Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 889 The Man of Action (4k)

The Huawei executive team was very happy to visit Shencheng Yike.

Zheng Baoyong and Chen Zhaohui want to prevent Huawei terminals from being sold and are willing to strengthen cooperation with Bingxin.

Fang Zhuo was willing to go along with the flow and help solve a small problem that he didn't know whether "once" existed.

Judging from current observations, Huawei may try to switch from OEM to brand after ending its cooperation with Vodafone, or it may be affected by the outbreak of the domestic market and enter the market early.

Because of Yike, because of the promotion of the Android system, and because of the overseas sales of Mars, Fang Zhuo can feel that some domestic mobile phone manufacturers and those outside the industry are ready to make moves.

The meaning of Mars sales to some people may be... It turns out that domestic brands can also stand in the mid-to-high-end market circle!

Also, Yike succeeded in making a mobile phone for the first time, couldn’t he try it himself?

Fang Zhuo actually hopes to see some new faces, but he doesn't know if anyone can break out of the domestic market.

Communication with Ren Zhengfei did not begin immediately. According to Zheng Baoyong, after they returned, they would work together internally and externally, and reverse Mr. Ren's decision in one fell swoop with heavy external opinions and strong internal suggestions.

Zheng Baoyong was very serious and wanted to have a dialogue with Mr. Fang.

But Fang Zhuo felt that this matter didn't need to be so troublesome. He could just call Mr. Ren and talk to him directly.

Since the Huawei team came, in addition to the three people chatting about terminal sales, they also actually talked about the PRO Alliance that caused this trip.

As employee No. 002 of Huawei, Zheng Baoyong spoke highly of the framework established by Yike and Google, believing that once the PRO Alliance is operational, it will pave a smooth path for the development of the Android system.

However, the current problem with the PRO Alliance is that mobile phone manufacturers with real patent capabilities have not yet expressed their intention to join.

Like Samsung, why does it license patents with Yike alone?

Since it has chosen to try to install the Android system, can’t it see the benefits of the PRO Alliance’s growth?

When Fang Zhuo talked about this matter at the dinner table, everyone could understand Samsung’s subtle attitude of wanting Android to be good but not wanting Android to be too good.

"Korean people sometimes give me a strange feeling. From Samsung to LG, from Samsung's Lee Jae-yong to LG China President Yu Nankyun, their attitude is sometimes very high, and sometimes it is very low."

"It's a bit too much to say that you are groveling, but the performance before and after is indeed quite different."

Fang Zhuo described his feelings when dealing with Koreans.

It was halfway through the dinner for Huawei that he received another call from LG during the dinner.

This time it is not Yu Nanjun, the president of LG China, nor Wayne, the president of LG America, but Nam Yong, the head of LG Electronics.

Nam Yong took office at LG Electronics on January 1 last year. He once ran LG Telecom, a Korean operator, and has a high position in the LG Group.

Now, after Yu Nanjun and Wayne had a series of red-faced contacts, he personally called and wanted to fly to Shanghai from Seoul to discuss the mobile phone patent issues between LG and Yike in person.

"Yike has been really lively recently, with constant guests, and the head of LG Electronics is also coming to Hang Lung for a visit." Fang Zhuo said with a smile after putting down the phone the latest news.

As the president of Huawei Terminal, Chen Zhaohui is not only concerned about his own business, he is also extremely sensitive to the entire market. He knows that the 3G touch screen phones released by LG are selling well. Seeing Apple and Yike successively attack LG, it is like a battle between dragons and tigers.

However, after toasting Mr. Fang with a glass of wine, he did not mention LG. Instead, he mentioned Nokia and kindly reminded: "Mr. Fang, LG is equipped with the Symbian system and is the first Symbian S60 V5 mobile phone. Yike is suing LG, Nokia may not sit idly by.”

To a certain extent, LG’s new phone is also Nokia’s test of the waters.

Now that the younger brother is being targeted, the older brother who takes the lead will take action no matter what.

Fang Zhuo knew this and replied: "Nokia can also sue us if we can stop them, but Yike's attitude towards LG's capacitive screens will be its attitude towards Nokia's capacitive screens in the future. We will sue LG and Nokia will sue Yike. If this can prompt It's also a good thing that it's sitting down and talking about cross-licensing."

Silent Nokia has a dangerous air.

Suing LG is to establish patent authority and promote Android and the PRO alliance, but if it can also take advantage of Nokia, that would be even better.

Chen Zhaohui saw that Mr. Fang knew what was going on, so he stopped talking about it. Instead, he asked about the development trend of Android in a consultative manner, hoping to hear his judgment.

Fang Zhuo did not hesitate to show his confidence in Android.

On the one hand, Yike is fully betting on Android, which is naturally seen by everyone.

On the other hand, if Huawei, which is in the OEM route, wants to make Android phones now, it can only be an entry-level or slightly higher product positioning.

Whether it is Huawei, Hanwang, or a grassroots start-up, Fang Zhuo welcomes anyone who can promote and promote the Android system in the domestic market.

In more than three months, Yike Mars will be officially launched into the domestic market. However, Mars alone cannot penetrate many consumers. More manufacturers must participate together before Yike can try to touch Penguin. traffic area.

Definitely not this year. I don’t know if I can compete with the Penguins in 2009.

When the time comes, let Brother Wang sell his shares first.

Because Penguin and Ali joined forces, Fang Zhuo always felt that the hostility there was a bit serious, and he hoped to prove that Penguin's hostility was correct.

On April 25, Huawei’s inspection team left Shanghai.

Another day later, Zheng Baoyong solemnly handed over the analysis report that he had refined several times to Mr. Ren, and talked impassionedly about the decision to sell Huawei terminals in person.

Just as he worked to overturn the decision, another faction within the company had already made many of its arguments for the sale.

I thought that communicating with Mr. Ren this time would be a lot of trouble. Unexpectedly, Mr. Ren listened more and spoke less, and his attitude was no longer firm.

"When you went to Shanghai, did you talk to Mr. Fang from Yike about our search for Bain and Silver Fox?" After listening to the report from the leader of the "Huawei Blue Army", Ren Zhengfei slowly asked something slightly off-topic. .

"Yike has established a PRO alliance, which is very ambitious. I am very interested in this, so I went to observe it with Mr. Chen this time." Zheng Baoyong changed the priority, "I created the Yike mobile phone with this person When I meet Mr. Fang, I can’t help but talk about similar business. Moreover, his ice core is really good, he really dares to do it, and he really dares to spend money.”

Zheng Baoyong's praise of Bing Xin came from the bottom of his heart, not just in front of Mr. Fang.

Ren Zhengfei nodded slightly and commented: "Mr. Fang is a man of action."

Zheng Baoyong said with a smile: "I told him two days ago that he is a pragmatist. I don't know which evaluation Mr. Fang likes more."

Ren Zhengfei was stunned: "He said on the phone that I am a pragmatist."

Zheng Baoyong: "..."

Mr. Fang is quite willing to use ism...

Zheng Baoyong was thinking about chatting with Mr. Ren about his phone call with Mr. Fang, but Ren Zhengfei had no intention of talking in detail and just gave an attitude towards this report.

"Huawei's terminal decision-making needs to continue to be demonstrated and must be integrated with the development of the mobile phone market." Ren Zhengfei said, "This matter cannot be rushed. We must also look at the advanced experience of domestic peers. In particular, Yike has also achieved success in overseas markets. Very good results.”

Zheng Baoyong nodded steadily, knowing that things have turned around. If we look at the advanced experience of his peers, I am afraid that in August, their peers will be even more advanced. By then, it will not only be good results overseas.

As long as Huawei terminals and Huawei mobile phones sum up experience in the process of OEM for Vodafone, they will definitely gain market share.

Zheng Baoyong quickly concluded his report.

He called Mr. Fang to thank him, and was really curious about how Mr. Fang communicated with Mr. Ren.

"Oh, this is very simple." Fang Zhuo said directly without intending to whet his appetite, "I called Mr. Ren and told him when I got up that I wanted to sell Yike's shares and asked him if he would buy it."

"Mr. Ren was shocked and said that Yike had just started making mobile phones overseas and selling shares at this time was not a good option."

"Then I told him that I was shocked when I heard that Huawei was going to sell its terminal shares. How could such a decision happen that only cares about short-term interests and ignores long-term interests?"

"I say those who make such decisions should be kicked out of Huawei."

"Maybe my tone of voice was a bit harsh. Mr. Ren and I had a rather intense exchange of opinions."

"Finally, I ridiculed him as a pragmatist who only cares about the present, and he said I was a trouble-making doer."

"That's pretty much it. By the time we ended the call we were pretty much calm."

Fang Zhuo described the entire process in one breath.

Zheng Baoyong was stunned. This was completely different from what he had imagined. Mr. Ren did not mention the emotional color of that evaluation!

A pragmatist who only cares about the immediate situation, a man of action who causes trouble!

Official history XXX, unofficial history xxx!

When Fang Zhuo saw that the other person hadn't spoken for a long time, he asked, "What? Is it counterproductive? I feel the effect should be pretty good."

Generally speaking, it has had a positive effect.

Zheng Baoyong thought this and quickly affirmed Mr. Fang's help.

"It's okay. Give roses to others, and the fragrance will linger in your hands." Fang Zhuo was very happy to have helped, and reminded, "Huawei OEM should try a higher market position."

Zheng Baoyong knew the meaning after hearing Xiange: "We will analyze the market and talk to Qualcomm about chip procurement."

This is the lingering fragrance that Mr. Fang wants.

Fang Zhuo likes to deal with people who can bring about a win-win situation.

On the contrary, he believed that there was no room for win-win with LG, so he almost wanted to find a reason not to see LG Electronics head Nam Yong who flew from Seoul to visit Yike.

However, Fang Zhuo still has some ways of treating guests and feels that it would be too ceremonial not to refuse the other party face to face when he comes from across the country.

On April 27, the head of LG Electronics arrived at Hang Lung 23 in Shanghai.

These days, in addition to corporate visits to the company, leaders from the city and district come over from time to time, which once made the nerves of the employees on the 23rd floor numb.

Fang Zhuo also didn't like to deal with such frequent meetings, but they all had their own reasons, so he had to be patient.

"Mr. Fang, LG attaches great importance to the Chinese market. We have had good cooperation with Chinese companies here in the past. This time we have a dispute with Yike. I think there must be a misunderstanding. LG failed to communicate effectively and promptly with Yike." Communicate." Nam Yong, as the head of LG Electronics, kept a low profile, "So, I came here this time to resolve the dispute and let everyone move forward."

Not only did he fly in from Seoul in person, he also apologized.

"I believe the patent dispute between Yike and LG can be resolved from a legal perspective." Fang Zhuo did not give in, "I noticed Yike America's report on this work, and I believe everyone can get a satisfactory result." result."

"Yike is a company that has just entered the mobile phone industry and is about to launch a new mobile phone." Nan Yong persuaded, "Mr. Fang, LG and Yike have a lot of room for cooperation. We can completely focus on the mobile phone itself. , I heard that there is also cooperation between Samsung and Yike, and LG can also license patents with Yike."

He is quite sincere and wants to resolve this dispute that is not conducive to LG's new phone.

Fang Zhuo just shook his head and insisted: "I respect the opinion given by Yike America and don't think there is any room for discussion on this matter. Just like LG's handling of the patent litigation with Apple, just let it go through the process quietly."

"LG also has deep patents, Mr. Fang, I hope the matter can be resolved within the framework of both of us, rather than under a multi-party process like South Korea and the United States." Nan Yong took out the prepared documents, "Yike Preparing for mobile phone patents is not a matter of peace of mind. LG and I are here with sincerity, and Yike’s Mars also has very good sales in South Korea.”

The document is LG’s analysis of Yike’s suspected infringement of its own mobile phone patents.

This is to counter sue Yike's attitude at home in South Korea and the United States.

Nan Yong hopes that Mr. Fang and Yike can sit down and talk, instead of fighting each other.

Fang Zhuo originally couldn't bear to see Nan Yong's sincere gesture, but such a subtle threat just went along with his wishes.

"Since LG Electronics is ready, let's make the legal procedures clear."

Nan Yong frowned, not quite understanding why this Chinese man was so unwilling to accept the solution, and didn't even have the intention to talk.

He repeated this, but the words on the other side became less and less, and his attitude remained the same.

Nanyong attaches great importance to LG's attempt to install the Symbian system, and early sales have proven that this direction is very promising. Now it has encountered patent lawsuits from Apple and Yike one after another, and wants to solve the soft persimmon first.

Judging from LG Electronics headquarters’ understanding of China, there is room for negotiation this time.

Nan Yong made a final attempt, but seeing that Mr. Fang still had not changed his mind, his attitude changed: "Mr. Fang, Huaxia said well that cooperation will benefit both sides. LG is not willing to act as a patent troll, but it is not afraid of patent trolls. "

He walked away, having already decided to give more responses from the home court, patent, legal, and public opinion levels.

There is an old story that is really worth telling in front of the media.

Don’t think that others don’t know who is behind BOE’s betrayal. LG is also a victim of backstabbing in the LCD Alliance.

Nanyong was angry. Apart from such a plan, the first thing he did was to call Nokia. This Yike was not just slapping LG in the face, it was simply slapping Symbian in the butt.

Nokia, don’t worry about it anymore!

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