Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 839 Injured

Stanford has close ties with Silicon Valley.

When Fang Zhuoren came to the business school, the current hot topics were simple questions and sharing. His main business point of view here today was to advocate globalization and talk about the changes and challenges brought about by globalization.

Just as the New York Times tried to use the case of Lehman to illustrate the proposition that financial risks in the United States are so great, it also used its own Yike as a sample of the development of globalization.

"As everyone knows, our Yike Mars will be released in December before Christmas."

"Mars is expected to complete FCC certification by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission next month. The European market may be more complicated, but it will also be completed in October."

"At this moment, orders for the machine parts we need have been placed in various countries and regions around the world."

"Glass from the German SCHOTT Group is loaded onto the freighter. This 123-year-old factory has tried new processes for the needs of the Mars glass fuselage."

"Camera experts from Japan's Sony Group have arrived in Silicon Valley. They are the best camera practitioners in the industry and will try to better transplant technology in the camera field to mobile phones."

"Qualcomm's chips are put on airplanes. These chips are specially designed for the Android system and are among the best in the global industry."

"There are also storage products from South Korea and China's Baodao that were shipped to the mainland of China with sorrowful expressions by their respective companies. They have not been having a good time recently, but they have successfully reduced the costs of both Yike Mars and Apple iPhone."

"Oh, yes, Apple also lost 6% of its market value because of this."

Fang Zhuo not only talked about the product composition in the era of globalization, but also talked about the first-class performance of his own mobile phones. He said with emotion: "It is this kind of globalization that can give birth to products like Mars, and can allow me to stand here holding the phone with Google." , Qualcomm and other partners worked together to launch Mars and everyone talked about it."

"Freighters, planes, and buses from different regions operate together in the entire production chain. Elites, talents, and experts in different languages ​​work together for open source Android. I like this kind of globalization. I have always believed that there is a kind of connection in the same world. A great romance.”

"The birth of Mars is the crystallization of such romance."

Fang Zhuo casually showed off the mobile phone in his hand, never forgetting to promote the company's products.

He saw the students in the first row trying to lean forward, trying to see Mars' true face, and some were taking photos of themselves and Mars with their mobile phones.

Fang Zhuo smiled, took a few steps forward, and threw the optimized Mars to the students in the first row. He continued to talk about the challenges brought about by globalization. This time, he used Apple, a company he was familiar with, as an example.

Apple launched the iPhone in the U.S. market at the end of June. After more than two months, it finally announced that it will be launched in the European market next month. The cooperative telecom operators are O2 in the UK and Orange in France.

However, these two operators have not provided user subsidies, and the European price of the iPhone is the retail price of US$399/499.

Because Apple has not even opened a single experience store in Europe, its sales in Europe must rely entirely on local operators.

It is almost certain that the iPhone will not perform well in the European market.

This is Fang Zhuo’s example of the challenges that globalization brings to company operations, not only products, but also extremely difficult cooperation with different companies in different regions.

"So how did Yike solve this problem?" A teacher couldn't help but ask, because he heard Mr. Fang exaggerating the difficulty of negotiating with operators.

"I noticed that a photo from Yike's press conference was widely circulated. Even some media used and adopted the comments of netizens, including Google, which needs a mobile entrance, Yike, which is building new businesses, and T, which is focusing on the 3G field. -The leaders of the three mobile companies call it the 'iron triangle'." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "I quite agree with this title, and it is precisely because of our unusual relationship with T-Mobile, Yike and Deutsche Telekom Only then can there be deeper cooperation.”

"Can we now consider that Lehman's short bet on Yike failed?" The student in the first row returned the phone and couldn't help but bring the topic back to Lehman.

Since the release of Mars, Yike's stock price has fallen sharply, just like Apple's positive performance after releasing the iPhone.

"Lehman probably has no time to think about Yike." Fang Zhuo shrugged, almost certain of this.

He and Lehman only had a minor friction that was not worth mentioning at the New York Economics Institute's charity dinner. Now, Yi Ke is busy preparing for the sale of mobile phones, and Lehman is busy, busy how to live a decent life. Forgot about the world.

It is not easy to turn away when Lehman is mentioned. It is a hot topic nowadays, and the reputation of Lehman has changed rapidly before and after Lehman. It really cannot help but attract the attention of this group of teachers and students who are particularly focused on business.

Fang Zhuo was familiar with Lehman's current situation by reading the research reports and Kong Yu's industry reports. After listening to the questions from everyone, he chose what was convenient for him to share.

This business sharing class ended in a pleasant atmosphere.

When Fang Zhuo used Mars to take photos with as many teachers and students as possible and uploaded the photos to Facebook, his bright smile somewhat stimulated Lehman's anxious Fuld.

Others don't know. Fuld knows best about the relationship between Summers, Rubin, Geithner and Fang Zhuo at the charity dinner. Now, Lehman's stock price has plummeted due to the New York Economic Exchange's report. The man behind the scenes is Isn’t it obvious who?

In particular, Fang Zhuo still holds a lot of short positions in Lehman.

Fuld has been surrounded by the media for interviews recently, and everyone wants to find out the true situation of Lehman.

The more he looked at Fang Zhuo’s selfie of leisurely going to Stanford, the more angry he became, and he couldn’t help shouting in a media interview: “The so-called report by the New York Times is distorting the facts, and only intercepted the data to prove their point of view. The NYE has a close relationship with Fang Zhuo, and this is a purposeful short-selling operation."

Fuld also revealed a piece of news he knew: "Fang Zhuo is just using the New York Times to raise funds for his fund to make money!"

The head of Lehman was visibly angry.

However, Summers hopes that the New York Economic Exchange can be a reasonable tool and does not feel that this research report is biased, while several other institutions and investors who were not named are somewhat dissatisfied.

Today, with the increasing investment income of the MIGA system, investing institutions have basically guessed what kind of business this is.

Whatever business it is!

Of course it’s a profitable business!

Fuld spoke up, trying to divert some attention.

Soon, without the response of Fang Zhuo and the New York Times, some organizations sharply commented on the Lehman moment.

Northern Trust: Lehman, are you saying that your CMBS cannot be sold?

Bessemer Trust: Lehman, are you saying that your CMBS cannot be sold?

BlackRock Trust: Lehman, are you saying that your CMBS cannot be sold?

Institutions spoke out, especially institutions that like to rate other institutions. Lehman Brothers' stock price, which had just worked hard to rebound to $50, fell again.

The most important thing is that Fuld is leading Lehman to find funds that can solve urgent needs, and these companies are also on his list.

He immediately felt that there was already a group of entwined forces under the surface of the New Institute of Economics. Lehman was not afraid in the past, but now he did not want to continue to be tricked.

Fuld thought about it and evaluated Yike's competitors in a roundabout way.

"I bought an iPhone that was not very easy to use. Objectively speaking, I only require that its signal can meet my usage requirements. I noticed that this is a question that is often raised."

"If the iPhone was not a mature product, Steve Jobs should not have rushed to bring it to market, especially at such a price."

"As a tech geek, I might have to wait until Christmas."


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