Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 892 The game of asking you to enter the urn (4k)

On the evening of June 10, Fang Zhuo was leaving and Liu Suyi was seeing him off.

Fang Zhuo refused to let Liu Suyi give it away, but Liu Suyi insisted on giving it away.

"What can I give you?" Fang Zhuo felt helpless, "The company is so busy, isn't this a waste of time?"

Liu Suyi looked for the pain point: "It's okay, Mr. Fang, Yongke Real Estate operates just as well with or without me, and there is no shortage of my time at all."

Fang Zhuo thought for a while, nodded, took Liu Suyi with him, and allowed him to take him to the airport.

When we arrived at the airport, Fang Zhuo wanted to fly and Liu Suyi wanted to see him off.

Fang Zhuo refused to let Liu Suyi give it away, but Liu Suyi insisted on giving it away.

"And there are people who send people to the plane?" Fang Zhuo was amused, "Besides, you didn't bring your visa or passport with you."

"Mr. Fang, give me a few minutes. My ID is already on the way, as well as the Dahongpao who just arrived." Liu Suyi's figure was soft and he couldn't express his ambitions without seeing each other off. "You are usually busy. It's not easy for me to see you. My hand is There are indeed no important jobs in Shangyou, and I really want to hear your views on future economic development.”

Fang Zhuo sighed and was about to speak when he saw Liu Suyi receiving a call to deliver documents and tea.

Okay, anyway, the "Qingzi" doesn't carry many people on this trip, so Mr. Liu is much more polite.

Ever since, Liu Suyi successfully sent him from the office to the airport and onto the passenger plane.

The secretary next to him, Liu Zonghong, witnessed all this and studied silently. He could only say that it was no wonder that this gangster named "Liu Yiyi" was able to make a name for himself in the world.

Liu Suyi didn't feel any discomfort at all.

He deeply felt that he had done the right thing by going to Fangfang this time.

Yongke Real Estate is about to go public, and it may be able to replicate the performance of Country Garden last year, with sales of 15 billion and a market value of over 100 billion... Who will not be replaced by this?

It's up to Mr. Fang to cure his mentality.

You have to meet the big boss to know the importance.

The private plane that took off from Shanghai flew to Silicon Valley in the dark at nine o'clock.

Soon, Liu Suyi made Dahongpao with his own hands and poured tea for the passengers one by one, including secretary Liu Zonghong.

Liu Zonghong was somewhat flattered. After all, this was the head of Yongke Real Estate, one of the top eight real estate companies in the country.

He also knew some tea art, but he thought that the job of pouring tea should be done by himself.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Liu, who was smiling just now, glared at me and had no choice but to give up.

"President Fang, if this year goes well, the headquarters built by Yongke for Yike can start construction in Lujiazui." Liu Suyi can find a topic, "We also have a preliminary idea for this design plan."

He said naturally: "Although it is the headquarters of Yike, there are two offices of Yike and Yike. You can refer to the 'LG Gemini Building' built by LG in Beijing the year before last. That is a twin-tower design, with two buildings on the ground. It has 30 floors, 4 underground floors, and a height of almost 140 meters, which is quite suitable for our situation."

Seeing that Mr. Fang was silent, Liu Suyi continued: "Yike headquarters can have 39 floors above ground and 5 floors underground. The two buildings add up to exactly 88 floors."

Fang Zhuo frowned: "Can't we just build an 88-story building? The Jinmao and Financial Center in Lujiazui are both that high."

He sometimes goes to the medical headquarters in Jin Mao Building, which has a really nice view.

The Jin Mao Tower is 420 meters, the Shanghai World Financial Center is almost 500 meters, and the Shanghai Center Tower that is about to start construction is said to be more than 600 meters. In comparison, the Yike headquarters sponsored by Lehman seems to be shorter.

Liu Suyi was stunned for a moment, hesitated over a cup of tea, and then whispered: "I have also considered the design of a high-rise building, but Mr. Su likes the Gemini idea very much."

Fang Zhuo said lightly: "Oh, Gemini is also good. It can be built quickly and the investment is low. It is very good. Let's follow this design first and look at the suitable land. Everyone also wants to have a spacious headquarters as soon as possible."

Liu Suyi nodded in agreement without any objection at all. LG Gemini’s investment in the past few years was US$500 million, and Yike’s headquarters in Shencheng would be higher, and a series of plans would be needed in the future.

The interior of a private jet is quite quiet.

Liu Suyi kept reporting on the development of Yongke Real Estate.

Others don't know, but he knows that Mr. Fang may not care at all about the news of Yongke Real Estate. In fact, it is not Mr. Fang who needs Yongke, but Yongke who needs Mr. Fang.

Just like what Mr. Fang mentioned about ICBC, banks like to lend money to real estate companies, and real estate companies also like to use bank money to expand, and Yongke is no exception.

However, although it is relatively difficult for Yongke to obtain loans from banks, he is still relatively cautious. The business scope he vigorously develops coincides with the chemical reaction of Mr. Fang's influence.

This chemical reaction has gradually transformed Yongke Real Estate from the "Tiger of East China" to the "Top Eight in the Country".

However, Liu Suyi knew very well that in this reaction, Mr. Fang had the intention to leave as soon as he got the opportunity, and he restrained himself from allowing Yongke Real Estate to develop excessively to avoid unexpected risks.

I don’t know how many more years I can be tied to Mr. Fang after this listing, but... Yongke will not take the initiative to break up.

The time was gradually getting later, and Mr. Fang also took a rest first.

Liu Suyi is still excited, thinking about the beauty of listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange this year.

On June 11, the private plane arrived in Silicon Valley smoothly.

Yu Hong, who flew to Silicon Valley from New York earlier, was waiting for Mr. Fang and his party, which was a kind of catch-up.

But she was very puzzled that Liu Suyi, who had just got off the plane, had to fly back to China again.

"He's here to see me off, let him be, do whatever you want." Fang Zhuo explained casually, not bothering to explore any changes in this man's mentality, emotions, thoughts, etc.

"Well, it seems that the real estate work is also very stressful." Yu Hong guessed that there was some problem that needed urgent communication, so she was forced to go back and forth in the sky.

"That's okay. Yongke Real Estate wants to go public this year, but I'm definitely not as nervous as Mr. Yu. Nokia filed a patent complaint in the United States for invalidity, and I received a lot of reports and analyzes in my mailbox." Fang Zhuo put the topic on Yike Competition in mobile phones.

Yu Hong didn't discuss this issue immediately. She didn't hide her worries until she, Mr. Fang and secretary Liu Zonghong got into the business car.

"It's normal for LG to file a countersuit in the United States, and it's within the expected range, but Nokia just played a card lightly, so I'm a little worried." King Yi Kemei shook his head and said, "Nokia complained that our patent was invalid. The success rate is not high. It uses the excuse of hindering innovation, and I think it will be dismissed soon."

"But the Patent Appeal Board knows this, Deutsche Telekom knows this, we know this, and I believe Nokia's legal department also knows this."

"Nokia has begun to pay attention to Yike and Mars, but has not made any serious moves. This is a conspiracy."

It was hard for Yu Hong not to worry.

With the popularity of Mars, Yike's situation is great.

But something like patent litigation has the power to turn the tide.

Once Nokia files a lawsuit for mobile phone patent infringement, can Yike win the lawsuit?

Both Yike Legal Department and consulting law firms are pessimistic about this point.

So, what are the consequences of losing a patent lawsuit?

$500 million? One billion dollars?

It's possible.

The most terrifying thing is the ban on sales from ITC, which is a big killer that can kick Yike from the sky to the ground.

However, Nokia has such a killer weapon with a high success rate.

Such a threat is even more thorny after Nokia initially showed hostility!

Just look at the fierce response from LG Electronics this time.

The package that Yike prepared for LG mobile phones was infringement litigation + ITC ban on sales. Fang Zhuo just wanted to see how LG Electronics, a large company with a large business, could handle the crisis.

"Mr. Yu, you are right to worry."

"This matter is very difficult to handle. If you are not careful, you will really be strangled by Nokia."

"The PRO Alliance we are working with Google does not have enough patent accumulation. Nokia's new phones can not use capacitive screens for the first time. They really have the possibility of knocking Yike down with one punch."

Nokia has this possibility. It may do it or it may not do it. Perhaps its purpose is to seek sky-high patent fees.

However, Yike cannot pin its solution on the subjective wishes of its opponents, as that would be too passive.

Fang Zhuo did not think that Xiao Yu was worried in vain. He was actually more worried than she was, because HTC, which was also very successful in the Android camp, was an example of a real fall.

People without thought, he must worry about.

Fang Zhuo looked at the frowning Xiao Yu, took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "The Nokia incident has been echoing in my mind. In the past few days, I have a preliminary idea of ​​how to deal with it."

Yu Hong glanced at Mr. Fang's expression, reached out and patted the passenger seat in front, and said directly: "Xiao Liu, you drive."

Liu Zonghong was shocked.

The commercial vehicle parked slowly on the side of the road, and the driver was changed before continuing forward.

"I don't trust your own secretary." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Yu Hong raised her eyebrows: "I'm protecting her, because I'm afraid she won't really see how powerful you are, so she won't go astray."

Fang Zhuo stopped laughing: "That's too serious."

Liu Zonghong just drove silently without saying a word. His wife and children were at home.

Fang Zhuo didn't want to discuss human nature, nor did he want to humiliate himself, so he directly continued the topic: "Both the legal department and the law firm believe that the patent lawsuit between Yike and Nokia cannot be won. This is a premise."

"We assumed the worst-case scenario. Nokia sued us in court, applied to the ITC to ban our sales, and sued us in Europe to ban our sales. The result was that Yike lost the two big markets of the United States and Europe."

Yu Hong frowned and said: "So, the domestic market debut in August is very important. Within a year, we must also have a model with a more affordable price. This is related to our risk control, not just what outsiders see as Yike After success, he went back to China."

Fang Zhuo nodded and reassured: "I am still confident about this. Well, China Unicom is more confident than me. I will tell you about this later."

He returned to the topic: "A mobile phone manufacturer that is committed to the global market has lost the two major markets of the United States and Europe and can only stick to the local market. This is definitely a big setback and a big negative for our stock price."

"Once Nokia succeeds and we lose market, we have to compensate."

"I have been thinking about this recently, and I was wondering if I could look beyond the dimension of mobile phone products to look at the problems that Yike may encounter."

"Nokia has a strong accumulation of patents. This is known to everyone. It is known to the secondary market. It is easy for ordinary investors to know after being fueled by public opinion. As long as Nokia really uses a big weapon, this will be the key to our stock market." Big negative."

Fang Zhuo said: "You know I have shorted Lehman. It can be said that as long as such obvious and almost fatal bad news comes out, Yike will inevitably usher in a surge of institutional shorts."

"The patent compensation demanded by Nokia must be huge. This money may be used to find investors in the secondary market to pay for us."

Yu Hong understood Mr. Fang's intention, but not the method to implement it.

Fang Zhuo felt Xiao Yu's eyes and organized his words: "To put it simply, Nokia is really taking action, institutional short sellers are looking for the news, Yike is a long position, we need to support the stock price and try to capture the short positions."

"I have a fund in my hand. The client in it is Xiao Ao. He has made a lot of money. If the follow-up goes well, there is still a chance to make a lot of money. The U.S. financial market is in turmoil. If there is a crisis, the foundation will Consider looking for high-quality stocks for hedging and bargain hunting. Yike's mobile phones are selling well and it is a stock worth buying."

Yu Hong hesitated and said: "Xiao Ao's campaign situation this year is very good. You want to turn his funds into long positions in the company's stocks, but... there has never been a black leader in the United States."

"This is just a strategy. Be prepared for anything. Of course I hope it won't be used." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "Nokia's ultimate weapon in the US market is to implement a sales ban through the ITC. There is a procedure after the ITC determines the ban. It is submitted to the Commander’s Office, and only the Commander can overturn the ITC ban in a procedurally legitimate manner.”

Yu Hong frowned. This requires a very low probability. Is there really any hope for Xiao Ao?

She asked: "What's the reason for the overthrow?"

"Hindering the development of the industry, hindering globalization, and hindering business innovation." Fang Zhuo casually gave the reason, "This is the last link of the procedure, and it is also the almost official announcement of ITC's announcement to ban the sale of Nokia's killer weapon. It will It greatly depressed the stock price of Yike and made all the short sellers cheer for it until...the ban was overturned."

"Is this a way to deal with Nokia and short selling? Then why not take advantage of the relatively high stock price now and make some external reserves for patent compensation in advance." Yu Hong asked something that was not logically logical.

"It's not about dealing with short-selling, but trapping short-selling institutions." Fang Zhuo said slowly, "I am a major shareholder. I support the stock price and absorb shares. It is very transparent. But, you know, financial derivatives? There are call options. The gameplay does not require transparent reporting. I can book options for a certain period of time in advance to lock in space.”

"If there is an institution that is crazy about shorting us, the shares we own and the exercise of expired options will prevent short sellers from getting enough circulating shares after the ban is overturned."

"Their short selling is usually for delivery at maturity, if there are not enough shares..."

Yu Hong felt that this was a bit complicated and beyond her understanding: "What does that mean?"

"It represents the rapidly rising stock price, and it represents the short-selling institutions that want to kneel down to me." Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly, with kind thoughts and he couldn't bear it, "If I don't let them kneel in front of me, they will come from our building." Jump up and down.”

Yu Hong listened to this for the time being, and then thought about it: "So, are you taking Nokia's actions and putting them in the secondary market to seek compensation? If you can't win against Nokia, will you lock in a group of short sellers?"

Fang Zhuo sighed: "It's almost like that. Hey, it's just a possibility. It may not work. I'll just think about it first."

Yu Hong frowned, this requires prerequisites and prerequisites, and the gameplay of financial derivatives is not very clear.

She thought for a while and gave a vague suggestion: "It's always good to be prepared, what if you really need it?"

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly: "Yes, I think optimistically, Nokia may not be so successful, and there may not be many institutions shorting us."

The world is still beautiful, how can there be so many malicious institutions?

Fang Zhuo is willing to make mobile phones honestly. are really forced to do nothing.

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