Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 863 An untimely knife

"Mr. Fang really has nothing to say when doing things, just do it neatly!"

"That's Mr. Fang, indeed Mr. Fang!"

"Secretary Liu, when will Yike mobile phone be launched in China?"

When the private plane returned from Silicon Valley, Wang Jian was no longer alone when he came back. Instead, three Yike employees took the opportunity to return home. Among them, Mr. Fang’s secretary Liu Zonghong came as a representative and returned to China to coordinate the cloud computing department. Reorganization matters.

Wang Jian was in a different mood. When chatting with Liu Zonghong, the other party always praised him.

In addition to becoming one of his own, he was also really captivated by Mr. Fang's charisma.

Cloud computing requires money, and Mr. Fang is really willing to spend it without hesitation.

"Professor Wang, when we talk about this within the company, we feel that the fastest it will be is June, July, August or September." Liu Zonghong answered the question and smiled, "Investments in cutting-edge fields always require experienced and qualified investors. patiently."

As Mr. Fang's longest-serving secretary, Liu Zonghong's scope of work was not limited to Yike a long time ago. Whenever the boss needs it, he also handles it, including Bingxin, but he is not shocked by this job.

Wang Jian found it new.

I had only heard about Mr. Fang and Semiconductor before, but it really fell on me... Although the project needs to be developed, it feels really good.

However, this matter was finalized at lightning speed, and Ali had to quickly refuse it and could not delay it until after the Chinese New Year.

On his way back to China, Wang Jian remembered another big shot who was interested in cloud computing.


But, this is Mr. Fang!

Wang Jian is not a nagging person. Now that the decision has been made, he quickly sent a tactfully worded email to Mr. Ma after arriving in the capital.

The article is very long, but the main idea is simple. The general idea is - Huanjun Mingzhu sheds tears, wishing they could meet again before they were married.

Ma Chen was extremely surprised when he received Professor Wang's email.

He went to the capital three times in person to talk to the professor in person about the prospects and implementation of cloud computing, and gave him a budget with certainty. When he communicated for the last time, he could feel the other person's obvious intention. In the blink of an eye, he couldn't wait to meet him before he was married. ?

You married too quickly!

Ma Ren called Wang Jian and insisted on going to the capital to meet and chat again.

After all, Wang Jian is from Lin'an, and he has a different attitude towards the boss of Alibaba, who has such a huge influence in Lin'an. He made the matter completely clear. It's not that you are bad, it's Mr. Fang who took me to Amazon.

After Ma Chen knew the reason, he didn't bother with it anymore.

However, when he talked about the competition with Tesco at a Taobao meeting, he said with a sigh that he would compete early and compete later. Domestic e-commerce will eventually have a battle. Taobao, which has defeated Penguin Paipai, needs to be more serious. Consider B2C business.

The meeting was high-level, but his opinion was not fully recognized.

As the CEO of Taobao and the "God of Wealth" in Alibaba's "Eighteen Arhats", Sun Tongyu talked about Taobao's current development and believed that the domestic C2C market still has extremely broad room for growth and can continue to do sinking business.

Sun Tongyu is quite serious and wants to discuss the direction of the model. It is not that B2C cannot compete, but it can not be used as a key strategy so early.

However, after listening to the Taobao CEO's views, Ma Chen did not continue the conversation. Sun Tongyu ranked among the top five, and his wife Peng Lei was also the "Lin Daiyu" in "Eighteen Arhats". He did not want to make too fierce a sound in such a high-level meeting. .

This matter must be communicated privately. Sometimes, just talking about ideas and strategies cannot overcome the east wind and the west wind.

"Cloud computing is about to be launched. This has a future. There is no Wang Jian, but Liu Jian and Li Jian."

"Let's take a look at the domestic competition. Tesco had a cosmetics event a few years ago. Their pace is very steady and much stronger than Paipai. No matter what, they are the number one competitor in the e-commerce field."

Ma Chen ended Taobao's most important meeting this year with this statement.

He has already made a decision in his mind. If the Taobao CEO can communicate well, then he will fight. If the Taobao CEO can't communicate well, then he will change the CEO.

Fang Zhuo was inspired by greater investment and emphasis on cloud computing.

Because of this, he also called Schmidt specifically to confirm that Google would indeed launch a platform for the development and hosting of WEB applications in April.

Schmidt did not hide his views on cloud computing. The actions of giants such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are only more eye-catching. In fact, there are more subtle but symbolic trends in the industry, such as AMD, Intel, IBM, and even many start-ups. Companies are happy to work in this field.

After communicating with Mr. Shi, Fang Zhuo thoughtfully added the word "cloud computing" to his list of acquisitions after this year.

He had already foreseen how busy it would be for a while.

However, thankfully, I will be busy in the future, and I am also very busy now.

Samsung Electronics’ executive team is still hanging around Silicon Valley.

Compared with Wang Jian's smooth job change, the negotiations between Yike, Google, and Samsung were really stumbling.

Objectively speaking, even if Samsung does not join the PRO Alliance, the cooperation between the three companies has foreseeable prospects for mutual benefit and mutual benefit. If the scope is further narrowed, the mutual authorization between Yike and Samsung will also be beneficial and harmless.

But Samsung just wants more.

Lee Jae-yong wanted more support and longer authorization, and he also made a request to invest in Android companies.

Just like Symbian in the past, Nokia was the major shareholder and Samsung, Sony Ericsson and other companies were minority shareholders.

However, this condition was flatly rejected by Schmidt.

It's not that you didn't give Samsung a chance when you acquired the Android company, it's that you didn't cherish it. Now that you see how good the Android system is, how can it be so easy to join in?

The most important thing is that Mr. Fang is unwilling to let go of his shares, and Google is even less likely to dilute its shares.

Samsung is waiting for more news from the industry, and Schmidt is also adjusting his mentality. Anyway, Mars is selling so well, and the worst case scenario is that it will have to wait for the second launch of Yike’s new phone in June this year. In just half a year, T-Mobile will be able to launch the new phone. The United States has opened up 3G services in more cities, and Europe can also further explore the market.

The two were quite competitive, but Fang Zhuo took advantage of his spare time to visit Amazon and finalize the cloud computing project, appearing quite calm.

Nengba’s negotiations ushered in a change at the end of January.

Lee Jae-yong was shaken by two industry news. First, HTC announced that it would launch a new phone equipped with Android system within the year. Second, Yike's official website quietly updated the sales figures, silently exceeding 4 million units.

"Yike really sold 4 million units?" Lee Jae-yong once suspected that Yike was cheating to deceive Samsung into compromising.

Fang Zhuo sighed: "Yes, unfortunately, the growth rate has slowed down."

The sales growth rate of Yike Mars has slowed down significantly. Even with the popularity of touch-screen games, it only sold more than 1 million units this month, which is only 0.8 units.

The stressful new product plans of many manufacturers are still influential under the support of their traditional brand power. In particular, iPhone has announced that the new model in March will provide 3G and front-facing cameras. No one wants to see Yike in the new model. In the direction of the track, there is a lot to eat.

Lee Jae-yong was shocked.

Well... two years is not impossible. If everyone develops harmoniously, who can think of suing the other party with patents?

What's more, there is also the cooperation with Hummingbird Chip.

As for HTC, it jumped out to carry Android at this time, which put obvious pressure on Samsung. Regardless of whether it was behind Google's instigation or not, Samsung has not joined the PRO Alliance anyway. Just ask how many patents does HTC have?

Lee Jae-yong has advanced the progress of the negotiations. It is almost the New Year. You will not go back to China to celebrate the New Year. I want to go back to South Korea for the Spring Festival.

Once Samsung reversed course, things went smoothly.

After Yike and Samsung signed the licensing contract, Lee Jae-yong also took the initiative to request a visit to Yike's Silicon Valley R\u0026D Center.

While he was full of praise for the place where Mars was created, he regretted that it would be better for Samsung to eat the Hummingbird team itself.

But Lee Jae-yong quickly adjusted his mentality. It is impossible for Samsung to acquire all advanced technologies. As long as cooperation is maintained, Samsung will definitely be the fastest one to move forward with its deep accumulation.

On the last day of January, the Samsung Electronics team was preparing to leave Silicon Valley and return to South Korea.

However, just when Lee Jae-yong was about to take the opportunity, a piece of news shocked and angered him - the U.S. judiciary announced new progress in the investigation of the international LCD panel giant's alleged monopoly and panel price manipulation.

Relevant people said that BOE played an immeasurable role in the antitrust investigation.

Lee Jae-yong repeatedly confirmed the news and confirmed that he had been stabbed deeply and shamelessly.

He immediately canceled the flight and searched for the perpetrator.

"Go to Yike!"

I have a cold and a headache, so I got up early last night and started coding a chapter.

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