Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 816 Farewell

——"Lehman, are you okay?" 》

When Weibo netizens started talking about it, the portal Sohu soon used such a sentence as a title, reviewing the reasons why Lehman Investment Bank attracted so much attention.

From August last year to March this year, the Chinese people experienced a change in their perception of it.

——Wow, international investment bank!

——Hi, you are indeed an international investment bank!

--Huh? Lehman fell?

——Ha, Mr. Fang is still awesome!

——Come on, Mr. Fang will take us to rush again!

——My surname is Lei, are you going to die?

Today, China Internet claims that two groups are involved in the short-selling of Lehman, and there are many amateur reserves who are always observing the dynamics of this international investment bank.

Since HSBC's writedown, institutions including New Century Financial Corporation have experienced problems and even closed down.

A reporter from Sohu Finance described it this way in the manuscript, "When you find a cockroach at home, the dark places may already be crawling with cockroaches."

Finally, he gave an extremely pessimistic attitude, believing that Lehman may face huge losses in related businesses like HSBC!

So pessimistic!

Weibo netizens are extremely sad and happy!

Just when Fang Zhuo went to the capital to report the development of ice cores to the leaders in person and discuss corporate needs with his acquaintances, Weibo had already begun to spontaneously translate and discuss foreign reports on the financial market.

Because there is a word limit on Weibo, such discussions quickly spread to blogs and Zhihu.

On March 23, the blog translated a report from Wall Street media, which still said that New Century Financial Corporation, the second largest subprime mortgage company in the United States, might go bankrupt and liquidated.

By that evening, New Century Financial's executives refuted this statement to the media, saying that this was someone maliciously spreading rumors that the company was about to go bankrupt, which had caused serious damage to the company's reputation.

New Century will resolutely take legal measures to safeguard legitimate rights and interests against such malicious slander against the company.

The executive also said that the company has indeed encountered some operational difficulties, but New Century is confident that it will be able to overcome the current difficulties.

Netizens were so overwhelmed that they translated the two reports very faithfully and elegantly. In particular, the response from New Century executives was categorical and resounding.

On March 24, New Century Financial Company applied for bankruptcy protection to the Wilmington Court.

Chinese netizens thousands of miles away:? ? ?

This time, the translation of New Century's bankruptcy documents does not need to be so elegant, but requires accurate wording - New Century plans to sell most of its assets in the next 45 days and complete the layoff of 54% of its employees.

Affected by this news, the U.S. stock market fell sharply and led to a sharp decline in global stock markets.

Within a day, the Dow Jones Index fell 1.97%, the S\u0026P Index fell 2.04%, the German DAX Index fell 2.66%, the French CAC40 Index fell 2.52%, the British Financial Times Index fell 2.45%, the Nikkei 225 Index fell 2.92%, and the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index fell 2.66%. Down 2.57%…

People on the mainland Internet are furious, and the enthusiasm for discussion has skyrocketed.

Compared with the slow response speed of the financial section of portal websites, whether it is Zhihu, blogs, or Weibo, news is conveyed much faster.

Someone even really alarmed Mr. Fang who was busy reporting on the ice core.

——Brothers, I plan to go to the US stock market to buy the bottom. @Fang Zhuo, Mr. Fang, is that okay?

Fang Zhuo was really kind-hearted this time and didn't want to see others wearing straw sandals. He expressed his attitude just at night: Don't be stupid...

Don't be stupid. You can be forgiven for copying from the middle of the mountain. What's the matter with starting from the mountain?

The next day, Fang Zhuo inspected Sina Company and Sina Weibo in Beijing, and visited offline Tesco Electrical Appliances.

To this day, although Tesco Electrical Appliances has not expanded and is only providing assistance to online Tesco Electrical Appliances, it still has a good increase in performance. Liu Qiangdong, who has gradually taken charge of Tesco Electrical Appliances, has shown strong personal ability.

Everything was running normally, and the development and results of each company had to be tested by time. Fang Zhuo packed his bags and prepared to fly to the United States to make the final sprint for the release of Yike mobile phone.

That night, friends who knew that Mr. Fang was in Beijing and going to the United States held a cocktail party to see Mr. Fang off.

It is also inevitable to mention the dizzying situation recently.

Sina's Weibo is competing with Penguin's dating site.

Alibaba’s Taobao is competing with Penguin’s

Sohu and NetEase are reviewing emerging social platforms.

Dangdang has announced that it will vigorously develop warehousing, and Gome and Suning have frequently reported that they will pay more attention to the development role of the Internet.

Also, the ice core breakthrough was privately congratulated.

Of course, Zhang Chaoyang, Ding Lei, Xiong Xiaoge, Xu Xin and others are no different in their enthusiasm for discussing the US financial market. They are even more enthusiastic than ordinary netizens.

"Mr. Fang, tell me about the situation in the United States. In addition to shorting Lehman, can you also short other companies?" Zhang Chaoyang, who sang a song and received applause from the crowd, walked off the stage, drank and asked the core of today with a smile.

When the people around heard this, their ears perked up.

"It stands to reason that this is the case, but Lehman's short sale means it is short. Even if the short sale fails, it will only be less than 20 million US dollars." Fang Zhuo shrugged, "The U.S. market is changing rapidly. After all, we are not specialized in this, and we have only a little knowledge. You might have stepped into a trap.”

He noticed the gazes around him and said with a smile: "Anyway, that's what they say. You need to be cautious in financial management, and you need to be even more cautious if you want to go short. If you want to use leverage again, you should be cautious."

Xiong Xiaoge asked with a smile: "I originally wanted to give it a try, but Mr. Fang's words of caution made me feel unsure. So, Mr. Richest Man, how can we make money more safely?"

Fang Zhuo perked up: "Mr. Xiong asked a good question. It just so happens that there are no competitors today. I think this project of Tesco is very good. We are confident that we can launch it on the market in the future. Ice core can also be used."

Ding Lei joked: "Mr. Fang, you never mentioned Weibo."

Fang Zhuo became solemn: "Speaking of Weibo, we are also checking it out. Penguin's traffic is too strong. Whoever fights you knows. This time we have defeated the generals. It remains to be seen what will happen in the future." was acquired by Penguin.

Although the price is a bit high, it is indeed a defeat for Sina.

It's just that the first battle was defeated, and the second battle soon started.

Including Sina and investors, they have confidence. Looking at this social battle, apart from Mr. Fang ruthlessly stabbing Pony in the face, the competition trend needs to be looked at.

After all, Penguin is the king of traffic today.

However, its multi-front operations are also facing challenges.

Fang Zhuo's calm attitude made people silently nod in agreement.

The competition on Weibo was no longer mentioned, and the topic easily turned to Yike’s mobile phone business.

I have to drive to attend my cousin's last postponed wedding tonight, so I can only write these in a hurry.

I'll try to update as normal as possible tomorrow, and I'll update more in the next two days over the weekend.

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