Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 818 The first prey

On March 26, Fang Zhuo's team arrived in New York, USA, with Zhang Chaoyang and his assistant who had lost, slept, lost, slept, and lost.

Zhang Chaoyang was still reluctant to move from a private jet to a Rolls-Royce and wanted to drag Mr. Fang to continue playing cards.

But how should I put it, when it comes to playing cards, Fang Zhuo and Zhang Chaoyang are only average. The other two Yike executives are very high-level, so how they play cards is crucial.

Fang Zhuo realized the problem later in the game, so he declined Brother Chaoyang's request to lose cards on the grounds of his latest work report.

In the ten hours that the "Qingzi" was in the air, three more subprime mortgage companies in the United States announced their closure.

They didn't say how long it would be closed.

Since HSBC wrote down US$10.8 billion in assets, nearly 10 institutions in related fields have ceased operations and gone bankrupt one after another. Among them, New Century Financial Company is the one with the greatest impact.

Judging from the current situation, the problem is still concentrated in the field of subprime mortgage loans, but there is a tendency to spread to the financial system.

"Oh, the real estate industry in the United States is in big trouble." Zhang Chaoyang, who was standing next to him, saw the report written in Mr. Fang's hand.

"Yes, big trouble." Fang Zhuo considered that the current wave of business closures was like a wave. In addition to making money, it seemed that there were no high-quality assets suitable for Yike and Bingxin, and they still needed to wait. "Mr. Zhang, you are here." Come on, the red wine will be lost. How about holding a high-end wine tasting party with our red wine tomorrow night or the night after?"

Zhang Chaoyang's mood after losing cards suddenly became much calmer: "Okay."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, thinking about whom to invite.

Qualcomm will definitely come. We contacted them before flying to the United States and can check the ice core production capacity intention.

I wonder if the new head of Goldman Sachs can come over to have a relationship.

Sony's old Jazz Stringer was invited. At Sony's shareholder meeting that just ended, the board of directors led by Stringer was formally formed, with 12 external directors + 3 internal directors. His rights were greatly consolidated.

As a previous external director, even if he did not attend this time, Fang Zhuo still smoothly and evenly became one of the 12 external directors.

It is worth mentioning that Sony’s mobile phone department has been raised half a level, and the camera department has been taken into account from the structural point of view. This is Stringer’s sincere suggestion from Mr. Fang while cleaning up Sony’s internal electronic product factions.

Fang Zhuo's thoughts turned around, and the people who needed to be invited came to mind inexorably. Google, New York Stock Exchange, T-Mobile...

"Mr. Fang, I heard that you and Pony are having a serious quarrel. If we have a chance, we can hold a wine tasting party or something in the country. Let's sit down together and everything will be over." Zhang Chaoyang suddenly remembered the rumors he had heard.

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly and said nothing.

Zhang Chaoyang continued to advise: "Yes, let go of old grudges with a smile, and let go of grudges with a smile. Regarding business competition, there is no need to ruin the relationship in private."

"How can I say it's Brother Chaoyang?" Fang Zhuo said, "This matter has been over for me a long time ago. You should tell Pony this next time you see him."

Zhang Chaoyang felt that all the dating sites were sold, and Sina was still unconvinced and wanted to fight on social media again. Mr. Fang was somewhat dissatisfied with the Penguin Learning Farm game. It would seem that Mr. Fang was very prosperous.

The two chatted for a while, Fang Zhuo answered two phone calls, and the car arrived at the hotel.

At noon, Zhang Chaoyang warmed up a bottle of red wine for the wine tasting with great interest.

Fang Zhuo was not good at red wine, so he sipped the wine while listening to Brother Chaoyang's talk about the quality of the wine.

However, a call from Qimonda President Luo Jianhua interrupted the process.

Since Qimonda became independent from Infineon, Luo Jianhua, the first head of the company, has done well, seeking partners around the world, successfully listing Qimonda in New York, and ambitiously expanding production capacity.

However, the call he made betrayed some concern.

"Mr. Fang, I think the Lin'an factory we cooperate with can increase its production capacity less quickly."

Bingxin Lin'an Factory was born for storage. It accepts Qimonda's 110nm, 90nm, and 80nm DRAM trench technologies to develop and sell niche storage, that is, low-end products.

According to the plan, the Lin'an factory will be able to start OEM work for Qimonda in July this year.

At the same time, the promising process breakthroughs of the Luzhou plant will also boost the prospects of the Lin'an plant in the storage field.

"Mr. Luo, what's changed?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"The price of storage products may have a relatively large downward trend." Luo Jianhua's voice was solemn.

Fang Zhuo's eyes moved slightly, and he asked based on the price of his own Yike purchase: "The price of our mobile phone pre-purchase before was almost 12 US dollars per 1G. Can we wait a little longer now?"

"It will fall to US$10 in the near future." Luo Jianhua said about the latest price, and added, "It is very likely that it will not be able to stop at US$10."

From US$12/1G to US$10/1G, storage costs are reduced by 16.6%.

Considering the profit margins left by storage manufacturers, it may not be enough for them to break the bank.

But the price drop is due to the industry's forced expansion of production capacity, its consistent counter-cyclical approach, and the financial crisis in the future...

There is a high probability that storage prices will continue to fall.

Fang Zhuo has been thinking about the cost of Yike mobile phones. Now it seems that storage parts must be invested first.

Yike mobile phone must have at least two versions, 4G and 8G, so the original storage cost is 48 and 96 US dollars.

I am even considering whether to get the 16G version, which is $192.

If the downward trend continues, storage, which accounts for a considerable proportion of the cost, can save a lot of space.

"Our niche storage should not fluctuate much, but Qimonda should pay attention." Fang Zhuo first pointed out one point and then reminded the other party.

Luo Jianhua sighed: "Yes, it depends on where the bottom of this cycle is. I think 7-8 US dollars is an acceptable position. Mr. Fang, let me be blunt. Considering the risks in the future, Qimonda plans to We are building a new R\u0026D center and are now considering placing it in mainland China. Where do you think it is suitable?"

Fang Zhuo analyzed the information in these words.

The head of Qimonda has put the storage price at US$7-8.

Then, the future must be worse than he expected!

In this case, if Yike Mobile can negotiate with operators, it will abandon the 4G version and go directly to 8G and 16G, which will provide you with higher quality at the same price.

If negotiations fail, the 4G version can also be more competitive in price.

Qimonda's so-called considerations are probably more based on cost, reducing the budget of the R\u0026D center.

Fang Zhuo thought deeply and said, "Choose one of the two, Lin'an or Shencheng."

"I thought you would add Luzhou." Luo Jianhua said unexpectedly.

"From an objective perspective, I can help fight for better policies in both cities." Fang Zhuo provided help to his partners.

Luo Jianhua immediately expressed his gratitude, which was also the main purpose of his call.

He talked about the ice core manufacturing process and looked forward to more cooperation prospects with Qimonda.

Fang Zhuo listened to the words of the Qimonda leader and looked forward to the future in his heart.

The future is bad, worse than anyone imagined.

Such a Qimonda.

A slightly fragile larva that is separated from its mother and faces both industry cycles and financial turmoil is likely to be in great danger.

I wonder if it would be inconvenient for Goldman Sachs to short Qimonda at the right time.

Fang Zhuo licked the red wine on his lips, sighed deeply, and echoed the voice on the phone that he couldn't hear clearly because he was distracted: "Indeed, Mr. Luo, this is bad news, Qimonda should pay attention."

Zhang Chaoyang looked at the smile on Mr. Fang's face, held back his surprise, and took another sip of wine.

This red wine is really good.

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