Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 837 Propaganda

Black Jobs and white Fangzhuo.

Apple and Yike have been battling in the music player market for the past few years.

The iPhone sells more than half a million units a month and Mars is about to be released on Christmas.

When such a talk show ended, the two hosts Carla and Walter were all smiles. Especially Carla, who had made this plan, wanted to drag Jobs and Fang Zhuo to take a selfie with the four of them using the fresh Mars.

Just like the widely circulated "Iron Triangle" photo.

Jobs declined the invitation expressionlessly.

He only chatted with Fang Zhuo for a few more words before leaving.

"I heard that Schmidt became a director of Yike Company? This is very interesting."

"Yike got a lot of iPhone information from Schmidt, right?"

Jobs said this without any emotion.

Schmidt, a Google CEO, jumped from Apple director to Yike director, hurriedly and seemingly on a mission.

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised that Jobs would finally talk to him about this.

He said with a smile: "Yike and Google are close partners. Isn't it normal that Schmidt is willing to become a director of Yike? As for why he left Apple and why he abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, this requires Apple to reflect."

"It's not that he left, it was that he had to leave." Jobs took two steps to the side and asked about Schmidt's question, "Isn't Yike taking a lot of targeted actions because of Schmidt's information?"

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly and admitted: "Yes, after looking at the iPhone, Mars made a targeted pile of information. As soon as he saw the 0-pixel front camera of the iPhone, Mars immediately raised it to 1 million."

Jobs was teased. He stared at Fang Zhuo and said, "Without Schmidt as the mole, the competition has just begun."

Fang Zhuo was a little dissatisfied: "Jobs, Mr. Qiao, I don't understand the grudge between you and Schmidt. I'm very surprised that you are so resentful. If Schmidt hurts you, I will take my place." Our partners offer you our sincere apologies.”

"As for the follow-up competition you mentioned...what will next year's iPhone be like?"

"Stick to the golden ratio of 3.5 inches? Learn from Mars and make a front-facing camera? Also start to join the 3G camp?"

Fang Zhuo spread his hands and said with a smile: "What else can we do? We don't have to develop our own chips, right?"

Jobs's heart skipped a beat, Schmidt, Schmidt!

His expression remained unchanged, he shook his head and commented: "Schmitt can treat Apple like this for the sake of Google's mobile portal, and he will definitely treat Yike the same way in the future for the sake of greater interests."

"Yike and Google are close partners. This will become an increasingly unshakable reality with the success of Mars." Fang Zhuo said lightly, "Besides, Schmidt belongs to Google, but Google is not Shi Mith’s.”

The two heads of Apple and Yike completed an exchange of views on Schmidt.

Jobs turned around and left. At least, the US market may not be able to tell the difference.

Fang Zhuo said to this person’s back: “I’m waiting for next year’s iPhone.”

Jobs didn't respond.

Fang Zhuo said goodbye to the two hosts very simply, and after getting in the car, he informed the staff that he would not come to the All Things Digital Conference again. Although he met Steve Jobs here, he didn't like such a little surprise very much.

Talk shows still need time to air.

When Yu Hong heard about such a small change, she made a special trip to inquire about the recording situation. She wanted to know if the scene had become chaotic and whether the two had fought.

"I'm here to convey the brand image, so why fight? He is an old man, and I am a good man. At most, I can only argue a little bit about each other's products."

"He seems to be a little concerned about Schmidt. As for other things, we are more confident in the future of touch-screen mobile phones."

"Nokia is our common challenge."

Fang Zhuo replied.

Yu Hong said leisurely: "I still remember that Steve Jobs once criticized our player for having no soul. I have always wanted to find an opportunity to retaliate with the truth. I thought you could repay it this time."

Fang Zhuo pondered without saying a word, talking about it, talking about it... Liu Shui was both competing to be the first, and he was also gushing.

I, as a competitor, will really have the opportunity to comment in the future.

The iPhone has no soul.


As the beginning of Yike's promotion, Google's YouTube began to push advertisements for Mars mobile phones on a large scale on the site.

One is to edit the clips from Yike’s press conference.

The second is to take a one-handed selfie operation that emphasizes the front-facing features of Mars.

Third, God bought a Mars for Christmas, and Santa Claus was pulled by a reindeer to deliver the goods to your door.

Yike's advertisements are more interesting to shoot, but the free creations of netizens are even more interesting.

YouTube is a video website with a strong creative atmosphere, and some users personified the third advertisement.

——God was pasted with Steve Jobs’s head, Santa Claus was pasted with Schmidt’s head, the reindeer was pasted with Legere’s head, and as for Fang Zhuo…

——When God opened the Mars in his hand, Fang Zhuo’s smiling avatar appeared on the phone screen.

——The smiling Fang Zhuo was processed into what he himself said to Steve Jobs on a talk show: "Don't think about it, try the selfie function first."

——The last one is the real selfie of the second meeting that Fang Zhuo posted on Facebook.

The playback volume of freely created parody videos on YouTube has been rising rapidly, and the comment area is particularly active.

Just when Yike was hesitating whether this was not good for the brand image, Apple sent a letter to YouTube asking to remove the video. YouTube ignored it and was sued, but this in turn inspired users' creative enthusiasm.

When Fang Zhuo saw this situation, he was quite dumbfounded.

It can only be said that the talk show cited was not in vain. It really contributed a lot of expressions and lines of material, and it may even be resurfaced long after.

But this kind of enthusiasm did deviate slightly from his expectations.

Fortunately, the polishing and optimization of Yike Mars this month has been carried out as planned, and the battery heating problem that has troubled the R\u0026D team since the beginning of the year has finally been effectively solved.

At this point, the hardware of Yike mobile phone is basically completed, and the remaining time needs to deal with some minor problems and continuous optimization of the Android system.

It was only at this point that the R\u0026D center had the energy to solve the new requirement put forward by Mr. Fang - a mobile phone accessory that can effectively solve the battery life of mobile phones, a power bank.

On the last day of August, Fang Zhuo agreed to Stanford's invitation to discuss cooperation with the algorithm research there, and by the way, he would also be a guest at the business school.

Yike has been recruiting people vigorously from last year to this year. In order to continuously build mobile phone imaging functions, it officially established an algorithm department in late late - the word "algorithm" is now almost never used in cameras.

The front camera is just the beginning of Mars. If this easily imitated feature wants to continue to become a feature of mobile phones, more efforts must be made.

However, just when Fang Zhuo was considering Stanford's cooperation, publicity, and chicken soup, the first research report from the New York Stock Exchange, "The Development and Deterioration of Lehman Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities," dealt a heavy blow to Lehman's stock price.

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