiar with the country, please tell me."

Fan Yuanzhi heard this and gave a different opinion: "There are three domestic manufacturers, including Lens Technology. Although it was only established last year, the founder is also very experienced in this field. The important thing is that although it did not mention to aluminosilicate glass, but when it comes to aluminosilicate glass, I think it’s worth giving it a try.”

Fang Zhuo pondered for a moment, then thought of the $200 iPhone and said, "Then let both Short and Lens try it."

There can be more than one supplier. If Lens can meet the requirements or has training potential, it can help Yike Mobile reduce costs in the future, and every little bit it can save will be worth it.

Every optimization and every cost reduction now will improve product competitiveness in the future.

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