Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 834 He is right (4k)

From the launch of Yike Mobile Mars to the launch of Apple iPhone, two touch-screen smartphones in distant foreign markets have caught the attention of Chinese manufacturers, media, and consumers.

However, for consumers, these are not worthy of attention. There is no large-scale 3G publicity in China, and commercialization is still far away. On the contrary, manufacturers and media are paying more attention.

In particular, Di Zhiyang, vice president of Lenovo Mobile Phones, which has the largest domestic mobile phone market share, made a "devil heretic" comment, which stirred up waves, representing the attitude of many manufacturers towards Yike Mars.

Too radical, too non-mainstream, too unconventional!

Yike Company did not respond to this, and the Zhihu website, which initially focused on discussing Yike mobile phones, was not easy to deflect.

After all, people like Di Zhiyang are experienced and professional enough. It just so happens that Yike Company launches a mobile phone product for the first time.

Xiong Xiaoge is the co-founder who promotes the development of the Zhihu website. He wants to make this project a success from the bottom of his heart. He still firmly believes in the prospects of Yike Mobile and knows that Mr. Fang has invested a lot of energy in this product.

And, even though Yi Ke is silent now, he also believes that he will respond when necessary.

When is it necessary?

The reorganization of the six major operators has been completed, the 3G era has begun in the mainland, and Yike Company has officially stood on the starting line of the domestic market.

Xiong Xiaoge is patient and even interested in waiting for news before and after the launch of Yike Mars.

As a close partner of Mr. Fang, he also knew an inside message. One of Yike's key domestic tasks in the second half of the year was to win the naming rights for next year's Spring Festival Gala.

It seems that this should be part of Yike Mars’ domestic promotion next year.

However, he did not expect that CCTV Finance would get such a high-profile response from Mr. Fang.

The domineering spirit is domineering, the rich man's spirit is the rich man's spirit, but the Thousand Layers of Waves is even more Thousand Layers of Waves!

The opinions and evaluations of manufacturers headed by Di Zhiyang were not dissuaded by Mr. Fang, and their experience in working in the mobile phone industry became more and more gushing out.

However, Yike Company did not respond with public opinion in response to the boss's words, as if this was an accidental interview that only caused waves because of the wide audience of CCTV Finance and Mr. Fang's reputation.

Time has entered July, Mr. Fang has not accepted any more interviews from domestic media, and Yike Company has also remained silent. The corresponding remarks of some domestic brands have not stopped. Instead, with the statistics of mobile phone sales in the first half of the year, they have reached a peak.

On July 15, Di Zhiyang attended the China Mobile Phone Industry Summit in Beijing and talked about his sales.

"Lenovo's mobile phone sales in the first half of the year were 5.31 million units. It is still the number one domestic mobile phone and only ranks fifth in the country after Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and Sony Ericsson."

"But we are very close to the fourth-placed Sony Ericsson mobile phone. We will work hard in the second half of the year and strive to be fourth in sales by the end of the year."

"What does the success of Lenovo mobile phones rely on?"

"First of all, it's definitely not a glass body or a touch screen."

Di Zhiyang's words caused laughter from some colleagues.

Well, when it comes to making mobile phones and competing in the market, forget it at the beginning, but you suddenly want to "take me as the standard" or "kindly remind you". This is too much.

No matter who you are, if you are new to the game, you must have a new-to-the-game attitude!

"Secondly, it is important to respect the needs of consumers and give them the dual-SIM dual-standby, GPS positioning, music and images they want."

Di Zhiyang, with the sales volume of 5.31 million Lenovo mobile phones, talked about his own success.

5.31 million mobile phones, which is enough to be proud of!

However, Tang Zexing, senior vice president of Tianyu Mobile Phones, the second largest company in China, spoke. He expressed his dissatisfaction and also took a cue from Yike Mobile Phones, which was not present at the summit.

"Mr. Di, I want to give you a kind reminder." Tang Zexing deliberately paused, which again attracted laughter from his colleagues.

Di Zhiyang picked up the phone and answered: "Mr. Tang, tell me."

"You Lenovo mobile phones can't just look forward. We Tianyu are chasing closely behind you. You had 5.31 million units in the first half of the year, and we Tianyu also had 4.95 million units." Tang Zexing said with a smile, "You are not a glass body, and we are not glass either. As for the fuselage, your quality is reliable, and our quality is also reliable. Our goal at the end of the year is to surpass Lenovo mobile phones!"

Di Zhiyang pretended to ponder: "I accept Mr. Tang's kind reminder. After all, chasing sales from 4.95 million units to 5.31 million is more worrying than catching up from 0."

At the mobile phone industry summit, the two top executives of domestic mobile phones did not mention "Yike Mars and Mr. Fang" at all, but made fun of "Yike Mars and Mr. Fang" every sentence.

Their combined sales volume in the first half of the year was 10.26 million units!

It can be called the leader of domestic mobile phones, and it also plays a role in guiding public opinion.

At the summit, many people were watching the excitement.

This meeting, called the "China Mobile Phone Industry Summit", did not include any foreign brands, but as many as 48 domestic mobile phone manufacturers participated.

As of July, the number of domestic mobile phone companies with brands was 79, and the number of brands owned was 98. In the first half of the year alone, the number of mobile phone models that obtained terminal network access licenses reached 1,645.

It can be said that all famous domestic mobile phone manufacturers are present at this summit.

Di Zhiyang and Tang Zexing's teasing made the atmosphere in the conference hall quite cheerful.

At this time, as an important person picked up the microphone, many manufacturers stopped the discussion and laughter to give them space to speak.

MediaTek Chairman Cai Mingjie attended the summit.

He attached great importance to this event, and because of his usual rigor, he even wrote a special speech.

At this time, Cai Mingjie held the microphone in his right hand and the speech script in his left hand. He was obviously speaking but did not speak for nearly ten seconds.

As the largest supplier of mobile phone chips in the mainland, the boss's seemingly forgotten words did not make everyone impatient, but instead made everyone waiting.

Cai Mingjie still read the speech: "From 2006 to the first half of this year, China's mobile phone industry has developed rapidly, regardless of mobile phone brand or..."

He stopped again.

This time, Cai Mingjie did not pause for too long. He put away his speech directly, faced the surprised gazes of many Chinese mobile phone manufacturers, and said slowly: "I just heard the discussion between Mr. Di of Lenovo Mobile Phone and Mr. Tang of Tianyu Mobile Phone. I have something to say. If you don’t vomit, you won’t be happy.”

Di Zhiyang and Tang Zexing nodded one after another, indicating that the Chinese mobile phone chip supplier could have fun, and he was the most qualified to have fun today.

Cai Mingjie is nearly sixty years old, but his three consecutive sentences into the microphone are brief and powerful.

"I'm optimistic about Yike Mobile Phone!"

"I'm optimistic about Android!"

"Mr. Fang and I have similar views!"

As soon as these three sentences came out, the whole hall was shocked!

Who is Cai Mingjie?

It can be said that it is precisely because of the development strategy of him and MediaTek that nearly 50 mobile phone manufacturers can appear at this industry summit today.

MediaTek shipped 100 million sets of mobile phone chips in the first half of this year, 95% of which were supplied to the mainland market!

Of the 48 mobile phone manufacturers on site, 46 may have models using MediaTek chips!

How to quickly manufacture a mobile phone?

MediaTek’s solution + mobile phone case + battery board = finished mobile phone.

Once you have the finished mobile phone, you will have to fight for marketing, channels, and market competition.

When a big boss who dominated the mobile phone market spoke, the cheerful atmosphere caused by the teasing between Di and Tang in the previous summit was suddenly wiped away.

Mr. Cai threw away his speech and suddenly supported Mr. Fang...

This is so unexpected!

In particular, Di Zhiyang and Tang Zexing, who had just finished their yin and yang tantrums, were confused and embarrassed.

Di Zhiyang even picked up the microphone, but hesitated and did not turn on the microphone.

MediaTek is an important partner of Lenovo. Before the official start of the summit, he had a pleasant chat with Xu Zhiqiang, the general manager of MediaTek's wireless communications division. In the blink of an eye, Mr. Cai Mingjie gave him a heavy blow.

But the old gentleman can give himself a blow. If he has a dispute and affects the good relationship between the two families, it may not be easy to handle.

Di Zhiyang adjusted his sitting posture and sat upright, with a serious look on his face and a pain in his heart.

"I think Yike Mars is a good mobile phone." Cai Mingjie once again clearly expressed a completely different view from the mainstream, "I am looking forward to its competitive performance with Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, and Apple."

He mentioned all well-known companies in the global industry and companies with similar competing products, which made some people curl their lips.

"I saw in the news that Mr. Fang gave a kind reminder. I think this reminder may be too kind. He should have said it more clearly."

"Today's domestic market has many domestic brands and many styles of mobile phones. It is both fiercely competitive and full of vitality."

“However, Nokia, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson are all making mobile phone prices lower and lower, and the Android system jointly developed by Yike and Google is open source and smart. I believe that Android will bring great benefits to the global mobile phone industry. Variety."

"Next year, the year after, and in the future, fierce competition will become fierce."

"Most of the domestic mobile phone manufacturers will die, and most of you here will die."

"President Fang said that a new era is coming."

"I would like to say that how to survive in this new era is a question that many manufacturers here need to seriously consider."

Cai Mingjie didn't care at all how explosive his words were.

From last year to this year, the domestic mobile phone market has been booming. One brand after another has been established, and sales have been increasing. Domestic mobile phones have appeared, such as Lenovo and Tianyu, which can impact Sony Ericsson's sales position. The policy is about to cancel the nine-year "mobile phone policy". "License" system.

Now, a big man with great influence in the supply chain of the mobile phone industry comes out and says "survive", which is extremely impactful.

Tianyu mobile phones also have many models that use MediaTek chips, but Tang Zexing has a more reckless personality.

Hearing these words that he strongly disagreed with, he picked up the microphone and said, "Chairman Cai, are these words a bit alarmist? Fierce competition will eliminate some brands, but it won't be to the extent you said, right? "

Cai Mingjie turned his head to look at Tang Zexing and said nothing.

Tang Zexing felt a little rushed after being looked at like this, so he tried to smooth things over and said with a smile: "Chairman Cai, Yike's mobile phone has not been sold yet. We and Lenovo both sold 10 million units in the first half of the year." , you can’t be too partial.”

Cai Mingjie did not criticize the partners' executives, but finally said: "I am just a kind reminder, thank you all."

Following President Fang’s kind reminder, MediaTek’s head, Cai Mingjie, also gave a kind reminder in front of 48 domestic mobile phone manufacturers, and expressed his undoubted support for Fangzhuo and Yike Mars.

Mr. Fang: Let me prevail.

Mr. Cai: He is right.

The atmosphere at the summit became strange and awkward.

Yike Mars is defined as "non-mainstream", and the current mobile phone manufacturers are naturally mainstream.

However, the head of the largest chip and solution supplier behind the scenes suddenly reacted in public at an industry summit, which simply turned the mainstream public opinion and judgment of this period into a joke.

Di Zhiyang from Lenovo Mobile and Tang Zexing from Tianyu Mobile did not speak again until the end of the summit.

Many mobile phone manufacturers are thinking invariably, what is going on here?

The next day, some reports about the China Mobile Phone Industry Summit were released. In addition to the conventional content, it was inevitable to highlight the judgment from the head of MediaTek.

——"MediaTek: The first issue in the future is to survive!" 》

——"MediaTek Chairman supports Yike Mobile Mars! 》

——"Which one is more important?" Zero sales is greater than tens of millions of sales? 》

——"What is the magic power of the Yike mobile phone that has not yet been released? 》

——"Head of MediaTek: The party shall prevail!" 》

Unlike Yike, which is new to the industry, MediaTek has a great influence on domestic manufacturers. Cai Mingjie's solemn speech really made some people think about this so-called Android system and Yike Mars.

Yike Company has remained silent from beginning to end, and many media interview requests have been politely declined.

What is the magic power of Yike Mars?

Why did it win the favor of the chairman of MediaTek when one unit was not sold?

For now, this remains a confusing question.

A wave of public opinion on Yike mobile phones has passively died down. In addition to causing some industry talk, the entire market is still experiencing rapid development and fierce competition.

On July 21, Cai Mingjie, who returned to Baodao, called Mr. Fang, President of Yike, who was far away in Silicon Valley, after listening to MediaTek’s high-profile report.

In fact, this is not the first time he has called Mr. Fang recently.

Before the joint press conference between Yike and Google, Cai Mingjie made four calls with the purpose of getting MediaTek to join the Open Mobile Alliance led by Google.

Unfortunately, this goal was not achieved.

In the whole of China, only China Unicom and Yike have become founding members of the Open Mobile Phone Alliance.

According to Cai Mingjie, who is concerned about this matter, originally Google was more interested in China Mobile, but under Mr. Fang’s promotion, China Unicom became a member of the alliance and will launch mobile devices supporting the Android platform and mobile devices based on the Android platform in the Chinese market in the future. Developed services.

"Hey, Mr. Fang, our engineers said that the work in Silicon Valley is going well, and we are expected to try the actual effect of the chip in the fourth quarter, which is gratifying." Cai Mingjie did not mention the mobile phone alliance again.

If it doesn’t work this time, then try your best next time, and you will eventually win the favor of the Open Handset Alliance.

He is now more concerned about the chip design cooperation between MediaTek and Yike.

"This is the speed of MediaTek." Fang Zhuo praised on the phone, "It's really not easy."

Cai Mingjie is not modest. He really worked overtime to come up with this, but the effect needs to be verified.

He didn't talk about the industry summit he attended in the mainland a few days ago. Instead, he asked about the sales of Yike's competitor Apple.

"From the 29th to now, Apple has not released figures." Fang Zhuo first said the public information, and then said, "But it should be good. We speculate that in just 22 days, its sales may have exceeded 500,000 units or close to it."

This is the speculation of Yike and T-Mobile.

There is another side evidence that Fang Zhuo did not mention. Another operator, V, suddenly came to the door 20 days after the release of the Apple mobile phone. Such a change must come from the market.

Neither Apple nor AT\u0026T released figures, and Schmidt was kicked out again. Sales can only be guessed and felt.

Cai Mingjie was surprised: "So fast?"

If the sales volume of 500,000 mobile phones is based on Apple's price, then the revenue will be at least US$100 million.

What is this concept?

Lenovo Mobile's revenue in fiscal year 2006 was US$126 million.

"Sales in the early stage are usually faster, and we need to observe the follow-up." Fang Zhuo is very calm. From the current point of view, most of Apple's sales rely on operator channels.

"Mr. Fang, Yike Mars will be released in December, and I must go to the United States to support it on-site." Cai Mingjie planned to have a face-to-face discussion with Mr. Fang about future cooperation.

"Hahaha, Mr. Cai, you are so polite. If you want to come, tell me in advance. I will send a plane to pick you up. Let's see the effect of MediaTek's chip together." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

The two chatted for a few more words, ending this cross-ocean exchange.

After putting down his phone, Fang Zhuo thought about MediaTek's speed and had to admit that MediaTek was indeed better than Morningstar Semiconductor.

Chenxing can't even try to sidetrack him, so... he may have to pay some tuition fees.

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