Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 976 Endless harm (4k)

As soon as the head of Sony left, Yu Hong, the president of Yike America, opened the door of the president's office with a newspaper.

Speaking of which, this CEO's office was where she usually worked, but Mr. Fang deservedly took up the seat when he arrived, so she had no choice but to work next door.

"Is this the interview you were talking about yesterday?" Yu Hong waved the "Washington Post" in her hand and asked her boss angrily.

The office subscribes to newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times, which are influential in the United States and even around the world, and she immediately sees the original interviews and reports.

Yu Hong only read it once and confirmed that this was indeed Mr. Fang's tone.

Fang Zhuo took the newspaper and took a quick look at it. There was almost no change.

He admitted: "Yes, I was caught off guard when I met a reporter. I felt that Kallasvuo was indeed a bit excessive, so I gave him some responses."

Yu Hong sat down and made a small comment: "Is the emotion too strong?"

Fang Zhuo muttered: "Okay, just think of it as a quarrel between Kallasvuo and I. Anyway, depending on what he means, Nokia and Yike must differentiate themselves."

Nokia is unwilling to withdraw easily and is also eyeing Yike. What can be done about this.

Yu Hong was quiet for a while and suddenly asked: "How are you preparing everything that should be prepared?"

"For orderly advancement, Yike needs a higher stock price." Fang Zhuo replied.

Yu Hong frowned: "I have a strong hunch that your emotional output may have a lot of impact."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "That would be great."

Seeing that her boss knew what was going on, Yu Hong no longer worried. Nokia's Kallasvuo was right before. Judging from the current situation of the patent litigation between the two parties, legal officials estimate that it may indeed come to an end within two months.

This means that Mr. Fang’s friendships really need to be tested.

If something went wrong, he would have no choice but to return to China and sit in Liu Qiangdong's position and start plotting again.

LG Electronics's iterative response to new models is not without its merits. Amazon's online channels and Yike's gradually opening experience stores are relatively stable. However, once this happens, Yike will not be able to appear among the industry leaders. At best, it will be a failure. It's just second-tier.

At least, that’s what the global market is like.

Yu Hong felt slightly nervous, as if the tip of the knife was one millimeter away from her skin.

Fang Zhuo saw Xiao Yu's serious face and talked about Stringer's visit and the shares he was willing to sell.

"Sony Music..." Yu Hong had heard Mr. Fang talk about this music company a long time ago. Bertelsmann had always been very dissatisfied. In fact, there was not much room for cooperation between iMusic and Sony Music.

But if Sony Music is used to strengthen the brand recognition of Yike Company, it should not be a loss.

After all, Sony has already discounted it.

Yu Hong had the idea of ​​using the acquisition of Sony Music shares to build momentum for the company's stock price, and then asked: "Are Sony's sensors very promising? I look at the company's internal evaluation, and it will be similar if we use CMOS from other first-tier companies. Effect."

"This, it should be good. Sony's technical strength is still very strong. It has a deep accumulation in this area. When it comes to our mobile phones, it is accelerating research and development. Companies like Canon, well, they don't pay much attention to mobile phones." Equipment transformation." Fang Zhuo said thoughtfully, "I'm quite optimistic about it. From an investor's perspective, I won't lose money no matter what."

The first is the technical strength, the second is the continuous purchase of Yike mobile phone products, and the third is the continued investment in the funds.

If you have money, technology and a market, it will be a good business no matter how you look at it.

If Stringer had not relied on external funds to improve financial reports, he might not have been able to buy such shares.

Fang Zhuo thought about this and smiled: "Sony Ericsson is still going to Microsoft. This time it can only be a small shareholder. Next year we will see if we can become a major shareholder. While Stringer is still in office, we have to work with him more." comminicate."

Yu Hong commented: "Stringer is so lucky to meet you."

"He asked for money, and I gave him money. I didn't force it on him." Fang Zhuo's smile suddenly became a little strange, and he continued, "There are different voices within Sony this time. Once Stringer turns around, Ying' must suppress these voices. He finally talked to me about Sony's business and executives, and I said this..."

"Wait a minute." Yu Hong interrupted, "He's talking to you about Sony's business and executives?"

Isn't this the chicken coming to the weasel?

Fang Zhuo said disapprovingly: "This is not the first time. I am Sony's foreign director, and this is what I do. Besides, as the second best CEO in the world, can't I have some insights?"

Yu Hong waited to hear the boss's insights.

"Kutaragi Ken, who previously cooperated with Stringer in taking over, was taken down due to the failure of PS3. The position of SCE's president was replaced by Executive Vice President Hiroshi Yoshioka. This time Yoshioka Hiroshi voiced his voice on Stringer's losses. Fang Zhuo kept a strange expression, "After Stringer handles the profits, he may take action against Hiroshi Yoshioka, but he is undecided about his successor."

"One is Ishida Yoshihisa, the other is Suzuki Kuni, they are both business leaders, and the other is Hirai Kazuo, he is in charge of electronic entertainment."

"I helped Stringer eliminate one candidate. Hirai Kazuo is definitely not a candidate because he does not have an engineering background like the previous two people. Sony SCE is very important and must have technical genes."

Fang Zhuo stopped.

Yu Hong asked: "Then what? It's gone?"

Fang Zhuo spread his hands: "No more."

Yu Hong was puzzled. What she said was correct. Sony's PS business was extremely important, and it always needed people with technical backgrounds to take charge of it. How could this be considered a true insight, or was it a cunning person?

There was confusion in her expression and eyes.

Fang Zhuo looked at Xiao Yu's confusion and finally couldn't help laughing. This matter was very interesting.

Yu Hong really didn't know why the boss was laughing. She only knew that the problem must lie with these three candidates. The most likely reason was that Hirai Kazuo was different.

She waited silently for Mr. Fang to finish laughing, and saw that he had no intention of explaining. He did not ask for the process, but only talked about the conclusion: "Sony hired you as a foreign director, which is really harmful."

Fang Zhuo sighed: "Those who don't know me are Mr. Yu."

That's all, sir, he who knows me will thank himself.

There is no problem with Yike's acquisition of Sony Music shares. It does have money in its account and it also holds 5% of the shares. It just needs to further increase the value of this expenditure. However, Bingxin needs to step up its efforts and make it within half of the time. The third round of financing will be negotiated within the month.

Working overtime is just for the friendship of Jazz, and this is not a disservice to the directors.

Both Fang Zhuo and Stringer felt that this exchange was fruitful. On the other hand, Nokia boss Kallasvuo Kallasvuo was deeply irritated when he saw the "Washington Post" later.

In the past, the president of Yike was also very excessive. Although he involved Nokia in the press conference, he mainly talked about Nokia.

Now he is directly attacking him personally, which is too much!

Just a very simple truth, did I tell you?

In several recent interviews, Kallasvuo only talked about Yike Company, and Fang Zhuo's name was not mentioned at all. He was accused of giving money to the media for no reason, and was ridiculed for no reason!

Can the 11th worst CEO in the world be bullied like this?

Kallasvuo did not immediately react. He carefully observed whether there were any changes within the company before considering how to respond to the attack by the head of Yike in the media.

In his opinion, this is a kind of frustration after Yike cannot solve the patent problem. Yike will definitely lose, but it must not affect the internal changes of Nokia. After all... the decline in market share is real.

And, looking at this point in time, Kallasvuo had to admit in his heart that Nokia's response seemed a bit slow.

The development momentum of these two companies, Apple and Yike, is more fierce than imagined!

Why are the two new companies performing like this, and why are the established mobile phone companies lagging behind on the track? This is a topic worth studying.

Kallasvuo waited for internal reactions and held a meeting before making an appointment with the media.

It was at this time that he was very pleased to see the ridicule of President Yike on the Internet.

"Although I like Yike's mobile phones very much, I have to say, what does it mean to put aside patents? Why put aside patents? Is it because Yike can't talk about patents?"

"President Yike's response is so unreasonable!"

"I think Yike is obviously at a disadvantage in the patent litigation with Nokia, otherwise Fang Zhuo will definitely talk about his patents."

"All that aside, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year."

"Fang Zhuo cannot ignore reality, just like Yike cannot ignore patent infringement with ITC."

"President Yike attacked the president of another great company in a very ungraceful manner. This is extremely surprising. Of course, I have also seen that Nokia's mobile phones are indeed not easy to use."

"Nokia's market share is a very dangerous signal. Putting aside Fang Zhuo's rudeness, the Nokia president he mentioned did indeed neglect his duties. No one could have imagined a year ago that Nokia was lagging behind in the mobile phone industry. possibility."

"Fang Zhuo ruthlessly revealed the possibility that Nokia may really need a new leader."

While waiting for reporters, Kallasvuo also saw some unfriendly harsh voices. Fortunately, such voices were not mainstream.

In about half an hour, a reporter from Bloomberg happily accepted the invitation. The Washington Post’s exclusive interview with Mr. Fang stirred up waves of public opinion. This is what everyone likes to see, and what practitioners like them most.

Kallasvuo gave a stern response to reporters.

"Nokia will not enter into a patent settlement with Yike. In view of Yike's lack of sincerity, it will insist on applying to the ITC to ban the sale of Yike mobile phones."

"Nokia has already filed the same lawsuit in Europe and will never sit back and let its own interests be harmed."

"I personally understand Mr. Fang's mood at the moment, but his attack on me will not help solve Yike's current embarrassing situation."

"Instead of worrying about Nokia, Mr. Fang should think carefully about Yike's future."

"Unlike Mr. Fang, I welcome him to work at Nokia. Perhaps, Nokia can achieve this small goal by acquiring Yike."

Kallasvuo's response was smooth, and he also responded with a similar taunt.

Compared with Fang Zhuo's emotional attitude, Nokia's president not only talked about a more vigorous prosecution, but also reiterated Nokia's attitude towards Yike as soon as possible, which undoubtedly made people who looked down on Yike's situation applaud.

However, just that night, another company came out to express its position at the right time. Apple confirmed that it would not enter into patent cooperation with Nokia for the time being and would wait patiently for the litigation process to end before discussing the matter.

This completely uncommunicated news shocked Kallasvuo and cheered up the onlookers.

Following this news, Fang Zhuo disliked the speed of the print media and directly spoke on Twitter.

"It's very interesting that Kallasvuo is very interesting. Why is this Nokia president so confident?"

"He actually put his hope of turning around Nokia on Apple!"

“Isn’t Apple a competitor to Nokia?”

"Here, read it to me again. The president of Nokia placed his hope of turning the situation around on his competitors."

"This is the level of the 11th worst CEO in the world!"

"Why won't Apple cooperate with Nokia? I'm afraid it also saw Kallasvuo's stupidity, and Nokia will pay the price for his stupidity."

"You want me to talk about patents, right? Nokia has released a capacitive screen mobile phone. Yike has submitted the latest lawsuit to the ITC and will also insist on banning Nokia products."

"Nokia cannot beat Yike in terms of products and can only use patents to hinder innovation in the market."

"Klasvuo Kallasvuo, please call Steve Jobs immediately and beg your competitors to tolerate your short-sightedness."

Unlike the Wei Taichong in the "Washington Post", Fang Zhuo's firing on Twitter this time made many people excited. There is nothing more interesting than watching Finns and Chinese people quarreling on American media platforms. !

That's it, be more intense, be more intense!

The next day, perhaps influenced by the news that Apple refused to cooperate, Nokia's stock price fell, but the stock prices of Apple and Yike coincided with the rise.

Kallasvuo did not respond this time.

He flew directly back to Helsinki, the capital of Finland, from Paris, hoping to first open an opportunity for Yi Ke in Nokia's homeland.

Instead of wasting your breath, it's better to take out the knife and go for it.

At the same time, Nokia is also in emergency negotiations with Apple, trying to reverse the other party's sudden change of direction.

If the parties concerned don't speak out, the argument will not go on.

However, just when the public opinion subsided slightly and Yike's stock price continued to rebound, a Wall Street star stood up and named him directly in front of the media.

Paulson: I have some interest in Yike stock.

John Paulson, who is famous for his short selling, is now known as the "Wall Street Shortage God" and the "No. 1 Hedge Fund Man". He is almost the most glorious financial tycoon during this period.

With just one sentence, Yike's stock price fell, and the situation suddenly seemed chaotic and confusing.

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