Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 874 Taking both internal and external considerations into account

Datang Telecom's three senior executives left SMIC with the new offer given by Mr. Fang.

Fang Zhuo and Jiang Shangzhou personally sent them downstairs before continuing SMIC's internal meeting.

However, even internally, opinions are not unified.

Even though Fang Zhuo quickly expressed his opinion to Datang Telecom for the time being, they were still expressing their dissatisfaction when Liu Qingtao left with his people.

"Mr. Fang, US$220 million is not high." Yang Xiongzhe, an independent director of the Columbia University professor, saw Mr. Fang and Dr. Jiang walking back to the conference room talking and laughing, and was the first to express his opinion.

When Fang Zhuo sat down, he heard another echo from Li Guanhai of GGF Fund.

"Yes, Mr. Fang, as you come here, you can fight for this no matter what. We negotiated a price in just a flash, catching us off guard."

Fang Zhuo listened to these two sentences and saw that there were still shareholder representatives who were ready to make a move. This situation that had just stabilized was about to repeat itself in a short period of time.


With a sullen face, he slammed the table hard, stood up, pointed at Li Guanhai, and scolded: "Li Guanhai, what do you mean? What do you mean by catching you off guard? If you have anything to say, just put it on the table. I think Datang and I are A group of people? Don’t you dare to explain clearly!"

Li Guanhai did not expect that Mr. Fang, who had always been reasonable before, suddenly changed his expression. He was frightened by the momentum and could not refute for a while.

Fang Zhuo stopped looking at Li Guanhai and glanced around SMIC's directors and shareholders, feeling sad: "What is my identity? Am I the chairman of Datang Telecom or a leader above? Can I make money by pressing their hands? This kind of state-owned enterprise Don’t you know the process here better than me? What can I do?”

"What is my identity? I'm doing my best to work on my ice core. Why are I wasting my time with you and my gang of ice cores?"

Two "what identities" in a row have completely different meanings.

Fang Zhuo left the meeting angrily and was about to walk out of the conference room.

Jiang Shangzhou quickly grabbed Mr. Fang's arm and blocked his way.

Academician Wang Yangyuan also pressed the door to prevent this important helper from leaving in frustration.

Zhou Jie of Shencheng Industrial blamed Li Guanhai: "Mr. Li, Mr. Fang came to help, how could you do this? I absolutely believe in Mr. Fang's sincerity. Not to mention anything else, Mr. Fang has absolutely nothing to say about semiconductors. .”

Chen Liwu of Walden International was also dissatisfied and said: "Li Guanhai, you are hurting people with your bad words! Why are you causing trouble at this time?"

Li Guanhai said angrily: "That's not what I meant, I didn't..."

Those who pull people to pull others, those who blame others blame others, and those who try to smooth things over.

The conference room was even messier than when Datang Telecom first arrived.

With great difficulty, Fang Zhuo was calmed down by Jiang Shangzhou and sat down again.

Li Guanhai was under pressure and said coquettishly: "Mr. Fang, I just speak quickly. That's not what I think in my heart. Don't get me wrong."

"Mr. Li, I don't blame you. It's because I have something on my mind and am too sensitive." Fang Zhuo softened his tone, stood up again, walked around half the table, poured a cup of tea for Mr. Li from GFF Fund, and took another photo. Tap this guy on the shoulder.

As he walked back, he said, "Everyone, I just flew back to Shencheng from Shu today. I rushed here as soon as I got off the plane. I definitely didn't get along with Datang."

"Moreover, if it weren't for everyone's concerted efforts just now, it would be difficult for me to get along with Datang Telecom."

"People just think that SMIC cannot sell at a high price. No one is willing to pay at this time. They think you should thank it. How can I ventilate it?"

"I still want to say that the more times this happens, the more SMIC needs to be stable and united, and the more it can have some initiative."

Fang Zhuo picked up SMIC's documents and once again mentioned the data previously described by Jiang Shangzhou: "SMIC's net loss in the past two months was US$79 million, which is very serious, but it was mostly caused by DRAM. At the same time, The number of domestic customers and North American customers is still growing.”

"We must face up to the dilemma and problems, and we must not belittle ourselves. We must know where the real value of SMIC lies."

"Why can't 65nm be launched?"

"Stop losses in a timely manner, introduce new funds, maintain R\u0026D investment, stabilize customer orders, and try our best to mediate with Taiwanese journalists. This is what SMIC should do most now."

Fang Zhuo took a breath and elaborated: "Mr. Zhang is in the United States. We need to give him a solid backing and don't make everyone at SMIC panic. You are fighting over this and that. Everyone will see it, and it will only lead to New problems, without mentioning long-term issues, are self-defeating in the medium term.”

"We don't talk about business operations, the DRAM global industry cycle, and the Beijing factory needs to upgrade its production lines. We just talk about you. Do you think you can leave in the short term?"

"If you can't leave in the short term, then don't ask for temporary gains."

"In the medium to long term, everyone is in the same trench."

"Set aside differences and promote SMIC's continuous development. This is beneficial to others and ourselves. This is the right way!"

Fang Zhuo's words after the little chaos were very contagious.

He emphasized: "I still say the same thing, the core is ice core, the same spirit connects the branches. I will definitely help those who can help, and I am willing to find a way to help those who cannot."

Fang Zhuo further explained his words in front of these people.

"Like Shencheng Industrial, Mr. Zhou, if there are any factors in our local administration, I will sell my face if I can."

"Like the GFF Fund, Mr. Li, if it's difficult for you and the president to report, then let's set up a line and I'll go make friends and get to the bottom of it."

"And Mr. Kawanishi Tsuyoshi, SMIC and Toshiba have always had a good cooperative relationship, and this will not change because of the current situation. SMIC is rooted in the Chinese market with huge potential, and this will be realized soon."

Tsuyoshi Kawanishi was once the vice president of Toshiba Semiconductor and the chairman of Shida Semiconductor. He had a good relationship with Zhang Rujing, a former general manager of Shida Semiconductor. SMIC not only transferred technology from Toshiba, but also did OEM work for it.

Moreover, Tsuyoshi Kawanishi also affected SMIC’s equipment procurement in Japan.

"I have received a lot of help from Mr. Zhang and SMIC when I founded Bingxin. I have always been grateful. I also believe that Bingxin and SMIC have a lot of room for cooperation. Today I am here. I have the strength to contribute, the money to contribute, and the smooth communication. If you have any problem, go and intervene."

"You are directors and shareholders, not outsiders. Now we need to work together to overcome the difficulties."

Fang Zhuo said everything that needed to be said and established the attitude that needed to be established.

After all, he is the head of Bingxin and does not need to be responsible for SMIC. If he came to help today, other people in the conference room should have the most basic positive attitude.

"Mr. Fang can help negotiate the price of Datang Telecom and subscribe for stocks. I admire him from the bottom of my heart." Zhou Jie of Shencheng Industrial expressed his position. Putting aside Director Wang of the department in charge, Mr. Fang today The performance has been astonishing.

"The subscription price relies more on SMIC itself. Fang always tried his best to raise the price. This is not easy." Jiang Shangzhou said sincerely, "What was the negotiation situation with Datang Telecom in the past? Everyone knows Seeing it in my eyes, what President Fang just said is very good. Put aside differences and overcome the difficulties together, SMIC still has great prospects and value."

After repeated statements, the internal mood of SMIC in the conference room finally became unified.

Regardless of whether it is based on actual interests or from a standpoint, we must and can only move forward in this way at the moment, and Mr. Fang is willing to come out and do his best.

Jiang Shangzhou, who has a strong administrative background, spoke, Zhou Jie, who is still the largest shareholder of SMIC, spoke up, and veteran academician Wang Yangyuan also talked about his thoughts...

Datang Telecom's new subscription price of US$220 million + Bingxin's US$73 million has been temporarily unanimously recognized within SMIC.

This internal meeting did not last long. When it was over, Fang Zhuo did not forget what he and Zhou Jie of Shencheng Industrial said, and wanted to go with him to see Director Wang of the state-owned assets immediately. Before leaving, Jiang Shangzhou seriously Come and say thank you.

Fang Zhuo pulled Dr. Jiang aside. Instead of feeling happy about the temporary situation, he felt even more helpless: "SMIC's internal affairs are too complicated. I think some shareholder representatives still didn't speak out, that is, they were forced to do so. Let’s try it with everyone first.”

"SMIC's equity is indeed relatively dispersed." Jiang Shangzhou has recently been deeply aware of the complexity of this situation. "At the beginning, Mr. Zhang could only introduce different investors in this way, which was not only to raise money, but also to act as a check and balance."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, the situation was different from the environment.

Just like Yike's mobile phone supply chain, it is always difficult to develop. Now that Mars is on sale, it is really convenient to introduce even downgraded suppliers to Hanwang.

The establishment of Bingxin was based on the practices of many Chinese cores and made adjustments.

"Dr. Jiang, whether Datang Telecom agrees or not this time, SMIC will still have greater external challenges." Fang Zhuo muttered, "The industry will definitely not be very good this year, and you must be mentally prepared."

He couldn't say this to everyone at the meeting, so he could only say it to Dr. Jiang in private.

Datang Telecom's price can help him win, but he can't influence the changes in the global industry and the entanglement of Taiwan journalists. SMIC still has many problems to deal with.

Jiang Shangzhou nodded silently. He could feel Mr. Fang's caution in person.

"No matter what, Mr. Fang, I'm sorry to trouble you this time. SMIC still needs this amount of funds to come in as soon as possible."

Fang Zhuo shook hands with Dr. Jiang: "It's not troublesome. I haven't held a meeting like this for a long time, and I've been out of touch for a long time. I'll ask the leaders at Datang again, oh yes, the money invested in SMIC, Maybe if you don’t leave the ice core, just put my label on it.”

Jiang Shangzhou felt that Mr. Fang's Jiu Shu Battle Formation was quite good, so he asked, "Then where does the money come from?"

"I made some money when I was shorting Lehman, so I used this." Fang Zhuo explained the source of funds.

Jiang Shangzhou knew this and shook Mr. Fang's hand firmly again: "Mr. Fang, thank you for your hard work!"

"The core ice core is all of one heart." Fang Zhuo also shook his hand hard, and then said, "Take care of yourself and wait until Mr. Zhang comes back from the United States."

He said goodbye to Dr. Jiang and took Zhou Jie to the director to talk about the situation. In the evening, he made an appointment with Chen Liwu from Walden International. This time it was a new friendship between the two parties.

It is not easy to balance the internal and external aspects of a meeting, and the operations behind the scenes require even more effort.

Fortunately, he felt that it was better for SMIC to take a step forward than to stay in place.

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