Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 971 SMIC’s orthodoxy lies in the ice core (4k)

Because of the arrival of this wave of talents from SMIC, Fang Zhuo stayed at Bingxin for two more days than originally planned.

Dr. Ji seemed to have set up an outpost, and then a group of people from SMIC arrived.

Most of the people in this group are Ph.D.s, all are senior technical talents, and there are also high-level market leaders. The timing is right, and Fang Zhuo has just met and flown to New York.

In the afternoon of February 10, Professor Fang Zhuo and Professor Hu Zhengming walked around the factory area, discussing not only the talents coming from SMIC this time, but also the internal and external arrangements to deal with the intensity of competition from Taiwan reporters.

Compared to the slight agitation he had felt from other people in the past two days, Professor Hu was very calm.

"Mr. Fang, it is certainly a good thing to increase the budget, but there is no need to be too impatient. The current development trend of ice core is very good. If we do solid technical research and development work, the future will be smoother. If something goes wrong, it will be more troublesome."

Hu Zhengming talked about this aspect of development trends based on Bingxin's customer topics.

Fang Zhuo is also quite satisfied with the performance of ice cores during the financial crisis. Now he is just working hard to match the competitiveness of Taiwan Journal.

"Professor, I'm actually fine. What now? Now Yike is still hoping that the ice core can move faster and empower the chip of Yike's mobile phone."

Hu Zhengming smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, this doesn't make sense. It should be that we at Bingxin want Yike's chip design to be faster, and we want to do this and other empowerment. Hey, it's just to reduce the cost of mobile phones. To put it bluntly, Is this what you mean? Yike should improve the level of chip design, preferably to the level of Qualcomm, then everyone will be happy."

He continued: "It seems that now, there is no problem with the ice core manufacturing process. The important responsibility for this matter still lies with Yike and Silicon Valley."

Hu Zhengming knew about the chip project that Yike Silicon Valley Research Center was cooperating with.

The Yike Mars series of mobile phones have already used wafers from its own factory. As for whether it can use its own one-stop chip design and manufacturing... it still needs work.

Fang Zhuo is looking forward to seeing this day, Yike design + ice core manufacturing =?

The chairman and the CTO walked around the factory area. After talking about the main things, they briefly talked about other topics.

Like Ji Minghua's work planning and arrangement this time, Lin'an Factory has received assistance from Qimonda and SMIC. Patents, equipment, and funds have not yet arrived, but the top-to-bottom team has a general outline.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, the two of them happened to stroll to the gate of the factory, and a group of SMIC doctors who had been picked up from the airport got off the bus.

"Call someone."

Fang Zhuo turned around and shouted to his secretary who was following a little far away, and Liu Zonghong hurriedly called someone over there.

Almost all of the people who come to SMIC are not alone. Some bring their wives, some even bring their children, and some come with whole families.

This reflects the professionalism of ice core related work in recent years.

Just arranging one Ji Minghua and arranging him well is not enough. With dozens of people coming together, Bingxin's human resources department can quickly and thoughtfully complete the logistics work to the satisfaction.

Fang Zhuo and Hu Zhengming welcomed the talents at the factory gate, and former SMIC employees who came to Bingxinli also showed up to welcome them.

Hu Zhengming doesn’t pay much attention to SMIC’s technical research and generally can’t remember people’s names.

However, after Ji Minghua came to the scene to greet and introduce everyone, he actually had some impressions of several of them.

The scene was lively and orderly. After ensuring that everything was connected, it was time for dinner.

"Let's go to the canteen. Don't dislike it. Our Bingxin's canteen is the best place here." Fang Zhuo raised his arms and called these frustrated people "We Bingxin".

Well, the effect is average.

Fang Zhuo continued: "Hurry up and finish your meal. Dr. Liang Mengsong will talk to you about the progress of the 45nm process later."

Everyone agreed with a bang, let’s go and eat in the canteen!

Hu Zhengming smiled beside him and said, "Mr. Fang, you will always focus on the key points."

"Hey, whoever comes here to eat in the poor canteen should come here to have a career." Fang Zhuo felt a little regretful, "But our chef is really one of the best in the country."

What he said is true. In addition to the beautiful legend that the secretary-general personally cooks, Bingxin Canteen also gradually became famous after entertaining administrative staff and surrounding companies several times. In fact, there is really a place to entertain those who want to come to the canteen. .

Of course, this may also be because they want to use a golden brand like Bingxin to discuss matters.

Ji Minghua, who had investigated the ice core situation in advance, walked in front and led everyone to eat because he had eaten in the canteen.

Next to him is an old SMIC colleague who has been working in the ice core for a long time, and behind him are current SMIC colleagues who can't help but look around at the scenery inside the ice core.

Hu Zhengming was walking behind, looking at this scene, he couldn't help but said: "Mr. Fang, this, this is SMIC's orthodox ice core."

Fang Zhuo said with a serious face: "Professor, don't say anything that is not conducive to unity."

He shook his head again: "I guess Wang Ningguo, the new CEO of SMIC, might be scolding me in his heart."

Hu Zhengming nodded and said nothing more.

Mr. Fang is young and not afraid of scolding, and SMIC’s orthodoxy lies in Bingxin.

In five or ten years' time, Mr. Fang's feathers will be as white as new.

Bingxin is proposing a budget, joining alliances, recruiting talents, and everything is in full swing.

Qiu Ciyun, who flew to Germany to discuss investment after the Spring Festival, will return home in two days.

Although Liang Mengsong is the co-CEO, he is more responsible for R\u0026D work, while Qiu Ciyun is more experienced in business operations. His return will definitely sort out the move of SMIC doctors.

More importantly, as a recognized expert in factory construction, Qiu Ciyun was able to organize the Lin'an factory structure that was about to face new tasks.

This is an important step taken by Bingxin after becoming a niche storage OEM. Even if Qimonda has a bankrupt CEO and SMIC is squeezed out of the CTO, it cannot be careless.

Fang Zhuo always feels at ease with Qiu.

On February 12, the Qingzi took off from Luzhou, first to Shanghai International Airport, and then to New York John F. Kennedy International Airport.

According to the arrangement, the private plane picked up several more people in Shanghai and flew them to the United States.

Zhao Jishan is one of them.

She was returning to China on vacation this time, and she happened to take advantage of her boss's plane to carry out her work again.

Five years ago, because Zhao Zhishan was proficient in Japanese, he briefly served as Mr. Fang's secretary and translator, and then tried to conduct lobbying work in the United States.

At the beginning, there was no success at all, and the response was mediocre. However, since the financial crisis broke out last year, this work has made great progress.

Fang Zhuo needs this lobbying leader now to provide information for the coming period.

Xiao Ao has taken up his new post, and the top leaders of various departments he nominated have also been approved by the parliament. The new team is already in full swing on the three key things to take office.

Although Zhao Zhishan has just started to improve, she has at least become familiar with her in the past few years in the United States, and she is more aware of the faction faces on the surface and even slightly on the inside.

"Mr. Fang, if possible, the relationship with Donald Louis Evans is worth cultivating. Although he has left office for a few years, he still has a good influence in business."

When Zhao Zhishan was reporting, even his secretary Liu Zonghong, who had always been by Fang Zhuo's side, was screened out.

"Evans from Business, well, we met him together before." Fang Zhuo recalled this person easily.

When Ice Core was seeking permission to purchase equipment and introduce technology for the first time, Evans was the business leader at the time. Before he joined the company, he was a rich man, the chairman of Tom Brown Oil and Gas Company, and a Houston native. People bond over this.

Because of this fate, Evans briefly tried the quality of the MIGA fund. Unfortunately, he withdrew the funds after making a small profit and failed to make any profit.

"Well, he has become a political figure after having a business resume." Zhao Zhishan paused, "He has also become richer."

Fang Zhuo nodded, everyone has his own way to get rich, and missing out on the MIGA fund will not affect the appreciation of his wealth.

Since Zhao Zhishan made the suggestion of deepening his cultivation, he will look for an opportunity to make friends with football this time.

He reached out and took the information.

Zhao Zhishan hesitated for a moment and said, "Mr. Fang, many Chinese people have been hired this time, but it may not bring about a good situation. Judging from the information we got, at the very least, Luo Jiahui is not very friendly. "

For the first time in Xiao Ao's team, there are two Chinese department heads. Zhu Diwen is in energy and Luo Jiahui is in business. The latter's official nomination will be later, but passing it will not be a problem.

In addition, Lu Peining, an aide trusted by Xiao Ao, has been appointed as Cabinet Secretary-General.

The relationship between Fang Zhuo and Lu Peining is not bad, and the latter is an important customer of MIGA Fund.

"How is the degree of unfriendliness determined?" he asked Zhao Zhishan.

Zhao Zhishan gave the team’s opinion: “Luo once opposed the I-200 bill when he was in office in Washington, and the goal of this bill is to require that race cannot be used as a consideration in the process of admission and employment. This is beneficial to Chinese Americans. of."

"However, Luo clearly opposed the bill that was finally passed, which also made him lose points among the Chinese-American community."

The I-200 bill is a meritocracy. No matter what kind of skin it is, as long as it meets the standards.

Fang Zhuo said "hmm", which is not difficult to understand. Chinese Americans only have so many votes. What Luo wants is the support of a larger group, not the label of being a Chinese group.

Because of this, he may be an unstable factor and not easy to develop into a friend. This person who wants to gain a foothold in the top management of the United States must go all out to avoid suspicion.

Fang Zhuo smoothed over the logical relationship and signaled Zhao Zhishan to continue reporting.

As the sales of Yike mobile phones increase, the company's presence will inevitably become stronger and stronger.

Although I have made many friends, there are still many aspects that need to be paid attention to and guarded against.

Generally speaking, lobbying work is to find congressmen to advocate globalization. More specifically, it is to find me among you and you among me. But this search for the right "you" is also a very deep knowledge.

Zhao Zhishan’s work report is halfway through.

In the second half of the race, Zhao Zhishan went to rest and Liu Zonghong returned to his seat.

"Mr. Fang, this is the latest ITC litigation progress."

"Also, LG is about to launch a new phone, which they claim is a capacitive touch screen smartphone that does not infringe on Yike's patents."

Liu Zonghong talked about the latest news.

Fang Zhuo already knows LG’s response to the ban.

ITC's ban on sales is for specific infringing models, and the ones removed from the shelves are the models that Yike filed a lawsuit. Now, LG is quickly launching new models in an attempt to re-enter the market.

This complies with regulations.

However, the effect won't be very good.

From what Fang Zhuo knows, last time LG and telecom operator Verizon reached a replica-style cooperation, covering sales channels, but this time, Verizon made no move.

Because operators have been removed from the shelves once, they are bound to be more cautious about products from LG. LG has neither its own channels nor reliable partners in the United States.

Simply launching a new phone is not a good idea.

It can be considered a last resort.

"As soon as we land, let the company continue to file lawsuits with the ITC. If LG comes out with a capacitive screen, we will sue one. With the previous ruling, whether LG is cheating or not, the speed will definitely speed up." Fang Zhuo had no hesitation. said.

Liu Zonghong nodded and didn't let go.

Once this happens, it may be difficult for LG to perfect its new models in a short period of time in addition to sales channels and its own design.

Liu Zonghong gave another piece of uncertain news: "Mr. Fang, there is news claiming that Apple is likely to reach a patent settlement with Nokia."

Fang Zhuo frowned when he heard this.

If this is the case, a ceasefire between the two sides is secondary. The important thing is that Apple owns touch screen patents in a broad sense. If it licenses it to Nokia, Yike's plan to continue suing Nokia's new touch screen machine may come to nothing.

This makes an obvious situation look ridiculous.

He thought about it for a while, thinking about the chips the company had, and said: "After landing, I will find someone to confirm. Also, I will ask about the progress of the Hummingbird team."

Fang Zhuo thought he could talk to Apple.

Judging from the current situation, Nokia is still a common enemy. Even if the other party wants to reconcile, it can be slower.

The patent battle is complicated, and the battle lines sway from time to time.

This trip to the United States also had to provoke Google's maintenance efforts. Nokia came not only for Yike, but also for Android.

"Okay, we'll talk about anything else that's not important after landing. I have to think about it." Fang Zhuo stopped the secretary's intention to continue reporting, and needed to carefully sort out his actions after arriving in the United States.

The Qingzi flew for ten hours and landed smoothly at JFK International Airport.

Fang Zhuo only narrowed his eyes for a moment at the end.

However, when he got into the car, his sleepiness was quickly driven away by the new news from Nokia.

"Nokia head Kallasvuo Kallasvuo claimed that Nokia and Yike's patents have shown a good tendency to win, and this problem is expected to be resolved within two months."

Fang Zhuo asked his secretary: "How did Kallasvuo come to this conclusion?"

After several contacts, Liu Zonghong replied to his boss: "The ITC has replaced a first-instance administrative judge. He has expressed his views on Nokia's patent before, which is not good news for us."

Fang Zhuo was silent. The bad news came a bit quickly. Xiangjiang's institutional shareholders were very quiet, and they hadn't sold their shares yet.

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