Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 803 Promotion (two-in-one)

When the news that HSBC reduced its assets by US$10.8 billion reached China, many people had no idea about it, and A-shares only fluctuated slightly before continuing to rise.

Some experts claim that this round of A-shares will be an obvious bull market.

However, due to the shock of HSBC, the stock price of Lehman dropped, which made the Internet lively.

Thanks to the high-profile short selling of Lehman by the richest man in Mainland China, thanks to well-known investors updating their short selling profits on Zhihu, and thanks to the shamelessness and disdain for the pure and innocent, when the short selling fund enters the last month, no matter the portal, Zhihu Anyway, there are more topics about Lehman.

"Lehman's stock price did not move, and even rose slightly. I guess Mr. Fang must have claimed that the short-selling fund did not suffer any losses this time? Yes, this is the truth."

"It's a pity that we didn't suffer any losses from the short selling. Yike's market value really lost a lot. I'm afraid Lehman made a profit from the short selling, right?"

"Yike chose the extremely competitive mobile phone market, which is a bad move."

"How can a mobile phone be so easy to use?"

“Do you really think giants like Nokia don’t exist?”

"Mr. Fang obviously wants to use a story about the mobile phone market to stabilize stock market confidence. However, this story is difficult to realize. It seems that our richest man in the mainland must look for a newer and more imaginative future."

Xiong Xiaoge in Beijing has already been on vacation. He still insists on updating the profits from shorting Lehman. However, similar shady and strange things are becoming more and more visible.

This may be a sentiment, or there may really be stakeholders like Huang Guangyu who follow Yike with real money.

If we look at it on a larger scale, the competitors of Sina, Tesco and even Bingxin can be regarded as related interests. No matter whether they are facing foreign investment banks or not, they will only hope that the richest man in the mainland will do it for someone else.

Xiong Xiaoge is very aware of this matter and is very good at getting rid of unnecessary emotions. However, he also feels deeply about the saying that many people have mentioned: "Mobile phones are not that easy to make."

This was verified by the other party when he contacted him.

Nothing is more convincing than the people involved.

——"Old Xiong, of course it is difficult to make a mobile phone."

——"The new mobile phone system Android, the Open Mobile Phone Alliance led by Google, the selection of mobile phone chips, cooperation with operators, the situation of competitors, decisions on scientific research investment, supply chain management..."

——"I won't be able to explain it clearly on the phone for a while. Anyway, it's really difficult. I'll talk to you when I have time back home."

Xiong Xiaoge, who insists on updating short-selling profits, immediately realized one thing after chatting with Mr. Fang. Shorting Lehman is a trivial matter, but Mr. Fang’s poor mobile phone is a big problem!

Xiong Xiaoge thought seriously for two nights and tried to give an investor's perspective.

He chatted on Zhihu about Yike’s current biggest contradiction.

Xiong Xiaoge: Putting aside the short selling of Lehman, I think the quality of Yike’s mobile phone business is ten times more important than the result of short selling...

Then, the well-known investor was ridiculed.

"What? Why leave out shorting Lehman?"

"The results will be out soon. Isn't it good for you, Mr. Xiong?"

"Mr. Xiong started to avoid the important things and took the easy ones. This is not a commendable behavior."

"Isn't this President Fang's instruction?"

From Xiong Xiaoge's point of view, he does feel the core and difficulty of the mobile phone project, but in the eyes of the melon-eating masses and stakeholders, those who do not have mobile phones should be put aside first, and it depends on who is shorting Lehman. Have the last laugh.

Xiong Xiaoge fell silent helplessly.

The CEO of Gome Dahuang, who was once banned from Zhihu, accidentally accepted an interview with the media at this time.

Gome and Tesco, Mr. Dahuang and Mr. Xiaofang, the feud between them has become an open secret.

Dahuang always doesn't mind chatting about his opponents who have already benefited from short selling: "Xiong Xiaoge wants to put aside short selling? How can we not talk about it? We have to talk about it, and we have to talk about it seriously."

“I think the price war between Lehman and ECO is ready to be announced.”

"International investment banks with rich experience such as Lehman and Bear Stearns have begun to enter the domestic market. As a domestic enterprise, Yike does not pay attention to the domestic market."

"Lehman has been maintaining its growth rate, while Yike's growth rate has slowed down."

"Lehman focuses on its own business, and Yike develops like a gamble."

"What's more, Lehman has made profits by shorting Yike, but Fang Zhuo has started to lose money by shorting Lehman."

Dahuang always said that there were three wins and three losses, and he thought there was little suspense.

And, he also advertised his investment business cooperation with Bear Stearns: "Bear Stearns is a better investment bank than Lehman. Its strength complements our domestic vision. We welcome outstanding domestic retail companies to cooperate with us." We work together.”

Gome and Bear Stearns have made an investment in the retail industry together. Both parties are in the honeymoon period. Gome has already invested a lot, and this year it is Bear Stearns' turn to make efforts.

In this way, online and offline, friends and opponents, on the occasion of the Spring Festival, are all concerned about Mr. Fang's operation half a year ago.

So, when short-selling funds have less than a month left, when HSBC brings Lehman’s stock price down...

For a time, the turbulent public opinion seemed to suddenly quiet down.

At this time, the broad-minded Xiong Xiaoge appeared leisurely.

He once again wrote about the importance of Yike’s mobile phone business.

This time, his first sentence was - "Now I can say, let's put aside the short selling of Lehman, right? No one objects? Okay, I have to talk about the vitality of Yike's mobile phone business. It It is very likely that it is not just Yike, but an extremely critical link in Mr. Fang’s business map..."

No one objects!

But the comment section is particularly excited!

Many people asked questions.

——Mr. Xiong, Mr. Xiong, do you think this means there is a problem with Lehman itself, or is it suffering from the impact of the US stock market?

——Mr. Xiong, not only Lehman, but also Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns have fallen to varying degrees. Is it too early to judge now?

——Mr. Xiong, do you think Lehman stock price will rebound in the next month?

Everyone generally feels that this is Lehman being implicated by HSBC, and there is still a possibility of a rebound.

Xiong Xiaoge had a friendly interaction. He personally noticed the stock price of HSBC early and believed that even if Lehman rebounded this time, the rebound would not be short-term.

Well-known investors are in high spirits again.

Dahuang always feels unlucky for no reason.

Although his account has been blocked by Zhihu, he can still browse as a visitor. He can also see Xiong Xiaoge posting and interacting with each other, which is nothing more than to show off for Fang Zhuo.

Dahuang is always a little resentful. He doesn't think Lehman will take a long time to rebound. It's not time to go short this time, so the result may not be what it will be.

Besides, Lehman's stock price fell, but your Yike stock price didn't rise, so you still made money by doing short selling yourself!

Rhubarb always found an emotional support point.

That afternoon, Mr. Dahuang held a meeting as usual, one of which focused on investment cooperation with Bear Stearns.

The market competition of offline electrical appliance chains has entered the capital era. Due to the previous drag, Gome has been unable to catch up with Suning. Therefore, the integration of investment in other domestic retail stores is a new approach that can also boost its own stock price.

However, at night, Mr. Dahuang suddenly received an urgent call from the investment manager.

"Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang, Bear Stearns' attitude suddenly became ambiguous!"

Mr. Dahuang frowned: "What is ambiguity?"

"It was Frank who contacted us. He said that he was going back to the United States to handle the headquarters for reporting and business processing, and that China's business would be temporarily suspended."

Mr. Dahuang frowned even more: "Temporary suspension? What does this mean? When will the new person in charge come?"

"I don't know. Frank didn't say anything. I asked other people at Bear Stearns and they said that the losses in HSBC's mortgage business attracted everyone's attention and that the business lines may face adjustments."

Mr. Dahuang ended the call.


HSBC, why can't you be more enthusiastic?

Mr. Dahuang walked to the window and quietly looked at the night outside. Will the temporary suspension turn into a complete termination?

What is the situation over there in the United States?

If Bear Stearns cannot continue to invest, how can Gome's retail integration continue?

Mr. Dahuang's heart was filled with clouds, he had a bad premonition and was in a very bad mood.

If something goes wrong this time, the fellow helpers introduced earlier may not be so quiet.

Dahuang always let out a sigh of relief and no longer had the energy to pay attention to other things.

His emotional support was running low.

Save it.

Fang Zhuo, who returned to China, didn't know that so many people who cared about him had experienced emotional changes.

Although he arrived in Shanghai, he was still thinking about Silicon Valley. The progress of the R\u0026D center was largely out of his control and depended on what those people could achieve.

However, just when Fang Zhuo adjusted his mentality and prepared to do some pre-year work for domestic companies, he unexpectedly received calls from leaders of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

On February 7, A-shares, which had just exceeded 3,000 points a while ago and continued to rise to 3,100 points, suddenly opened and fell all the way after a two-day weekend break, falling below the 3,000-point mark in one morning.

According to the leadership, you, Mr. Fang, just accept interviews from the media. What kind of "technical adjustments" are you going to make if you have nothing to do?

These days, because of Lehman, the attention is already high, but suddenly there is a line in a specific background. Do you really think that others have not watched the TV series?

Fang Zhuo firmly denied this, believing that it had nothing to do with him and was just a coincidence.

If you want to accuse me of a "technical adjustment" today, I will be interviewed again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and encounter the stock market situation. Is it too difficult to survive this day?

Besides, my "technical adjustment" is clearly about US stocks. Why are you panicking about A shares?

At the end of the phone call, Fang Zhuo said goodbye to the leader who complained, promised not to talk nonsense again, and ended the call to accuse him.

how can that be possible?

There must be a mistake.

Fang Zhuo continued to attend company meetings normally at Hang Lung 23 and discussed increasing the R\u0026D budget.

At noon, he went downstairs to have dinner with Su Wei. While eating, he talked about the boss's phone call in the morning.

"Oh, this, the interview you accepted on the 4th, on the 5th and 6th, many people were popularizing the origin and background of your adjustment. Anyway, Zhihu is quite lively." Su Wei knew the situation, "The situation is In this way, it is unclear whether this caused panic."

Fang Zhuo: "..."

In fact, at present, there is really little relationship between domestic and foreign countries. It is only 3,000 o'clock, and it has not even reached the time when the rooster crows in the middle of the night.

He pondered for a long time and said: "It's okay, Ping An will be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange soon, and the price will go back up soon."

Su Wei smiled and said: "Really? Then I want to make some pocket money."

Fang Zhuo quickly stopped him: "Stop, don't get involved in this, otherwise you won't know what will be put on me."

Su Wei was just joking, put down her chopsticks, and said, "The hotel is ready for the Spring Festival. We are going to have a lively New Year this year."

Fang Zhuo nodded. He originally wanted his family to go to the United States to celebrate the New Year, so that he could easily follow the progress of the R\u0026D center, but then he thought, it was already the New Year, so he had better make his parents and uncle happy.

Therefore, this year I simply went with my plan and let the whole big family celebrate the New Year in Shanghai.

And the same goes for the Su family.

Fang Zhuo actually didn't like this kind of atmosphere, but his parents must like it, so that's what he did.

Another day passed, despite the cloudy technical adjustment, the A-share market still exceeded 3,000 points.

Fang Zhuo took the time to post on a related topic on Zhihu: Look, I’ll just say it has nothing to do with me.

Another day later, A-shares fell below 3,000 points for the second time.

Official reports have begun to appear in the media.

——"Fang Zhuo's Technical Adjustment Shock Wave"

——"Mainland's richest man is bearish on stock market conditions"

——"After HSBC and Lehman, Mainland A-shares turned out to be the next victim"

——"Technical adjustments are definitely not unintentional remarks"

Yes, Fang Zhuo doesn't intend to talk about related topics at all.

Not only did he over-associate, but he also connected with unrelated companies. Forget about Lehman, what does HSBC have to do with it? Why are you the victim? HSBC itself would not agree with such an argument!

On February 10, there is only one week left before the Spring Festival. There is already a festive atmosphere in China, but HSBC abroad is still brewing a thunderstorm impact.

On this day, Fang Zhuo received calls from Lao Xiong and Wang Xing of Friends Network.

Both men talked about one issue - whether should raise funds again to continue to compete with Penguin's dating network.

Fang Zhuo did not give a clear response on the phone. Instead, he contacted Sina Wang Yan to inquire about the Weibo project and decided to fly to Beijing before the holiday.

Today's is at a huge disadvantage in terms of the number of users. It cannot come up with tactics to match Penguin's traffic and can only continue to spend money on shopping.

It is possible to fight, but is it still necessary to fight when Penguin attaches great strategic importance to it?

Fang Zhuo decided to push forward.

Before flying to the capital, he asked Sina to release two signals.

First, may be in acquisition negotiations with Facebook, and the latter may join the Chinese market competition.

Second, Fang Zhuo believes that can use the current number of users to try to software-ify the Internet, that is, communication software.

As many people know, some of Sina's attitudes are Mr. Fang's.

Penguin, who accurately received the signal, immediately held an intense meeting to discuss the possible new opponent Fb.

And, is Fang Zhuo going to madly attack Penguin’s traffic base?

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